His Love ✔

By Sunshine_writes_27

3.1K 215 138

First love is special for everyone. But it's not the same for her. He made her feel loved. Yet he is the one... More

~Shot 2~

~Shot 1~

1.5K 82 74
By Sunshine_writes_27

First Love

Many of us have some sweet memories bound up with this word, while for me, it is nothing but a bitter past.

For some, those are the best moments of their lives, but for me, even the sweetest moments turn bitter.

You came into my life like an ocean, but it took me a while to realise you were just a passerby.

You made me feel loved-or was it my imagination?

There was a time when I thought that you were the one for me and dreamed about our future, but now I realise how stupid I was.

But I'm thankful to you for loving me.

Because you made me strong. You made me realise the meaning of true love. You taught me a lesson for a lifetime.

And it's because of you. I found him. My last love. He may not be my first love, but he was, is, and will be my last love.

My love-he is the one who made me believe in love once again and feel what true love is.

Your love made me find HIS LOVE.


Theera closed her diary and stood leaning on the railing of her balcony, sipping the hot-brewed filter coffee and enjoying the sunrise, the morning breeze coming from the sea, and the chirps of the birds. She could see people walking on the footpath along the shore of the beach.

Theera Subramanyam is an English professor who is working at a reputed university in the city of the destination, Visakhapatnam.

Life is not easy for her. She was a few hours old when her parents decided to dump her because she was a girl. They left her all alone to fight the cruel world. And then came her saviour, Subramanyam. His wife, Vineeta, was admitted to the same hospital because she had labour pains early in the morning. Unfortunately, the doctors couldn't save the baby. And that's the fourth baby that they have lost. As if that pain wasn't enough, his wife couldn't conceive again. They had to remove her uterus as she had lost lots of blood during labour. He didn't understand how to pass that message on to his wife.

He sat in the ward, crying over his fate, when his eyes fell on a crying Theera. He looked around, but there was no one. He instantly felt a connection with that little baby. He took her into his arms and cooed at her while she looked at him with those small, innocent hazel eyes. After some time, he came to know that her parents had dumped her. He talked with the authorities and decided to adopt her. Luckily, they have agreed.

Though Vineeta was heartbroken by the news of her baby's death, she was happy to welcome the cute little bundle of joy into her family. From then on, she became the world for Subramanyam and Vineeta.

Subramanyam and Vineeta were so fond of kids. They have always dreamed of having a cute little family of their own. They lost all their hopes, but then "Theera" entered their lives like a ray of sunshine.

Theera was 19 years old when he entered her life. Anikeeth, the name that sends shivers down her spine even now, was her senior in college. He proposed to her in front of the college on Freshers' Day. She didn't understand what to say. She had never thought about the word "love" until that day. All her life, she dreamed of making her parents proud by achieving something in her life. For Theera, Subramanyam, Vineeta, and Sakuntala (Subramanyam's mother) are her world. She didn't even have any close friends except one with whom she lost contact after high school.

She said that she wanted some time, as she didn't want to insult him in front of everyone. And that's one of the biggest mistakes she's made in her life. When she told Vineeta about the incident, she told her to maintain a distance from that boy. She didn't want her daughter to go through any heartbreak.

So, Theera decided to ignore him from the next day on, but that was not as easy as she thought. He used to wait for her at her department, in the canteen, and on the college grounds. He used to stalk her, making her feel helpless and frightened. She was unable to focus on her studies, and her scores started decreasing. Vineeta and Sakuntala started to get worried when they saw her looking lost every day. Though both of them confronted her many times, she said that there was nothing to worry about.

One fine day, she accepted him. Both of them started spending time with each other. Slowly, she fell in love with him after seeing his efforts to make her smile. He showered her with all the love she deserved. She felt lively, and everything started to fall into place. That's what she felt at that moment. She completed her graduation and was all set to pursue her master's.

Theera ranked top in the PG entrance examination. She was very happy and excited, and so were her parents. She wanted to share that news with him and texted him to meet her at her regular place.


