On An Island In The Sun

De Irish_Wolves

6K 300 154

Published with permission You don't like the way this country operates? You think its bureaucrats corrupt, it... Mai multe

On an Island in the sun Part 1
On an Island in the sun part 2
On an Island in the Sun Part 4
On an Island in the Sun Part 5

On an Island in the Sun Part 3

1K 58 39
De Irish_Wolves

Several sets of eyes watched as the students of the fourth school ate their meal. After the meal ended, one pair retired to discuss what they'd seen.

"Looks like he's open to accepting new students," one of the watchers ventured.

"Looks like we need to find something that'll make us valuable," another agreed, "something that will persuade him to overlook our . . . ah . . ."

"Past indiscretions?"

"Yes, thank you."

"I wouldn't worry overmuch about that," the other voice said cheerfully, "his purebloods should be able to explain how binding magical oaths work."

"True, but knowing something intellectually is quite different from . . ."

"Yes of course . . . so . . . we're competent potion brewers."

"But they don't know that."

"Not after our performance in class anyway."

"What say we brew up something that will showcase our skills?"

"We'll have to know all the steps inside and out in case Granger decides to ask questions."

"True, but neither of us is afraid of a bit of hard work."

"Especially not when the potential rewards are so high."


Harry was more then a bit surprised with the gargoyle immediately leapt to one side to allow access to the stairs. With a shrug, he made the short trip to Dumbledore's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Dumbledore's voice called out. The old man looked up as Harry entered the room. "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Headmaster Potter."

"It's the least I could do for a colleague, Headmaster Dumbledore."

"I have a couple books I thought you might like to borrow." The old man handed over two bound volumes. "The first is on dealing with black magic, the second contains useful charms for building your own nation."

Harry thought to himself that he really shouldn't be surprised at how much the Headmaster seemed to know.

"Be sure to give them careful study," Albus advised, "especially the second one. One can only imagine how useful having one's own island can be."

"Quite useful I'd suppose," Harry agreed, "thank you, Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Happy to be of assistance, Headmaster Potter." Dumbledore waved to a porcelain tea set on his desk. "Care to join me for tea?"

"I'd be delighted to," Harry replied.

"Wonderful," Dumbledore said happily, "how do you take it?"

"With a touch of milk," Harry replied.


In the dungeons, two of Slytherin's finest were considering the information that they'd just purchased.

"We're sure this is accurate?" Tracy whispered.

"We're sure most of it is," Daphne replied, "I've confirmed it through several sources."

"As have I," Tracy agreed, "including . . . including my contact in Gryffindor."

"You have a contact in Gryffindor?"

"Indirectly," Tracy said reluctantly, "through a cousin in Hufflepuff."

"No sense wasting time then."

"Yeah, sooner we make our approach-"

"-the sooner we can get out of this nest of vipers."

"Or get to work digging up dirt to blackmail them into giving us a place."

"True." Just because they disliked their house, did not in any way imply that the Sorting Hat had made a poor choice.


Harry walked into the VIP wing and deposited the books he'd gotten from Dumbledore onto Hermione's lap.

"What are these?" Hermione asked.

"One is on dealing with black magic and the other is on charms to build your own nation," Harry replied, "tell me if you find anything useful."

"So you expect me to read through these for you?" she huffed.

"I expect that I'd never be able to keep you away from them and that you could read all of them faster than I can read one," Harry laughed, amusement coloring his voice. "I'm asking that you tell me if you find anything immediately useful while you're going through them. I'll read them when you're finished with them."

"Oh . . . thank you," Hermione said with a bright smile. It was nice to have friends who knew her so well, Hermione reflected as she opened the first book.


Hermione's nose was still buried in a book few hours later as she absently followed the others down to get their evening meal in the great hall. Her reading was abruptly interrupted when she ran into Susan's back.

"What's . . ." Hermione looked up to find the way blocked by two Slytherin girls, Daphne Greengrass and Tracy Davis.

"What can we do for you?" Harry asked, interrupting the staring contest that was threatening to break out.

