The Millionaires Sugar Baby M...

By NotReadyToPlayNice

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For louis life was hard as when at 17 he came out to his parents they kicked him out of the house as they wer... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 11

1.8K 49 7
By NotReadyToPlayNice

"liam payne can I help you" liam answers

"umm hi" louis says nervously

"yes can I help you" liam says again

"umm im sorry im louis and harry told me to go over some reports you sent him last night and he told me to call you if I had any questions and I was going thru the report and I have questions on some invoices " louis says nervously

"don't be nervous I wont yell that is harry" liam says as louis starts to laugh

"that is true" louis says feeling more calm

"ok so what am I looking for" liam says

"well lets start with page 3 that is where I found the first transaction so get page 3 and 4 right towards the middle" louis says "can we zoom call it might be a bit easier"

"come to the office because we will need to call harry" liam says

"umm umm umm" louis says nervously

"dont be nervous just come to the office you might meet harrys sister" liam says as louis gets more nervous

"can we just do zoom please" louis says nervously

"where are you at" liam says

"somewhere safe" louis says laughing

"i will call harry" liam says laughing "and i will tell him you are being difficult"

"no he will kill me" louis says dramatically

"no he wont you know he wont" liam says "so come to the office in 30 minutes or i will call harry"

"why are you being mean to me" louis says laughing

"clock starts now" liam says

"fine text me the address" louis says as he gets what he needs and soon leaves harrys apartment and goes to harrys office and soon walks in

"can i help you sir" the receptionist says

"umm i am here to see liam payne he is expecting me" louis says nervously

"do you have an appointment" the receptionist says

"no im louis tomlinson he is expecting me" louis says

"im sorry mr payn doesnt see anyone with out an appointment" the receptionist says in a bored tone

"can you please just call him he is expecting me" louis says again

"please leave or i will have security escort you out" the receptionist says as she picks up the phone and that angers louis as he takes out his phone and calls liam

"louis where are you at" liam says

"in the lobby this bitch of a receptionist is calling security to throw me out because i dont have an appointment" louis says with anger

'yeah sure like you know someone important like mr payne please leave " the receptionist says again "yes i need security at the reception desk i have a trespasser who doesn't want to leave"

"please hurry" louis says "before i knock the fuck out of her for thinking i am a peasant, stupid fucken bitch"

"what did you call me" the receptionist says

"on my way" liam says

"you heard me stupid" louis says with sass and attitude

"go back where you belong in the street or maybe that is why you are here because you are from the streets what you bitches now do house calls" the receptionist says

"what jealous i can give a blow job better than you what i bet you gag and cant take a dick why your man left you for another man because you weren't women enough is that  why your bitter bitch " louis says laughing when in reality he wants to hit her

"Fuck you you fucken dirty as bitch" the receptionist says with anger

"i aint arguing with no bitch that looks like she was conceived cuz her momma needed forty dollars  take that up with your momma she needed her bills paid stupid" Louis said with anger

"you fucken bitch" the receptionist yells out in anger

"come at me bitch see if i dont slap a hoe" louis says as security  liam and gemma get to the lobby and liam runs and grabs louis as he was about to lundge at the receptionist

"stop" liam yells out

"im sorry im sorry" louis says as liam hugs louis as louis starts to cry

"look at me" liam says as he lifts Louis chin "its ok dont cry i am here to protect you"

"thank you" louis says

"take rebecca to human resources" gemma says with anger

"what did i do" rebecca says

"we will talk when i get there" gemma says

"im sorry" louis says as they take rebecca away as louis looks up and rebecca glares at louis as louis throws a kiss at her and waves as he smiles

"ohh my" gemma says as she starts laughing "hi i am gemma harrys sister" and louis gets nervous as he hides behind liam "dont be shy i saw your finest work"

"im sorry please dont hate me this is not how i wanted to meet you both" louis says still hiding behind liam "im really nice i swear i am"

"we know" liam says as liam grabs louis as he moves him to the front on him "hi louis i am liam harrys best friend i mean other than niall"

"umm nice to meet you both" louis says "are you going to fire her"

