Shattered - Completed

By LeonaPage

201K 13K 3.1K

A darker romance, MF, wolf shifter story. It is recommended you read TrueBorn's Queen first, but not entirely... More

1- A Princess
2 - The Bond
3 - The Alpha and Luna
4 - Chases and Dreams
5 - Bastard
6 - Luxury
7 - Petition
8 - An Oak at the Museum
9 - So Strange
10 - Run
11 - Something Borrowed
12 - Dizzy
13 - Salvatore
14 - Master
15 - My Pet
17 - Empty Prince
18 - The Knowing
19 - Pampered Indeed
20 - Arrogant-est
21 - Tiny White Squirrel
22 - Paper Snow
23 - It Wasn't Real
24 - Natural Lies
25 - Black Prince
26 - Fiend's Obsession
27 - Your Guard
28 - Brute
29 - Choice Mates
30 - Clan Lines
31 - Lost Princess
32 - Secrets, Secrets
33 - Father-By-Mating
34 - My Cave
35 -Nuts
36 - The Priestess
37 - Precious
38 - Eventually
39 - Seeds
40 - Storytime
41 - The Final Illusion
42 - The Clans
43 - Allies
44 - The North
45 - Of Mates
46 - Family Tree
47 - Threads
48 - Challenge
49 - Liars
50 - You Said 'Soon'
51 - Octavia
52 - Princess, Priestess, Mine
53 - Stepmother
54 - Shattered
55 - Purpose

16 - Family Dinner

3.6K 248 61
By LeonaPage


The fire hisses and spits at my heels as I race through the forest. My heart pounds uncontrollably fast. My lungs fill with smoke. Coughing, I stumble and fall onto a bed of silvery scales. They tear and poke at my skin. Bleeding, I scramble back to my feet, only to see glowing eyes staring at me in the dark. The pack. No... No. Not my pack. Not anymore.

My scream is cut short by the appearance of my giant, black-furred wolf. He is racing through the trees, golden stare fixed on me. As he runs, I see the piles of silvery-white scales. The snakes have shed their skin. They're coming for me, venom dripping from open maws of poisonous fangs and red gullets.

Whimpering, I cling to the neck of my wolf. He lifts me up, away from the vipers coiling around his limbs.

"Wake up, beloved."

I thrash into wakefulness. Gavin rains sweet kisses on my cheeks and mouth. "CeCe, love. Shh, it's just a nightmare." He holds me tight to his bare chest. I come further into wakefulness to see the bed wrecked, covers tossed away, pillows askew. I'm clutching Gavin's shoulders tightly enough to draw blood, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"You have the oddest dreams, sweetheart," he says to me as he sees that I'm awake. His lips touch my forehead, then my wet cheeks as his wolf rumbles in his chest soothingly.

I stare up at him as my body fights off the lingering tiredness and my mind catches up with reality. They're not dreams. Or nightmares. The Knowing is growing stronger.

"Very odd," Gavin continues. Continuing to feather kisses all over my face, his big hands come up and wipe my tears as he shushes me.

My she-wolf curls up more tightly in the darkest corner of her den. She and I are confused by this male who treats us like a breakable doll on the highest shelf. I glance out of the closest window. It was daytime when we fell asleep. Now the sky is darkening with streaks of dark purple and lighter pink. The sun is already hidden behind the mountain peaks.

I feel the heavy slide of Gavin into my body. It's become a familiar intrusion but still shocks me into wakefulness. "Eyes on me, beloved," he murmurs sexily against my bare skin.

Gavin loves to wake me up with this slow, sweet sex. I could even call it love-making. I would like to call it that, but I don't think this male loves me any more than Tivo did.

"Eyes, CeCe," Gavin growls.

My eyes shoot to that liquid golden gaze. "Alpha," I gasp out, before falling into soft whimpers and moans as he strokes into me. His thumb finds my clit and he presses. I cry out wordlessly, my thighs trying to snap shut but held open by him. Thrashing and whimpering, I explode under him as he grunts his own release right after mine.

