The unpredictable Avenger(On...

By PiratePhox4

220K 5.4K 2.8K

Follow the story of one young y/n tennyson. As he goes through the struggle of being a normal kid, and superh... More

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2.9K 92 49
By PiratePhox4

Flying over the cold surface of the environment inside the chopper, the trio waited for their plan to move into action. Well, nat and Yelena's plan, y/n really had no idea what was actually happening. He was just sitting in the back of the chopper. Suddenly, nat began to talk into an ear piece.

Nat: "Today is your lucky day, Alexei"

Yelena passes nat a tablet, which had the map of the prison on it.

Nat: "Move to the door on the south wall"

Y/n: "are we there yet?"

Nat: "almost. Just wait a little longer"

Nat looks back at the tablet, and gave Alexei another instruction.

Nat: "go left. Just don't make a scene... You made a scene, didn't you?"

Alexei: "What now?"

Nat: "We're gettin' you outta here"

The helicopter lowers itself from above the prison, with a man with a suspiciously similar build to max, standing underneath. Suddenly, from all angles, other prisoners began to file out, along with guards coming out from the level above them.

Nat: "Go to the upper level Move your ass, super soldier"

Y/n: "I'm sorry. What?!"

Nat: "I'll explain later"

The max lookalike began to climb on of the walls, but was immediately shocked by a guard, and was sent back down to ground level.

Yelena: "He's never going to make it"

Nat: "Get us closer"

Yelena gave nat an odd look, which nat immediately responds too.

Nat: "You got a better idea?"

Nat gets out of her seat, and went right to the side door, motioning y/n to join her.

Y/n: "yea! Finally! It's hero time!"

Nat pats y/n's back, as he jumps out of the chopper with a scream of excitement. On instinct, y/n slams down on the watch, doing an unnecessary flip as he did. Landing on the walk way, a Frankenstein lookalike smirks at the guard ahead of him.

Frankenstrike: "oh yea. Haven't used this guy since Ultron!"

Yelena: "what the hell did he just do?!"

Nat: "something very natural to him"

Throwing back his fists, y/n smashes down onto the walkway, sending very powerful electric volts all over it. Nat then jumps down, and uses y/n's large body as a cushion for her landing.

Nat: "nice job"

Frankenstrike: "thanks! Though, I'm still kinda rusty with this guy"

From one of the towers, powerful gunfire began to shower the chopper, putting multiple bullet holes into it. Nat looks to y/n, who shrugs and switches to Eye guy. Thrusting out his chest, y/n sent a frost beam right at the tower, freezing majority of it, along with the gun the guard was using. Sadly, the impact of the ice beam sent the tower crashing down onto the ground, causing the mountains around to shake violently.

Eye guy: "oops.."

Nat: "don't apologize, get back to the chopper"

From ground level, Alexei yells up at the two.

Alexei: "Tell me that's a good sign for us!"

Natasha: "Move your ass! Y/n, stinkfly, now!"

Eye guy: "on it!"

Doing as told, y/n slams on the Omnitrix, changing into stinkfly. Nat gets onto y/n's back, right as he takes off. Floating down to Alexei, y/n grabs ahold of his jacket, and took off into the air, just as the avalanche began to close in on them. Getting even with the chopper, nat makes a jump for the door, making it right back into it. And With some effort, y/n tosses Alexei inside too, before flying inside himself. Returning to human before taking a seat.

Yelena: "i need some help up here!"

Nat rushes to the copilot seat, as Alexei pokes his head out of the door, yelling out in Russian.

Alexei: "до свидания, мудаки!"
(Goodbye, douchebags!)

Y/n groans, and grabs Alexei by his jacket, and pulls him back inside, and closes the door afterwards.

Alexei: "Oh, that was exciting.."

Y/n immediately backs away from Alexei, and went to sit in the back of the chopper, putting the headset back on.

Alexei: "Oh, I'm so proud of you girls. And whoever that is. Oh wait, you can't hear me, huh?"

Grabbing another one of the headsets, Alexei puts it on, and leans close to the front two seats.

Alexei: "Wow"

Without warning, Yelena smacks Alexei with the back of her fist, causing him to stumble.

Alexei: "Okay. Why the aggression, huh? Is it your time of the month?"