"yeah even if we dont want to when harry hears about it he will fire her" liam says

"im sorry i didnt mean to loose my temper" louis says

"lets go to the conference room" liam says

"i will be there let me go get the paperwork started for rebecca" gemma says

"ok" liam says as they go into the elevator "harry said you had a mouth on you" liam says laughing

"im sorry its just i was bullied in school and its a reaction i mean she was just rude to me didnt even want to call you i asked her two times and she just didnt want to then she started saying things to me" louis says as the tears start to fall

"what did she tell you" liam questions

"umm" louis says nervously

"i can pull the cameras if you want" liam says

"she called me a prostitute making a house call and that was the reason i was here to see you" louis says as the elevator stops at the floor and they get out and walk to liams office and sit down at the conference table

"im sorry i should of called and let her know you were coming but i called gemma to tell her not to leave" liam says "but she had no right to speak to you that way she should of called me immediately "

"i really am sorry please dont tell harry he will kill me" louis says

"he is going to find out he has a meeting with the security director twice a week" liam says laughing as louis eyes get wide "and any disturbances they send him a report immediately"

"why me" louis says

"control that temper and mouth and you wont get in trouble" liam says laughing

"fine whatever" louis says with sass and attitude

"stop or i will call harry" liam says

"fine" louis says

"well at least that broke the ice in meeting me and gemma" liam says laughing

"true" louis says as he laughs

"ok back to business i know you have homework and a test so lets make it quick or harry will kill me if he knows i kept you late" liam says

"is he always this overprotective" louis says

"Only with people he really cares about but your the first i mean other than gemma and his mom" liam says

"ohh ok" louis says

"well lets get back to work" liam says as louis opens his notebook

"do you have a ruler and highlight i can borrow i forgot to put it in my bag" louis says as liam gets up and gets louis what he needed "thank you ok as i was saying page 3 and 4 are basically the same invoice wording and all but for the month of february he charged you 15 thousand dollars more than he did in january under miscellaneous but there is no backup on what those charges are and also in september he charged you for air fair hotel food for a trip to new york but that was when i went with harry and he wasnt there or i am sure i would of met him i could be wrong but i know harry was on the phone with stuckey when we were in new york"

"your right how did we miss all of this" liam says

"well what got my attention i got familiar with harrys signature and someone was forging it and i am sure with this huge of a company things get missed but harrys signature is forged" louis says "look this is harrys signature i found this in his office but look it looks similar but not quite harry never signs the e from his middle name and all these invoices have an e"

"ohh shit" liam says

"but look all of that stopped in november" louis says

"november november that is when gemma took over accounting" liam says

"well either someone is manipulating these invoices or they were working with stuckey to steal money" louis says "you need to get all the checks that were issued to him and see what was paid out because these stubs are wrong""

"good job louis" liam says as gemma walks in

"what did i miss" gemma says

"we are in deep shit" liam says as he tells gemma what louis found as louis shows her the invoices and what he found

"no this cant be wonder how much it is" gemma says

"5 million 657 thousand 234 dollars and 10 cents" louis says as gemma and liam look at louis

"what i made a spread sheet look" louis says as he shows them what he did "by month"

"your good" gemma says "we need to tell H"

"no he will come home and he is meeting with david and mark tomorrow just wait until he comes home" louis says "or he will come back and this meeting is important"

"your right but you have to be here when we tell him" gemma says

"ok" louis says "i better get home i have to study"

"thank you for coming" gemma says "and giving us an exciting evening"

"please dont tell harry he will kill me" louis says laughing

"I told you already he knows everything that happens in this business" liam says "so expect a call"

"nooo well good thing i work and have class after" louis says laughing "so i wont answer"

"ohh you are so bad" gemma says "where do you work at"

"umm victoria secrets" louis says embarrased

"dont be embarrased" gemma says "wait your louis no fucken way"

"what" louis says

"you helped my friend Angie her and her husband were going thru a rough patch and you helped her find sexy underwear" gemma says

"how are they doing" louis says

"really good back on track" gemma says laughing

"im glad to hear" louis says "do you want to keep all this"

