The Daayan

By AnanthP2

3 1 0

This is a fictional story hope you like it More

The Daayan

3 1 0
By AnanthP2

This is the story of an auto-rickshaw driver Ramesh from U.P who had lost his parents at a very young age (20). His father Ranganath was also a auto driver. After his father's death, Ramesh has to struggle in his life. So he continued as an auto driver.

As time passed today he owns a lot many auto-rickshaw which he lends for rent even started the cab service. Even though he owns many autos and cabs being very rich he didn’t stop being an auto driver.

He is all happy with his life. Once when is dropping his customer suddenly a girl falls unconscious in front of his auto.

He stops his auto and puts some water on her face so that she could gain her consciousness back. But it doesn’t work so he decided to take her to the hospital so he asked his customer to go in another auto and arranges another auto for his customer.    

After giving her treatment she gets her consciousness back. Later, The doctor told Ramesh that she didn’t have her food for a long time so she has fallen unconscious. Now you can take her to her home she is absolutely fine.

Ramesh; But the doctor I don’t know who is she. She has fallen on the road when I was dropping my customer at his destination.

Doctor; Ok no worries you ask her about her and drop her at her home. So I'll carry on.

Now Ramesh asks her details.

But she doesn’t know anything moreover she has forgotten herself.

So later for time being, he took her with him. After this the next day again he asks her about her. So she told no I don’t remember anything.  So he said it’s ok no problem let’s wait for a few days.

After some days because of Ramesh’s kindness, she tells everything about her. She gets thrust in him she realises that Ramesh is a good person so she tells about her.

Now she tells that she is acting as she lost her memory. Her name is Priyanka she was working as a maid in a house but the owner of that house started to harass me even tried to rape me so I ran away from there. After that, I fell unconscious by not eating food for many days.

After that, you know what happened to me. She also tells them that she told them about her as she realised that he is a good person.

Now she requests him to allow her to stay with him until she finds any job as she also lost her parents at a young age and she doesn’t have any relatives and she is also all alone.

Ramesh agrees with this and feels bad by listening to her story as her story is also quite similar to him.

After a few years Ramesh and Priyanka married each other they both were leading a peaceful life.

But once suddenly a wave of unknown truth of his life comes before him. Which later will destroy his happy and peaceful life.                                                                             


After listening to baba he scolds the baba. Baba please stop your rubbish I don’t have time to listen to you.      

For the movement, Ramesh ignores the baba and goes. While going baba tells him if you don’t trust me then I don’t mind for it. But remember don’t forget to check your storeroom at midnight.  

For the movement, Ramesh acts as he didn’t believe that baba but in his mind, the doubt and confusion went on continued like a question mark. So as baba told Ramesh, Ramesh woke up at midnight to check his storeroom.

There he finds his wife is doing some black magic she was cutting off her hands and was putting her blood into the fire pit (havan kund). He was shocked by looking into it even Priyanka knew that he is looking and he met the baba.

After looking at it Ramesh was shocked and scared. For the movement, he runs to his room and lays on the bed but as he was in shock he didn’t get sleep after a few minutes Priyanka enters the room.  (Ramesh in scared hides himself in the blanket.)

The next day early morning Ramesh goes out in his auto as usual but before Priyanka gets wake up.

(Being very scared tells everything with his friend Arjun)

Now Ramesh tells everything to his friend Arjun that his wife Priyanka is not a human she is a daayan. Yesterday when I was dropping my customer at the destination on the way I met a baba he told me about my wife at first I didn’t believe him but at the end, he also told me to check my storeroom at midnight after checking that I realised that she is a daayan.

Now Arjun asks him to have some water and relax for a while. After that Arjun tells him that he knows that baba let’s go to him and have a solution for your problem he is available in the caves behind the Bhairavnath temple.     

After going to the cave Ramesh apologize to baba for being very rude yesterday. Now Ramesh tells that yes baba you are right I checked my storeroom at midnight yesterday as you told me. There I saw my wife was doing black magic she was cutting off her hands and putting her blood into the fire pit.

Ramesh asks baba.

Baba who is she?

Why she is doing so to me?

What does she need from me?

Now baba tells everything to him.

Baba tells him that she is Kalika The  Daayan. 100 years ago she has been caged in the box during Bali Amavasya by giving Bali of hundred chickens to Kali matha.

12 years ago you and your friends went to a jungle while you playing do you remember?

Ramesh replies; Yes baba.

Baba; Haa after that you lost your root and went to a cave where you found a box you tried to open it unfortunately you drop it down and it got broken. She was caged in that box as the box broke she gets freed from the cage.

Ramesh; But baba why did she come to my life after 12 years?

Baba;  Because she had lost her powers.  Bali Amavasya comes in every 12 years so she was waiting for that day as she has lost her powers on that day. So on Bali Amavasya day, she performed pooja and gained all her powers and after that, she comes into your life.

So she intends to give birth to a baby with a mixture of humans and Daayan which will be most powerful. Now she is pregnant on Bali Amavasya day that baby will also turn into the day which will be most powerful and dangerous. 

On her 10th birthday, your daughter turns today.  But before that, I’ll perform pooja and cut off her hair and put it in the fire pit and immediately I’ll cut off your wife’s hair too after that everything will be normal.

On Bali Amavasya day when Baba and Ramesh try to enter the house, Priyanka attacks Baba with superpowers but Baba control it for a few moments Baba and Priyanka fight with their superpowers after a few minutes Baba controls her with is a superpower and captures her with his power.

 Now Baba cuts off Ramesh's daughter’s hair and puts it in the fire pit by this the Daayan becomes weak and so now Baba immediately cuts off Priyanka’s hair too by this everything get’s normal.


The End

Thank You

By Ananth Kini P






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