The Millionaires Sugar Baby M...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

47.9K 1.2K 350

For louis life was hard as when at 17 he came out to his parents they kicked him out of the house as they wer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 15

1.6K 48 20
By NotReadyToPlayNice


"harry" anne says as she knocks on Harry's bedroom door

"go away mom" harry says crying his heart breaking with the thought of jonathan and his son being gone as harry holds tight to the ultra sound that jonathan had given him as he plays with jonathans wedding ring

"son talk to me" anne says concerned

"just leave me alone i want to be alone tell dad he won jonathan will never be in my life again" harry says crying as he sees the door open and harry sees his father walk in "what do you want" harry says with anger

"see he didnt love you he gave you up and left you" desmond says

"you know nothing" harry says doing his best to hide the ring and picture

"now you can focus on what what was planned out for you" desmond says with a wide smile

"i guess i should since i have nothing anything everything has been taken away from me" harry says as he starts to walk out of his room and desmond grabs harrys arm "let go of me"

"where are you going dont tell me you are going to run into his arms" desmond yells out with anger

"even if i wanted to i cant" harry says with anger and heartbreak "everything is your fault my broken heart it's your  fucken fault understand than desmond all this pain i feel is your fault and i will never fucken forgive you" harry yells out with anger as he stands toe to toe with his father not caring anymore as desmond slaps harry across the face

"you will never talk to me that way i am your father and you will respect me" desmond yells out in anger

"never i hate you i fucken hate you i quit you i never want to see you again i fucken quit" harry yells out in anger "i am moving out i never want to see you again desmond i fucken hate you"

"son calm down we have always planned this since you were a little boy" desmond says trying to calm his voice

"no i told you when i was 7 years old that i wanted to be like you and you took that to rob me of being a kid instead of playing with cars i was learning how to do proposals instead of hanging out with my friends at 14 i was traveling with you and making deals and doing business i only wanted to be with you so you can spend time with me you were always working you never made time for me i just wanted you to teach me how to ride a bike throw a ball i wanted your attention but you stole my life good bye desmond i hate you" harry yells out crying as he walks out of his room

"if you fucken walk out of this door you are no longer my son and if i find out you are running back to that gold digger i will cut you off" desmond threatens

"you will never bring him up again i never want you to speak of jonathan again or you will regret the moment you crossed me desmond you might be ruthless but you taught me to well i am a ruthless asshole who will do what i have to do to destroy anyone in my path so again desmond dont you fucken ever think to cross or threaten me asshole" harry says with anger "i will get my shit tomorrow so dont be here i fucken hate you" harry says as he walks out of his room and leaves the house as anne stands there crying

"i told you not to push him and look what happened" anne says crying "if something happens to him desmond i will never forgive you"

"dont talk to me you have this comfortable life because of me" desmond yells out

"dont talk to me that way stupid i help you set up this company i was working by yourside to build this company" anne yells out as she walks away and goes to their bedroom as desmond goes to his home office and sits down as he sees harry walk back into the house

"harry" desmond yells out as harry ignores him and goes to his room and gets some clothes and the ring and ultra sound picture as harry walks back down stairs as desmond blocks harry from leaving

"move" harry says with anger

"lets talk" desmond says

"i am giving you 2 minutes then i am leaving" harry says as he follows his father into the office

"why do you chose to disobey me" desmond says with anger

"is that all you care about no i am leaving i am not taking over the company i am going to do what i want to do and i will never take over your company do you understand that desmond" harry says with anger

"you will do what i tell you and this little tantrum you are throw is enough" desmond yells out

"i fucken hate you" harry yells out

"what did that asshole do to you that now you are rebelling you will do as i say i am your father i decide what you are going to do and you are going to take over the company and you will never see that son of a bitch again" desmond yells out with anger

"that will never happened he is pregnant and we got married" harry says as he shows desmond the wedding ring as harry smiles as desmond looses his temper

"you will divorce that good for nothing son of a bitch and make sure he gets rid of that mistake" desmond demands

