Avatar: The Last Airbender x...

By Xdesigner17

2.1K 55 9

Y/N always wanted to go on an adventure. But due to the war, he had to stay with his friends from the souther... More

Bio and harem

The Boy in the Iceberg

815 25 6
By Xdesigner17

Katara: Water. Earth. Fire. Air. My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days-- A time of peace, when the avatar kept balance between Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation and Air Nomads. But that all change when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years have passed, and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to help fight against the Fire Nation, leaving me, my brother, and my best friend to look after our tribe. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads, and that the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow the Avatar will return to save the world.

In the south pole, a canoe is seen with three teenagers fishing. Katara. Sokka. And Y/N.

Sokka: It's not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn, you two. This is how you catch a fish.

Katara looks to see a fish swimming in the water. She takes her glove off and takes a deep breath. She focuses on the water as she moves her arm up to have a sphere of water come out with the fish in it. She then uses both of her arms to keep it up.

Katara: Sokka, look!

Y/N: Nice catch, Katara.

Katara: Thanks.

Sokka: Shh, you guys. You're gonna scare it away. Mmm. I can already smell it cooking.

Katara: But, Sokka, I caught one.

Y/N: Let me help you with that.

Y/N starts helping her with the water trying to get it in the bucket. But when it goes over Sokka, he moves his spear back and pops it. Making water land on him and sending the fish back into the water.

Katara: Hey!

Sokka: Aah! Why is it that every time you two play with magic water, I get soaked?

Katara: Ohh. It's not magic. It's waterbending.

Y/N: And It's---

Sokka: Yeah, yeah-- An ancient art unique to our culture, blah, blah, blah...

Y/N: Wow, Sokka. You could at least show some respect for our tribe.

Sokka: Look, I'm just saying that if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself.

Katara: You're calling us weird? I'm not the one who makes muscles at myself every time I see my reflection in the water.

They then felt their boat hit something. They look to see that they have gotten caught in a current. Sokka paddles trying to not hit the icebergs or get hit by them.

Katara: Watch out!

Sokka continues maneuvering the boat through the icebergs.

Katara: Go left! Go left!

Sokka makes a right turn coming in between two icebergs heading towards each other. They jump out as the canoe was crushed by them. Leaving them stranded.

Y/N: That was close.

Katara: You call that left?

Sokka: You don't like my steering. Well, maybe you two should have waterbended us out of the ice.

Katara: So it's our fault.

Sokka: I knew I should have left you home. Leave it to a girl to screw things up.

Y/N: Come on, man. That's cold.

Katara gets angry.

Katara: You are the most sexist, immature, nutbrained-- Ah! I'm embarrassed to be related to you!

Y/N and Sokka begin to see the icebergy behind them start to crack.

Katara: Ever since mom died, I have been doing all the work around camp, while you've been off playing soldier. At least Y/N helps me with them.

Sokka: Ah...Katara...

Katara: I even wash all the clothes. Have you ever smelled your dirty socks? Let me tell you. Not pleasant.

She swings her arm again as more cracks appear.

Sokka: Katara! Settle down!

Katara: No! That's it. I'm done helping you. From now on, you're on your own!

She lets out another wave and more cracks appear all around the iceberg. Katara then looks back to see it.

Sokka: Aah!

Katara: Oh!

Y/N: Oh, man!

The iceberg breaks into pieces pushing the three away. They then stop.

Sokka: Ok. You've gone weird to freakish, Katara.

Katara: You mean, I did that?

Sokka: Yep. Congratulations.

Y/N: Remind me not to get on your bad side.

They then see a light blue glow coming from the water. They stand back as a big iceberg pops up. As it floats there the three could see what appears to be a boy inside the iceberg. As they look at him his eyes open with that same light blue glow.

Katara: He's alive. We have to help.

Katara then takes Sokka's club and heads to the iceberg.

Sokka: Katara! Get back here! We don't know what that thing is.

Y/N follows her as Sokka follows him grabbing his spear. Katara reaches the iceberg and starts hitting it repeatedly until steam comes out pushing the three away. The ice starts to crack around the middle as a blue pillar of light shoots out to the sky. A Fire Nation ship is seen nearby as a young man is staring at it. The prince of the fire nation. The son of fire lord Ozai. Prince Zuko

Zuko: Finally. Uncle, do you realize what this means?

