Ten Questions (Harry x Slythe...

By K3llyMalfoy

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"There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." That's what Hagrid told him thre... More

The Dark Mark
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 27

541 21 10
By K3llyMalfoy

"What's bothering you?" Harry's voice was soft as he spoke. It always was.

"Nothing, Harry."

Of course, he didn't buy it. He propped himself up on one elbow so he could face me. We were currently sitting in the Gryffindor Common room alone, just the two of us. When Harry had first proposed the idea of going here, I had laughed. It was a stupid idea, even for him, and with all the non-stop rumors going around about the two of us, we had to be extra careful about when to meet up and when not to.

It was almost exciting, in a sense, sneaking around the castle at night to the kitchens and going out to the black lake when no one was there, but it was also somewhat exhausting at the same time. Today, however, seemed to be one of the rare occasions where we could actually meet without worrying we were going to get caught. Everybody was going to Hogsmeade today, and when I woke up, pretending that I had just come down with a bad fever while Harry told his friends he had to prepare for the third task, Daphne only shrugged and headed off with Blaise and Theo Nott to the three broomsticks. Adrian, on the other hand, seemed to know exactly what I was doing. Before he left, he gave me a long look, then slowly shook his head to himself as he grinned and left the common room. I couldn't help but grin as well.

When I was sure every student in the castle had left, I headed to the spot where Harry had told me to the meet him. Initially, I was worried about the first and second years, since they weren't allowed to go to Hogsmeade and would therefore still be in the castle, but Harry had reassured me that he had asked them all to leave so he could "train for the third task". Surprisingly, they all agreed to go, and once the two of us entered the common room, I couldn't help but stare at the place for a while. It was so different- so much brighter than the Slytherin common room. It was much more cozy and comfortable. Though I knew I didn't belong here in the slightest, the room felt welcoming, nonetheless.

Harry smiled at me. "I don't believe you." He sat up and leaned forward, carefully watching my reaction as he took my hands in his, as if I might instantly pull away. When I didn't, a look of relief crossed his face. He went on, "What's wrong?"

I hesitated. There were so many things I wanted to tell him, like how I wished things were different, that I wished we didn't have to hide away from everyone else when we wanted to get together, that my nightmares were beginning to get worse, that I was always constantly worrying about the Tri-Wizard tournament, that Adrian was going to eventually become a death eater, and how that terrified me. But... as I looked into his green eyes, I realized I couldn't possibly tell him that. How could I tell him that my own brother was about to join an organization that wanted him dead? Sure, Harry knew about my parents past- everybody did, but he didn't know about Adrian. I don't think anybody did but my family, and possibly Terrence.

Harry nudged me gently. "What is it, Y/N?"

I thought about it for a moment and decided to change the subject.

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade together?" I blurted. Harry straightened a little at the sudden outburst, looking taken aback. It was clear from the expression on his face that that wasn't the answer he had been expecting. To be fair, I hadn't expected it either.

Potters eyebrows furrowed.

"But..." he frowned, "... didn't we come to this specific spot so we wouldn't be spotted?"

I tried my best not to roll my eyes. "You have an invisibility cloak, don't you?"

Potter's face reddened. "Yeah, but-"

"Then come on!" I suddenly stood and pulled Potter up with me, smiling like an idiot as I did so. "We'll be fine, as long as nobody see's us." It was almost embarrassing how exciting my voice was. I shook my head to myself, realizing how much he seemed to bring out the best in me, a side of myself I didn't even think existed.

Potter's face split into a grin. "Alright then," he agreed, beaming. "I'll get my cloak." He was about to run off, but then he stopped himself suddenly. "Oh! And there's something else I want to show you."

Before I could ask any questions, he dashed off. I smiled to myself, amused by how eager he was. In fact, I seemed to be so focused on him that I didn't even notice when the common room portrait swung open. I spun around, heart racing and ready to tell off whatever first or second years had walked into the place, but when I saw who it really was, I frowned.

The two walked on, matching smirks on their faces as they crossed the room.

"Ms. Y/N Pucey- can't say we're surprised to see you in here, but when we heard you were sick, and Harry had to train for the next task, we figured something was up." Fred sat himself down on one of the flaming red couches- George joining him as he popped an every-flavored- bean into his mouth. He swallowed, then made a face. "Quite a coincidence, isn't it?" He managed, trying to hide his disgust as he continued eating.

"Fred, George," I greeted, ignoring their previous comments. "I trust you won't tell anyone about this?"

George made a gesture that looked as though he was locking his lips and throwing away the key.

"Not a word," they chorused together.

"Nobody will know a thing," George promised.

"Not a single thing," Fred added.

"Alright, found it!" Potter smiled to himself as he practically skipped across the room, but came to a sudden stop when his eyes met the twins. His invisibility cloak draped down his shoulder, while in the other hand, it looked as though he was holding... a map? I almost laughed. After nearly four full years at the school, I would've thought he had memorized the hallways and corridors by now, but I suppose not. A worried look suddenly crossed Harry's face. "What are you two doing here?" He whispered, as though he thought somebody might hear.

"Hello to you too, Harry," George said, his tone cheerful despite the sarcastic comment. "And what are you two lovebirds up to on this fine day?"

"We're just going to Hogsmeade," Potter explained quickly. I didn't understand why he was so anxious, being that he was close with the Weasley twins. He was clearly embarrassed that we had been seen together. Usually, something like that would bother me, but, to be fair, I was no better. Hadn't I told Malfoy off for spreading rumors about us just yesterday? Though I knew my behavior was hypocritical, I couldn't help but feel as though I had been punched in the gut.

"I don't understand why you two are so private," Fred went on. "It's embarrassingly obvious, and anyone with half a brain would know what's going on."

"Besides," George added, "you two would make a beautiful couple-"

"BYE GEORGE," Potter interrupted, his voice much louder than it needed to be. His cheeks reddened so much that you couldn't tell the different between them and the color of the twins hair. He quickly grabbed my hand, and we sped off out of the room, the noise of the twins laughter following us as we went. When we were finally outside, Potter let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry," he said. "Sometimes those two can be so-"

"Stupid? Idiotic?" I guessed. I waved a dismissive hand. "They're not too bad. Besides, I've actually grown to quite like them." Potter looked relieved at this, and I quickly averted my attention to the map in his hand. "What is that, anyway?"

A mischievous grin crossed Harry's face. I could already tell from his expression that we were about to do something very dumb. He drew his wand from his pocket, tapped the parchment lightly, and said,

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

A/N: Question of the day: What's your favorite beverage?

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