Partners in Suicide | Dazai x...

By Floopinator

2.9K 141 31

"Lemme ask you, is there any value to this thing that we call living" Osamu Dazai is a new recruit in the Por... More

one | how it all started..
two | enemies...
three | sleepless nights...
four | the girl in the wind...
five | a breath of fresh air...
six | the boy in bandages...
seven pt.1 | under the moonlight...
seven pt.2 | wont you take my hand...
Authors Note
Thankyou for 1k Reads!

eight | getting closer...

101 8 0
By Floopinator

After losing control earlier and being saved by Dazai, we found ourselves in a hotel as it was too late to try and execute a plan. Plus Dazai said that after he uses his ability on someone, the after effects result in passing out. I didn't believe him at first until we arrived at a hotel nearby. Every muscle in my body was aching, I had a throbbing pain in my head, dizziness and I felt like I was going to pass out at any given moment. Dazai noticed this and kept me close to him, holding me steady so avoid falling over. None of us had spoken a word, though it was probably for the best given the situation.

At the reception desk, we had booked two rooms with separate beds. The redhead with us kept throwing glances at both Keisuke and I, though my brother didn't notice I sure as hell did. It was as if he was trying to solve something in that head of his by evaluating us. I would've spoke up and said something but he had a comforting aura around him. He felt calm.....peaceful and he had a light in his eyes that was so incredibly soft, as if he was a caring person.

As we we made our way up the stairs to go to our rooms, we stopped in front of Dazai and Oda's one. Still leaning against his chest, I look up at him lazily and he matches my gaze with a serious yet soft one. Then he opened the door and the four of us all flooded into the room. Keisuke began pacing the room, still wound up from what happened earlier. He was now stitched up and he had used his ability to stop most of the pain. While Dazai led the two of us to sit on the edge of one of the beds.

"Okay, we should talk about what we are going to do about your friend" Oda was the first to break the silence, leaning against the door frame. "What exactly happened leading up to their disappearance?"

"Well we had planned to hang out, go to a restaurant and maybe cause some teenage mischief. But I felt a presence near by and tried to get Ahmya away from them at all cost to keep her safe."

"Yeah well obviously that wasn't good enough" Keisuke huffed.

I turned to face him, and saw how much this was truly affecting him. Of course he would blame me, after all my plan failed. If we had used our abilities earlier on, we could've prevented all of this. Yes it would mean exposing ourselves to Ahmya but maybe that would've been for the best if it meant she could be by our side right now.

"I'm sorry okay? But you know it was the only option. Using our abilities in front of her would only bring more trouble to her, especially because of the work we do...our private life" I reassured him.

"Yeah I know...I just wish I was strong enough to save her" he kicked his foot into the stool near him out of anger before resting his hands on the wall.

Dazai cleared his throat as to try to get everyone back on track. "This note that belladonna showed me on the way here indicates the kidnappers want something in return for your friend. Perhaps we should focus on inquiring those things first?"

He grabbed the note that I found before losing control from his pocket and waved it around in the air. I turned to him and shoved him with what little strength I had at the moment, seeing as the exhaustion was hitting me. He simply threw his hands up in yield, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. 'God he irritates me, and I want to say that nickname is absolutely horrible amongst other insults...but I am so tired' I thought to myself.

Dazai said that it's unusual to see someone take the effects of his ability as slow as I was, and I wanted it to take full effect at this point. It was the sorta tiredness that actually gets painful, as it becomes hard to breathe and the other fatigue effects become overwhelming.

"So let's see what this note says" Dazai continued, his smile still plastered on his face. He read through it and hummed, "Okay so while we were walking to the hotel Oda called the number for us and wrote this on the back of their note. They want 1 million yen, a gang that's trouble for them eradicated and they want your boss to come to the meeting. All of this needs to be done in 3 days."

"Three days?! Are you kidding me? I say we track the number that Oda called and go straight to them right now! No way are they going to keep Ahmya for that long. They could do plenty harm to her in that time or even-" Keisuke exasperated, but was stopped by the tall male who held his shoulders.

"We can't know that for sure, but they will keep her unharmed if we get what they need. So I suggest you keep your cool before thinking such drastic things. If you go in there hot headed you'll get you and your friends head blown off. Do you really want to risk that?" although stern, he showed care in his tone as he spoke to Keisuke.