He looks at an old man playing a game and drinking some tea. A man who is known as the dragon of the west. His uncle. General Iroh

Iroh: I won't get to finish my game?

Zuko: It means my search is about to come to an end.

Iroh: Ahh...

Zuko: That light came from an incredibly powerful source. It has to be him.

Iroh: Or it's just the celestial lights. We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko. I don't want you to get too excited over nothing. Please, sit. Why don't you enjoy a cup of calming Jasmine tea?

Zuko turns and yells at him.

Zuko: I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the avatar! Helmsmen, head a course for the light.

Iroh puts down his last tile as the wind blows shaking the tiles. Meanwhile, Y/N, Katara, and Sokka stand up and see a bald boy with glowing eyes standing in their view. Sokka points his staff at him.

Sokka: Stop!

The boy stands there as the glow in his eyes and arrow turn back to normal and falls down the hill. Katara jumps in time and catches him. The three now are seeing what he looks like.

She holds him up as Sokka pokes him with the back of his spear. Y/N grabs it and moves it away.

Y/N: Stop, Sokka!

???: Mmm...

The boy's eyes open slightly and whispers.

???: I need to ask you something.

Katara: What?

???: Please, come closer.

Katara: What is it?

She moves closer and his eyes open all the way and smiles.

???: Will you go penguin sledding with me?

Katara leans back.

Katara: Ah...sure! I guess.

The boy then stands up using air making Sokka jump back and points his spear at him.

Sokka: Uh!

???: What's going on here?

Sokka: You tell us! How did you get in the ice? And why aren't you frozen?

???: I'm not sure.

A growl is heard and the boy climbs over the snow and jumps down on a bison.

???: Appa, are you all right? Wake up, buddy.

The boy opens Appa's eye but it closes up. He gets in front and tries opening his mouth.

???: Unh! Unh!

The three come around and Sokka looks shocked.

Sokka: Aah!

???: Unh!

The bison lifts him up with his tongue.

???: Ha Ha! You're ok.

Appa sets him down and the boy hugs him.

Sokka: What is that thing?

Y/N: A bison with horns.

???: This is Appa. My flying bison.

Y/N: A flying bison?

Sokka: Right. And this is Katara, my flying sister.

Appa starts sniffling.

???: Look out!

The boy ducks before Appa sneezes on him but hits Sokka. Sokka tries rubbing it off.

Sokka: Oh! Ugh! Ugh! Agh! Agh!

???: Don't worry. It'll wash out.

Sokka then gets the rest out in disgust.

Sokka: Agh!

???: So, do you guys live around here?

Sokka: Don't answer that. Did you see that crazy bolt of light? He was probably trying to signal the Fire Navy.

Y/N: I'm sure he was.

Katara: Oh, yeah. I'm sure he's a spy for the fire navy. You can tell by that evil look in his eye.

The boy smiles at them.

Sokka: The paranoid one is my brother Sokka. And this is our friend Y/N. You never told us your name.

???: I'm--Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah-choo!

The boy sneezes and flies up in the air.

Y/N: That is one big sneeze.

He comes back down sliding down the hill to them.

Aang: I'm Aang.

Sokka: You just sneezed and flew 10 feet in the air. 

Aang: Really? It felt higher than that.

Katara: Oh! You're an Airbender.

Y/N: Seriously?

Aang: Sure am.

Sokka: Giant light beams, flying bison, Airbenders-- I think I got midnight sun madness. I'm going home to where stuff makes sense.

Sokka walks away to see just water around them.

Y/N: Then how do you suppose we get back home? Our canoe is gone.

Aang: Well, if you guys are stuck, Appa and I can give you a lift.

Aang jumps onto Appa's head.

Katara: We'd love a ride. Thanks.

Y/N: Good thing we found you.

The two get on.

Sokka: Oh, no! I am not getting on that fluffy snot monster.

Katara: Are you hoping some other kind of monster will come along and give you a ride home? You know, before you freeze to death.

Sokka was about to answer but stops realizing what she was saying.

Y/N: Just get on Sokka.

Sokka then gets on with a grumpy face as Y/N and Katara are smiling.

Aang: Ok. First-time flyers, hold on tight. Appa, yip yip.

