Stuck with you

By FireSpiritPheonix

17.2K 467 808

The kny cast suddenly pops into the real world and the responsibility to take care of them is placed on a 12... More

✨Forgotten ✨
✨Whomst the fuck?-✨
✨ Chanclaphobic✨
✨How this gonna work out?✨
✨My art✨
✨Achievement Unlocked✨
✨1k special✨
✨Settling down✨
✨Outfits: hashira✨
✨Outfits: Kamaboko Squad✨
✨Outfits: demons✨
✨Outfits: others✨
✨Addressing the situation✨
✨Fun time✨
✨A/N #2✨
✨Rui's mad at Disney✨
✨Karma is a bad ♀️🐶✨
✨Sad child✨


258 5 21
By FireSpiritPheonix

First and foremost 



I gave yall a double update

I'm so nice

Are you guys proud of me?

But finally Imma tell you guys the real reasons why I haven't posted in a while



I ended up injuring my foot on Wednesday literally right after I stepped out the car.

Here's what happened

My dad was dropping me and 2 of my older brothers off to school.
I go to an all girl's school and they go to an all boy's school.
The schools share the same name but they're just split by genders and it used to be a co-ed school before they decided to divide it but enough about that.

They go to the boy's school, I go to the girl's school.
The girl's school had 2 compounds; upper school and lower school.
The upper school compound is right across the road from the lower school compound and there's a bridge joining the two.
The upper school compound is on the left side of the road and the lower school compound is on the right.
It's a rule to always cross the bridge because they don't want us to get into any car accidents since it's a busy street.
I go to the lower school compound because I'm in 1st form/ 7th grade.

Where my dad dropped us off was right at the bridge which is on the side of the upper school compound. There's this little trench so you have to be extra careful when you step down.
I was the first to come out the car since I was at that side of the vehicle.

I came out and was gaining my balance and only had 1 strap of my schoolbag on my back.

My brother who was sitting right beside me in the car came out too soon while I was still gaining my balance so he bumped me a bit.

I lost my balance and couldn't gain it back for 2 reasons:

1. My bag wasn't fully on my back so I tipped over to the side where all the weight of the bag was

2. I was in 1 inch heels

Yes, I wear 1 inch heels to school because my mom and I misinterpreted the rule in the hand book. We though it said that the shoes must be a 1 inch heel but I later found out that it can be lower just as long as it's not higher than 1 inch but anyways, that's not relevant.

So yeah, my bro bumped into me, the bag weighed me down, because of the heels I wasn't able to regain balance so boops, mi drop.

Flat on the ground.

I fell sideways to the left so my foot also bended that way because of the heels.

I walked it off, went over the bridge and to my class but then it started hurting like a bitch.

I started crying, one of my classmates saw, she told the teacher, the teacher asked me what was wrong. I told her, 2 of my classmates assisted me to the nurse which was on the other side of the school so I had to cross the bridge with an injured foot. yay. note the sarcasm

I went to the nurse, she put ice on it and stuffs and said that if the swelling doesn't go down I have to call my parents to go home. The swelling didn't go down..

It got worse

I called my dad and then called my mom.
My dad came to pick me up and then drove me to my mom's workplace which is at a hospital. She works in the radiology department so she got me to do an X-ray on it and stuffs.

Luckily nthn was broken, it was just extremely swollen so I literally couldn't walk on the foot at all. I was limping and stuff.

So yeah

That's one of the reasons why I didn't post so much.

School is the other reason and writers block is the main one. 

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