Yelena: "I don't get my period, dipshit. I don't have a uterus"

Natasha: "Or ovaries"

Yelena: "Yeah. That's what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy. They kind of just go in and they rip out all of your reproductive organs. They just get right in there and they chop them all away. Everything out, so you can't have babies"

Alexei: "Okay, okay. Okay! Okay! You don't have to get so clinical and nasty"

Yelena: "Oh, well, I was about to talk about fallopian tubes, but okay"

Alexei: "No"

Nat: "no, no, keep going. Might be a good science lesson for y/n"

Y/n: "no please. I want to wait till I'm eighteen"

Alexei: "It means so much to me that you came back for me"

Nat: "No. No. You're gonna tell us how to get to the Red Room"

Alexei: "Whoa, look at you, huh? All business"

Nat: "Trust me, this isn't pleasure"

Alexei: "Little Natasha, all indoctrinated into the Western agenda"

Nat: "I chose to go west to become an Avenger. Cause they treated me like family"

Alexei: "Really? Family? Well, where are they now? Where is that family now?"

Nat: "sitting in the back of the chopper"

Alexei turned to y/n confused, while y/n turned back to him with a face of disgust.

Y/n: "really. This is him?"

Nat: "I know. He's no max, but just deal with him, alright?"

Y/n: "fine. But I wanna punch him"

Nat: "whenever you want, go ahead"

Alexei: "who is he?"

Y/n: "your grandson idiot"

Alexei: "I have a grandson?"

Nat: "yes, yes you do. Now Tell me where the Red Room is"

Alexei: "I have no idea. Okay?"

Nat tosses her headset down, and gets up, smacking Alexei's headset off as she sat down. Watching this, y/n decided to also take it off.

Natasha: "Come on. You and Dreykov were like-"

Alexei: "Dreykov?"

Natasha: "Yeah"

Alexei: "General Dreykov, my friend, huh? Gives me glory... Soviet Union's first and only super soldier. I could have been more famous than Captain America. Then he buries me in Ohio on that stupid mission. Three years! So tedious, boring me to tears. No offense, huh? Then puts me in prison for the rest of my life. Why, huh? Why? Why would he put me in... You know why? 'Cause maybe I want to talk about the withering of the state. Or maybe I don't like his hair or something and I say something casually about that. Maybe, you know, I want the Party to feel actually like a party instead of this sourpuss organization. But instead, no. He puts me in prison for the rest of my life. He just runs off and hides, huh? I'm not even the one who, uh, you know... I'm not the one who killed his daughter"

Y/n: "alright, that's it!"

Y/n got up, and went right up to Alexei, throwing a solid punch right to his nose, which does nothing.

Alexei: "ha!"

Nat: "try four arms"

Y/n: "with pleasure"

Somehow, without touching the Omnitrix, y/n had become four arms, which surprised Alexei, and even Yelena. Y/n smirks, and throws a single punch to his face, causing Alexei to jerk his head back in pain. Y/n returns to human, and sat next to nat.

Y/n: "you may be my grandpa. But you ain't my family. Got it? You gotta earn that. So tell us where this place is!"

Alexei: "whoa whoa! Ok, cool it.. why not ask Melina?"

Yelena: "Wait, Mom Melina?"

Y/n: "I have a grandma too..? I haven't even met my actual grandma"

Nat: "We thought she was dead"

Alexei: "You cannot kill a fox that swift"

Nat: "Ew"

Y/n: "I don't get it"

Alexei: "What? She was the scientist, the strategist. I was the muscle. She worked directly for Dreykov far more than I ever did"

Nat: "Wait. Are you telling me that Melina is working for the Red Room present day?"

Alexei: "She works remotely outside St. Petersburg"

Yelena: "Uh... I don't think we have enough fuel for St. Petersburg"

Alexei: "No, we're good. We'll make it"

Yelena: "Okay"


Y/n: "close enough I guess.."

The chopper had a soft crash landing, right in the path of a dirt road.

Alexei: "You should've brought the Avengers' superjet"

Y/n: "the avengers aren't exactly on good terms pal. So shut up about them!"