Appa: Grr.

Appa wags his tail and jumps into the water. And swims.

Aang: Come on, Appa, yip yip.

Sokka: Wow, that was truly amazing.

Aang: Appa's just tired. A little rest and he'll be soaring through the sky. You'll see.

Katara looks away but notices Aang smiling at her.

Katara: Why are you smiling at me like that?

Aang: Oh. I was smiling?

Y/N: Well, considering you were just staring at her and smiling. I'd say yes.

Sokka: Argh!

Back at the ship, Zuko's standing on the balcony looking out as Iroh comes up from behind.

Iroh: I'm going to bed now. (yawns) Yep. A man needs his rest. Prince Zuko, you need some sleep. Even if you're right and the avatar is alive, you won't find him. Your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all tried and failed.

Zuko: Because their honor didn't hinge on the avatar's capture. Mine does. This coward's hundred years in hiding are over.

The four continue on home. Sokka sleeping in the back as Katara crawls to the front next to Y/N to see Aang laying down.

Katara: Hey.

Aang: Hey. What are you thinking about?

Katara: I guess I was wondering. You being an Airbender and all... If you had any idea what happened to the Avatar. 

Y/N: Yeah. Since the avatar was supposed to be an Airbender you might know him. Do you?

Aang: Uh...No. I didn't know him. I mean, I knew people that knew him. But I didn't. Sorry.

Katara: Ok. Just curious. Good night.

Y/N: Good night, Aang.

Aang: Sleep tight.

Aang looks away worried. The three then fell asleep. Aang wakes up to a storm.

Aang: Ahh!

The two fall into the water sinking down. Aang then opens his eyes glowing along with his tattoed arrows. He puts his fist together and both he and Appa are encased inside a sphere of ice.

Katara: Aang. Aang, wake up!

Aang: Ah!

Aang wakes up from his dream to see Katara and Y/N.

Katara: It's ok. We're in the village now. Come on, get ready.

Y/N: Everyone's waiting to meet you.

As Aang gets dressed Y/N and Katara notice the tattoo arrows going along his body. Aang finishes up and grabs his staff. The two pull him out. Sokka looks at them sitting next to the tent sharpening his boomerang.

Aang: Aah!

Katara: Aang, this is the entire village.

Katara: Entire village, Aang.

Aang bows as some of the kids take a step back scared.

Aang: Uh... Why are they all looking at me like that? Did Appa sneeze on me?

An old woman walks up to them.

???: Well, no one has seen an Airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct. Until my granddaughter, grandson, and Y/N found you.

Aang: Extinct?

Katara: Aang, this is my grandmother. Call me Gran Gran.

Sokka comes next to them and grabs Aang's staff.

Sokka: What is this a weapon? You can't stab anything with this.

Aang airbends the staff back to hiis hand.

Aang: It's not for stabbing. It's for airbending.

Aang makes the staff open up scaring sokka.

Sokka: Aah!

Kid: Magic trick, do it again.

Aang: Not magic, airbending. It lets me control the air currents around my glider and fly.

Sokka: You know, last time I checked, humans can't fly.

Aang: Check again! 

Aang jumps to the sky and glides around the village. The villagers look amazed at what Aang's doing. But when he closes his eyes he heads straight into Sokka's watchtower. He gets out and falls to the ground.

Sokka: Oh! My watchtower.

Katara and Y/N head over and help him up.

Katara: That was amazing.

Sokka goes to his broken watchtower to have snowfall down on him. He gets his head out.

Sokka: Great. You're an Airbender, Katara and Y/N are Waterbenders. Together you can just waste time all day long.

Aang looks at the two.

Aang: You two are waterbenders!

Katara: Well, sort of. Not yet.

Y/N: We're still new to waterbending.

Gran Gran: All right. No more playing. Come on, Katara. You have chores.

Gran Gran and Katara walk away.

Katara: I told you. He's the real thing, Gran Gran. I finally found a bender to teach me and Y/N.

Gran Gran: Katara, try not to put all your hopes in this boy.

Katara: But he's special. I can tell. I sense he's filled with much wisdom.

She looks to see Aang with his tongue stuck to his staff.

Aang: See? Now my tongue is stuck to my staff!

One pulls the staff along with Aang making the other kids laugh.

