Accepting New Love

By MalevolentDarkness

74.6K 1.8K 1.6K

This story is inspired after watching the episode Miracle Queen, this is my take on what I think and want to... More

Moving On
New Love?
Ladybug the Guardian
Jealousy Is Brewing
Second Chance
What Just Happened?
Making the First Move
Let The Flirting Begin
Adrien's Revelation
First Date
Love Advice
And Then There Were Four
Things Are Spicing Up!
He's Up To Something
Getting It Together
One More to the Team!
Stirring the Pot
My Little Blue Bird
First Kiss????
The Project
Fancy Her!?
The Serenade

Then There Were Three

476 16 3
By MalevolentDarkness

Marinette's POV

Finally home, I great my parents and head straight to my room to replay this morning event. Coffee with Felix was one of the strangest things I have encountered and that's saying a lot considering Ladybug has been through so much already.

"Um, Marinette? I'm no expert in human behavior but it seemed like Felix was a little out of character towards the end of your......gathering. Don't you agree?" I can hear Tikki ask as she emerges from my purse and takes a seat on my desk.

"Now that you mentioned it Tikki, you're right he did seemed like he was up to something. I don't know what to make of it. Maybe I should ask Alya, she's good at stuff like this." I let myself drop on my love seat and scroll through my phone for my best friends numder. Suddenly I see Tikki invading my personal space, soon being eye to eye. "What?"

"Shouldn't you, I don't know, maybe call Adrien and see why he called? He never really calls you so it might have been important." Her words make me stiffen just like before when Felix told me to do the same thing right before I left the coffee shop. I am a little curious as to why called me. He never does but at the same time I'm not ready to talk to him on my own....not just yet. Maybe he was seeing if I actually went out to get coffee with his cousin or not. "No if it was important he would have left a message, besides I need to get ready for the work fair.

Even though I want to be a designer, Luka is going to have a booth to help people who enjoy music find a path for themselves and I want to support him and his work and I need to talk to Alya about this morning with Felix. I pick up my phone again so I can put it to charge while I freshen up and feed the kwamis and let them out to stretch before they have to go back into the miracle box. As soon as I change my outfit I hear a loud bang come from outside my bedroom making me jump. "Hey girl don't freak out its just me." Alya's voice fills the room as she enters, crossing her arms she giggles as she watches me try to calm down. "I figured you would be scattered brain after this morning, so I decided to come down so we can have a recap before we head down the the fair." Alya plops down on the love seat waiting for my response.

Looking over at my computer to see the time I let out a sigh and sit down and face her. Without noticing I see all the kwamis surrounding both of us as they wait in anticipation for me to speak up. "Fine I guess we have plenty of time before we have to meet up with Luka." After a thirty minute detailed layout of this morning I stare at Alya waiting for her to say something. Anyhting really, some advice or insight on the whole Felix thing or even the whole Adrien calling me thing. After what felt like an eternity she finally lets out a breath and sits up, "Well in regards to Felix, I would watch out for him, I think he's up to know good, and the end of the coffee date seemed like he was trying to throw you off balance." My eyes widen so much at the word 'date' is that what it seemed? "It was NOT a date Alya and you know that! I hope no one thought it was a date especially Luka!" I start to panic, trying to get enough air in my lungs, my head feels so light, I think I'm going to pass out!

"Relax girl. I'm just messing with you. No one thinks that expecially Luka, he was the one that encouraged you to go meet up with Felix. Now to get to the whole Adrien thing. That is a little weird, scratch that it's BIG weird. Hmm let's think. Why would he call you knowing you were with his cousin? Maybe he was trying to get you out of it? Or just to be nosey." She raises her hand to her face resting her chin in the cup of her hand where her thumb and index finger meets, clearly thinking of scenerios on his behavior. After a few minutes of thinking about she dropped the topic and ran over to hug me. "Don't trip chocolate chip everything will be fine. Now let's go before we're late."

Adrien's POV

"Plagg you heard that right!?" my voice cracks slightly as I thrash my phone around in my hand, clearly freaking out. All I see is my kwami zooming around my room with cheese in his paws obviously ignoring me. "PLAGG!!!" Reaching out my hand I manage to get into his path and have him crash into my hand causing his cheese to crumble to the floor, "MY CHEESE!! Why would you do that!? My poor chamabert." Helands on the floor with a big 'plop' and pouts at the remains of the dairy scattered on the carpet. Getting annoyed real quick with my kwami I cross my arms over my chest and wait for him to sit down and listen. "Fine. What were you saying before you killed my poor cheese." Quietly waiting for me to continue he hovers a few feet away from me. "Why did Felix answer her phone? I don't understand." I throw myself on to my bed in defeat.