Alexei: "someone's angry"

Y/n: "well, of course I am!! I thought Steve trusted me! But he kept Bucky a secret from me! apparently Sam also knew! The person that I saw as my second grandpa was killed right in front of me and the guy I saw as my brother. Then he's replaced with a dumb idiot who thinks he's mister Russian captain America! Tony basically stabbed me in the back, cause these god damn accords stopped me from doing what I do! He knows that hero work is the only thing I'm good at! Zed has had three close calls to damn death himself. I thought my best friend died! Tony released one of my most hated enemies from his cell, just so he could use him to fight ME! I was nearly murdered by an alien overlord with a squid for a face! I let innocent people die in my god damn arms!! And I've had dreams of fighting some giant purple man in golden armor! So sorry that I'm a little on edge!!"

Alexei: "I... I don't know what to say.."

Y/n: "don't say anything.. it's better that way.."

Y/n walked away from Alexei, and right into nat's arms, as she and Yelena heard every word. With a tight hug, y/n began to gently cry on his mom's shoulder.

Yelena: "he's been through a lot.."

Nat: "yea.. yea he has. Hey, sweetie, who don't you go blow off some steam while me and your grandpa talk. Ok?"

Y/n nods and walked past nat, and into a small bundle of trees. Sitting on the ground, y/n began to think back to that specific dream.

Y/n, a bit old, let's say two or three years, was bloodied, and beaten, kneeling in front of a large purple alien man with a bright golden gauntlet, with glowing stones in the knuckles of the gauntlet. What stuck out, was that the stones, and Omnitrix we're both glowing brighter by the second.

???: "Your in my way"

Y/n: "I know I am. Whatcha gonna do about it?"

The purple alien grunts, and thrusts the gauntlet forward, as did y/n with the Omnitrix. A rainbow beam of the different colored stones shot out, clashing with a bright green beam from the Omnitrix.

???: "Who even are you!?"

Y/n: "me?! I'm y/n Tennyson! And I'm a fucking avenger!!"

The beam struggle explodes, causing everything to go white.

Nat gently taps y/n's shoulder, causing him to look up at her.

Nat: "come on. Let's go"

Y/n nods, and grabs nats hand, giving a tight squeeze. Nat smiles and got up, pulling y/n with her, as the two began the track down the dirt road, followed by Yelena, and Alexei. Peeking through the trees, y/n spotted an old looking house, with a fenced up area next to it. When they actually made it down there, and up to the fence, a woman with a gun stood on the opposite side of the fence.

Alexei: "Honey.. we're home..."

Alexei and the woman stare at each other for a moment, before the woman walked out, and towards the house, with Alexei following her.

Nat: "come on y/n"

On instinct, y/n grabbed one of his mom's free hands, as the two, along with Yelena, follow the two elders inside.

Opening the door, the woman, better known as Melina, walks in, leaving it open for the others to make their way in.

Melina: "Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourself at home. Let's have a drink"

Walking up to the food pantry, Melina opens it, then pushes against the shelf, Open a second, hidden compartment full of weapons, and gadgets. Setting down her weapon right at the corner, right where nat couldn't see.

Nat: "Hey, no funny business"

Melina: "I am putting away my weapon. Who's the boy?"

Nat: " you're grandson"

Melina: "grandson? Really?"

Y/n: "what? You got a problem with me?"

Melina: "yes, actually"

Not wanting y/n to get mentally worse than he is already, nat quickly changes the subject.

nat: "Are there any booby traps around here? Anything we need to know about?"

Melina: "I didn't raise my girls to fall in traps"

Natasha: "You didn't raise us at all"

Melina: "Oh, maybe so. But if you got soft, it wasn't on my watch"

Y/n groans, and walks away into the dining room. Already sitting down, Yelena turns to y/n.

Yelena: "so? What do you think of your grandparents?"

Y/n: "I hate them both"

Y/n sits down across from Yelena, putting both his hands on his face.

Yelena: "yea.. make that two of us"

Eventually, Melina and nat join them, with Melina sitting next to Yelena, much to her displeasure, and nat sitting across from her, next too y/n. The second both of them sat down, a loud grunt came from the bathroom.

Melina: "Let's drink"

Y/n moves his hands away from his face, and turns away. A few moments later, the bathroom door opens, revealing Alexei in what's essentially a red captain America getup.

Alexei: "Still fits"

Y/n: "I was joking when I said Russian captain America..."