On the ship, Zuko is standing against two Firebenders while Iroh watches.

Iroh: Again.

Zuko fires two flames at them. They dodge and fire their own. Zuko ducks dodging a blast from his right and jump dodging an attack on his legs from the left. He jumps between them and pushes them back with another wave of fire coming from his left leg and right arm. Landing on the other side with his arms pointed at them.

Iroh stands up.

Iroh: Ahh. No! Power and firebending come from the breath, not the muscles. The breath becomes energy in the body. The energy extends past your limbs and becomes fire!

Iroh thrust his hand forward letting out flames in front of Zuko. Then puts his hand down.

Iroh: Get it right this time.

Zuko: Enough.

Zuko walks up to him.

Zuko: I've been drilling this sequence all day. Teach me the next set. I'm more than ready.

Iroh: No! You're impatient. You have yet to master your basics. Drill it again!

Zuko gets furious and turns around and puts his left leg out blasting one of the firebenders. He tries to block it but he gets put down. He turns back to Iroh.

Zuko: That sages tell us that the avatar is the last airbender. He must be over a hundred years old by now. He's had a century to master the 4 elements. I'll need more than basic firebending to defeat him. You will teach me the next set!

Iroh: Very well. But first, I must finish my roast duck.

Iroh picks up a bowl next to him and starts eating his roast duck. Zuko looks at him in dismay.

At the southern water tribe, Sokka is speaking to the boys.

Sokka: Now, men, It's important that you must show no fear when you face a firebender. In the water tribe, we fight till the last man's standing. For without courage, how can we call ourselves men?

The kids look at him. One in the back raises his hand.

Boy: I gotta pee.

Sokka: Listen! Until your fathers return from the war, They're counting on you to be the men of this tribe. And that means, no potty breaks.

Boy: But I really gotta go.

Sokka: (sighs) Ok. Who else has to go?

The whole group raises their hands.

Sokka hits his face. Y/N comes in.

Y/N: Just go you guys. Class is over.

The boys leave as Sokka looks at Y/N.

Sokka: Y/N, we need to let those guys know how to be men of this tribe.

Y/N: Bro, they're kids. We can't rush them to be men right now. Just let them be.

Katara comes over to them.

Katara: Have you two seen Aang? Gran Gran said he disappeared over an hour ago.

The kids walk over to an igloo and see Aang crawl out.

Aang: Wow! Everything freezes in there.

The kids laugh at his joke.

Sokka: Ah! Katara, get him out of here. This lesson is for warriors only.

Boy: Wee!

The three look to see the kids sliding down Appa's tail with Sokka's staff holding up the end of the bison's tail. Katara and Y/N laugh as Sokka runs over.

Sokka: Stop! Stop it right now! What's wrong with you? We don't have time for fun and games...

Sokka takes his staff.

Sokka: ...with a war going on!

Aang: What war?

Aang jumps down

Aang: What are you talking about?

Y/N: You're kidding, right?

Aang looks at them and then yells.

Aang: Penguin!

The three look back to see a penguin in a distance. The penguin notices Aang's yell and turns around and waddles away. Aang uses his airbending and rushes to it quickly.

Sokka: He's kidding, right?

Y/N looks confused.

Y/N: How does he not know about the war that's been going on?

At a penguin habitat, Y/N and Katara come by looking for Aang.

Katara: Aang!

Y/N Where is he?

They then see Aang trying to grab onto one of the penguins but they keep on walking away.

Aang: Ha! Ha! Hey, come on, little guy. Wanna go sledding?

He jumps to a penguin but moves out of the way having him land on just snow.

Aang: Unh!

Y/N and Katara walk to his side. Aang uses air bending and gets back up.

Aang: I have a way with animals.

Y/N: Sure you do.

Aang then walks like a penguin trying to imitate them.

Aang: Yack! Yack! Yack! Yack! Yack!

Y/N/Katara: Ha! Ha! Ha!

Katara: Aang, we'll help you catch a penguin if you teach us waterbending.

Aang is then being dragged by a penguin holding onto its tail. He lets go and looks at the two.

Aang: You got a deal. Just one little problem.

He lifts himself up using airbending.

Aang: I'm an airbender, not a waterbender.

He stands up.

Aang: Isn't there someone in your tribe who can teach you?