"yeah we better" liam says as louis gives liam all the paperwork as liams phone starts to ring "fuck"

"what" gemma and louis say at the same time

"its harry" liam says as he answers the phone and puts harry on speaker "liam payne here can i help you"

"explain this report i got from paul about a disturbance at the office i am fucken gone one day and shit hits the fucken fan" harry says with anger

"listen to me H" liam says calmly

"no fuck that" harry says with anger as louis freezes never hearing harry that angry "If you cant handle things when i am gone then why the fuck do i even leave, you and gemma are there and are in charge when i am not there if you both cant fucken handle that shit then fucken tell me my place of business is not a fucken circus where people think they can do what the fuck they want"

"H calm down you are scaring louis" liam says calmly as he sees louis in the verge of tears as Gemma hugs Louis

"louis my louis my princess " harry says as he takes a deep breath

"yes" liam says

"im sorry princess" harry says

"did you read the whole report stupid" gemma says

"i just read disturbance" harry says

"read the stupid report and call me back" liam says as he hangs up the phone

"that is a fucken temper" louis finally speaks

"ohh yeah worst than yours" gemma says laughing

"im embarrassed he is going to kill me" louis says "can i leave my phone here and im moving out so he wont find me"

"no you wont" liams ays

"man you all are tough" louis says laughing as liams phone starts to ring as liam answers and puts the phone on speaker

"did you read the whole thing" liam says

"princess" harry says as he starts to laugh

"did you see the video" gemma asks

"watching it now" harry says

"im sorry andsome" louis says in a sad tone

"you should of just called liam" harry says

"i gave her 2 chances to call him and she didnt want to then she started talking shit so i had too" louis says laughing "im sorry andsome"

"no your not he has a huge smile" gemma says laughing

"watch" louis says "andsome gemma and i are going to go out tomorrow night"

"nope" harry says

"ohh it wasnt permission is was courtesy notice" louis says with sass and attitude

"louis" harry says

"harry" louis says

"uughgh i cant with you" harry says

"just kidding" louis says laughing

"wait why is louis at the office" harry questions

"umm well the invoices you gave louis to go over he had questions he wanted to zoom call but i told him to come to the office that way we can go thru everything i forgot to tell rebecca he was coming and here we are" liam says

"what did you find" harry says

"we are not done yet we were still going over some invoices we should be done by the time you come back" liam lies as he winks at louis

"princess" harry says

"its true andsome so let us get off the phone so we can finish" louis says "i will bill you"

"im sure you will" harry says laughing

"night handsome hurry back i miss you" louis says

"me too princess and stay out of trouble" harry says

"awwww" liam and gemma says at the same time

"shut it" harry and louis say at the same time

"ok i will see you when i get back lets meet saturday afternoon i will be back saturday morning" harry says

"ok" they all say as liam hangs up the phone

"well that went better than expected" liam says "thanks louis"

"what" louis says confused

"for what ever reason when harry gets out of control and we want to calm him down we well niall gemma and i are like tell us about louis and he calms down" liam says

"i dont understand but i like him alot and i swear i am not using him for money i mean at first i was because that was what we agreed on but that was only a month then i stopped i really like him i never ask him for anything but his time and we have learned to spend time together he still works alot but i think he is finding a good balance" louis says

"we know louis we know we have seen a difference in him and i want to thank you for that" gemma says

"no problem" louis says "i better get going i have to study i have a test tomorrow"

"do you need a ride back" liam asks

"umm no i brought my car" louis says

"we will walk you to your car its late" gemma says

"no its ok" louis says

"we have to if something happens to you harry will kill us and dont fight us or i will call him" liam threatens

"go ahead" louis challenges as liam calls harry as he answers the phone

"liam is everything ok" harry questions

"we told louis we were going to walk him to his car to make sure he is safe and rebecca is not waiting for him he said no and he will be fine" liam says

"princess if something happens to you then i will be sad they are just trying to make sure my princess is safe why are you being difficult" harry says in a stern voice and louis knows he cant argue his way out of it