Melina: "I never washed it once. Come and drink"

Walking over, Alexei took a seat at the end of the table, as Melina pours drinks for everyone, except y/n, as nat waved the bottle off before she could do so. Suddenly, Alexei began to sing a small tune.

Alexei: "Rise, you workers of salvation.. Family back together again.. with a little extra"

Y/n: "you call me extra again, and I won't hesitate to punch you.."

Alexei puts his hands up in a mocking surrender gesture.

Melina: "Seeing as our family construct was just a calculated ruse that only lasted three years, I don't think that we can use this term anymore, can we?"

Natasha: "Agreed. So, here's what's gonna happen-"

Alexei: "Okay. A reunion then, huh? And, uh... I want to say something right off the bat. You haven't aged a day, huh? You're just as beautiful and as supple as the day they staged our marriage"

Melina: "You got fat. But still good"

Alexei: "I just got out of prison. I, uh... I have a lot of energy"

Melina: "Oh!"

Natasha: "Please don't do that. There's a child here. So, here's what's gonna happen"

Melina: "Natasha, don't slouch"

Natasha: "I'm not slouching"

Melina: "Yes, yes, you are"

Natasha: "I don't slouch"

Melina: "You're going to get a back hunch"

Alexei: "Listen to your mother"

Natasha: "Oh, my God, this-"

Alexei: "Up, up"

Natasha: "All right, enough. All of you"

Yelena: "I didn't say anything. That's not fair"

Y/n: "this is such a disfunctional family.."

Natasha: "Here's what's gonna happen-"

Yelena: "I don't want any food"

Melina: "Eat a little something, Yelena, for God's sake"

Natasha: "You're gonna tell us the location of the Red Room"

Melina: "You know, it's like when you told them that they could stay up late to catch Santa Claus"

Alexei: "What? That was fun. You know, "He come down the chimney, girls. Look out. Where is he?" You wait for him, and then when the cookies are gone, then you see he's there. No, no. What? I want them to follow their dreams"

Melina: "No good"

Alexei: "Reach for the stars, girls"

Y/n: "I don't have a chimney.. I lived in a motor home my whole life..."

Natasha: "Finding Dreykov is not a fantasy. It's unfinished business"

Melina: "You can't defeat a man who commands the very will of others. You never saw the culmination of what we started in America. Nor did you"

Melina gets up, going into another room, then immediately comes back with a tablet of sorts.

Alexei: "Natasha, always focus, focus. Get what you want"

Melina: "Come in"

Suddenly, the front door opens, and in comes a pig.

Natasha: "Did that pig just open the door?"

Y/n: "I just hope the pig can't talk"

Melina: "Yes. It did. Good boy, Alexei. Good boy"

Alexei: "You named a pig after me?"

Y/n: "honestly, it's a better name than thunder pig"

Melina:" You don't see the resemblance? See, he sits just like dog. Amazing. Now, watch"

Alexei: "It's a little weird, to me"

Melina: "Stop breathing"

Moving something on the tablet, the pig began to groan, and grunt.

Melina: "We infiltrated the North Institute in Ohio. It was a front for S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists. Actually, it was Hydra scientists at that time. In conjunction with the Winter Soldier project, they had dissected and deconstructed the human brain to create the first and only cellular blueprint of the basal ganglia. Was the hub for cognition. Voluntary motor movement, procedural learning. We didn't steal weaponry or technology. We stole the key to unlocking free will"

After her explanation, the pig rolls over onto it's side, gaging, and gasping for air.

Natasha: "What are you doing?"

Melina: "Oh, I am explaining that the science is now so exact, the subject can be instructed to stop breathing and has no choice but to obey"

Natasha: "Okay, you made your point. That's enough"

Melina: "Yes, all right. Well, don't worry, Alexei could've survived 11 more seconds without oxygen-"

Y/n: "you made your point, let the god damn pig breath!"

Melina: "ok, ok, no need to shout"

Releasing the pig from it's unaired prison, it got onto it's feet, and immediately started walking away.

Melina: "You go. You go back home, back home where it's safe. Good boy, Alexei. The world functions on a higher level when it is controlled. Dreykov has chemically subjugated agents planted around the globe"

Yelena: "And do you know who they test it on?"

