
By harryshouse_

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Tattoo shop receptionist Eliana has her life turned upside down when a persistent customer comes in a few min... More



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By harryshouse_

Thirteen weeks.

"Who writes checks anymore?" Jenny asks as we walk into the bank. I slide the shades from my face and perch them atop my head, the small check Harry had written for me in my hand.

To be honest, I don't know why he couldn't have just wired the money to my bank, we had a short argument about it when I went to pick it up. It swiftly ended with him snapping, "Do you want the fuckin' money or not?", To which I snatched the paper from his hand huffed as I left his studio.

We'd done the two interviews we were supposed to do a couple of weeks ago, and they weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. Harry ended up hiring a publicist after we tried to rehearse what I'd say and it ended up in another argument about my mouth. This was thirty minutes before we were supposed to go into the radio station, so it was safe to say he wasn't happy about that.

He ended up speaking over me for most of the part, casually interjecting when he caught that I was getting ready to overspeak or say something that wasn't supposed to be announced yet.

That was another thing, he didn't want people knowing that we were having twins or that we met at a club. I didn't fight him on this because I understood.

The next interview was a lot better. We did it over a video call out of Harry's condo to imply that I was living with him, which was smart. With my lightly done makeup and freshly done hair, I practiced what the coach had said; to look at Harry while he spoke, focusing on what he said.

"Look at his lips every few seconds, smile softly," She'd said.

And so I did.

And God did I wish I hadn't. I don't know if it was the hormones or the fact that it's been two months since the last time I had sex but I found myself staring a little longer than needed. Jane, the publicist who stood behind the laptop, had to wave her hand as Harry gripped my thigh softly, silently telling me that it was my cue to speak.

I could dislike Harry however much I wanted but it didn't change the fact that each time I looked at his lips too long, my stomach would get fuzzy and my brain would flashback to our night together; His words, his movements, his tongue. It didn't help that I had to sit with my head practically on his shoulder, basked in his expensive cologne and body warmth as well as the whiskey and mint scent as he spoke and softly chewed his gum. It became too much and I was grateful when the interview finally ended.

Harry instantly noticed when I yanked myself away and released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"What the hell, Ellie?"

"How was I, did I do good?" I ignore him and ask Jane. She nods, a satisfied smile on her face.

"You absolutely sold it! Maybe even overdid it," She joked.

I laughed nervously as she received a phone call and made it her business to leave the room whilst holding a finger up, leaving Harry and me alone.

"Were you nervous?" Harry asked, his eyes were actually concerned as he flicked them across me. I stood and rolled my eyes. He was over-controlling and wanted things his way but I hated when he stopped and asked how I was feeling, or offer to take me home or so anything remotely nice because it confused me. I knew that it'd only take one snarky comment from either of us for another argument to start and that compared with my intractable horniness began to frustrate me to no end.

"I'm fine. Stop being nice to me, it's weird." I said defensively and grabbed my phone.

"Do you want me to be a dick to you?" He stayed seated as he looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"Be yourself," I said sarcastically.

It's Harry's turn to roll his eyes, "Whatever, glad you didn't fuck it up." He exits the web application and shuts the laptop down. "Call Lance and have him take you home."

And I did. I didn't speak to him again until he called me the next afternoon to confirm the date of my upcoming ultrasound, then not again until almost a week later, which was when I stopped at the studio to pick up the check today. We hadn't been seen out in public which was fine because the news had died down, but Harry wanted to make sure our plan went through as foolproof as possible especially since Quinn has been scheduling interviews as well. So tonight, he wanted to take me to the county fair. He'd take a few pictures and have his publicist post them on burner accounts.

Jane had also told us that the light that was shone on us was a good time for Harry to expand his clientele, which is why they were milking the shit out of it in my opinion.

Outside of that, we kept our distance and as long as my body continued to betray me by heating up each time we got into an argument and he'd clench his jaw or roll his eyes, I was okay with it.

I read the payment on the check, ensuring that it was in fact fifteen thousand dollars. I still couldn't believe I was holding this much money in my hand but I hid my excitement and told myself I wouldn't entirely freak until I had it in my account.