The room was silent for a few moments that even a pin dropping could be heard. The tension in the air was vivid and emitting straight off the two individuals. Keisuke finally spoke up, only letting out a 'tch' sound. He shrugged off Oda's hands off his shoulders before storming out of the hotel room.

Getting up, I stumbled over towards the now opened door "Keisuke, wait don't go!". I continued trying to go outside, attempting to chase after him. He couldn't go, he isn't in the right mind and I need him to help me through this. Does he not know it's also affecting me as much as it's affecting him?

I took another few steps but I don't get far until I feel two warm hands on my wrists. Through my blurred eyes I looked up to match the gaze of two brunette irises. "It's pointless going after him, belladonna. He needs some time to cool off before coming to his senses and returning" his voice was low but soft, soothing even.

"Also, you need not fear...if he doesn't come back after some time I will go look for him myself. So please don't cry. It's okay."

I didn't know what he meant until he moved a hand to my cheek to wipe away my flowing tears. Face full of shock, I subconsciously leant into the touch. For some reason being comfort felt nice rather then comforting others. This comfort slowly eased me into a deep sleep, only thinking of my brother and the warm arms that enveloped my body.

In the past I had always had to chase after my brother, make sure he was okay. Having to look after his wounds from pointless fights or lending an arm when he was down. If it wasn't me looking after him, it was Fyodor. Keisuke had always been dependent on Fyodor and I because we are all he has that knows the true him. We were like a small family, and nothing could break the bond we share.

// Flashback - 6 Years Ago //

It had been a year since the day the twins were taken in by a Russian who went by the name Fyodor. Trust hadn't been earned completely as he was a notorious and mysterious individual. Though he had been trying to show that we could rely on him, and been making an effort to get to know them along with spending time together. This day was no different. But this day was also a special one. Keisuke and (y/n)'s 8th birthday.

Never really having a 'normal' celebration for their birthday, they usually ended up pretending they weren't in the facility and had a happy family in a house. A normal life, where they could be kids. Though they had drawings of what they thought would be the appearance of their parents, as they had no memory of them. Their eyes resembling their mothers e/c irises, their fathers smile, and seeing as the twins were fraternal their hair was different. (Y/N)'s hair was h/c and Keisuke's was dark messy brunette hair.

So it was that time of the year again, but things were different. Fyodor had changed their life, for better or worse? They didn't know, but what they did know was that they had no idea what was going to be in store for that fateful day.

The smell of pancakes was the scent the siblings woke up to, along with the sound of sizzling on a stove. Getting out of bed they ran towards the kitchen, still in their pajama's. Was Fyodor cooking? He never made such unhealthy food, as he wanted to make sure they ate well.

Entering the dining room, they looked at the sight that laid out in front of them. A table full of sweet delicacies; a large bowl of strawberries, sugary cereals, chocolate chip cookies, fairy bread, custard, jelly, and other treats that at the time, the two did not know the names of. They went to go sneak a taste, hands moving to the closest thing to them.

"What do you two think you're doing?"

A stern but deep voice echoed throughout the room. Keisuke and (Y/N) giggled innocently, glancing at the food then at each other. Thinking the person didn't know that they hadn't been caught yet, they attempt to grab a strawberry each moving slower then the first time.

"You two realize that I can see you two. Slowing your movement's does not make you invisible, so stop while you're at it" the same voice from before spoke again.

They turned around to face the kitchen behind them, they see a tall lean male with dark brunette hair tied back in a half up-half down look. His usual attire was nonexistent, including the hat he always seemed to wear. His purple irises were staring down at them, almost piercing through their very soul. Gulp. The twins looked at each other, mischief on their faces as he looked serious.

Quickly they grabbed a strawberry, plopping it in their mouth before facing the male again. His face turned to one they rarely saw but knew all too well. First it was shock, now it was anger. Turning around off they went, running around the house with the adult chasing after them. They did this for some time before Keisuke and (Y/N) found a hiding spot, in the spare bedroom's closet. They giggled quietly, trying to keep their location secretive.

"He looked so funny when he was mad" Keisuke whispered.

"I know right?! But it's even funnier with the way he runs, it's like he is that blonde guy from the show that's on television sometimes!" (Y/N) exclaimed, putting both her arms upwards behind her mocking the adult.