"never good bye desmond have a nice fucken life i never want to see you again i am not your son you are no longer my father" harry says as he gets his bag and walks out the door as he slams it

and when the door slams harry sits up as he starts to cry as louis sits up

"come here" louis says "you want to talk about it"

"not yet" harry says

"is it about your dad again" louis says

"yeah" harry says as he cuddles into louis  as they fall asleep and a few hours later louis wakes up as he starts to get ready "princess are you ready"

"yeah" louis says as harry goes to the bathroom and starts to change his clothes as he walks out of the bathroom louis wraps his arms around harry waist "i love you"

"i love you too" harry says

"we better get going before we are late and dont get a good spot" louis says

"lets get going" harry says as they walk out of the door and get into the van they rented as they drive to the venue as everyone was waiting for them as louis and zayn go to check in as they motion for everyone as they go to their spot and start to set up "are you ok"

"yeah i am here with no expectations and as long as we sell enough to pay for the spot i think that is a win" louis says

"i agree" zayn says

"but i secretly want to sell out" louis says laughing

"me too" zayn says laughing

"ok lets start setting up before we run late" louis says as they continue to set up as harry liam and niall start to set up the heavy stuff and louis zayn anne and gemma start to set up all the garments and a few hours later they were done as louis starts to take pictures as he starts to uploead them on the social media

"is grace coming" harry asks

"yeah and she made flyers and put them in customers bags and alot of my favorite customers are also coming and have been following our social media" louis says

"we know well we are officially open for business" zayn says

"we are going to get breakfast we will come back" liam says as the 3 men walk away and soon people started walking by louis booth and start to walk around and ask questions as louis zayn and anne start answering their questions and soon they make their first sale as they continue to work hard and do their best

"louis" grace says

"thank you for coming" louis says

"no problem" grace says

"grace this is gemma harrys sister , anne harrys mom , you know zayn and harry and this is liam gemmas boyfriend and niall zayns boyfriend" louis says "this is grace my manager from victorias secret"

"hi" grace says as everyone says hello "ohh my these pieces are all beautiful nothing like what we have at the store"

"thank you they are zayns designs and anne sewed them all well zayn helped sew" louis says

"I know how to sew if you all need any help" grace says

"that would of helped us these last 2 months" louis says lauging

"im sorry but if you ever need help call me" grace says

"i will i was a mess and they threw me off the machine" louis says laughing

"i can imagine" grace says "well i will let you all get to work i have to get back to my kids"

"ok thank you for coming i really appreciate it" louis says as they hug  and grace leaves as they all continue to help customers

"Princess" harry says

"yeah" louis says

"you have 4 thousand dollars in sales" harry says with a smile

"no way are you serious" louis says as he jumps on harry and hugs him

"yeah look" harry says as he shows louis the total sales

"im so happy we did it zayn" louis says

"well we have 2 more hours lets push hard to sell as much as we can" louis says as they start to help out more customers as louis hears the voice of his favorite customer "megan"

"louis ohh my these pieces are amazing i need this set" megan says as she picks up a set and louis sees harry walk away and that confuses louis "so louis please tell me you finally got a boyfriend"

"yeah he is somewhere i dont know where he went probably the bathroom" louis says looking around

"well too bad must be one lucky man to have you" megan says

"how is your friend doing" louis says

"good she is on vacation" megan says

"and you and the boyfriend how are you doing" louis asks

"we are not together he couldnt commit to me we actually broke up a few days after i met you" megan says

"ohh that sucks well you will find your forever" louis says

"I already did we are engaged and i need a sexy set to surprise him tonight" megan says

"well let me sees how about this set" louis says as he shows megan diferent styles and sets

"let me take both" megan says

"ok that will be 75.34" louis says as harry walks back to the tent thinking megan had left

"princess" harry says not paying attention

"harry" megan says as she looks up

"megan" harry says in shock

"you know each other" louis says confused

"yeah harry is my ex we were together when i met you" megan says

"ohh ohhhhh" louis says as he starts to laugh and everyone gasps in shock

"what is so funny" megan says confused

"we are together" louis says

"together like seeing each other" megan questions

"no we live together" louis says laughing

"you are living together you must be good in bed if you got him to commit to you" megan says laughing