"Simple. Marinette didn't want to talk to you. She probably gave the phone to your cousin, by the way why did you call her?" Blankly looking up at the ceiling of my bedroom I think about his question, not knowing why I called her in the first place, no, I knew exactly why I called her I just dont want to admit it. "I was worried that my cousin was up to no good. Marinette shouldn't be around someone so cynical that's all." Sitting upright I look over at Plagg to see his reaction before I hand him a replacement camembert cheese, happily swipping it from my hands. "Sounds to me like you're jealos Felix got to spend some time with her and she hasn't given you the time of day." Even though he was joking I know a part of his words were true to heart which makes my blood boil because he's right. I really am jealous that she's giving everyone else attention but me. Plagg loses interest in the whole conversation and starts to nibble on his cheese and watch T.V.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door and just like that Plagg disappears into one of the drawers near my bathroom, as soon as he's gone Natalie enters in with a tablet with a list of things that needs to be done today. Preparing myself for a long uneventful boring day that will most likely be to help my father with his work, "Hi Natalie, what's on the agenda for today?" She clears her throat and unlocks the tablet before reading off the list. "So far the only thing that needs to be done is to have an apperance from you on the Job Fair near the museum after that you are free to do as you wish. You're father will be too busy to join you so make sure you make a great impretion before leaving the booth." with that she was out the door. Yes! I have a free day that's awesome maybe Nino wants to do something after the fair. Maybe I can't get the group to hang out too that way Marinette will go too.

Picking up the phone I dial my best friend to try and get the ball rolling on my plans, and within the second ring he answers. "Sup dude! Are you ready for the job fair?" I can hear music playing in the background, he's either at the fair already or he's at home partying it up to get ready. "Hey Nino! Yeah I'm getting ready to leave soon but I wanted to tell you some good news! So Natalie said I have no plans after the fair so I was thinking we can all hangout and doing something like go to the movies or go get ice cream with the gang." Rushing the words out of my mouth I pause to catch my breath not realizing I was babbling on like an idiot. I wonder if Nino thinks I've gone crazy or he always thought about me. "Yo relax man. Haha that's great! Yeah we can do something afterwards why not do both movies and ice cream. I'll let Alya know once we meet up. I'll see you in like 20 minutes see ya later." My mood starts to change after the phone call and I pack up what I need before I head out the house to meet the driver outside. I was such in a rush that I forgot to checik in Plagg was with me but thankfully he was already in my shirt pocket by the time I was in the car. "You forgot me! How could you?" Plagg whispers from my shirt trying not to get the drivers attention. "I'm sorry Plagg I got excited. Now stay quiet til we get there." And with that we were on our way to the fair.

Luka's POV

Waking up to the sound of the water crashing against the boat is very peaceful along with the sunlight breaking through the curtian witht the right about of shine to help me fully wake up and start my day. Rubbing my eyes to help me open them I stretch my body out before finally getting out of bed. Looking around to see where Sass was so I wouldn't wake him I find him snuggled right on my desk in the make shift bed I made for him the day I brought him home. Tiptoeing past him and into the hall to make my way to the restroom I am greeted by a groggy sister of mine walking back to her room from her own trip to the restroom. "Good morning Jules, I see you aren't a morning person yet." She looks in my direction and mumbles something under her breath and waddles back to her room leaving me alone in the all, I can't help but chuckle at my sister. Once I was done with the restroom I head back to my room to see Sass fully awake and snacking on his stash of marshmellows by my compture. "Ah good morning young Luka. How did you sleep?" Sass greets me with a sharp fanged smile as he floats towards me for a hug, hugging him I say my good mornings. "I slept pretty good Sass can't complain. How about youself?" He answers me with a smile and nod before going back to his snack. Checking the time I realize that Marinette should be with Felix enjoying her coffee, let me remind her about the fair amd let her go about morning. After I send out the text I start packing up my intruments that I'll be displaying at my booth, an hour goes by when Juleka walks into my room fully awake now. "Morning Luka, I'm awake now do you need help with anything?" Jules plops herself onto my bed as I gather more thing that I need for today. Casually I look over to my desk to make sure Sass was out of view before giving her a task to help me out. "Yeah, Can you take these bags up to the deck please. I need to look for the cart to attach to my bike so I can take all this with me." Heading to my desk I grab folders of different music classes to have people fill out in case they want to try it out.