The two Slytherin girls invaded his personal space, Daphne on the right and Tracy on the left, their lips only a few inches away from Harry's ears.

"Might we have a word, Potter?" Daphne whispered in a sultry voice.

"What do you need?" Harry replied. He ignored the glares that his girls were directing at the two Slytherins.

"We have credible information that you're planning to keep your school after the Triwizard Tournament," Tracy replied with a coy smile.

"And that you've raised your own island," Daphne added in a silky voice, "is that true?" she took possession of Harry's arm and pulled it close.

"Why do you want to know?" Hermione asked belligerently, more then a bit jealous at how close the Slytherin girls were getting to her best friend.

"It is true then," Tracy said in delight, "we want in." She leaned over to rest her head on Harry's shoulder as her hand raised and began tracing little circles on Harry's chest.

"You do?" Harry stuttered. He was finding it a bit hard think at the moment.

"Yes," Tracy purred, "but would it be possible . . ."

"Please say yes," Daphne cooed.

"What?" Harry groaned.

"Would it be possible to become subjects of your island without having to join Granger's harem?" Tracy asked with a pout.

"Harem?" Hermione asked with a queer look on her face. "What harem?" Exactly how many rumors were there running through this school?

"I thought the rumor was that we were all in Harry's harem?" Susan giggled.

"So you're not an unwitting dupe used by Granger to conceal her lesbian bondage harem?" Daphne asked in shock.

Harry and the others shook their heads dumbly.

"Huh, and I was sure of that one." Their reactions were what convinced Daphne that they were telling the truth. She absolutely refused to believe that such a large group of non-Slytherins would be so skilled at faking such convincing reactions.

"Since that's settled," Tracy said loudly, hoping to get the conversation back on track, "we have no other concerns and would like to join your new school and become subjects of your island, eh' Daph."

"Yeah," Daphne agreed absently, "what about the rumor that . . ."

"Forget the rumors," Hermione growled. She grabbed the girl by the arm and pulled her off Harry's arm.

"So can we join then?" Tracy asked again. "Or are you not taking Slytherin applicants?"

"You can join," Harry said firmly. He closed his eyes and took several calming breaths. "Deputy Headmistresses Abbot and Bones will help you get settled in your new rooms."

"That's right," Susan agreed as she pried Tracy off Harry's other arm, "we'd be happy to help."

"It's our job after all," Hannah pitched in.


"Looks as if Potter added a new pair of strumpets to his little harem," Snape sneered as the group took possession of their table.

"Looks as if it's a pair of your former snakes," Minerva retorted, "good to see that at least two of them have some sense."

"What?" Snape growled. His eyes narrowed in anger when he located the two students. "How dare they," Snape hissed, "how dare they!" He was out of his seat and half way to Harry's table before anyone thought to stop him. "YOU TWO!" Snape bellowed, "get down to the bloody dungeons this instant or so help me you'll wish your mothers had the good sense to smother you in your cribs!"

"Problem?" Harry asked as he rose from his seat. His wand cradled in his right hand.

"This doesn't concern you Potter, step aside or I'll give you detentions until the day I finally succeed at removing you from this school," Snape threatened, "this is between me and my traitorous students."

"They're in my school now," Harry replied flatly, "so it concerns me." Harry had a startling revelation as stared down the potions master. Snape was nothing compared to the basilisk, the dementors, or the specter of Voldemort. He was nothing but a pathetic bully with delusions of adequacy, one that Harry would be glad to teach a sorely needed lesson in humility.

"Why you . . ." Snape reached for his wand and was surprised to find that he couldn't move his arm.

"Severus," Flitwick said with a grin as he wrapped his hand around the other man's wrist, "just the man I wanted to see."

"Let go," Snape growled.

"I was wondering something about reaction tables and you were the only one I could think of that might have the answer," Flitwick ignored Snape and turned towards Harry, "I apologize for interrupting your conversation, Headmaster Potter, but this really can't wait."