Gasping, I tell him the words he expects, "thank you, Alpha." I fall back into the bedding, boneless and exhausted even though I just slept the day away. Gavin settles next to me for only a moment before I feel him gently stroke his fingers over my forehead.

"Beloved," he murmurs quietly. "My CeCe." He leaves and tucks me more securely under the covers. I feel warm. I always do after we have sex. Then the chill returns.

I close my eyes. Lethargy pulls at my body. I watch my she-wolf wobble to her feet in her den and slink to the entrance of her cave. A tuft of fur floats in front of her nose. Soft, silky white hair from her underbelly floats in the air.

"C'mon, beloved. Let's wake you up." Gavin pulls me from the disheveled bed and brings me to the tub. I shiver in the cold as soon as I leave our cozy nest. The nights are growing colder.

The water takes time to heat up, but Gavin doesn't wait. He splashes around in the tub, not affected by the icy cold at all. By the time he helps me into the filling tub, it's passably warm.

Gavin scrubs me down, gently knocking my hands to the side when I try to help him. My she-wolf is miserable. Hunched over, she resembles a drowned rat. It makes me wonder if I look equally small and forlorn?

"All done, love." Gavin helps me out of the tub. I watch his hands in a fog. He keeps touching me. When he's here in the tower, with me, he doesn't stop touching me.

I don't think about leaving the tower until we are walking down the stairs. My heart rate picks up a bit. Am I really leaving? Gavin keeps telling me we are, but I haven't had the courage to trust him.

"Here we go," Gavin mutters. In the bedroom downstairs someone has left clothes for us. A pair of dark gray pants and a navy shirt for Gavin and a matching navy dress for me.

Nude, Gavin pulls me to the dress and starts to help me into it.

"How the fuck does this fasten?" Gavin mutters as he tries to peel back the layers of the frothy material to find the zipper in the back. I would suggest he get help, but goddess forbid anyone else enter the sanctity of our tower.

I hear the sound of the zipper, and with a few more curses, Gavin has successfully zipped me up. Warm lips touch the back of my neck and I immediately let my hair go, tossing it over my back into his face. Accidentally.

He bites back his growl, but a tiny bit of it slips through. My she-wolf quivers, deep in her den, but my back straightens.

"CeCe," Gavin warns. "You will cease this ridiculous behavior right now, or we can have dinner here in our room."

I whirl around to face him. "You promised!" I accuse, before remembering who I'm speaking to. I bow my head, hiding my eyes.

Strong, but gentle, fingers grip my chin and tilt my head back up. Golden eyes swirl warmly down at me. "I did," Gavin agrees, "but this silent treatment shit needs to stop, understand?"

I frown at him. I'm not refusing to talk on purpose. I just have nothing to say. Gavin frowns back at me before he throws on his clothes then guides me to sit at a vanity in the corner. Picking up a brush, he starts to untangle my hair. Thank goodness it's not very long. Gavin has no idea how to brush my curly hair.

"Alright." Gavin heaves a huge sigh as he lays the hairbrush back down. "Time for the doctor."

Startled, I whirl around, nearly falling over as the quick motion sends my head spinning. "Doctor?" I ask in a squeak. I thought we were going to dinner?

Gavin's face resembles a dark thundercloud. "Yes. And this time I'll be the one accompanying you."

Oh. Joy.

The journey to the clinic makes me uneasy. It's not Gavin's brutal silence or the cold, angry look in his golden eyes, although that's not exactly comforting.

I don't recognize much as we walk through passageways and hallways. More importantly, I don't see the wolf's head or the tapestry hiding the secret passageway anywhere. When we reach the doors to the clinic, the hallway beyond, the one I was supposed to walk back through but never did, looks completely different from my memory.

My uneasiness turns to queasiness as Gavin pushes open the clinic door and ushers me inside. How did I get to the tapestry? Is the Knowing turning into something else?

"Welcome back, Luna."

I greet Dr. Milden with an absentminded smile. Gavin is much more forceful as we walk into the examination room together. Oh, yes. I'm not to be trusted alone in the clinic again. This time Gavin is making absolutely certain I can't escape from the castle.

