Partners? | Diane Foxington F...

By ThatLittleCreature

34.2K 446 953

(Basically. I know the movie hasn't come out yet but I just felt like publishing this. This is because SOMEON... More

Chapter 1: The Gentlemen
Chapter 2: Logan Lucky
Chapter 4: Knives Out
Chapter 5: Pain & Gain
Chapter 6: Killer Joe
Chapter 7: Midnight Runners
Chapter 8: Ocean's 8
Chapter 9: Daredevil
Chapter 10: Elektra

Chapter 3: Bad Boys

2.6K 52 57
By ThatLittleCreature


"So, let's talk about you. What made you into a criminal?" Diane asked me and I just slumped back into my chair as I took a bite out of the burger she stole for me from the mess hall. "Well, you're wrong on one thing." I told her, making her raise an eyebrow as she puts one leg over the other. "Oh, and what would that be?" She asked me and I smirked at her, raising myself up as I took another from the burger. "It was a 'Who'" I corrected her as I delved into the origins of my past...

Flashback's POV

I was walking to my locker to gather some textbooks for class when I saw my locker was being raided by the cops and the principal. And there he was, Alex Gulper, smirking like the same piece of shit he always is. He stopped leaning against the wall and walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, "Say anything and I'll kill you. You're done L/N. I want you out of my school for good." He said with an evil grin as he left.

"What the hell was he talking about?" I asked myself before I heard rapid footsteps and was tackled to the ground by the cops, "There he is! We got him! Hell of a pack you got hiding in that locker of yours kid!" One of the cops said as he cuffed me, all the while Alex was at the end of the hall smirking evilly as the principal presented me with a bag filled with pot in his gloved hand. "Why Y/N? Why? Of all the people I expected to have this would be you. You were such a good student! Straight A's! 100 test scores! Why?" Mr.Micheals asked me with a distraught look.

"What!? THAT'S NOT MINE! YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE IT'S MINE!" I shouted, calling them out on their bullshit, "No evidence huh? Then why the hell did we find it in your locker?" The officers asked me, "Oh come on! It was planted! How fucking stupid are you, people?! It was obviously Alex!" I shouted at Mr.Micheals who just shook his head. "Regardless. It was found in your locker, and, Y/N, I'm afraid're expelled." He said as he handed the bag of pot to the officers as they dragged me away.



"Oh my goodness..." Diane gasped, writing everything down in the process, "After that, I was sent to juvenile hall. I was let out and was told that since my record was so critical, I was no longer allowed to re-enter the educational system." I told her as small tears cried their way out of my eyes and down to my cheeks. "Because of Alex, my life was ruined. Though listen, I should tell you something, and this is going to be between us but--" I reached over and paused the recorder.

"Between you and me. You can tell this to the cops if you want, but before I die, I'm going to find that smug son of a bitch, hunt him down, and kill him the way I've been planning to since that incident with me and the cops." I whispered next to her ear, seeing it twitch. "You get me?" I asked her and she nodded, yet her expression looked merciless, which sort of shocked me since I expected her to look scared but she looked cool as a cucumber. "Mr.L/N, think rationally, what is killing Alex going to achieve?" She asked me, not bothering to unpause the recorder. "What will it achieve? I'm so glad you asked Diane." I said as I began to pace around the room with my hands folded behind me.

"Tell me, Diane, have you ever heard about the story of Julius Ceasar and the pirates?" I asked her. "No, why?" She asked me. "Well, let's begin from the start. So there was once a young Julius Ceasar who was kidnapped by pirates yes?" I asked her and she nodded, folding her hands together.

"Well, after paying off the ransom, Julius Ceasar went off to raise an army, which he used to capture the pirates and crucified them," I told her and she didn't look surprised in the slightest. "I want the feeling of revenge to be perfect. Alex ruined my life, and now? Now I want to take his life. Fist or bullet, it doesn't matter. All that does matter is that as long as he's alive today, only I get the right to kill him, and I'll gladly risk prison time if it meant killing Alex in the most horrible way possible." I told her and she just nodded, writing everything down.

"As I said, feel free to tell the cops what I just said, but I don't care. I'll gladly risk prison if it means I get to kill him my way. But know this, I won't die until he dies first." I told her as I sat back down. "So, you turned to a life of crime why?" She asked me, writing down something else.

"After I was expelled, sent, and left the juvenile hall, I tried to re-enter school, but sadly they were all informed of my...record, and because of that, I was unable to go back to school, which left a pretty big scar on my career." I paused, remembering the sheer horror after I realized my life was inevitably ruined. "My parents frowned upon me after I was falsely accused of having pot in my locker, and threw me out of the house out of shame, which is fucking fine by me, they can go fuck themselves backward for all I care." I scoffed.