"No problem, Professor Flitwick," Harry said with an easy grin, his eyes locked on Snape, "I understand how these things can be."

"Good day then," Flitwick said cheerfully as he dragged Snape back to the staff table.

"What gave you the right to invade my affairs?" Snape demanded.

"Invade your . . . I just saved your bloody life you fool," Flitwick hissed, "Potter would have killed you."

"Him?" Snape sneered. "Little braggart . . ."

"Had already drawn his wand and possesses faster reflexes then you'll ever dream of having," Flitwick interrupted, "reflexes I'd have envied when I was on the circuit." Not to mention the rather impressive body count the lad had managed to rack up. "But let's forget all that for a moment, let's pretend that he'd have allowed you to draw your wand and cast a hex at him shall we?" Flitwick asked in his most condescending voice. "What do you suppose Minerva would have done to you? How do you suppose Minerva would have reacted to your hexing one of her students right in front of her?" There was a limit to how much the woman was willing to tolerate after all, a limit that Severus was about to leap over.

Snape paled as he finally registered the look on the old woman's face. "Do not presume to interfere with my affairs again."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Flitwick agreed cheerfully, "save a fools life the first time and see if he learns something. If he doesn't, well that's different isn't it?"

Snape twisted his wrist out of the smaller man's hand and stormed off in a rage. Flitwick's laughter ringing in his ears.

"We're going to have to watch him," Flitwick said to his fellow head of house.

"I'll report what happened to Albus," Minerva promised.

"And what makes you think he'll do anything this time?" the Charms master asked with a raised eyebrow. "What makes you think he'll do a thing, when he's never paid any attention any of the other times?" To that, Minerva had no ready response.


Harry didn't stow his wand until after Snape had stormed out of the Great Hall. After it became apparent that the Potions Master wasn't going to return, Harry took a quick look around the table.

"Everyone's alright?" he asked. "Daphne, Tracy?"

"We're fine," Daphne assured the boy, "you're not . . . you're not going to decide we're too much trouble and throw us out are you?" the girl asked, her eyes betraying her nervousness at the answer.

"Not on your bloody life," Susan said firmly, "right, Harry?"

"Right," Harry agreed, "you're with us now. Nothing is going to change that."

"Thank you, Harry," Tracy sighed, "we're . . ."

"We're more grateful then you can ever know," Daphne said emotionally.

"And um . . . this might not be the best time to bring this up," Tracy began.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"Is it alright if we bring our families along?" the girl asked hopefully. "Or at least a few members?"

"We're going to need a bigger island," Harry sighed, "Hermione?"

"I'll modify the plans," the girl agreed quickly.

"Thank you, Hermione."


Two of the students who'd witnessed the confrontation immediately finished their meal and retired to a location better suited for private discussion.

"We'd better finish that potion quickly," one offered as soon as the privacy charms were up.

"Not sure we have time," the other replied, "we'd better be ready to leave at a moments notice and hope that Potter will take us in."

"What if he doesn't?"

"I'm trying not to think about that."


The collected students and faculty of the fourth school were just getting back to their dormitory when they were interrupted by a red headed streak that rushed in and blocked their path.

"Harry," Ron gasped. The boy was out of breath and he looked as if he'd just run up several flights of stairs.

"Ron," Harry said neutrally. He wondered what had happened to make the other boy stop giving him the silent treatment.

"I thought you weren't talking to us?" Hermione sniffed.

The other students from the fourth school took a collective step back to allow the trio to work out their differences.

"Charlie . . ." Ron took a quick breath. "Charlie is here for the first task. We gotta find a way to get you out of this contest."

"Can't," Harry said regretfully.

"You don't understand, mate. It's bloody dragons."

"I understand," Harry said calmly, "but . . ."

"Forget the bloody glory and the bloody gold," Ron shouted, "you could get hurt you stupid bastard."

"I realize that, Ron. I . . ."

"Talk some sense into him, Hermione," Ron begged, "tell him to withdraw."

"He can't," Hermione said gently, "the rules don't allow it."