"shh his mom and sister are here" louis says laughing

"ohh shit that commited i couldnt even get a text back" megan says laughing

"shut it megan" harry says as he starts to laugh

"what ever you did to harry congratulations i am happy for the both of you" megan says as she hugs louis and harry

"i thought you would be pissed off" Harry says

"no not at all you weren't  meant for me i know that but i did find a man that i deserve" megan says

:"i am happy for you and i want to apologize for   treating you the way I did what i did to you i was so wrong" harry  says

"its ok  harry you are an amazing person and i am happy you  found someone that made you realize that love was not that bad" megan says "well i better get going congratulations and good luck i will be reaching out to you for more pieces"

"thank you megan" louis says as they hug and megan walks away "is that why you left"

"didnt want to cause a scene" harry says

"now i wonder how many of my customers i helped get you laid" louis says laughing

"i dont know" harry says

"hope its not a reunion today" zayn says

"why me i should go home" harry says

"ohh no your not" louis says laughing as they continue to sell and before louis knew it the event was over and they start to take everything down and get into their cars and drive to annes house and walk in

"do you have a total" zayn says

"wait we have to count the cash the banking part is easy" gemma says as she starts to sort all the money and starts to count it" drumroll please" as niall starts to tap the table " and the total sales is 5 thousand 435 dollars and 22 cents"

"no fucken way" louis says as he and zayn hug each other

"princess look your social media followers is going up" harry says as he shows louis

"so there is a market for what we are trying to do" zayn says

"There is" louis says with a wide smile

"well lets start planning the next pop up" anne says

"harry can stay home next time" louis says laughing

"gladly" harry says as they start to laugh

"well i will deposit this cash first thing monday morning and update all the accounting after i get off work" gemma says

"no do it on company time" harry says

"ok" gemma says

"just take the laptop with you" harry says

" i will call the even coordinator and ask for a schedule" louis says

"yeah this was fun" louis says

"lets order dinner" harry says

"are you picking up the baby" louis asks

"no my sisters asked to keep him till tomorrow" zayn says as harry orders food and soon gets off his phone

"thank you zayn and louis for this i feel so happy" anne says

"we are glad you are happy and you have been so helpful" zayn says as the continue to talk and enjoy their time together


its been a month since louis did the pop up and they have been growing the business having more followers and started to do on line orders from their website  and louis was happy

"love" louis yells out as he walks into the apartment and hears harry in the bathroom throwing up as louis walks in "are you ok"

"no i think i ate something that didnt agree with me" harry says as he starts to gag again

"when you are done get into bed let me get you something to settle your stomach" louis says "you want me to cancel the final walk thru"

"no its ok we have to meet beth at 3" harry says

"Ok if you want to cancel let me know" louis says as he gets into the medicine cabinet and gives harry some medicine to take "lay down let me make you some soup"

"thanks" harry says as harry rinses his mouth as he goes back to bed  as louis goes to the kitchen and makes harry some soup as his phone starts to ring

"niall" louis says as he answers

"is harry home he is not at work" niall says worried

"he is not going in he woke up throwing up i think the sushi upset his stomach he is laying down" louis says " i didnt ask him if he had called brandy"

"that is ok   i will let brandy and linda know he isnt coming in" niall says'

"ok thanks if he feels better i will have him call them" louis says

"ok thank you" niall says as he hangs up the phone as louis goes into the room and harry is sleeping as louis takes out his phone

"louis" zayn says

"hey harry isnt feeling good i think dinner didnt agree with him im going to stay home and take care of him and if he is sick i dont want to be around joshy and get him sick call me if you need me" louis says

"ok i will conference call you later about some designs i was thinking we could try" zayn says

"ok thank you" louis says as he hangs up the phone as he hears harry gaggin again and louis runs to the bedroom and puts a trash can under harry as he starts to throw up

"thank you" harry says as he lays back down and falls asleep again as louis watches him as he starts to cry