Katara: No. You're looking at the only two waterbenders in the whole South Pole.

Y/N: And without a master, we can't learn anything. Not even the basics.

Aang: This isn't right. A waterbender needs to master water. 

He thinks for a sec.

Aang: What about the North Pole? There's another water tribe up there, right? Maybe they have waterbenders who could teach you.

Y/N: Maybe, but we haven't had contact with our sister tribe in a long time.

Katara: It's not exactly turn right at the second glacier. It's on the other side of the world.

Aang: But you forget. I have a flying bison. Appa and I can fly you two to the north pole. Katara, Y/N, we're gonna find you guys a master.

Katara: That's--I mean... I don't know. We've never left home before.

Y/N: And besides we need to protect our tribe just in case more of the fire nation comes here.

Aang: Well, you guys think about it. But in the meantime, Can you teach me to catch one of these penguins?

Katara: Ok. Listen closely, my young people. Catching penguins is an ancient and sacred art. Observe.

She pulls a fish from her sleeve and tosses it to Aang. Then multiple penguins gather around him trying to get the fish.

Y/N: You make a great master, Katara.

Katara blushes and smiles.

Katara: Thanks, Y/N.

Y/N: Now let's round up some penguins and go sledding.

The three manage to get on a penguin and slide off the edge of a glacier onto a slope. They keep going downward racing one another. Laughing cheerfully. As they continue on Aang gets on another glacier and launches himself and the penguin over the two getting in the lead. Y/N and Katara get on another glacier and they flew to the sides of Aang. Katara lands on his left as Y/N lands on his right.

Y/N: This brings back memories!

Katara: I haven't done this since I was a kid.

They keep going in that position until Katara and Y/N get ahead with Katara in the lead. They go through a tunnel with holes in the walls. Aang then does a loop around the tunnel getting in the lead. Once they exited the tunnel the three penguins stop. They get off their penguins and walk over to see a fire nation ship stuck in ice.

Aang: Whoa. What is that?

Katara: A Fire Navy ship and a very bad memory for my people.

Aang approaches the ship.

Katara: Aang, stop. We're not allowed to go near it.

Y/N: The ship could be booby-trapped.

Aang: If you guys want to be a bender, you have to let go of fear.

The two water benders look at each other and follow Aang into the ship. They walk down a hallway while looking at the rooms they pass by. They decide to go into a room that stores weapons.

Katara: This ship is haunted by tribes since Gran Gran was a little girl. It was part of the fire nation's first attacks.

Aang: Ok. Back up. I have friends all over the world, even in the Fire Nation. I've never seen any war.

Y/N: Aang, how long were you in that iceberg?

Aang: I don't know. A few days maybe.

Katara: I think it was more like a hundred years.

Aang looks back at them.

Aang: What? That's impossible. Do I look like a 112-year old man to you?

Katara: Think about it. The war is a century old. You don't know about it, because somehow you were in there the whole time.

Y/N: It's the only explanation.

Aang's face turns to disbelief and sits down.

Aang: A hundred years. I can't believe it.

Katara and Y/N kneel next to him.

Katara: I'm sorry, Aang.

Y/N: Maybe, somehow, there's a bright side to all this.

Aang: I did get to meet you two.

They smile at his words.

Katara: Come on. Let's get out of here.

Y/N: Yeah. Before set off anything.

They help Aang up and continue looking around the ship. They enter what appears to be the bridge of the ship.

Aang: Huh?

Aang lifts his leg for appears to be a wire covered in snow. The doorway closes up trapping them inside. They run up to it. AAng looks to Y/N.

Aang: What's that you said about booby traps?

They turn around to see gears and meters going off. They look outside to see a flare was set off from the trap.

Y/N/Aang: Uh-oh.

Aang looks to the roof and sees a hole in it. He grabs onto Y/N and Katara.

Aang: Hold on tight!

They grab onto Aang use his airbending and jump through the hole. From a distance, Prince Zuko is looking through a telescope at the flare and then turns to see the three jumping down off of the edges of the ship and then land on the ice.

Zuko: The last airbender. Quite agile for his old age.

He turns to the soldiers behind him.

Zuko: Wake my uncle! Tell him I found the Avatar.

He looks back through the telescope. He sees them running and follows their direction to see the village.

Zuko: As well as his hiding place.

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