Crabapple (twisted wonderland...

By Mushroomchild96

3.6K 133 22

Epel and Jack have just graduated from NRC. they have finally moved out together as roommates and have great... More

Adopted Family


1K 28 3
By Mushroomchild96

It was really cold here. Mama said I should be more grateful. She says she could have had me wait somewhere colder. I don't like the cold. It gets scary when I can't feel my toes. Mama says I need to stop over exaggerating though. She says it makes me annoying. I sniffed and rubbed my cheeks. It's been a long time sense mama left. I was really bad at telling time. But the sun had come and left a few times now. I don't think she is coming back. I hiccup and tried to hide my crying. No body likes a cry baby!

I heard foot steps and ran behind a few trashcans. Some mean looking people had been coming to the alley recently. One tried to grab me once but I bit him and ran. I promised Mama I wouldn't leave the alley though. So I couldn't run far. I hope this wasn't them coming back!

"Hello?" I flinched and peaked out. It was an older kid. He had light purple hair and was really pretty.

"Someone there" I sniffed and covered my mouth. If I didn't talk maybe he wouldn't hurt me.

"are you crying? Come one out it's ok" I shook my head. No I won't come out. I heard a sigh.

"Maybe Jack can sniff them out" I think I heard him say. Who was jack though? I heard running and then it got quiet again. I moved closer into my self and hugged my legs. My knees hurt from all the glass around but it's ok. They weren't really bad. I had to be strong so Mama will come back for me. I closed my eyes and hid my face in my knees.

"She isn't coming back" I whispered. I know this. I know she won't want me anymore. I was a burden. She said I ate to much and wanted her attention all the time. She said I was needy. I shouldn't have asked her for a hug that day. I shouldn't have asked to eat Breakfast with her. I was asking to much. I would have been ok from the dinner the night before. 

"In here" I jumped and covered my mouth. Who was that? They sounded gruff and had a deep voice.

"I think so, I heard crying" The purple haired person? They were back? What did they want?

"It smells back here Epel" The gruff sounding one said. was that the Purple haired person's name? Epel? Was this that Jack person I think they said? Please go away. I'm not here I promise. I shook and sniffed. I felt my throat closing. I didn't like this feeling please go away now.

"I think I heard something to" Jack said I closed my eyes and heard something weird. it sounded like sniffing and it was getting louder! I hid my head and covered my ears. Maybe if I was small they wouldn't see me.

"Blood..." I think Jack said then there was rustling and I was picked up. I squeaked and felt tears fall. NO no no no no no! Let go please let go!

"A kid!?" I heard both of them say. Epel rushed over.

"Jack put them down! I don't think they like behind held like that!" Jack blinked and set me down I tried to run but fell and yelped. The glass was in my knee really bad now! It hurt so much!

"H-Hey it's ok, Come on back over" I shook my head scrunched back up. If I was small it would be harder to hit me. I was good at being small.

"I don't think they trust us a whole lot" Gruffy Jack said. Epel looked at him and sat down. Why was he doing that? It's dirty on the ground, You need to get up please!

"We won't hurt you, Those um, Knees look pretty bad. Mind if I check them" I scooted a little further away. Epel sighed and looked at Jack. Jack scratched the back on his head. His Big Fluffy ears twitching.

"Look kid, where is your family? Your ma?" I shook my head and pulled my knees closer. I didn't want to talk to them. 

"Look at them Jack, How long have they been in here?" Jack groaned before looking at Epel.

"Probably a while, They smell like Infection to." Epel winced then moved back before getting up. I heard whispers and tried to hear what they said. Before long Epel was smiling a little at me and Jack was pouting. Jack walked over and I made my self a ball again. I felt myself get picked up and squeaked wigging to try to get out of his arms.

"N-NO! Let go!" Jack scrunched his face.

"Would ya stop wiggling? Your knees are hurt you need to get them checked out!" I shook and felt Jack sigh when I stopped moving. He wrapped his arms around me and Epel smirked walking out of the Alley with jack holding me tightly. 

We took a long walk. I was really far from the alley now. What if mama comes back? But mama wasn't coming back. It had been really long sense she left. I rubbed my cheek and sniffed. I felt a hand rub my back. Looking up Jack wasn't looking at me though. 

We got to a really big building. Walking inside we went up the stairs and to a long hallway of doors. Epel walked to a door and took out a key to open it. He walked inside Jack following him in. Once inside I saw a home! It had a couch and was warm! There were four doors and a kitchen facing the room with the couch. Jack walked to a door and Kicked it open. Not mean like but enough that the door opened on it's own. 