Theera reached their regular spot and saw Anikeeth, who was looking angry. She frowned upon seeing his expression. She went towards him and greeted him with a bright smile. He greeted her, but the smile was not reciprocated.

"Is everything okay?" She asked him.

"Yes," he said sternly.

Theera didn't nudge him more after seeing his demeanour.

"Umm, I've passed my PG entrance examination with distinction," Theera said, gathering her courage.


That was the response she got from him.

"Are you not happy?" She asked him.

"Stop your studies here," he said firmly.

Theera sat there in a daze upon hearing his words.

"Did she hear him correctly?" She thought in her mind.

"Sorry! I mean, but why?" Theera stammered, not understanding what to say.

"You have studied enough. And I'm earning well, so you don't need to work too after our marriage," said Anikeeth.

"What is the relation between my studies and my job? I had always wanted to do a master's in English literature," said Theera.

"Theera, I'm saying, right? You are not going to study further, and that's final," he said, walking out of there, leaving a disheartened Theera.

She thought that he was stressed over something, so he spoke like that, and she thought to talk with him later.

Time flew by in a blink, and she is eagerly waiting for the results as she applied to many top colleges in India.

She didn't get time to talk with Anikeeth as he was busy with a project and she was busy with her cousin's wedding.

One fine day, Theera was sitting in her room and studying when her mother barged inside and glared at her.

She looked at her mother, confused, and asked, "What happened, Amma? Why did you barge inside and glare at me?"

"You didn't inform us that Anikeeth is coming with his family," said Vineetha.

It's a shock for Theera now.

"Amma, I seriously don't have any idea about this," Theera said, seriously.

Looking at her daughter, Vineeta understood that she was telling the truth.

"Okay, now go and get ready. In the meantime, I and your Nanamma will prepare beverages and snacks for them," said Vineetha.

"Haa, wear the saree that you and your father bought when you went shopping. I've already informed your father, and he is on the way home." Saying that Vineeta moved out.

But Theera didn't listen to anything. She was feeling confused, nervous, and mostly afraid. She doesn't want to get married until she achieves something in her life. She wants to be independent first. But the question is: Will he agree to it?

She sighed and moved to freshen up and change. Finally, she looked at herself in the mirror. After getting satisfied with her look, she moved to the kitchen from the garden.

Theera came to the living room carrying a tray with her. She served Anikeeth's family coffee and hot pakoras with dry fruit halwa that her father bought from her favourite sweet shop.

Looking at Theera, Anikeeth's mother (Rani) made a remark, "I thought that you would wear a saree of my son's favourite colour."

Theera gave her a nervous smile and looked down, while Anikeeth was fuming.

On the other hand, Theera's family got angry listening to her.

After having the snacks and beverages served to them, Rani asked Subramanyam, "So, when can we keep their marriage? Our family priest has said that there are good muhurthams in this month."

Theera looked at her dumbfoundedly and thought, "What the hell was that woman saying? Yes, she might have loved him, but how can they proceed without even having a talk with her?"

"Sorry to say, Mrs. Sharma. We don't have any plans to get our daughter married that soon, not when she isn't established in her career and hasn't achieved the goals she has dreamed of. Yes, your son and my daughter love each other. But before I hand my daughter over to someone, I want her to be independent and stand on her own feet," Subramanyam said, sternly.

"Why does she need to work after her marriage? He makes a good living, and no woman in our family works. After marriage, a girl needs to look after her husband's family and give birth to children. So, your daughter can stop her studies now. And she has studied more than enough," said Rani.

"So, you are saying that we need to send our daughter to work as a maid and a children's giving machine, right?" Vineeta said, sarcastically.

"You can't insult my mom like that," Anikeeth yelled at Vineetha.

"I can see that you have given your son a good upbringing," Sakuntala mocked Rani.

"Anikeeth, it will be good if you shut your mouth and sit down," Anikeeth's sister (Vaasanthi) scolded him.