'Hey did you know Marinette went to get coffee with that Felix guy this moring? That's a bit weird don't you think?" I can hear my sister asking as she makes her way back into my room to gtab more things.

"Well you know Marinette. She always wantsa to give people another chance. She believes there is a good side to everyone. And I support her decisions on that. But I'll admit it is a bit weird especially on how he was the last time he was in Paris. But I trust her." That cousin of Adrien's doesn''t sit right with me at all but I know Marinette would want to see the good in him.

"You're not wrong. But something about him is kind of....well sady if you ask me." I can hear the concern in her voice over Mari and I share the same feelings towards Felix. He causes such a huge mess that caused not ony my sister but some of our friends to be akumitized. Now knowing the Marinette is Ladybug that must have been really hard for her to handle but from what I was told she punched him in the face before she was able to transfrom. That's my girl.

"I know, we'll just have to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't hurt Marinette or cause any mischief with anyone else. Okay I think I'm ready to go. Are you coming with me or waiting on Rose?" Motioning for Sass to sneak into the duffle bag I had closes to the desk while I walk towards Jules to block her view.

"Sorry I promised Rose that I would pick her up and we would walk over together." I should have known that was going to be her answer. Ever since they became a couple they have been more unsepertable than before but I don't blame them, if I could I would be the same way with Marinette if she wasn't so bust with school and being a hero, but I don't blame her, that's what makes her so amazing.

"I figured. Haha have fun I'll see you at the fair later than. Be safe little sister." Reaching down I grab the dufflebag and head up to the deck to see the captain before leaving for the day.


Later That Day

Finally finished setting up the booth I give everything a once over before I leave it in the hands of another classmate before heading off to look around the rest of the fair. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Let me know if you need any help or if there are any issues while I'm gone." He nods in agreement and picks up a violin and begins to play to bring in a crowd, smiling I walk away. I find myself in front a booth with books surrounding the area, from the looks of it, it seems like a booth for bibliophile, well this is interesting. This seems like something Juleka and Rose would like, maybe even Marinette. Thinking of her I check my phone to see the time and to see if she has messaged me, it's been over an hour and a half since I've gotten here to set up she should have been done with coffee and home by now, it might have slipped her mind. I dial her number and begin to call, right away she answers filling my ears with her sweet soft voice.

"He-Hey Luka! I didn't forget I swear. Alya and I are leaving right now for the fair." I hear her words crash together as she rushes the sentence out, I can hear shuffling and grunting coming from the other end.

"Girl breath! For once you aren't running late so they're no need to rush." I can hear Alya giggle as she tries to calm girlfrind down. Girlfriend. The feeling I get when I think of Marinette being my girlfriend is just so indescribable.

"Don't worry Ma-Ma-Marinette. You have plenty of time just wanted to make sure you didn't forget as all. I would hate to be without my sweet meoldy for such a long time." I can't help but tease her a bit.

"You are never going to let that go are you?" I can hear her smiling from the other end of the phone making my heart flutter lightly.

"Never. Now get here safe." I chuckle, as if my words jinxed her I hear Marinette let out a grunt then say ow following by Alya's voice asking her if she was okay and to watch her step. I let out a sigh, "What did I just say?"

I expected to hear Marinette's voice but am greeted with Alya's instead, "What can we do? That's our Marinette for you. She's fine. We'll be there in five minutes or so. Byee." she laughs as she hear Mari complain about what she said about her. With that the line goes dead.

Shaking my head at my cellphone I continue on with the fair not long after I come across Adrien and his fathers booth. I haven't really talked to him much after the whole thing with Marinette but I should let him know that he and I are on good terms so he doesn't feel left out or anything.

"Hi Adrien. I see you're running your fathers Designer Booth. How's that going?" I reach out to high five green eyed boy who looks surprised to see me, in the far corner I see his bodyguard, well more like glorified babysitter sitting down towards the back of the booth.

"Oh, hey Luka! Long time no see. And yeah father couldn't make it, he has so much work to do. So he asked me to run the booth." Greeting me with a high-five we end it with a hug and a pat on the back.