The duo continued to snicker quietly until they heard a door open followed by footsteps. He was walking around the room, trying to find them. (Y/N) looked over at her brother and placed a finger to her lips, making a shushing sound. They tried to stay quiet, looking at the closet doors and each other. After some time had passed, their cackles began again.

"We got away with it! Our super secret hiding spot is the best!"

Then the doors opened up and there stood the pancake making brunette. "I found you two little mischievous rats. You're dead" he growled softly.

The two children let out screams and cries as the male slung an arm around them both, picking them up and throwing them onto the bed. Attempting to get out of his hold, they wiggled and squirmed. To which they received their punishment...

One hand on either of their stomachs, he began to wiggle his fingers to tickle them. The twins began laughing and letting out screams telling him to stop which only made him tickle them even more, smiling and joining their laughter.

"Nope you two deserved this. It's your punishment for trying to eat the food before it was all made!"

"We're...sorry...we...won' again!!" the twins laughed out, stitches forming in their stomachs now. He looked at them for a moment before lifting his arms up, allowing them mercy. Catching their breath, the two sat upright on the bed and gazed at the male. "You never make us sugary food Fyodor! What's the occasion?" (Y/N) asked, forgetting what the date was. "Yes and why aren't we allowed to eat it yet?" Keisuke added.

"Did you two really forget what today is?" the twins looked at each other then back at him nodding. "Hmm, well how about I show you what today is? I have something for you two. Now I was going to give it to you later but I guess now is better."

Fyodor walked out of the room and went to go grab something, returning minutes later. Entering the room, he had two wrapped boxes in hand, one smaller then the other. Keisuke got the bigger one whereas (Y/N) got the smaller one.

They giggled happily as he placed they looked at him, he etched them to open the gifts which they did so gladly. Unwrapping their presents, they each got a few things. Keisuke had received a bike, something he always wanted along with something to protect himself with which was kunai knives with emeralds embedded into it. (Y/N) on the other hand got a pole that had golden patterns etched on it. The other thing she had received was a bracelet, but it wasn't any ordinary one. It was weaponized and was of high tech, also having a feature to call Fyodor. Though it was disguised as a pretty accessory, the real use for it hidden in plain sight.

"Now I got you things to protect yourself which I will teach you two how to use it along with getting a friend of mine to train you in the martial arts so you can protect yourselves." he explained, knowing it was strange gifts to give to 9 year olds but the twins did understand. The world was a scary place and they had gone through a lot in their young lives.

They jumped off the bed and onto Fyodor, clinging to him in a loving embrace. "Thankyou Fy-Fy, I love them! I know Keisuke does too." (Y/N) hummed. Now the adult was the one to smile gently, nodding before etching them to come with him to the kitchen again. There waited two other individuals; Sigma and Nikolai. The five of them spent the rest of the day eating sweets, playing games, watching movies and celebrating the twins birthday.


Sleeping peacefully in her bed, (Y/N) was cradling a pillow to her chest. The sun was beaming through her blinds causing the woman to stir. Usually, waking up was a simple task for her; she was a morning person after all. Groaning when the first beam of sunlight hit her face.Picking up her phone on her nightstand, looking at the time."Ugh, why is it so early?" She placed her clock back on the surface and slowly began to sit up. (Y/N) put her hand to her head which was throbbing, "Must be another side effect from Dazai's ability" she muttered to herself.

Now realizing she must of fell asleep, she looked around the room. She was in the hotel room from earlier. On the other bed laid a passed out Keisuke in one of his weird sleeping positions. Chuckling softly (Y/N) unlocked her phone and opened up the camera to snap a picture of him to add to her collection of funny moments she caught of her brother.

A knock could be heard on the door, startling (Y/N). She checked herself in the mirror to see if she looked presentable before answering the door. To her surprise the person who awaited her on the other side was none other then the tall, bandaged brunette male who she had the mishap of falling asleep in his arms last night. What was she going to say? Hey thanks for catching my fall lastnight? Nope.

"Good morning, Belladonna. Did you sleep well?" his voice was husky and tired, and (Y/N) loved it as she always found morning voices intriguing. Hearing how others sounded when they are still walking through the phases of sleep and being awake. It was the rasp and how low their voice can go without trying to make it sound in such a way.