"Uncle, we are sorry. I would definitely be happy if you disagreed with this alliance. Because this woman here and this boy don't know how to treat a woman. They didn't let me pursue my dreams, and they got me married at a young age. That day, there was no one to support me, not even my father, who loves me to the core. Theera is really lucky to have a family like you," said Vaasanthi.

"What the hell are you saying, Vaasanthi?" Rani yelled at her daughter.

"What? Why are you shouting at me? Did I say something wrong? If Theera marries Anikeeth, then all her life she has to be within those four walls of your house and be a slave to you. So, I'm just showing her the right path," Vaasanthi said, glaring at her mother.

"Is that the way you talk with Mother Vaasanthi?" Anikeeth's father (Ramesh) scolded her.

"Oh! Dad, is that you? Thank God! All my life I thought you were dumb, but you do have a mouth to speak," Vaasanthi said sarcastically.

Ramesh bowed his head in shame, listening to her daughter. Isn't she right?

"Vasu, I know what you are feeling. But please keep a check on your emotions. This is not the right place to argue with them", Vaasanthi's husband (Shrikar) said, trying to calm down his wife.

"No, Shri. This is the right place, and it is the right time. You don't know anything about their selfishness. When Anikeeth proposed to Theera, she didn't accept him. She said that she needed some time. And that hurt my so-called brother's ego. So he began to bother her by stalking her. And it disturbed her mentally. One fine day, she accepted him. Just answer me one thing: did you accept him because you have feelings for him or because you wanted to be peaceful?" Vaasanthi asked Theera.

Listening to her question, Theera looked down.

"See, didn't I tell you? Theera, I know you love him now. But let me tell you something about the man you love. He can go to any extent to satisfy his ego. When you marry him, you will be nothing but his trophy wife. Your dreams will be snatched away, and your self-respect will be at stake. You have to serve him and my parents all your life and follow their orders. There will be no difference between you and a caged bird. So, the choice is yours, Theera. You definitely don't deserve a man like him," said Vaasanthi.

After a year:

Theera sat on the shore of the beach near her new home. Tears were continuously flowing from her eyes. She was thinking about all the incidents of her past. A lot of things changed in this one year.

How did she fall in love with a man who never respected her? Her dreams didn't matter to him. Since her childhood, her parents have never asked her anything. They have always fulfilled her every small wish. Though they had never expressed it, she knew her parents wanted her to be strong, independent, and reach a high position in her life. She would be grateful to Vaasanthi all her life. That day, she made her eyes open and came out of the toxic relationship.

After that day, they moved to Mangalore. She joined one of the reputed universities. Everything was going smoothly, but after a few months, she felt someone was following her. She was afraid. What if it was him? And her fear came true. One of her friends confirmed that a man was following her.

She informed her family of the same. Even Vaasanthi got worried. One day, when she was coming back from college, he came in front of her. She looked around and noticed that they were alone on that street.


"So, my little bird is following her dreams, haa," he said, coming close to her.

"Anikeeth, leave me", Theera said sternly.

"She even got a voice to speak against me. Interesting," he said, looking at her from the top and bottom. "You have become more beautiful and sexier."

She was getting afraid from the inside, but she didn't want him to know that.

"Look, Anikeeth, move aside and let me go. Otherwise, the consequences won't be good," Theera warned him.

"What will you do? Huh! Do you think that some saviour will come and save you?" Anikeeth whispered in her ears.

She took the pepper spray from her bag without letting him know and sprayed it in his eyes. He closed his eyes and was about to attack her when she kicked him twice on his balls, making him fall to the ground. She ran away from there without looking back. Her parents, who were waiting for her, got worried looking at her dishevelled state. She narrated everything to her parents. Her father suggested that they lodge a complaint. Though Vineeta and Sakuntala were initially against them, they later agreed to them.

They lodged a complaint against him. But Rani said that Theera was the one who trapped her son. But she couldn't do anything as, for the first time, Ramesh stood against her. Anikeeth was sentenced to three years in prison based on the statements of Vaasanthi and Ramesh.