"please jonathan please take care of our harry i need him with me please i know you can hear me i am begging you please take care of our harry" louis says as he starts to cry as he gets up and checks on the pot and goes back to harry and sees harry sleeping peacefully "thank you" louis whispers out "thank you for watching him for me i know he loves you and i dont mind he can love you we can share him as long as you protect him he can love us both" and louis takes a deep breath and goes back to the kitchen and checks on the soup as he sits on the couch and watches television and soon checks the soup one last time and turns off the stove and louis goes to lay down next to harry and soon falls asleep A few hours later louis wakes up as he hears harry gagging again as harry jumps up from bed and runs to the bathroom

"im worried about you lets take you to urgent care" louis says as harry looks up and sees louis on the verge of tears

"im fine must have been something I ate" harry says as he starts to throw up again

"please im worried about you" louis says as the tears start to fall

"ok fine I will call my doctor see if he can see me today" harry says

"thank you" louis says as he wipes the tears as harry calls his doctors office and makes an appointment

"they said at 1" harry says

"thank you" louis says "let me get you some soup"

"im getting back in bed" harry says as he goes back into bed and soon louis comes back with harrys soup

"ohh almost forgot you almost had linda and brandy send out a search party" louis says laughing

"ohh shit forgot to call" harry says

"its ok niall called me and I told him you were not feeling good" louis says

"thanks" harry says as he eats his soup and louis bring harry some water and soon comes back

"im gonna cancel with Beth" louis says

"no I am feeling better" harry says

"no you need to stay in bed and rest" louis says

"stop this is the final walk thru so we can get the keys to the house" harry says "as much as I love this apartment I want us to move in to our home and that way you can give niall his office back"

"that is true" louis says "rest I will wake you up before you appointment"

"let me check my emails" harry says as he reaches for his phone and louis takes it

"No rest" louis says with a stern tone

"but" harry says

"rest" louis says as he crosses his arms

"but" harry says as he stares at louis "I do have a company to run"

"and I have a stubborn ass adult child I need to take care of and make sure he lives for the next  100 years" louis says as he glared at Harry as he crosses his arms

"fine" harry says defeated as he gives louis the food tray and louis takes it to the kitchen as he turns off harrys phone and text niall that harrys phone is turned off and all business will wait until harry gets back to the office and louis phone starts to ring

"yes niall" louis says

'are you sure" niall questions

"yes his phone is off if you all cant run that company without making a simple decision I will come in and run it for you all now leave him alone he needs to rest and if you all so dare call me for anything regarding the business I swear I will come in and run it for you all  do not call me or him unless the building is on fire do I make myself clear" louis says with a stern voice

"understood" niall says "umm keep me posted on how harry is doing"

"I will have a good day and don't fuck up anything" louis says as he hangs up the phone

"LOUIS WILLLIAM TOMLINSON" harry yells out as louis stands up and goes to the bedroom

"why are you calling me by my full name" louis questions

"did I just hear you tell niall not to call unless the building was on fire" harry says

"yes you are sick and should not be bothered I know you work a lot and don't know when to stop but you are sick and need to rest is that not why you have niall liam and gemma working for you" louis questions

"yes" harry says

"can they make decisions on your behalf do you trust those decisions" louis asks

"yes" harry says

"then why cant they make a fucken decision when you are not there how does that office run when you are on a business trip are they asking your permission to take a shit as well" louis says with anger in his voice

"no but" harry says

"I said you are on bed rest and no work no phone calls nothing you are going to rest even if it kills you" louis says

"yes dear" harry says defeated

"good" louis says as he goes back to the living room and starts to do his school work and when it was 12 louis goes to wake up harry and soon leave the apartment as they go to harrys doctors office and walk in as harry goes to check in and they both sit down as louis phone starts to ring "the building better be burning down"

"im sorry louis its brandy um I got some contracts back for mr styles to sign they are time sensitive and need to be mailed back out by the end of the day" brandy says nervously

"harry is at an appointment we will stop by after so say about 2ish" louis says "and make sure no one knows he wont be there more than an hour I will make sure of that"