"He's old-fashioned," I answered Jenny sarcastically as we approached the teller, who quickly helped me. Jenny drummed her fingers on the granite counter as she waited.

"So, what are you gonna do with the money? Shopping spree?" She asked.

Honestly, I intended on giving some of it to Niall to help pay off the bracelet I put on his credit. And then, I wanted to do grocery shopping. I had in mind to buy some new furniture but it seemed that Harry had already done it. I was assuming that's why he had me stay at his place for those few days but I didn't know if it was out of the goodness of his heart or if he had another reason. I was still quite suspicious that he was left alone with Danny and I hadn't heard from him.

So I went against my instincts and checked his social media pages, seeing that he'd posted a throwback selfie just a day prior. Harry must have scared him off.

When the woman behind the counter tells me I should see the money instantly, I'm checking my account whilst we walk out and enter the spring air, grinning to myself when I see the balance. Maybe some shopping wouldn't hurt.

Jenny and I drove to the mall nearby and wasted no time visiting store to store. I brought a few shirts but decided against jeans. While I could still fit into my clothes (with a little bloating), I wanted to wait until after Bean and baby two because I had no idea what size I'd be then.

"So, what are you wearing to the fair tonight?" Jenny wonders as we push a few hangers back at the crowded Old Navy.

In all honesty, I wasn't really looking forward to hanging out with Harry alone. So, I made no effort to plan what I'd wear, how I'd style my hair, or anything for that matter.

"I guess I should find something here,"

"Well it'll be a little warm tonight, do you wanna wear a dress?"

"Fuck no," I laughed and shook my head.

"That man has like...a million followers. A million people are gonna see those pictures and not to mention-" She points a finger at me with lifted brows "- Celebrities...Pharrell follows him. Did you know that?"

I roll my eyes at her theatrics. I doubt Pharell Williams will give a shit what I look like...but she kind of has a point.

If I'm going to be shown to such a wide audience I should at least look decent. God knows I'll be pissed if I'm posted and looking a mess.

"Fine, but I'm not wearing a dress," I tell her.

Jenny frowns, "But you have to show off your little bump!"

"I don't have a bump yet,"

"Cause all you wear is baggy shirts and pants. Just let me find some. You can try them on and if you don't like them, we'll look for some shorts,"

She's not wrong about what I wear. For some reason, I avoid looking at my belly. When I shower, I try not to think of it as I lather it with soap, and when I need to use the mirror, I always ensure that I'm fully clothed. I don't know if it's because I'm scared of the reality settling it, that I'm not only pregnant but look it, or if I just didn't get around to it.

I finally give in and Jenny leads me to the Spring dresses, searching through the hangers with a focused and determined look in her eyes.

After a few minutes, I'm handed a lavender dress. It's tight-fitting with spaghetti straps, looking like It'll stop mid-thigh. The breast area is ruche and the fabric and mesh and stretchy. It looks comfortable.

"Well, are you gonna put it on?"

"No, it's fine. I'm getting hungry," I say honestly. Looking at the dress I could see that it was a decent fit."Plus, I need to find shoes,"

"Well, you can wear your white converse with this. Easy to walk in. Oh-" She perks up with wide eyes, "- and you can do that thing with your hair when you pull it back into a ponytail and do the little-" She motions around her baby hairs and I laugh.

"A slicked-back ponytail?"

"Yeah! That with some little gold hoops? Top tier." She nods and grins.

"We'll see."

By the time Jenny and I make it back to my apartment, it's nearly five and Harry said he'd be here to get me at 6:30. Niall is already waiting there, having spent the day on my couch since Jenny and told him we'd only be gone a couple of hours.

"Fuckin' finally," He says as we come through the door, our arms bearing bags.

"Shut up, hold these," I hand him a few and he chuckles to himself as Jenny begins to tell him about the cashier we saw at the cookie place we stopped at. I fish into a bag and grab my dress along with some jewelry we'd bought and excuse myself to the bathroom to get changed before I started my hair and makeup.