His face dares Dr. Milden to say anything as he takes my blood pressure and temperature. Nothing is said.

"Her weight is down," Doc Mildew says. Milden! Dr. Milden. Dr. Milden glares at Gavin. "Her health is deteriorating."

"You said she needs rest and proper nutrition," Gavin growls back.

"She also needs mild exercise and fresh air," the doctor snaps back. He's a brave male, I'll give him that.

"Done. CeCe will go to the gardens. With me," Gavin adds.

Dr.Milden scoffs. "She also needs her pack around her. It isn't healthy for a young she-wolf to be isolated."

A muscle tics in Gavin's jaw. I stare at it, fascinated. "She is not isolated. Her mate is with her most of the day."

Dr. Milden's facial expression matches my feelings. As if explaining it to a young pup, the doctor says, "you alone are not a pack. I also hear that she has forged a connection to our young alphason? I would like to-"

"There is no connection there beyond..." Gavin's harsh tone fades into nothing. He can't explain it. Neither can I, but missing Salvatore is like an ache in my chest that nothing but that bossy little pup will soothe.

Dr. Milden finally backs down, but not by much. "If you don't mind, Alpha, I would like to ask the luna a few questions." Gavin grunts eloquently and Dr. Milden takes that as permission.

"Luna, how are you feeling?"

I shoot a wary glance at Gavin. When Dr. Milden asked me this question half an hour ago, Gavin answered for me. He then took over the exam, answering and asking questions and refusing to allow Dr. Milden to have a direct conversation with me. "I'm tired," I respond.

"Unusually so?" Dr. Milden asks.

"She is newly mated," Gavin growls. Right, and we have sex at least twice a day, which now that I think about is fairly exhausting.

Dr. Milden straightens up. "Alpha, with all due respect, the luna is my patient. I need to speak with her without interference. Please be silent or I will have to ask you to leave."

Gavin snarls, but spins around and stalks to a chair in the corner of the exam room. The air around me immediately feels a bit lighter. I can simply pretend there isn't a hulking wolf growling a few feet away.

Dr. Milden clears his throat, but before he can ask his questions again I blurt out, "It's very unusual. I'm very cold, too. All the time, even when I have the fire roaring and I'm only an arm's length away."

Dr. Milden frowns and nods, making notes on his chart. "And your wolf?"

"She... um... she hides a lot."

Dr. Milden's frown deepens. "And is this new?"

"No," Gavin replies from his corner. His meat-cleaver hands twist together as if he's restraining himself from snatching me back into his arms.

In a hurry, I blurt out, "she's always been very withdrawn. She barely ever comes out of her den. I was rejected and... but she was never that brave in the first place. She's small... a runt... and-"

"CeCe, that's enough," Gavin is across the room and tugging me back into his arms just as fast as I thought he would. "Shh. She's shy," Gavin says to Dr. Milden as if that explains everything.

Dr. Milden is scribbling notes as fast as he can. A few beats of silence are only broken by the scratching of his pen over paper before he lifts his head. "How does she feel about Salvatore?"

My she-wolf growls in my head. Her fur spikes up, fluffing up so she looks like a giant puffball with snarling teeth. "She's very protective," I say a little lamely. A tuft of fur dances in the air outside my she-wolf's den. This time it's black.

The doctor hums as both males eye me strangely. In a very rash statement, the doctor turns to Gavin and says, "the luna has forged a maternal connection to Salvatore."

Gavin snorts in disbelief, but my she-wolf seems to agree with the doctor. The doctor isn't finished with his explanation. "See this?" Dr. Milden very carefully picks up my left arm and shows Gavin my worn, broken fingernails, bitten down to the quick. I didn't even notice that I was doing that. I thought I broke myself of that habit years ago. "And this?" he shows Gavin something on my head that makes my alpha let out a soft, throaty growl. "And her dry, chapped skin. Eczema. It's all due to stress and anxiety. It's imperative that she no longer be locked away and even more important that she sees the alphason regularly."

Gavin stalks away, standing at the window with his back to us, staring out at the night sky over the mountains. "A maternal connection?" he finally asks.

