The Runaway Child

By That_timelady

336 11 8

A young Girl named Olia Brown when missing. She was found by a kind girl the same age as her. She was named t... More

Chapter 1 : kidnapped
Chapter 2 : Swarm and Azure
Chapter 3: The Doctor
Chapter 4 : Welcome
Chapter 5 : Stay.
Chapter 6 : Misson time
Chapter 7 : Lone Island
Chapter 8 : oh no
Chapter 9 : Controlled

Chapter 10 : Breaking free

16 0 0
By That_timelady

Then Ollie crouched into the corner and screamed her lungs out. Being controlled was so painful but she the biggest pain was that she hurt the Doctor. Her Doctor. Back in the cell room the Doctor could hear Ollie heartbreaking screams. " That poor girl" said Yellena. "I need to help her, I can't just leave her to be in pain." Said the Doctor then she started tugging on her cuffs then finally she broke free. Then the Doctor tiptoed out of the cell. Then she saw Ollie. Ollie was curdled up in a ball next to the wall. "Ollie?" Said the Doctor her voice full of worry then Ollie lifted her head. Her eyes weren't bright and full of happiness anymore nor they were bloodshot and full of pain. "D-Doctor I-I am s-sor-ry." Replied Ollie e she was trembling the pain of being in control of herself and fighting back swarm and Azure's controlled was painful. "What for?" Asked the Doctor.
"F-for hu-rt-ing y-you." Said Ollie still feeling back the pain of that she hurt the Doctor. "It's okay. It's okay I don't blame you." Said the Doctor pulling Ollie into a hug. " I can help you, do you give me consent to go into your head." Asked the Doctor. " W-will I-it hu-rt." Asked Ollie worry filling her eyes too. " No it won't I will just put you to sleep that all."explained the Doctor that really helped ollie calming her nerves down. "Y-yes." Said ollie quietly. Then the Doctor gently placed her fingers on Ollie's temple pulling her into a nice deep sleep. A few minutes later Yellena, Benji and Kavranista bust into the hallway in which the two girls were in. "Hi everyone let's get back to the ship." Said the Doctor standing up and carrying Ollie in her arms Ollie's head snuggled into the Doctor's neck.
When the four got back on the ship the Doctor rushed Ollie into the medbay and gently pressed her fingers on Ollie's temple going inside her head.

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