"Looks like fun are you the only one running it?" Looking around I see nothing but fangirls lingering around admiring the model and not actually participating in the fair.

"Yeah, Natalie was suppose to be here but had to stay back and help out my father. It's not too bad though, I was wondering if Marinette would want to help me since she is a designer." His voice dips when he says her name as if afraid to utter it. I wonder if he has gotten the hint that he was the reason she has been so distant to him. I don't want to offer up her help without her being okay with it and she had already said she wanted tp support me and my booth and as selfish as it sounds I want her to myself for the rest of the day.

"What about your cousin Felix? Isn't he a designer as well? He is here to help out isn't he?" I try to sound encouraging but I think a bit of sourness escaped my lips. I try to soften the blow with a light smile on my face, as if on cue the cousin makes an apperance.

Felix rounds the corner and makes his stop in front of us as if knowing we were talking about him. He doesn't say a word, just looks over at Adrien and I and slowly looks over at the booth. "Hello Adrien. Hello....I'm sorry your name has slipped my mind." There is a smug look on his face. I can tell he is baiting me into confrontation, he's going to be very disappointed.

"Hey there Felix. It's Luka, are you here to help Adrien with the booth?" I smile at him and turn to look at Adrien, thrown aback at his facial expression, he seems angry at the sight of his own blood.

"Ah yes. The Agreste Clothing Line. That's one way of promoting your fathers work, sending the son to do his dirty work." There was a distasteful look on both their faces, now I feel like I am in the middle of an unspoke arguement. I took that as an oppurtunity to head back to my own booth and leave them be.

"I'll see you later Adrien....Felix...." I start to walk away until I came to a stop when my eyes land on the most beautiful creature to ever exist on this planet. Marinette. She was standing next to Alya at a near by booth that was playing music, suddenly I notice Nino there. As if my stare due her attention my way, she sees me and starts to walk towards me, I hadn't made a move once I said my goodbyes to the blondes behind me.

She smiles as she makes her way to me, greeting me with a tight hug I am filled with her sweet perfume. I engulf her in my arms and hold her tight not wanting to let her go but I do so after a few minutes. "Hello there my little melody you finally made it." Her eyes sparkle as they look into mine, "Hi Luka! I'm sorry I'm late did I miss anything?" She hadn't notice the tension brewing behind me, I was hoping I can take her away before she noticed. But my luck ran out and both boys speak up and great Marinette.

"Hello Miss Dupain-Cheng."
"Hey Marinette!"

They quickly gain her attention, looking over my shoulder, which she needed to get on her toes to do so, she makes eye contact with them. She backs away from me so we can all be in view of her to greet us all properly.

Marinette's POV

Standing before me are Luka, Adrien and Felix. Why does this feel like a drama show? Seeing them in this lighting make each one of them look very handsome. What is going on here!? Why are they all looking at me like this?

"Oh hi Felix. Adrien. I didn't see you there. I see you have your own booth, I'm glad you're helping out your cousin with his booth." I can't help but keep my attention on Felix, it's still hard for me to look at Adrien, even though they have the same face!!!!!!

"Ah yes, I thought it would be a kind gesture to help him since he is doing this alone. Isn't that right Adrien." Felix looks over at Adrien who is just staring at me, making me look away and towards Luka.

"That's good! I'm glad you're here Adrien. You're the perfect person to help spread news on clothing designs, well I'll see you guys later. Luka and I have to go watch over his booth. Bye." I quickly grab Luka's hand and pull him away from the others.

Dragging Luka deeper into the fair I soon realize I don't know where I'm going, not wanting to look like a fool, I peek over at my boyfriend.....boyfriend!!!! I have a boyfriend! I peek over at him only to see him smiling down at me already knowing that I was lost. He gently picks up my hand and guides me to the right direction, soon coming to a halt infront of and area filled with instruments.

"Seems like you have another admirer on your hands. You must have won Felix over this moring." Smiling down at me it takes more than a few seconds to register what he just said making me confused. Suddenly Luka leans and scoops my chin in between his thumb and index finger, he's done this before.

"You know something, I might have to hide you away so I can keep you all to myself." I feel his soft warm lips press lightly on the tip of my nose as he kisses it, now only just realizing how close his lips are to mine send my mind racing, I can feel my face grow hot just thinking about it. And like that everything goes dark.

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