Darkened Souls 1: Naughty Kil...

Por elysianzms

8.7K 59 32

When the car comes to a stop, I stride across to her side pulling her out of the car forcefully, hurting her... MΓ‘s

Author's Note<3


1K 6 6
Por elysianzms


My burning hatred for men similar to Antonio seems to show its claws for tonight's dinner. I'm hating the evening so far just by being in his presence, it's ruining my mood. How was the day going so gleefully eventful, and now it has turned to shit like this in the shot of a gun? It makes no logical sense at all, It seems he's just shit company.

"Thank you for accompanying me at dinner tonight Estrella darling" Estrella darling my ass, maybe I should rid you of your tongue, let's see how many times you can say my name again. Just imagine the color of his blood staining my jet black, silk-created, shortened dress I allow to compliment my body tonight. It brings a sly smile to my face which disguises itself as one of pleasure, created by his remark instead of his imaginary death I hope to make a reality by the end of this torturous dinner.

I eye his movements subtly, watching him during our conversation, not missing the small glances he takes directed towards my cleavage, fucking disgusting, I hope to gouge his eyes out soon.

"So, I heard you recently got in contact with the Venturi Family, I was hoping to talk to Violet seeing as we lost touch, do you happen to know where they'll be anytime soon?" My movements catch his eye as I hoped, I'll give just a glance at my tits, he'll get flustered and blurt out the information I need. I don't want to see Violet, though she seems like a pure soul, well, she looks like a pure soul, her soul is tainted red, for that I applaud her, I have nothing against her, but I do have an endless grudge against her older brother, the leader of the Venturi Mafia, Adriano Venturi, god I hate that fucker, and god do I want to end his miserable life.

To me, he's like that once lint you can't scrape off with the roller, he's like a woman's pain during her menstruation, he's like the feeling you get when you find the empty carton of milk in the fridge someone purposely left, to summarize it, he's a pain in my very attractive, very jaw-dropping, very eye-catching, very prized ass. I hate him, and I want him dead, and I always get what I want, even if it means taking it with force, those are the times my hunts are particularly eventful.

"I-I d-did hear that the family will be going to the opening of their new club this Friday"

"Is that so?" I tilt my head, giving him a view of my jeweled neck. "Now that I think about it, I really don't want to be anywhere near a certain brother of hers that evening when I visit her, do you, by chance, know where he'll be?" My arm stretches out to trace the outline of his protruding vein, I feel like throwing up at the moment.

Multiple people in organized crime are aware of the rivalry between Adriano and I. It's been happening for quite some time, and by 'quite some time' I mean two years. Two years of hating someone so much I want to fuck them, it's just the hatred getting to my head, I promise.

"Well, um, I've heard he'll be in the VIP section, I just don't know what booth he'll be in" God, how I love making them nervous, it's like a meal I didn't know I needed, it can also be very addicting.

"Listen, I need help with something, do you mind coming to the bathroom with me?" I watch as a sly smile creeps its way onto his wrinkled, aged face, if only he knew he was about to meet his end. Antonio rises from his chair as it groans from the relieved weight. I don't kill people just because I feel like it, well, I do, but they always have done something horrible that makes me feel a rush while killing them. I never kill innocent people, even if they piss me off.

The list begins to form in my darkened mind of all the horrid things he's done. Murder, rape, abuse plus he made me touch him for information, I say that's more than enough to enjoy watching the life drain from his eyes.

We begin to walk towards the washroom when I hear a voice that rocks my fucking world. Spinning around, I glare at the one who dared speak to me in public, Adriano fucking Venturi, and he has the audacity to wear his signature smirk, one that I hate with my heart, one that I also fantasize him wearing as he's above me, fucking the living daylight out of me, hypocritical, I know, I hate him even more because of it.

"Thank you, Antonio, your work is done, get out of my sight" His entire facial structure changes as he speaks to him, I'm honored. My stare turns to stone as he strides towards me. I didn't predict what would have occurred next but I should have, it's exactly something he would do. His muscular arms encircle my waist causing my body to forcefully crash into his, my breasts pressing into his chest. Instinctively, my arms grasp onto his biceps as I stare into his eyes, his eyes I should poke forcefully with my newly manicured nails, then again, I shouldn't destroy my nails for his eyes, not worth it.

Thankful for my heels tonight, I have more height on him, but not enough to be taller than the asshole. My teeth are grinding together as I try my best to resist the urge to reveal my hidden knives and create a bloody hole in his torso adorned with a six-pack.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, I'm surprised my words even escape with the way my teeth are holding them back. My arms push against him trying to remove myself and create space between the two of us, but all he does is hold me tighter. I feel his hands travel lower down my back until it reaches the top curve of my ass. Now I'm fighting the stronger urge to cut off his hands in front of everyone in the restaurant.