"Bloody hell." Ron seemed to collapse. "What're we gonna do?"

"We're going to research dragons," Hermione said calmly. "Right, Harry?" she bit her lip nervously as she waited for Harry's reply.

"Right," Harry agreed.

"Never should have entered your name, Harry," Ron moaned, "I'm sorry I ever wanted to." It had all seemed so simple before he'd found out how dangerous it was going to be, he'd been sure that the worst that the contestants would have to face would be something like the defenses around the stone in first year.

But dragons, that was a whole different story.

"I didn't," Harry said firmly.

"But . . ."

"But nothing," Harry growled, "I didn't enter my name into the stupid contest and if three years of friendship isn't enough to make you believe me then . . ."

"Sorry," Ron interrupted.


"I said I'm sorry," Ron said with a sour look on his face, "okay? I was wrong." It was clear that the boy hated to admit that he was at fault for anything.

"Alright then," Harry said calmly.

"We okay then?" Ron said hopefully.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, "I guess."

"Charlie wants to talk with you after the first task," Ron offered. "I'm not sure why, just that he wants to discuss something important and that he didn't want to uh . . ." he turned his head and looked at Hermione helplessly. "He doesn't want it to look like he's cheating for Harry."

"He's avoiding the appearance of impropriety," Hermione offered. She wasn't entirely comfortable with the notion of allowing Ron back into the circle without making the boy do some serious groveling first.

"Sure," Ron agreed.

"What does he want to talk about?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Ron admitted with a blush. "I ran here as soon as I heard about the dragons."

"That wasn't very polite," Hermione scolded. Despite her tone, the girl had a pleased look on her face. That was more the sort of attitude she was looking for.

"Tell Charlie that I'll be happy to talk with him," Harry added.

"I will," Ron agreed happily. "In fact, I'll do that right now." Ron turned away and didn't get more then three steps before a thought occurred to him. "Hey, Harry?"

"Yeah, Ron?"

"Would it be alright if I had meals with you at your table some time?" his back was rigid, betraying how nervous he was about the answer.

"You want to join my school?" Harry asked curiously.

"Nah, I could never leave Gryffindor. I just thought it'd be nice to have meals with my mates again."

"Sure, Ron," Harry agreed, "just let me know beforehand so I can have an extra place set up."

"Thanks, mate," Ron said cheerfully.

"Can't confirm it's dragons yet," Susan said after the redhead had gone, "other schools are dragging their feet on the whole judge issue."

"Threaten to take points off their champion's score," Hermione suggested, "and offer to swear an oath that you won't give any information to Harry."

"But . . ." Hannah protested.

"Make sure that they swear an oath that they haven't given any information to their champions first," Hermione finished, "I'm sure we could think of something sufficiently comprehensive if we tried."

"Leave that part to me, Granger," Daphne suggested.


The two mystery students looked down at their cauldron, willing the reactions to speed up.

"Be able to move it in about a day," one offered.

"Might be a good idea to make ourselves scarce until then," the other agreed.

"What excuse should we use if we're unlucky enough to be discovered before this is ready?"

"We haven't used the one about being lost for a while," the other suggested.

"That'll work, we're certainly dumb enough for it to be plausible."

"And we'll just have to hope our charm work was good enough to keep the brewing set concealed."

"Pity Tracy and Daphne had to rile Snape up like that."

"I'm trying to be happy that two of them were given sanctuary."

"Not to mention the fact that it lets us know that he's taking Slytherins."

"Female ones anyway."

"Even if he is building a harem, he'll still need people to take care of the general upkeep of the place."

"So long as he doesn't need guards."


"Had a sudden thought of the traditional modification made to guards before they were allowed into a harem."



Susan and Hannah let Daphne take the lead as their meeting with the other school's representatives began.

"And of course we'd be willing to take an oath that our presence at the judge's table won't mean that a steady stream of information will be passed on to our champion," Daphne said calmly, "so long as the other judges are willing to do the same."

"This is an outrage," Karkaroff sputtered. "You dare imply that . . .