"I had nothing else, you know what I mean?" I asked her and she nodded and I continued with my life's story. "It pretty much all went downhill. I suffered badly, and you want to know how?" I asked her, "Yes." She replied. "I had to live on the streets for what felt like days, weeks, months, maybe even years, until I found my trusty little Beretta M9A1," I told her. "And how did you find it exactly?" She asked me, crossing her arms together sternly.

"Funny story actually. Some stupid gun shop owner forgot to lock his store up, and some homeless people actually stole a shit load of guns, and as for me? Well, I tried to get a piece, and, sadly, all the big guns were stolen, but all that was left was a Beretta M9A1 that was dropped on accident. Stole a few bullets and magazines and made off with the only loot I could find." I told her as I rested my head on the armrest of the chair bed. "After that, I started holding up gas stations, supermarkets, hell, even a goddamn ice cream truck," I told her with a laugh. It was mostly directed to the fact that I had to rob a fucking ice cream truck, and it wasn't about the money, hell, I highly doubt an ice cream truck would even have a bucketload of money, I only did it for the ice cream which was really fucking good. "And, what did you do with the ice cream truck afterward?" She asked me, "Oh, I uh...I uh, don't really want to say." I told her.

"You fenced it, didn't you?" She asked me, "Heh...g-guilty as charged." I laughed nervously because it surprised me how quick-witted Diane was with this sort of thing. "And how much did you get for it?" She asked me and I honestly couldn't even recall how much I actually did get for that piece of shit.

"5'250$" I told her. "That much and all for an ice cream truck?" She asked me, not believing that I would get that much for a stupid ice cream truck. And of course, I can't blame her, even I wouldn't believe I would get that much for a lousy ice cream truck, but I did...somehow anyway.

"And, yeah, with that money I used it to buy myself a small apartment somewhere in the low parts of the city to avoid detection, you know? I didn't buy expensive shit because--" "Because you didn't want the cops to know that it was you has been sleeping inside of the old warehouse right?" She asked me with a sly smirk. "How the hell do you know about that?" I asked her, "Lucky guess. But, most importantly, you didn't want the cops to find out about your 'fencing' so you laid low and didn't spend so much money on so many expenses just so you could avoid detection, is that about it?" She asked me and I was at a loss for words.

"Yeah...yeah that's about it," I told her as I was honestly taken aback at how easily she found that out. "Well, look, putting all of that aside, there is something I am here to offer you." She said as she stood up, placed the clipboard down on the table beside the recliner chair, and unpaused the recorder.

"Listen Y/N, we are willing to pardon all of the crimes you committed as long as you sign this." She said, handing me a piece of paper and a pen. "The hell is this?" I asked her as I read the paper, "If you sign it, then you agree that you will be fine with me being your parole officer and that you agree that you will strictly be forbidden from committing any crimes. If you break it, then you have no choice but to be prosecuted and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison, along with a 10'000 dollar fine." She said sternly as she adjusted her glasses back up to the base of her snout. "Now's my chance." I internally said as I breathed in after I finished signing the paper.

"Diane?" I asked her, "Yes?" She replied as she took the paper and pen back. "A-are you seeing someone?--" "The answer is no." She responded with a proud smirk as she turned around and walked towards the door with the clipboard, document and pen, and recorder underneath her arm. "Aw, what?! Come on! You don't even know what I was gonna say yet! I promise you it's not going to be anything crazy!" I shouted at her.

"I guess you do have a point there Y/N. Alright, what is it?" She asked me, still having her back turned to me. "Are you seeing someone?" I asked her, this time much more casually than I did before. "No, and no." She replied as she walked out of the room, not even letting me continue because she already closed the door. "Well shit. There goes my love life." I said, feeling butterflies fly inside of my stomach.


After some time, I was finally let off the hook. I was told that Diane would be monitoring me and keeping a check on my progress as I try to adjust to a normal life where I don't have to steal or rob anyone. "The worst part is that I have to get a job now..." I scoffed as I left the police station. As I reached the end of the street, I turned back to give the police station one last glance, but quickly hid as I saw Diane coming out of the station. However...I also noticed a shady figure follow her.

"No..." I gasped as I ran after them and as I turned the corner, I saw the shady figure grab Diane from behind and push her inside of the alleyway behind the station, my enhanced eyesight picking up the outline of a gun underneath the figure's coat. "Ah shit. Well, at least I'll be seen as a hero. But, this isn't about romance's about doing what's right."

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