"How rude of you il mio amore, not even a hello? Thought you'd be glad to see me, I was getting the impression that you'd want to see me after I finger fucked you into oblivion in that museum three days ago, I mean, you did say my name multiple times, I was questioning whether or not you even wanted me to leave" That self-centered, arrogant, presumptuous fucking rat. Could he speak any louder?

"Loving that dress on you, by the way, it's tempting not to fuck you in front of all these people, or kill you, anyone works actually" His breath is fanning my neck as he bends his head to kiss my pulse, as he does every time we meet. I try pushing his muscular frame away from mine but I don't succeed, those fucking muscles of his.

"Let's sit shall we?" The ass pulls me towards a table that's not our own. One in the corner of the restaurant, with leather seats in a semicircle, caging the wooden table adorned with a white cloth and mesmerizing golden-white flowers.

He pushes me into the corner of the booth, if we weren't in front of at least fifty people I would have cut him on his arm, sliding it across his wrist, watching as the blood poured out of it, pleasure seeping into my veins, but unfortunately, these people had to fucking be here.

He joins me in the booth soon after and I want nothing more than to chuck the glass vase into him, watching as it shatters and leaves multiple cuts on his gorgeous fucking face, it's aggravating that he looks like a greek god when he's actually the devil, and not the one I sent my friend Jeffery to, two hours ago.

"I heard you wanted to avoid me tesoro, and worst, on the opening of my club? Now that's heartbreaking"

"Well, since your stoned heart is already broken, I should help you finish the deal by shoving it up your fucking ass, that way you'll have a reminder it was there, if there even is one, to begin with," My smile is satire as I stare into his green eyes. He even has nice eyes, I really can't catch a fucking break.

"Oh you're adorable"

"I'll show you adorable when I slit your throat, then we'll really see how adorable I can be" He laughs, 'cruel' written in his sounds that are usually supposed to mean enlightenment.

Adriano does a lot of the unexpected, and no one can blame me for not predicting what he'd do next. His veined hand stretches across to seize mine, but wait, that's not the unexpected part, that's not the part that makes the air in my lungs magically disappear, that's not the move that instantly makes me wet, no, it's when he places it over his hard erection, his very big, very visible, very hard erection.

Adriano moves his mouth next to my ear, holding my hand in place as I live in the feeling of my throbbing sex.

"You should know by now your violence turns me on incredibly mia cara" he whispers in my ear. All I can do is exhale air I didn't know I was holding in when he moves back into place and lets go of my hand. I snatch my hands away, scrunching my nose up annoyingly at him, I should have slapped him with the same hand, but right now, my only objective is to not draw attention.

"I want to leave, move" My legs shove his, not doing anything, not even a little shake, fucking bedeviling.

"Not yet, sweetheart, there are a few things I'm yet to speak off"

"I don't want to hear it" Fucking bastard.

"Too bad" His fingers rise from his lap as he calls a waitress over from the other side of the restaurant.

"Je devrais te tuer tout de suite Venturi" : "I should kill you right now Venturi"

"Aw, mais avec moi parti, qui ferait plaisir à ta douce petite chatte ? Hum ?" :"Aw, but with me gone, who would please your sweet little pussy? Hm?"

All I do is roll my eyes in response to his very inappropriate statement, I sometimes forget the asshole speaks seven languages, French included, how unfortunate for me. My thighs are mindlessly forcing themselves to merge with one another, trying to cause some kind of friction. He's frustrating on a whole other level. His large, veiny hands find themselves resting on my right thigh as the waitress hurriedly makes her way over to our stolen table.

"Hello, terribly sorry for the wait but, what can I get you both?" She speaks with confidence showing in her tone, I like her. I feel Adriano's hand choose a direction, one I'm not particularly on board with, one I feel like I should slap him for getting anywhere near its region. His hand dips between my thighs, staying still for a short-lived while as I try to cease its movement with my thighs, hoping the crushing pressure does something.

To no avail does it do anything.

"Whiskey for me" he answers the question I have long forgotten.

"And you ma'am?" I wonder how she would feel if she knew the devil before her is attempting to finger the woman she's having a conversation with.

"Arrête ça" : "Stop it."

I whisper in his direction, she notices my words and chooses to wear a mask of confusion in response. I smile at her while fighting Adriano's hands. I swear, when I leave this place I will remove his fingers one by one and enjoy every pitch in his screams.

"Non, j'aime trop ça, maintenant ouvre tes jambes et arrête d'être si difficile."  : "No, I like it too much, now open your legs and stop being so difficult."

That fucking asshole. My molars smash together as my eyes widen, he's successfully grazed my sex, igniting a heated flame inside me as desire begins to pool between my clamped legs.