"fine" louis says as liam and gemma start to laugh

"call paul to escort you all to your cars" harry says

"ok" liam says

"princess behave and you better not give paul any trouble" harry says

"yes daddy" louis says as he starts to laugh

"princess" harry says

"fine i will behave" louis says laughing

"night princess i will call you tomorrow" harry says

"ok andsome" louis says as liam hangs up the phone

"lets go before louis misses curfew and we all get grounded" gemma says laughing

"let me call paul to meet us in the lobby" liam says as he makes the call and soon they walk out of liams office and get in the elevator and as they get to the lobby they see paul

"hey paul this is louis harrys boyfriend so protect him with your life cuz that is what is going to cost you if anything happens to him" liam says

"nice to meet you louis" paul says as he shakes louis hand

"nice to meet you as well" louis says nervously

"let go rebecca was escorted to her car and jon watched her leave so you should be ok but lets go" paul says as they walk to louis car and

"thank you all i appreciate it" louis says as he hugs them all as he gets in his car and drives away as his phone starts to ring "ello andsome"

"princess" harry says "are you ok"

"yeah i swear i am" louis says "paul gemma and liam walked me to my car i am driving home"

"princess" harry says

"im sorry i didn mean to i swear" louis says as he tells harry what he told liam

"well good thing she is fired or i would of thrown her out the window" harry says

"you have to control your temper" louis says

"hey pot how are you doing its me kettle" harry says laughing as louis continues to drive as he gets to his apartment "where are you"

"just got home" louis says

"your not with me" harry says

"your my home" louis says

"and you are mine you always bring me home" harry says

"you too" louis says as he gets off the car and walks in the house as he goes to his room as he and harry continue to talk and soon hang up and louis goes to sleep as harry finishes his work and soon falls asleep


"hi" the voice says

"hi" harry says

"you told him about me" the voiec says

"not everything its been 6 months" harry says

"its ok he knows to wait for you when you are ready he respects you and loves you" the voice says "i have something for you"

"what is it" harry says

"his heart he prayed and told me he gives me his heart to give to you and when you are ready he wants to tell you he loves you" the voices says

"i know i heard him he doesnt know i know but i heard him" harry says as he puts his hand out and the voice places something in harrys hand "is this really his heart looks more like a butterfly"

"this is a butterfly it flies away when two people find each other that truly love each other it disappears into the sky so no one can find it when it's meant to be forever" the voice says

"but why now and not years ago" harry questions

"because i had to find you the perfect one to heal your broken heart from us" the voice says

"jonathan i love you i love you so much but i love louis more than you and that makes me sad" harry says "i never thought i could love anyone more than you"

"i am happy you love him more than me now you can be happy like i have always wanted for you" jonathan says

"i will love you always but i will love louis forever" harry says

"that is what i wanted to hear" jonathan says "harry i know you havent let go of us but its time you need to be happy that is all we want is for you to be happy and louis will make you happy i sent him to you to make you happy are you happy"

"yes very i cant stop smiling when i think about him" harry says

"I know i knew he was made for you" jonathan says

"thank you i love you" harry says "please still come say hi to me i never want you to leave me"

"i wont i promise i told you i am your guardian angel we will never leave you you need the three of us you and louis will have an amazing life together i promise" jonathan says

"thank you for everything i am ready for my forever with louis" harry says as he hugs jonathan tight

"i know you are i gave louis your heart we talk about you alot" jonathan says

"thank you" harry says as he cries not wanting to let jonathan go

and harry sits up on the bed as he takes out louis sweater as he hugs it and goes back to sleep the following morning harry gets up and starts to get ready as his phone rings and as he answers it

"stuckey" harry says camly

"H are you ready for todays meeting" stuckey says

"yeah i got everything if things take long i probably wont go back home until monday" harry says

"ok keep me posted if you need any help call me i will jump on the phone' stuckey says

"ok" harry says "i have to go and finish getting ready"

"ok" stuckey says as harry hangs up the phone as he finishes getting ready as he leaves the hotel room and he calls louis

"honey bunny pudding pie" louis says

"princess just wanted to say morning and have a good day" harry says

"you too go be awesome" louis says "i am here if you need me"