It was a bathroom! Its been a long time sense I saw a bathroom! Mama used to have one, But she would get mad a me if I didn't use it. She would get mad if I did to though. She had rules that changed alot like that. Jack put me on the toilet but the lid was closed. Did he want me to go potty on the closed toilet? That was weird though! 

Epel walked in holding a box with a Red thing on it. It was two lines that crossed together. He set the box down and moved to touch my legs. I brought them up and covered my knees with my hands. NO touch! I didn't want them to touch it would hurt!

"Hey it's ok. I need to get the glass out." I shook and Epel sighed sitting on the Side of the tub. 

"How about this, you let me take the glass out and maybe clean it up. and Jack will go get you some food?" Jack jumped at that and blinked at Epel. Epel narrowed his eyes and back sighed and nodded.

"Sure fine, I can do that" I looked up at jack then at Epel, It had been a while sense I had food. The last time I ate was when I found that popcorn in the garbage. It was full to! But it smelled not so great and there was black stuff on some of the pieces. But it had been food and I had been hungry. I am hungry now... But Epel would make my knees hurt.

"O...Ok" I whispered. Epel nodded and Jack walked out of the bathroom. It was a little better now that he wasn't standing over me. Epel moved a little closer and I relaxed my legs from my chest. Epel took one of my legs gently and set it on his lap. 

"This is going to hurt kiddo, If it gets to much let me know and we can take a break. This is alot of glass" I shook and nodded. I was used to pain I could do it. I had to hide lots of Pain from Mama cause I didn't want her to be upset. She got mad if I hurt my self or Cried. I had to learn not to cry. 

I felt the prick and flinched. Epel had my leg in his grip tight. But it wasn't a owie kind of Tight.

"I know, Try to keep still though ok?" I nodded. I had to be good so I could have some food. I really wanted food.

"I'm Epel, I don't think we told you. That big Wolf BeastMan is Jack. What's your name" I clenched my teeth cause it felt like he was pulling some thing. I didn't trust my self not to cry out. after a moment it stopped and I could breath again.

"Y-Yuu" I said quietly. Epel blinked at me and gave me a soft smile.

"Nice to meet you Yuu, What were you doing all alone there?" I flinched. Not only cause it really hurt to have that pulling feeling but cause I didn't wanna talk about Mama. What if she found out I said something. She would get really mad.

"It's ok, If you don't want to talk about it. We just wanted to help you find your family... Do you have family?" I shook my head. Mama was Mama but I heard someone say once that Family was people you loved. Mama didn't love me. She told me so. She said I was Unlovable. So she wasn't family.

"O-Oh... I see." It got really quiet after that. Epel finished one leg then did the other. After the first this one wasn't so bad. He finished and then had a funny bottle with Yellow bright Liquid in it.

"This is a Healing potion, I'm going to put it on your knees ok? It might sting a little and it won't smell great" Epel said giving me a small smile.

"Can you be strong for me though?" I took a breath. I would do anything for the food I was promised. I really really needed it. I nodded. Epel gave me a smile and took my legs. He started dabbing the Liquid on my knees. It did sting! Alot to! I don't like this potion. He held me legs and gave me a sad smile.

'Deep breaths. It's almost over I promise" Promises were lies though! Papa Promised to come get me from Mama but he never came! It's all lies don't lie!

But it wasn't a lie, Epel was right it stopped soon after. He put a warm Wash cloth on my knees and then Patted my head. I flinched when his hand reached for me but it wasn't a hurting Pat. It was warm and it felt nice.

"You did a great Job yuu, I'm proud of you. Your all good now. Do you want to eat first or take a bath first" Food! I want food! No bath just food!

"F-Food" Epel nodded standing up and taking the Washcloth off my knees. They looked all better! There wasn't any icky blood or nothing! How did he do that? Epel held out his hand. I didn't take it though. There was a sad look in Epel's eyes and he motioned me to follow as we walked to the kitchen. Jack was there with Two bags.

"I just grabbed what was closest" Jack said rubbing his neck. Epel smiled at him and patted a set by their table. I looked up at it then at him. Epel made a face before shaking his head and picking me up. I grabbed his shirt. I didn't like being Grabbed! Epel however let me go soon as I sat down. 

"Sorry Didn't think about how small you are. Those sets are pretty high. Let's see what we got" Epel moved to the other side of the table with jack and they both started opening a bag each. Inside it smelled really really nice. Epel took out two White foam boxed. Jack only took out one though.

"we have, Chow mein, Beef and Broccoli, Or General Tsou" I tilted my head. I knew what Beef was and Broccoli but what were the other two. I picked the one I knew and Epel smiled and pushed it over to me giving me a fork. I wasn't really good with using a fork but I tried so I wouldn't make a mess. No one liked someone who was messy. 