"She'll have a cheesecake" He answers from beside me. How can he speak when he's gently caressing my clit with his thumb? Pleasure awakens in my stomach as he picks up the pace, stroking my clit faster as he converses with the waitress. My mind is fuzzy as he rubs me up and down and in circles. I try holding in my awaiting moan. My thighs press together as my clit throbs wanting more. The skeptical waitress eyes me waiting for a response.

I'm about to answer when my words get lodged in my throat, I'm surprised my moan didn't come out instead of actual words.

"Y-" I immediately clamp my mouth shut, inhaling through my nose. He inserted his middle finger, pumping in and out of me at a slow pace, torturing my walls with building pleasure. I gulp down whatever was lodged in my throat as she walks away earning all the clarification she needed.

I feel Adriano pick up the pace, pushing inside me deeper and faster, massaging the walls of my sex, my nails digging into his thighs, praying for him to stop before I cum all over his fingers.

"Stop" I whisper at him, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, biting the pink-tinted flesh, yearning for contact, contact I won't allow him to give me. He adds another digit, his ring finger specifically, cupping my pussy in his hands. I'm melting in his hands and I hate it, yet I love it so much. I feel the pressure building in my stomach, begging for release as he continues to fuck me with his finger under the table faster and faster, pounding into me with his fingers.

"Ti piace avere il mio dito sepolto in profondità dentro di te, vero?" : "You like having my finger buried deep inside you, don't you"

I blame God for urging me to learn fucking Italian when I understand his filthy words loud and clear as it's whispered in my ears like a secret only the two of us share. I whimper in response, God, I'm really acting fucking pathetic, I don't blame myself, I'm being finger fucked by a sex god.

No one knows what's happening around us, no one knows I'm seconds away from coming all over his fingers, no one knows I'm fighting the sounds stuck in my throat begging to be released, no one knows we're doing the most inappropriate activity in the most inappropriate place.

"Stop plea- ah!" I feel his thumb rub my clit up and down in rhythm with his finger pounding fiercely inside me. I don't think I've experienced pleasure like this before, the fear of being caught, the rush of no one knowing, his fingers burying themselves deep inside me as they pass my sex's walls, the blend makes me hot all over. Thank god no one else heard me moan. This situation is embarrassing, yet it makes me horny all over again and I want so much more.

"Please" I whimper in his shoulder. I'm going to end his fucking life for this. His fingers continue sliding in and out of my quivering body.

"Now why did that sound like a plea for more and not a plea to stop?" It's final, this man and his dirty words will be six feet fucking under.

"Vuoi che ti faccia venire?"  : ""Do you want me to make you come?"

God, I feel the pressure building up, soaring high up, heating my body in pleasurable waves as his fingers find a deeper position. I softly whimpered or did I moan into his black blazer? I'm too high on the need to release, I can't even think fucking straight.

"La tua figa bisognosa è disperata per me amore?" : "Is your needy pussy desperate for me love?"

My nails dig deeper into his thighs, no doubt leaving a mark on his toned legs. He hisses in response and I want nothing more than to hear it again. If his fingers were pumping in and out of me fast before, then this pace is just devilish. My clit throbs awaiting the release I want badly.

My eyes shut as I feel the release climbing to its peak. Fuck, I'm going to kill him for this.

"Ti piace essere scopata in pubblico come la puttanella bisognosa che sei? Hm tesoro?": "Do you like being fucked in public like the needy little bitch you are? Hm darling?"

"Yes! Fuck!" My words are whispers to his ears. He needs to shut up! His words make me go over the edge and back. My eyes squeeze together as my pussy clenches around his fingers, spilling my cum all over him, just like he wanted me, a panting, pathetic mess, high over the fact that she was just fucked by his fingers under a restaurant table.

My breathing is uneven as I try to go over what just happened. He finger fucked me, again, and I came on his fingers that are still inside me, a-fucking-gain.

He gently pulls himself out of me and brings his fingers to his mouth, tasting me on him.

Fucking hell, I really hate to admit it but that was the hottest thing I've ever seen. He does it while keeping eye contact. I may have a pussy but I sure as hell am not one, I maintain his little staring contest, watching him suck every drop of me on his fingers, trying to gain back my steady breath.

His eyes drop to my cleavage before they bounce to my eyes. He slowly bends down, gently kissing my pulse as he did when we met, but this time he whispers something in my ear.

"I'll see you Friday"

He walks away, leaving me cum-dripping, high on release, and still gaining my breath bit by bit. The waitress we once saw stands in front of him as he takes his drink from the tray and downs it in one go, then leaves without a single glance back. The cheesecake is placed in front of me with the bill. That fucking bastard. 

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