"bye princess" harry says as louis hangs up the phone as he goes back to sleep and a few hours later louis wakes up as he gets ready for work and soon leaves and gets to the store as he gets things ready as abby walks in the store

"where do you want me"abby says

"register" louis says as he finishes getting things ready

"im ready" abby yells out as louis opens the gate and continues to do what he needed to do and soon customers start to walk in as louis and abby start helping customers and louis day went so quick and soon louis leaves work as he drives to the local college and goes to his first class and soon louis goes to his final class and soon gets back to the apartment and louis starts to start his homework and a few hours later louis puts his things away as he falls asleep the following morning louis gets up and starts to get ready for work as he gets a bag ready as he is going to spend the night at harrys apartment wanting to be there when harry gets there and louis finshes getting ready as he leaves his apartment and gets to work and to say louis day went by fast was an undestatement as louis drives to harrys apartment and when he gets there he walks in and takes his things to the bedroom as he takes a shower and gets dressed as he goes to the living room and starts doing his homework and gets lost as he hears a knock at the door and louis answers the door

"is harry here" stuckey says as he walks in and that makes louis nervous and louis decides he will leave the door open a little  incase he needs to run out the door

"umm no he said he was going to be here early tomorrow morning i will tell him you came by when he gets home" louis says nervously keeping his distance not wanting to be anywhere near stuckey

"i dont know what you did to harry or who you are working for but you changed him" stuckey says with anger as he walks to louis

"umm harry will be home tomorrow i will tell him you came by" louis says nervously as he continues to keep his distance

"whatever you did to him i want you to do to me because he just blew a fucken 185 million dollar deal and frankly louis right now i want to forget he fucked up the most expensive deal in his carreer" stuckey  says as he grabs louis

"let go of me let me go" louis yells out as loud as he can

"you are going to make me feel good so i dont give a shit about loosing millions" stuckey says

"let go of me please let go of me" louis yells out scared not knowing if anyone has heard him as louis knees stuckey in the balls and stuckey slaps louis across the face as louis looses his balance and falls on the floor as stuckey gets on top of louis as stuckey tries to kiss louis as louis fights as he cries "get off of me" louis yells over and over and soon louis feels stuckey get off him as louis opens his eyes and sees harry punch stuckey

"what the fuck are you fucken doing" harry yells out in anger

"he is nothing but a fucken whore that is all he is and you fucken still defend this slut" stuckey says with anger as harry punches him again

"get out get the fuck out" harry yells out with anger as liam and paul run in

"harry 15 fucken years i have been by your side and your going to do this to me" stuckey says

"get the fuck out" harry says with anger as he punches stuckey again "get the fuck out"

"15 years harry I have been by your side" stuckey yells out

"bullshit you are fucken full of shit" harry yells out "i made you i made you a fucken rich man doing what you love to do and that is close the deals when i did all the fucken work not you and now i fucken find out you have been stealing from me explain that shit to me"

"harry its all lies this whore is lying to you" stuckey says

"bullshit he knows nothing of what is going on and if you ever fucken come near him again stuckey i will take everything away from you" harry growls out in anger as louis wraps his arms around harrys waist as harry turns around and starts to kiss louis "you ok princess"

"better now that you are here" louis says as they hug tight as an officer takes stuckey away

"im sorry mr styles does mr tomlinson want to press charges" the officer says

"yes i do" louis says

"ok i need to take your statement" the officer says

"can we go in the morning with my attorney" harry says

"yes sir well monday" the officer says

"yeah that will work" harry says

"ask for detective podge" the officer says as he writes the information to harry

"thank you for saving me" louis says crying "i was so scared"

"im sorry i wanted to surprise you and when i heard him and fear in your voice i couldnt help it" harry says

"You ok" Paul asks

"Im ok thank you paul" louis says as he goes to hug paul

"no problem saw harry run in and have to keep him out of jail he has a company to run and then you would get mad at me and i dont think i can handle that" paul says as liam gives louis an ice pack

"thanks" louis says

"you ok princess" harry says

"much better" louis says "thank you for protecting me"