----------- End of the flashback -----------

What if something bad happened to her on that day? How would her parents have lived without her? After that incident, her relatives started mocking her for making her parents step inside the jail. They taunted her that she was a bad omen, and her biological parents did the right thing by abandoning her. Subramanyam didn't understand how everyone came to know that Theera was adopted.

But later they came to know that it was Rani who spread the rumour. They told Anikeeth's family that Theera was adopted, as they didn't want them to blame her later. Though her family was not affected by those words and shut their mouths, she was badly affected.

She was lost in her thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder, making her startle. She turned around and saw her father looking at her, worried.

"What are you doing here alone, Kanna? Did you see the time? It's 8 p.m., and your mother and grandmother are getting worried about you," said Subramanyam.

Theera then noticed that it had turned dark. She didn't even notice when time flew by.

She wiped off her tears without looking at him and said, "Sorry, Nanna. I thought to spend some alone time and didn't notice the time."

"It's okay, come. They must be waiting for us," said Subramanyam.

She gave him a small smile and got up. She dusted off her dress and moved towards her house with her father.

After reaching her home, she immediately moved to her room without speaking a word. Vineeta looked at Subramanyam worriedly. He blinked his eyes and told her that he would talk to her. But Sakuntala knew her granddaughter better than anyone.

Theera sat on the chair on her balcony, wrapped up in a blanket, looking at the dark sky aimlessly. That's how Sakuntala found her granddaughter when she came to feed her dinner. She sighed, looking at Theera, and sat down on the empty chair.

"The burden on your heart will lighten when you share your problems with your loved ones," Sakuntala said, interrupting Theera's thoughts.

Theera looked at her grandmother, smiled sadly, and said, "I never thought that I would fall in love with someone until I fell in love with him. I fell in love with him upon seeing his efforts. I used to feel so happy when he would be proud of my achievements and encourage me. I used to feel bliss when he showered me with all his love. But then the same love was about to become a hindrance to my dreams. In my childhood, Amma used to read novels and books to me to make me sleep. That made me fall in love with literature. So, I had always dreamed of doing a master's in literature, and I really worked hard for it. Finally, all of my hard work and prayers had paid off, and I was on the verge of achieving my dream. But he didn't want me to study further. I thought that I would slowly make him understand. But then, suddenly, he came to our house with a marriage proposal. I didn't understand what to do at that time. I didn't know what would have happened if Vaasanthi Akka hadn't made my eyes open that day. After moving here, I thought that everything was going to be fine. But when I saw him in front of me, I was afraid of what he might do to me. But then I decided I needed to be strong for myself, so I fought with him. Because of me, you guys have stepped inside the jail and have to bear all the insults of our relatives. Nanna shouldn't have adopted me that day and left me in the hospital."

"Shut up, Theera. I won't mind slapping you," Sakuntala warned her.

"I'm saying the truth, Nanamma. Why did Nanna adopt me on that day? See, because of me, you guys have left your native place and come here. You guys have to bear the taunts of our relatives. They are right; the one who gave birth to me did the right thing by abandoning me. I'm nothing but a bad omen." Vineeta slapped Theera before she could finish her sentence.

"Amma?" Theera said, looking shocked at her mother.

"What the hell were you speaking about a while ago, Theera? Get this thing off your mind; you are not a bad omen. You are the one who made us parents and called us Amma and Nanna. You are the one who brought luck to us. I never thought that I hadn't given birth to you all these twenty-one years. So, what if I didn't carry you for nine months? You are our little princess and will always be one, even if you have grandkids. Please never speak like this, Theera," Vineetha said, hugging Theera tight.

"I'm sorry, Amma. I'll never leave you. Whom did I have apart from the three of you? You are my family, my life, and my world. I won't speak like that again. I'm sorry," Theera said, holding her ears cutely.