"I...think so? Though I really can't say much as I don't really remember falling asleep and I don't dream so..." (Y/N) muttered, letting out a yawn soon after. Actually now thinking about it, did he help her into bed? That doesn't seem like him, so maybe it was his other taller friend...what was his name again?

"Well Odasaku is downstairs in the Hotel's mini café they have for guests to eat in. When you and your brother are ready come on down to order breakfast." With that he walked away and back down the stairs where he had come from.

She closed the door behind her as she made her way over to her snoring brother, grabbing a pillow and whacking him with it aggressively. Keisuke is difficult to wake up as he can sleep through anything, so simply shoving him lightly or calling out to him doesn't work. Violence is the only answer.

When he doesn't respond to the pillow abuse, she takes a step back and activates her ability to lift him up and throw him across the room, being knocked into the wall before hitting the ground. That earned some painful groans from him and a death glare towards (Y/N).

"Jesus why the hell did you do that for? Talk about inducing pain to your loved ones." he whined, rubbing the back of his head as he staggered to get up. (Y/N) walked into the bathroom to freshen up, having a quick shower, re-do her makeup and tying her hair up in a tightened high pony. When she returned to the room she saw her brother was already gone, assuming he's already made his way down to the Café.


They spent majority of the next 2 days discussing and planning the course of action to take so that they can go get Ahmya unharmed. Most of the details were all sorted out. They would split up so that for the meeting only Keisuke and (Y/N) would be attending for all the kidnappers know. Dazai and Oda would scout and keep watch from the outside of the location, taking out any threats along the way; That included snipers, and guards. As for the money Dazai knew someone who distributed goods and was known for creating fake currency that looked so identical to the real thing that it wouldn't even be suspected to be anything but valid.

The only thing they hadn't settled yet was what to do with their request to meet the Rats boss Fyodor. The twins were adamant on keeping his identity a secret and not wanting to call him into this for a majority of reasons. One of the main reasons being is that he would probably end up killing Ahmya if he found out they went against one of the rules he placed to keep them safe, keeping outsiders as far away from them at all costs and only keep with people that they needed to communicate to.

So that was the only hole in their plan which they needed to solve before they can even go to the meet up. They didn't have enough time to try to find something or an excuse to fix it. They were all sprawled around the room tired from hours of discussing. Dazai and Oda were exhausted because they couldn't get any information out of the twins that could be useful to help them for the mission tonight. Keisuke was too busy worrying about what may be happening to Ahmya and wanting to have her in his arms as soon as possible. Then (Y/N) was in a web of thoughts of everything that's been happening, from when she lost control, to the visions she saw in that state and trying to figure a way to have their 'boss' to show up.

That's when she looked over at Dazai, inspecting his entire physique. He was tall and skinny, and his skin was smooth. He almost looks as identical to Fyodor minus the eyes, attire, hair and that dang hat he loves so much. Wait that's perfect! (Y/N) stood up and stalked over to the brunette, grabbing his arm and pulling him to the door.

"Guys I got a solution to the boss problem. I will be borrowing this bandaged maniac for a bit to plan it. I will come back once we are done." was all she said before she dragged him out of the room.


Strutting down the street, Dazai was behind (Y/N) whining and complaining about being outside in the cold and wondering where they were headed to. But she wasn't listening, her mind set on one thing and that was her brilliant idea. Making her way to the shopping district, she looked for three specific stores. One being a cosmetic store , another a salon and the final one being a fancy clothing store.

Once the stores came in her sight she began bolting over to it, pulling Dazai by his now swollen wrist along. "Why are we doing here, belladonna?" he finally asked, confused as to what was going through her head. Turning around to face him, she grinned. Well I may as well tell him the plan since he needs to know she thought to herself.

"For tonight, you're going to be my boss. I am going to spend today dressing you up to look like him along with teaching you how he acts, what he says and all the important details to fool these kidnappers. It's the perfect plan where we can save Ahmya and keep my actual boss out of this, especially when you look oddly similar to his physique." she explained in great detail.


Hey guys long time no see~

I am so sorry for the long wait for a new chapter. I've just been going through personal things and I have also been using my writers brain for other things so fanfic writing has been difficult for me. But I did promise myself to get this chapter out on my birthday. I hope you all enjoy it and yes it's on a cliff hanger heh.

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