"Yes. Salvatore is her mate's pup. She has no pups of her own and it is not a guarantee that a choice mating will produce any." Dr. Milden ignores Gavin's snarl, "her she-wolf is... a runt. My apologies, Luna," he says to me. I shrug my shoulders. I know she's a runt. "And, therefore, most likely similar to an omega."

"She isn't an omega," Gavin replies in a low voice.

"No, but she is not a typical wolf. I strongly suggest she spend time with Salvatore and other wolves in the pack. She absolutely needs to go outside and have more exercise. When was the last time you shifted, luna?"

I open my mouth to reply, but Gavin beats me to it. "Thank you, Doc. We'll return next week." He strides over to me, his face set in hard lines, and picks me up. Cradling me to his chest, he nuzzles my cheek, his wolf grumbling softly. Gavin nods at the scowling doctor and walks with me out of the room.

"I can walk," I offer to him as he storms down the creepy old hallway.

He doesn't bother to answer. He also doesn't put me down. "It's dinnertime," is his only reply.


"Don't be so angry, Javi. You wanted to see your luna." I stroke my hand over CeCe's dark hair. She is curled up on my lap sideways with her legs draped over me. Her lips are swollen from my kisses, her hair artfully tousled from my fingers. Her eyes are a bit puffy as she stubbornly stares out at the crowded room. My wolf is sitting, seemingly calm, but he won't tear his gaze away from his mate.

I keep rubbing her bare toes, to keep them warm until the servants finally bring her slippers. Fuck, I really need to speak to Aren and Argen. They are the only ones who properly care for my mate.

I can't have family dinners for one very simple, but important reason. The Royal family always has dinners with their elite. Mom and Dad sit at the head of three long tables in the shape of a 'u.'" Mom's Royals on one side, Dad's BlackFur on the other. Dinners were annoying, but it serves a purpose. My table belongs to those closest to me in the pack. If I stop showing up at dinner, then it sends the message that I am something less than the crown prince. I can't be less than the crown prince, because my CeCe is the princess.

I kiss her soft mouth again, internally chuckling at the impatient look in her eyes. She's in a pique, my stubborn mate. There are twenty or so wolves in the room already with only a few missing. Salvatore is one of them.

Javi narrows his eyes at me. He approaches the table CeCe and I are sitting at and pulls over his chair to be at our table. He's openly pouting as much as my female is.

"I'm compromising," I point out. I kiss my beloved's full bottom lip again as she tosses me a glare. I smirk in return. I am compromising, damnit. The Dining Hall now looks like a restaurant. I got rid of the long tables. Our table is intimately set for two. Or at least it was until Javi sat his fat ass down. CeCe is with the pack just like Doc ordered. She'll see Salvatore. The pack will see her. Win. Win.

Salvatore's table is next to ours. I won't share with him, because I know who will be accompanying him to dinner. Sure enough, when Saxon throws open the door to the dining room and Salvatore runs in, on his heels comes Celeste. My wolf huffs but ignores the female. Astounding in its own way, the lack of care he has for the female.

Celeste's father will have to be satisfied with the arrangement. After all, she's at dinner and in close proximity. I couldn't deny my sweet mate her request for family dinner, could I? Fucking win.

I feel CeCe stiffen on my lap, but she holds it together as Salvatore hugs her tightly. "I missed you!" CeCe murmurs.

"Missed you, too!" Salvatore says cheerfully. Then he notices that there's no spot for him. Scowling at Javi, the pup snaps, "you're in my seat, Javi!"

My Beta chokes a little on his wine. "You're sitting with your mother. Next to us," I point at the table a few feet away.

"But-" CeCe starts to protest.

"Salvatore, sit," I order.

With a scowl, Salvatore pulls away from CeCe and walks to the table next to ours with his shoulders slumped. I can see the indecision on his face. Does he sit in the chair closest to me, and therefore closest to CeCe? Or does he take the chair on the opposite side of the table, where he can sit and stare at her?