"i told you no one will ever hurt you" harry says

"i know but why are you home early" louis questions

"i was done with my meeting and wanted to come home to surprise my princess" harry says

"thank you it means a lot to me" louis says

"well we are leaving um we can talk about all of this after we meet tomorrow" liam says

"ohh i recorded everything" louis says as everyone stares at louis

"what" louis says

"send me the recording" liam says laughing as liam and paul walk out of the apartment

"are you really ok" harry says

"as long as you are with me i will be fine i promise" louis says

"lets get to bed' harry says

"i dont want to sleep here please" louis says in fear

"ok we can go to your apartment" harry says

"thank you andsome" louis says as harry gets some clothes and they drive to Louis aparment and walk in as louis cuddles into harry and they fall asleep louis feeling safe in harrys arms The following morning louis gets up and as he sits up he feels the sting on his cheek as he gets up and gets another ice pack and gets back into bed as harry sits up

"you ok princess" harry says concerned

"just hurts where Stuckey hit me" louis says as he cries "why do all men hit its like wham right on the cheek"

"not all men hit" harry says

"you don't" louis says

"only in bed" harry says as louis laughs

"your so bad" louis say laughing

"there is the smile I love so much" harry says

"you do make me happy" louis says

"and you make me happy" harry says with a smile

"lets get ready to leave" louis says

"did an officer take pictures of your beautiful face because you are bruised" harry says as he takes a closer look at louis

"yeah but I think I might take more since these bruises are more visible" louis says

"ok we can do that stand up" harry says as he gets his phone and starts to take pictures of the bruises he has and soon they get up and get ready as they walk out of the apartment and go to harrys office and go up the elevator and soon get to harrys floor and walk in to his office as harry text liam and gemma that they were there

"wow look at this view" louis says as he looks out of the window

"I know" harry says as louis sits on harrys lap "I missed my princess"

"I missed my andsome" louis says with a smile as they kiss "ouch"

"you ok" harry asks

"it hurts" louis says

"let me get you an ice pack" harry says as he goes to his mini fridge and gets an ice pack and gives it to louis "liam and gemma should be here in 5 minutes"

"harry" louis says as harry glares at him as louis laughs "sorry andsome"

"yes louis" harry says in a matter of fact voice

"you ever call me by my government name I wont kiss you for a month" louis warns

"ohh no you cant do that its against the law" harry says as louis kisses harry

"what I thought" louis says as they hear a knock at the door and liam and gemma walk in

"you both remember louis" harry says laughing

"shut it" louis say

"ohh yeah" gemma says as she goes to hug louis "how do you feel"

"good fucker bruised me" louis says as she shows gemma and liam

"ohh that bastard" liam says

"lets get to work I need to spend time with my princess" harry says as they go to the conference room as liam and louis tell harry everything they talked the day before

"ohh and I got esteles signature and it matches to what was signed on these checks she was forging your signature" gemma says

"that bitch" harry says with anger

"calm down" louis says

"look I dug deeper into estele and it looks like her and Stuckey were working together as estele had michelle process all the invoices but estele would only process stuckeys which is a little weird liam Is going first thing in the morning to file the lawsuit for 10 million dollars and we have enough to press charges on Stuckey and estele" gemma says

"man you guys are good" louis says

"well we know" gemma says laughing

"well it started with you catching a lot of this" liam says

"naw I just went off what you caught" louis says

"well thank you three" harry says

"so what happened with mark and David" liam questions

"we are going to partner up and start to build low income housing and try and clean up communities they are going to take lead in everything but I will fly to new York and see the progress" harry says

"wow how do you feel" louis asks

"really good and if things work over there than I want to start that here as well" harry says

"I am proud of you" louis says with a wide smile

"your idea thank you" harry says

"aww" liam and gemma say at the same time

"shut it" harry and louis say at the same time as they continue to talk and make a plan and soon leave as harry and louis go to louis apartment and walk in as they go to the couch and watch movies enjoying their time together


Just because happen readings see y'all next chapter 🫣🥰🥰

lets all smile together

all the love


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