Vineeta smiled, looking at her daughter, and kissed her forehead lovingly, saying, "You didn't do anything wrong, Theera. You loved a person, but the person was wrong. Loving someone is not a mistake. But you let him take you for granted. You should have rejected him in the first place; then the situation would have been different. I know you didn't want him to get insulted in front of everyone. Remember this, Kanna? Don't lose your self-respect for anyone. If a man doesn't understand the woman he loves and doesn't respect her choices and dreams, then he is not worthy enough of your love, and the same applies to the woman too. She needs to understand him, stand with him, and show him the right path. In any relationship, both parties must have trust in and respect for each other. If he or she doesn't treat you in the right way and doesn't understand your value, then make him understand once. If not, then walk out of that toxic relationship. It will definitely not be easy, but with time, you'll get healed."

"Now come; your father must be waiting for us at the dining table," said Sakuntala.

Theera nodded her head and thanked God in her mind a thousand times for making her a part of this family.


Theera was lost in her thoughts when she felt a pair of little hands hugging her legs. She looked down and saw her 3-year-old daughter, Shivika, giving her a toothy smile. Theera's heart melted looking at her daughter's smile, and she picked her up in her arms.

"Good morning, Shivi," Theera said, pecking her daughter's cute little button nose.

"Goo moling (Good morning), Amma," Shivika said, giving a sloppy kiss to her mother's cheeks.

"Come, we will go and brush Shivi's teeth," Theera said, poking Shivi's chubby cheeks.

Shivika pouted, looking at her mother, and turned her face away. Theera smiled, looking at her daughter's antics, and started tickling her.

"Amma, shtopp (stop)," Shivika said with difficulty.

Both of them were engrossed in playing when they heard a masculine voice say, "Arey, both my girls are having fun without me, haa. This is too bad."

As soon as Shivika saw her father, she ran towards him. He picked her up and twirled her around, making her giggle. Theera had a sweet smile playing on her lips, looking at her lifelines, her love, Arnav, and the symbol of their love, Shivika.

He is the best thing that has happened to her after her family. She met him five years ago at a cafe. It was an arranged marriage. He was her father's colleague's son. Though she had heard a lot about him from her father, she was not ready for the relationship after what had happened. But her family assured her and told her to give it a chance only if she was okay with it. She trusted her family's decision and gave it a chance. And it was one of the best decisions she had ever made in her life. He won her heart with his love and care. And after two years of marriage, they were blessed with their little angel, Shivika.

His love has made her strong and confident. He respected and trusted her in every decision. If she is happy and satisfied with her life today, then it's because of her family and HIM.

"Hello, madam! Where are you lost?" Arnav said, waving his hands in front of her.

"No where. Do you have to work today?" Theera asked him.

"Nope!" said Arnav.

"That's cool, then. Today is Saturday, and even I didn't have to go to college. How about we go for a small outing in the morning and then plan a dinner with our whole family?" said Theera.

"That sounds like a plan. I'll go and inform Mom and Nanamma then," said Arnav.

"By then, I'll get her ready," said Theera.

Arnav nodded his head, handed Shivika to Theera, and moved out. Arnav's parents divorced when he was 10 years old because his father was having an extramarital affair. His paternal grandparents supported his mother and told her to get married again. But his mother, Yamuna, was not ready. From then on, he grew up with his mother and grandparents. He lost his grandfather six years ago.

Theera never missed her family. Yamuna and Theera team up against Arnav and his grandma, Rohini, and tease them a lot. Her family lives in the same apartment. Theera's family stays on the 4th floor, while her parents stay on the 3rd floor in the block opposite them.

Shivika, Theera, and Arnav went shopping first and bought some clothes for Shivika, as they were thinking of joining her at the play school. After shopping, they went to see a movie. After the movie, they had lunch and took her to Wonderland. It was around 6 p.m. when they reached their home.

As soon as Shivika entered the home, her eyes fell on her grandfather. She started wriggling in her father's arms and gestured for him to put her down. She ran towards Subramanyam, shouting, "Thatha," making everyone laugh.

Subramanyam picked up his granddaughter in his arms, kissed her forehead, and asked, "Did my little princess enjoy the outing?"

Shivika bobbed her head cutely and said, "Yesh!" She started narrating to him what she had done while playing with his shirt buttons.

Theera greeted her family and moved to freshen up. As soon as she entered her room, she was engulfed in a hug. She smiled at her husband and encircled her hands around his neck.