"How did it go?" Jack said quietly to Epel. I wonder if he thought I couldn't hear him?

"Good, Their knees are healed. Still smell that Infection?" Jack raised his head and I heard the sniff sniff again.

"Ya, I don't think that was it. We should clean them up. Get any info?" Epel sighed and took a bite from his Chow Mein. 

"No family, Probably either left there or Ran away. Either way doesn't show a good home life" Jack winced and ate some of his food. It was a gold brown color with sauce on it.

"What's the plan?" Epel looked at me then at jack. Jack blinked and raised his lip. 

'No, Epel no! We just got this place. We don't know how to-"

"They have no where else to go. If we leave them it's right back to the alley! come on Jack. You know if we tell the Police what will happen" Jack groaned and took a harsh bite from his food.

"Fine! Fine" Epel smirked and looked at me. I looked down so they didn't think I had been listening. I didn't want to get yelled at for Ease dropping.

"Then it's settled. Yuu, how about you stay with us?" I shook my head.

"M-mama could come back she will get mad if I'm not there" Epel gave me a sad look.

"Was it your er... Mama who asked you to stay in the alley?" I nodded.

"She said I had to wait for her..." Jack narrowed his eyes.

"How long has she been gone" I shook my head. I don't know 

"It's been a lot of days and nights b-but she is still coming back... she just-" I looked down at my food. My tummy hurt now. and the Throat was making it hard to swallow. Epel looked at Jack and he put a hand to his head.

"Kid, I don't think-" Epel stopped him.

'Well we can look for a while. But it's going to get cold soon, She wouldn't want you to freeze right?" I don't know. Mama was weird about things. But I like to think she wouldn't. She cares a little right? Maybe?

"I-I guess not?" Epel nodded.

"It's warm here, And we can make sure you eat lots. You don't have to sleep on the ground here either" It was warm here... and Epel had made my knees feel better. Jack had even given me really yummy food. Even if it was hard to eat now.

"Burden" I muttered. Jack's ear twitched.

"What?" I picked at my food.

"Don't wanna be a Burden" Epel had a sad look on his face.

"Where did you hear that? You wouldn't be a Burden. We wouldn't ask if you to say if you would be. " Jack said. I made a face.

"But Mama said-" Jack stopped me.

"Look pup, Don't let anyone walk down to you. You aren't a Burden. We want you here got it?" I nodded he nodded back.

"Good, You full?" I moved my food closer to me. I didn't want them to take it away! I could eat more. Epel blinked and leaned on the counter.

"We aren't going to take your food. We're going to just put it away. When your hungry again We will warm it up and give it back ok?" I looked down at the food then at Epel. Could I trust them? Epel was nice and fixed me up. Jack had given me food. They had both been very nice. Nice like I saw alot of other people be. Was this ok? I nodded and pushed my food over. Epel gave me a gentle smile and took the food.

"I'm putting it on the low shelf in here ok? You get hungry you can just walk right over and take it. Just have to ask and Jack or I will warm it up" I nodded and made sure to keep an eye on it. I saw him take a pen with a pretty Jewel on it and write on the box.


"This is so we know this box is your's. It's your name" I could read. I saw it said my name. I was just surprised he write my name on it. That meant it was mine. Really mine. Epel put it in the Fridge and closed the door. Jack throw away his box and Epel packed his away doing the same and putting his name on his box.

"Hey, Pup how old are ya?" I looked at jack and then at my fingers.

"Um..." Counting was harder then Reading. I know Mama said she said 14 years to deal with me but that was during the last winter. And now it was starting with a new winter.

"Um... 13 before I'm big enough?" Jack looked at me then at Epel. Epel scrunched his face.

"Big enough for what?" I smiled.

"Till Mama can get ride of me!" I was really happy I remembered that! Epel nodded and counted with his fingers.

"Ok, Well 18 is when someone is able to move out of the house, so 18 minus 13 that would be 5...She left them out at 5 years old" I saw Epel grit his teeth before he took a breath in and sighed. Jack bit his thumb.

"W-well now that we know we can atleast work to your age. Do you know how to Take a bath your self? Or do you need help" I pouted. I was a big kid I could take a bath all on my own!

"My self!" Epel nodded and walked with me back to the bathroom. He showed me how to use the Tub and then he said he was going to get me some clean clothes. He handed me a towl and once he left I shut the door. I could Take a bath my self. It wasn't hard. You wait till the water is half way. You turn off the tub. You sit in the tub and then grab soap and scrub all over! Mama didn't like giving me Baths. SO I learned really quick how to give me self ones!

I was a always trying to be a good Child for Mama. 

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