"And that no information pertaining to any of the tasks has been leaked in the past," Daphne interrupted with a smile.

"You . . . I . . ." the man reddened with anger. "I refuse to swear such an oath."

"Wonderful," Daphne replied with a dazzling smile. "I hadn't looked forward to swearing it myself. I trust that none of you have any further objections?"


It what was becoming a reoccurring theme in his life, Harry was met by two hulking figures in concealing robes when he arrived back at his dorms accompanied by two of his girls.

"Something I can do for you two?" Harry asked in resignation. He hoped that neither figure noticed when his wand fell out of his sleeve and into his waiting hand while his other absently pushed Hermione out of the line of fire.

Luna, upon seeing what was happening ahead of her stepped into a convenient alcove and drew her own wand.

"What do you know of pureblood customs?" One of the figures began in a rich baritone.

"Not a thing," Harry replied.

"Well," the other asked in a nervous voice, "were you aware that it was possible for one family line to be tricked into the service of another through the use of binding oaths?"

"Nope. Hermione?"

"I have no idea, Harry."

"Luna?" Harry raised his voice.

"It's been known to happen," Luna's voice echoed through the hallway, "But I can only think of two families that were stupid enough to fall for it."

"I take it that your family is in the service of another?" Harry asked.

"Both of our families," one of the figures agreed.

"And you want to be free?"


"Why come to me?" Harry demanded.

"As the sovereign of a nation, you can grant us amnesty and dissolve our bonds of servitude," one of the figures explained.

"Why haven't you already done this?" Harry asked sharply.

"We've been given a list of countries we're not permitted to visit while the oath is in effect," one of the figures said resignedly.

"And the British government has publicly stated that it will not interfere with informal agreements between pureblood families," the other added bitterly. "The muggle government might help, but without magic . . ." he trailed off.

Silence descended on the group. "Don't think we're coming empty handed," the second figure said quickly. He reached back and pulled out a medium sized cauldron.

"What's that?" Harry directed the question to Hermione.

"It looks like the fourth stage of a rather difficult and useful potion," Hermione murmured. "You made this?"


"I was never able to get past the third stage when I tried to brew it myself," Hermione said. Her tone was more then a bit disgruntled.

"You're probably using the recipe from the seventh year's brewing manual, aren't you?"

"Yes, why?"

"There's a printing error," the figure explained. "You're supposed to mince the lacewings, not dice them."

"I see." Hermione nodded slowly. "Thank you."

"Happy to help."

"As to the matter we discussed before?"

"Sure," Harry agreed. "Just tell me what I have to do."

"There's a rather simple ritual that we can perform later," one of the figures said with obvious relief.

"So long as it doesn't cause any type of harm to me or mine, then sure." Harry regarded the two figures with an unreadable look. "Were you ever planning to tell me who you are?"

"Sorry about that." The first figure pulled off his hood to reveal the smiling face of Gregory Goyle.

"And I would assume that you're, Crabbe?" Harry asked dryly.

"You would assume correctly," Crabbe said as he removed his own hood.

"Wonderful," Harry said, "was there anything else?"

"One more thing," Crabbe agreed.

"What is it?"

"If possible, we'd like to join your new nation as citizens rather then refugees," Crabbe said in a low, cultured voice.

"So long as you give us your assurances that we will not be made into harem guards," Goyle added smoothly, "at least not the traditional sort."

"Huh?" Harry turned to Hermione with a raised eyebrow.

"They don't want to be eunuchs," Hermione whispered.

"What niks?"

"Castrated," Hermione explained. She sighed when his look of incomprehension remained. She leaned closer and whispered something more quietly.

Harry's eyes bulged and his legs crossed reflexively. "Done," he said quickly, "you don't have to worry about that."

"So are we in then?" Goyle asked hopefully.

"Our families too," Crabbe added.

"Hermione," Harry said in resignation.

"I'll expand the plans," Hermione agreed. She turned to the two hulking Slytherins. "It means you're in."

"Can't wait to see the look on Draco's face when he sees us with you," Crabbe said eagerly.