"I love you, Theera," Arnav said, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too, hubby dear," Theera said, pecking his cheeks. "Now leave me. I need to move out and help the others in the kitchen."

"Then who will help your husband?" He asked, pulling her close.

"What help do you want, Mr. Husband?" Theera said, playing with his chain.

"How about you help me in the bath and make me ready like you do Shivi daily?" Arnav said, winking at her.

"Shameless," Theera said, punching his stomach lightly.

"What's shameless about this? I'm asking for the help of my wife, not the neighbour's wife," said Arnav.

"Argh! Mr. Hubby, you will get what you want tonight. Now, please let me go," said Theera.

"Promise?" said Arnav.

"Seriously!" Theera said, looking at her husband in disbelief.

"What? Don't give me that look. By the way, which flavour shall we try today?" Arnav said, winking at her.

"You know what? Just go to hell. Stupid fellow. What if Shivi heard your dirty talks?" Theera scolded him.

"Now, she is not here. So, tell me. Which one? Last time we tried chocolate, shall we try mint flavour today?" Arnav asked, nuzzling his nose into her neck, making her weak at the knees.

"Arnav!" She moaned his name as he sucked her collarbone.

They were lost in their moments when they heard Shivika's voice. Arnav told her to freshen up while he moved to check on Shivika.

After some time, Theera came out and saw Shivika playing with Nadish and Nidhi, the five-year-old twins of Vaasanthi and Shrikar. Vaasanthi and Shrikar come to meet them at the weekends. They were blessed with twins five years ago and were happy in their lives. Though she is cordial with her father and takes care of him, she has never forgiven her mother.

"When did you come?" Theera asked Vaasanthi and Shrikar.

"10 minutes ago," said Vaasanthi.

"Where are Uncle and Aunty?" Theera asked Shrikar.

"They went to meet one of my father's old friends," said Shrikar.

"Akka, what happened? Why are you looking dull?" Theera asked Vaasanthi.

"Nothing. My parents came to visit us on Monday. My dear mother was pampering Nadish and not allowing Nidhi around them. Nidhi cried a lot and asked me why her grandmother never liked her. I didn't understand what to say. Even now, she hasn't changed. That's why I'm not able to forgive her," said Vaasanthi, sighing. She couldn't hide anything from Theera. Even if she tried to hide things, Theera could easily catch her lying.

Though Anikeeth didn't give her any memories of their one-year relationship, he gave her a best friend and a sister in the form of Vaasanthi.

"We can't change some people, Vaasanthi. But be careful because her difference might affect the relationship between Nadish and Nidhi," said Subramanyam.

Vaasanthi nodded her head positively, as she was afraid of the same thing. Theera pressed her hand and said, "Don't worry. Everything will be okay."

Following the dinner, everyone retired to their respective rooms. Shivika is sleeping with her grandparents, as she also loves the stories narrated by her grandmother, just like her mother.

Theera opened her room, frowned as it was dark, and thought, "Where did this man go?"

She closed the door and saw that the balcony lights were on. She moved towards the balcony and gasped, looking at the decorations her husband had made.

"Did you like them?" Arnav asked her, taking her into a back hug.

"This is pretty, Arnav. I just loved it." Saying that she turned around and pecked his lips.

"Thanks for the reward, wifey. By the way, did you remember what it is today?" He asked while playing with her hair.

"Of course I do. This is the day we got engaged to each other," said Theera.

"Thank you for giving us a chance and for accepting my love, Theera. I love you so much," said Arnav.

"Thanks for loving me and making me strong. Thank you for giving me a cool mother-in-law and a super cool Ammamma. And thank you for being my better half and for never leaving my hand. I love you, Aru." Saying that, she placed her lips on his.

And what followed was a passionate night and the union of their souls again.

Hey guys!

How are you?

This is a two shots story which I've drafted a long ago.

I hope you guys have liked it. Do share your views about this.

Do you want me to publish the next chapter?

Keep smiling and take care ❤.

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