"yes sir" brandy says nervously "do you want me to have mr payne ready when he comes in so they can go over the contract"

"yes that is a good idea thank you brandy do you want an iced coffee of anything" louis says as he starts to laugh

"umm no thank you" brandy says

"ok we will see you in a few" Louis  says as he hangs up the phone "what"

"my poor assistant" harry says

"what I said you are on bed rest and you are on bed rest" louis says "and I only agreed because it was a time sensitive contract that needs to go out today or else"

"I know" harry says

"HARRY STYLEs" the nurse says as harry stands up

"come with me so you know I am fine" harry says as louis stands up and they walk to the nurse" I feel a lot better"

"this way" the nurse says as they are taken to a private room and harry sits down

"well I rather it be nothing than something" louis says "the same way you worry about me the same way I worry about you"

"I think you are worst than me" harry says laughing

"shut it" louis says as his phone starts to ring "what niall"

"im sorry liam said harry is coming in at 2 I wanted to talk to him before he left"

"no we are going in at 2 he needs to get back into bed and rest and only is going in because of the contract brandy said he needed to get signed and sent out by the end of the day or else he would not step foot in the building" louis says

"we" niall question

"yes we as in harry and I so I can make sure he is not there the whole day" louis says

"look I just need 15 minutes" niall says hopefull

"I will think about it" louis says as he laughs as he sees the doctor walk in "I have to go the doctor just got here"

"afternoon mr styles what bring you in today" the doctor asks

"I was throwing up all morning I think it might have been something I ate" harry says

"how long have you been throwing up" the doctor questions

"well its been a few weeks but its like not consistent but this morning was the worst" harry says not able to look at Louis

"wait a few weeks why didn't you tell me" louis says

"it was just I would  feeling nauseas when I would wake up and threw up a few times at work but I would feel fine the rest of the day I just thought it was all stress and stuff" harry says still not being able to look at louis knowing louis was glaring at him

"are you a carrier" the doctor says

"no I am not" harry says

"ok so that rules out pregnancy" the doctor says "let me get some urin and blood work and see what we can find out might just be a stomach bug or something"

"ok thank you" harry says as the doctor walks out and a nurse walks in and takes harrys blood sample and urin and walks out

"why didn't you tell me you been feeling sick for a few weeks" louis says

"calm down I didn't think anything of it" harry says

"Yeah and look here we are" louis says a he starts to cry as panic starts to hit him that something might be wrong with harry

"imm sorry princess I really am I didn't want to worry you" harry says as he stands up and hugs louis and soon the doctor walks back in the room

"I don't see anything that might indicate anything is wrong but I was having a chat with my lab technician is your husband a carrier" the doctor asks

"yes why" louis says

"is there a possibility you might be pregnant" the doctor says

"no we have been careful" louis says

"my lab technician mentioned that when his husband was pregnant he had the symptoms not his husband  and they thought the same thing until he got checked nothing was wrong with him but for laughs his husband took a pregnancy test and well it was positive" the doctor says "Just for kicks and giggles would you mind if we gave you a pregnancy test"

"sure but I mean we have been careful and I don't feel any different" louis says "andsome"

"yeah I guess" harry says

"I will be back" the doctor says

"are you sure your not pregnant" harry questions

"no we have been careful I know the condom has broken a few times but nothing has happened so I don't worry about it" louis says

"what if you are" harry asks

"what do you mean" louis questions

"would you be happy if you are I know there is a lot going on with you I mean your new business and school" harry says "and I have my business to run"

"if I am I don't care I want to have the baby I can do online classes and we are at zayns and I mean its not really stressful" louis says "H" is all louis can say as a nurse walks in the room and takes louis blood and urine as she walks out

"princess" harry says as he goes to hug louis

"H when we get home I want us to talk about what ever the results are I want you to talk to me" louis says

"I will" harry says

"what if I am pregnant" louis says

"I will be so happy I been waiting for this moment since we met" harry says with a wide smile

"will you be sad because of your first baby" louis says

"I think I will" harry says as the doctor walks in as harry and louis just stare at him


Cliff hanger

see y'all next chapter

all the love


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