"I can't wait for the rotten little bastard to give me an excuse to ruin that smile of his," Goyle added.


"Dobby," Harry called out.

"Yes, Harry Potter sir?" the little elf asked eagerly.

"Please pack our new student's things and get them moved into our part of the castle," Harry ordered.

"Yes, Harry Potter sir, Dobby will comply."

"Come on," Harry sighed. "I'll show you your new rooms."

"Thanks," Goyle said gratefully.

Much to Harry's surprise, the rest of the trip back to his dorm room was uninterrupted and he was able to get a fairly good night's sleep.

Harry smiled to himself. It was a brand new day, and now that the misunderstandings about certain girls stalking him in pairs and their plans involving him were settled, he felt like he could take on the world!

'Thankfully it was just the Puffs. I don't know what I would have done if it had been a pair of Slytherins,' he thought.

His good fortune ended when he stepped out of his room the next morning and was immediately greeted by the smiling faces of Daphne and Tracy.

"Excuse me a second," Harry said politely. He stepped back in to his room, closed the door, and screamed as loudly as he could. Opening the door with a sigh, he calmly addressed the two girls, "What can I do for the two of you?"

"How would you like to really make Snape mad?" Daphne asked slyly, wrapping herself around his left arm.

"So mad that his head will likely explode," Tracy added, as she claimed his right arm whispering seductively in his ear.

"Out with it," Harry moaned, pretty sure this was a bad idea, but unable to resist the bait. I mean who could resist doing anything that had the possibility of making Snape's head explode?

"Three fourths of Slytherin house wants to defect," Tracy said happily.

"Hermione's already modified the plans," Daphne added.

"What do I have to do?" Harry prompted.

"Say yes," Tracy purred into his left ear.

"And raise a few more volcanoes to make the island bigger, no problem," Daphne whispered sweetly into his right.

Hermione already had multiple plans ready for expansion up to and including one that would make their 'little' island rival one of the smaller continents, but he hadn't thought they'd need it at the time, not to mention it would really leave him drained for the better part of a month even if they did do it in stages. 'Might have to look at that one again.'

"When do I need to raise these volcanoes?" Harry asked.

"Today would be best," Daphne said thoughtfully. "That way you'd have plenty of time to rest before the first task."

"And the volcanoes would have plenty of time to get larger before we start stage two in a couple months."

"How many volcanoes do I have to bring up?" Harry asked.

"Two or three dozen," Tracy said sweetly.

"Why so many?"

"We're planning ahead," Daphne explained. "Don't want to be caught flat footed the next time a large number of people want to defect do we?"

"I suppose not," Harry agreed. "Come on, let's get the others."

"They're in the library researching," Daphne said. "Hermione instructed us to tell you that you're a big boy and that she trusts you to do this without her looking over your shoulder."

"Hermione said that?" Harry asked in shock.

Daphne smiled widely. "We may have bribed . . ."

"Distracted," Tracy interjected.

"Distracted," Daphne corrected, "her with a couple of rare books from the family libraries."

"Why don't you want her along?"

"Because we're going to bat our eyelashes at you and ask you to make a couple of modifications to her plan that we're not sure she'd approve of," Daphne answered honestly.

"What sort of modifications?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Were you aware of how easy it was to encourage the lava to take certain shapes when it's still warm?" Daphne asked with a sly smile.

"Or how much our families don't like the idea of being deprived of their grand manor houses?" Tracy added. "Not that I understand that of course, damn things never were very comfortable."

"Or the fact that Tracy and I have always wanted fifty foot basalt statues of ourselves so that future generations can appreciate our beauty?" Daphne teased.

Harry chuckled. "What's in it for me?"

"We already told our families that you wanted us in your harem to slake your dark lusts," Tracy giggled.

"With an option on my sister," Daphne added. "Was there something else you wanted?"


"It removes the temptation of using us to seal a business deal with one of the other families," Tracy explained. "Several of the other female Slytherins and likely a few purebloods from the other houses would like to make similar arrangements if you don't mind."