Saxon makes the decision for him by pulling out the chair on the opposite side of the table for his sister. Celeste takes a seat, smiling brilliantly. She's positioned in such a way that I would have to turn my head to see her, but CeCe is staring right at her.

Saxon then sits in the third seat, close to Javi, and Salvatore ends up near my shoulder.

"Ceely, can you come to my lessons tomorrow?" Salvatore stands on his seat to ask my mate his question.

"Sit down, Sal!" Celeste admonishes.

"Maybe, Salvatore," CeCe replies at the same time.

I lean back so they can talk to each other without my son toppling from his chair. CeCe rewards me for moving with a light pat on my chest. Her hair tickles my nose. She smells like me and sunshine.

"What lessons do you have?" CeCe asks.

"Boring ones!" Salvatore chimes in.

"I have to take comportment," CeCe whispers mischievously.

"What dat?"

"Manners. How to dress and sit and eat properly. Even how to walk."

"You don't have no shoes on, Ceely," Salvatore says with exasperation. "Just socks."

"And she's sitting on her alpha's lap like a common strumpet," Celeste says with a tight smile.

"Celeste!" Saxon snaps, but I don't need his help.

"Shut up, Celeste. You are not here to offer your asinine opinions on my mate," I snarl. "Be very careful who you insult at my table."

Celeste laughs, sounding a little hysterical. "I am the mother of your only pup!" she hisses.

"But not my mate," I say easily, "therefore, it seems that you're the common strumpet."

"Who says 'common strumpet?'" Javi mutters as a servant places a thick, rare steak in of me with trembling hands. Another wolf places a similar dish in front of Javi. Salvatore, Saxon, and Celeste are next.

The break stops the argument. I cut into my steak and bring the first piece up to CeCe's lips. She refuses to open her mouth, her lips held tight. "No one eats before you, beloved," I murmur in her ear. "Don't let your wolves go hungry."

Her lips part and I gently place the morsel into her mouth. Watching her eat is so fucking sexy, I could cum in my pants. CeCe is blushing as the sound of muted conversation and eating picks up. She hates being the center of attention, but how can everyone not stare at her? She is utterly gorgeous. It strikes me as insane that she doesn't know how perfect she is. She fills the MateLess void in my wolf's head without even trying. He wants to eat her up, to keep feeling full. So do I.

And she's still fucking terrified of me. And unhealthy. Worse than a week ago. She's even losing hair. So I've fucked up.

When she's done eating, Salvatore starts to bounce around our table, entertaining CeCe with the stories of his lessons. A few wolves approach to greet us, their eyes drinking in CeCe greedily. My arms tighten around her until she has no choice but to lean back. My breathing is ragged, so I bury my nose in her curls and let her scent soothe me. More wolves drift over, just standing close, in near proximity to their luna. They aren't even finishing their meals, their steaks growing cold on their abandoned plates.

My mate squirms a little on my lap, clearly uncomfortable with how closely I'm holding her. Salvatore is right, I'm probably making her break every comportment rule she's learned. I lean forward to whisper in CeCe's ear. "When I was younger, Celeste would push to sit on my lap, just like this." CeCe's wide green eyes shoot to me. "I hated it. It felt suffocating. You're different. You feel like you belong here," I confess quietly. Her eyes dart away. I choke out my next words. "You make me feel so good, love. Doc was right about the tower."

Her gaze slides back to me. "You won't end my isolation, though," she guesses.

I repress the shudder. "I won't let you leave," I rasp out. "I'll lighten the restrictions. I brought you to dinner, didn't I?" I point it out a little roughly.

She looks at the milling crowd. It's become a fiasco, like petition day and dinner all rolled into one. I even see a few wolves moving tables and chairs out of the way so they can get closer to my mate. "Family dinner," she whispers back.

"How about... family lunch?" I offer.

She looks at me with a fathomless expression for a beat, before her face breaks out in a brilliant smile. I catch my breath. My wolf's tail thumps the ground as his fur shivers. "That's fine," CeCe murmurs.

"Ok, good." I kiss her smiling mouth. "Very good."

I don't let her go once during the meal.

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