Melina: "Hmm... No. That's not my department"

Alexei: "Ah, come on, come on. Don't lie to them. Hmm?"

Melina: "I'm not lying"

Alexei: "You're Dreykov's architect, huh?"

Melina: "What were you? If I was his architect, you were his partner. You were his business partner"

Alexei: "No, no, no. I was patsy!"

Melina: "Don't give me that..."

Alexei: "He sell me ideology"

Melina: "Stop with the politics"

Alexei: "All the while, bigger..."

Nat: "Shut up! You are an idiot. And you're a coward. You're a coward. And our family was never real, so there's nothing to hold on to. We're moving on"

Alexei: "Never family, huh? In my heart, I am simple man. And I think that for a couple deep undercover Russian agents I think we did pretty great as parents, huh?

Melina: "Yes, we had our orders, and we played our roles to perfection"

Nat: "Who cares? That wasn't real"

Yelena: "What?"

Nat: "That wasn't real. Who cares?"

Yelena: "Don't say that. Please don't say that. It was real. It was real to me. You are my mother. You were my real mother. The closest thing I ever had to one. The best part of my life was fake And none of you told me. And those agents you chemically subjugated around the globe? That was me. And you, you got out. Dreykov made sure no one could escape. Are you gonna say anything? No"

Melina tried to grab Yelena's hand, but she immediately pulled away.

Yelena: "Don't touch me"

She gets up, grabbing the bottle as she did, and walked away.

Nat: "Yelena"

Yelena: "No"

Melina: "I had no idea"

Alexei: "It's okay, it's okay. I'll go talk to her"

Alexei gets up, and walked off into the room that Yelena had just went into. Y/n let out a sniffled sigh.

Y/n: "it hurts.. finally able to meet the other half of my adopted family... Seeing them all as disfunctional jerks... You. I thought you would've been a cool grandma, considering the bar for it was very low. But somehow... I'm sorry mom.. I liked it better when it was just me and grandpa max.."

Nat: "y/n.."

Y/n: "I'm sorry.."

Taking the front door, y/n rushes out of the building, his eyes swelling up in tears. Once outside, something struck him. He ran. He ran as far as he could, somehow getting back to the crashed chopper. He didn't know what led him here, he just needed to be... When out of nowhere, y/n was tackled to the ground. Screaming in surprised, y/n realize that it was someone who wasn't supposed to be here.

Y/n: "zed?! What are you doing!? How are you here?!"

Shuri: "I uh.. kinda took her to find you.. We we're getting worried.."

Y/n: "shuri..? You too..."

Shuri: "sorry.. but enough about me. What happened to you? You look like a mess"

Y/n gets back up to his feet, and slowly walked up to shuri, who was a little surprised to say the least. Suddenly, y/n wrapped his arms around her tightly, obviously not wanting to let go anytime soon.

Y/n: "I have such a disfunctional family..."

Shuri: "you think your the only one? My brother killed my cousin by accident a couple weeks ago"

Y/n: "heh... Fair enough.."

Shuri smiled, before moving herself to sit down on the open side door of the chopper. Y/n releases the hug, but grabs shuri's hand, and sits next to her. Zed then ran up and sat between their legs.

Y/n: "how'd you get here?"

Shuri: "had a small ship in the hanger. Thought me and zed could go for a joyride and look for you"

Y/n chuckles, and was about to kiss shuri's cheek, but out of nowhere, tons of airship began to surround the house, As y/n, shuri, and zed watch from a distance.

Shuri: "please tell me your mother isn't in there.."

Y/n: "she is. Let's go!"

Sadly, as soon as they arrived, they left. Leaving the trio on the ground, hopeless to watch.

Y/n: "damnit! That's gotta be the red room! Shuri! Where's that ship?!"

Shuri: "over here! Follow me!"

Shuri runs off, with y/n and zed following behind her. Ahead of them was a wakandan airship, similar to the one that T'challa used, but smaller, and slimmer. Running inside, shuri immediately gets into the pilot seat, with y/n and zed standing on either side of her.

Shuri: "we'll take off in a few seconds. The cloaking will take a bit longer. Haven't worked out all the kinks yet"

Y/n: "that's fine, as long as it flys, I don't care. Hang on mom. I'm on the way"

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