"I see," Harry sighed. "And you didn't think to discuss any of this with me?"

"I thought that was what we were doing right now?" Tracy riposted.

"Next time try doing it before you arrange things," Harry advised.

"We'll try," Daphne promised. The fact that 'do' was a another matter all together was left unspoken.

"And if there's anything you'd like us to do to repay you for this, just tell us," Tracy added. "We understand how much we owe you for what you're doing for us."

"Let's go get our portkeys," Harry said, ending the conversation.

"Already arranged," Daphne said quickly.

"We're trying to show you that having subordinates can be beneficial as well as bloody frustrating," Tracy explained.

"Subordinates?" Harry asked oddly.

"What else would you call us?" Tracy asked. "You are our leader, we are your followers."

"I hadn't really thought about it," Harry admitted. He shook himself. "We'll talk more about it later, let's get our work done first."

"Right," Daphne agreed. She pulled a long fine linked silver chain out of her pocket. "Everyone take hold."

Harry stared in shock at the lush green paradise they landed in. "What is this place?" he asked in an awe filled voice.

"Your new home," Daphne said smugly. "Haven't had a chance to visit for a while, huh?"

"Not since the first bit," Harry admitted. "How did all of this get accomplished?"

"Advantage of allowing settlement," Tracy explained. "The settlers are motivated to do a bit of work to get their new home ready."

"This is amazing," Harry whispered.

"Magic is a wondrous thing," Tracy replied. "Able to make dreams into reality."

"It's a shame that not all dreams are good," Harry quirked. "Else we wouldn't have to run to this place."

"True," Tracy agreed.

"I've got Hermione's plans right here," Daphne announced, pulling a bundle of papers out of her pocket. "And our modifications right here." Another bundle joined the first.

"Best get started then," Harry announced.

Daphne sidled up to her partner while Harry was occupied. "Get breakfast ready, he's going to be starving when he finishes his casting."

"Right," Tracy agreed.

After a long day of casting, Harry could barely move and the two girls had to carry him to his bed.

"Hermione isn't going to be happy with us," Tracy said regretfully.

"I thought she would be smart enough to add in a wide margin of error," Daphne tried to defend herself. "How was I to know she'd calculated his power levels that closely?"

"Should have guessed that she'd be that anal retentive," Tracy reflected at least about Harry. Think he'll have recovered by the first task?"

"Not completely," Daphne said unhappily.

"Hermione is going to kill us, you know that don't you?" Tracy said seriously.

"Unless we can think of a good excuse for him being tired that doesn't involve the two of us convincing him to add a whole lot of stuff that she didn't call for in her plan," Daphne agreed.

"Get his pants off," Tracy said suddenly.


"We take off his clothes, then we strip and hop into bed with him. The other girls find us all in bed together tomorrow and we blame his fatigue on work of the carnal sort, rather then the construction kind." Tracy grinned widely. "It's brilliant."

"Until they kill us in a jealous rage," Daphne pointed out. "Bones and Abbot for not inviting them to join in, and the others for getting there first."

"It's not like we had a choice in the matter," Tracy sighed dramatically. "Our families insisted we seal the deal. Us, two innocent young maids becoming mere pawns in the great game."

"Sounds good to me." Daphne put two thumbs up. "Let's get those clothes off him."

"What a wonderful idea," Hermione's voice said dryly. "Luckily, I learned a spell from one of the books you loaned me today that will let us do it without violating Harry's privacy." Hermione frowned. "After that, I think the three of us need to have a little talk about how important it is to follow the plan. Don't you agree?"


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"𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞, 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨...
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'y/n potter? bet she'll be just like her idiot brother' '𝐬𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧' started - june 2020 finished - january 2021 edited - soon
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"𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒'𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢." "𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢." 𝑡𝑜𝑚𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑥 𝑓𝑒𝑚...
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❝𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙥𝙨, 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙥𝙨. 𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙮𝙥𝙨𝙚.❞ *new hp instagram, not related to any of the previous ones*