I rid myself of the oversized Playboy shirt I'd got from Harry's place and sweats, jumping in the shower to quickly wash myself up. When I get out, I dry and lotion my body down then turn to grab the dress from the sink.

Again, I avoid looking at myself in the mirror as I rip the tag off and slide the dress over my body. It's a little bit tighter than I'd like but it doesn't seem like I had a choice now, so I slip it down and almost instantly, I can see the little bump protruding the fabric.

I slow down my movements, tugging the dress as long as it'll go before running my hands down it. Then, I turn toward the mirror, my brows furrowed as I pivot on my side. Wow.

My nose begins to sting as I bring my hand to my stomach, taking a deep breath as I rub it gently. It's nothing that would go noticed by strangers, but to people who are aware of my pregnancy, it's most definitely there.

And the first thing I think of is how Harry will react.

Our dynamic has been strange these last couple of weeks and I could blame it on a lot of things. Harry's been very visibly stressed which is why I tended to avoid him unless necessary. I don't know the kind of day or week he's had so I'm not sure how he'll react to this. Would he even react at all?

I heard him those few days I spent at his condo. Every morning he'd jolt out of bed with vomit and I wasn't dumb. I knew Jim's comment about the Bean and baby two had got ahold of him. I also knew that he'd added himself to my hospital chart. What I don't know is how he did it. I was emailed about a change to my medical records and when I clicked the link to see what had changed, I noticed a new emergency contact.

He took out Jenny and replaced himself.

A knock on the door snaps me from my thoughts.


"Are you almost done? I gotta shit," Niall calls through the door and I roll my eyes. He's lucky that I have a mirror and decent lighting in my room to do makeup.

I open the door and rush passed him with my clothes in my hand. He doesn't give me a glance before slamming the door shut and almost instantly, I can hear him shitting.

"What time is it, Jenny?" I ask as I grab my makeup bag and set myself on the floor in front of the mirror.


"Shit," I hiss to myself as I decide to light makeup first. I fill in my brows, add a little bit of mascara and highlight, and apply my brown gloss that'd been untouched since Jenny got her own.

My hair doesn't take too long. All I have to do is use the brush and some gel to part it down the middle and brush it back to tie it in a ponytail. I pull out a small strand of hair on each side of my ears, flat ironing them before bringing my ponytail over my shoulder and flat ironing that as well.

When I'm done, I grab the small hoop earrings and change my septum to match them, giving myself one last look in the mirror. My eyes immediately gravitate to my stomach and I bite back a grin, running my hand across it just as Jenny yells, "I think he's here!"

I quickly put on my shoes and grab the discrete side purse, tossing it over my shoulder and walking out of the room.

"Oh!" Jenny gushes, her hands coming to her mouth. I roll my eyes playfully as she tugs on Niall's sweater. He sits next to her on his phone, looking up to me and getting that shocked glint in his eyes, "Ellie!"

At once, they both scramble to their feet, Niall getting on his knees and pressing his cheek against my stomach and Jenny doing the same. I laugh as another knock comes on the door. "Okay, okay, come on,"

"I can't believe it! Baby bean and baby two," Niall wipes a tear, "I've got to call my mum,"

I'm still laughing as I make sure I have everything I need and head to the door and open it. Harry stands there in black jeans that stop above his ankles and a lavender tee. His eyes flit to my stomach at the same time mine does his lips. I can smell the after-shave from here and it has me awkwardly looking away.

I tell Jenny and Niall goodbye and close the door, having to step in front of Harry, who steps back quickly and clears his throat. "Um, the car's"

"Where else would it be?" I ask, ignoring the way his eyes focused on me. We were one minute into this thing and I was already beginning to get warm all over my body at just his stare. This was gonna be a long night.

He quickly catches up and I can picture the irritated look on his face already. I preferred it though, I'd much rather we argue all night as opposed to him giving me that look.

"Don't start this shit, Eliana,"

"It's Ellie,"

"I don't care."

"I take it you had a long day," I ask sarcastically as we begin down the stairs.

"Exhaustingly." He mumbles.

We make our way to his Lexus and Harry wastes no time peeling out of the parking lot, and the air is thick once more as the silence engulfs us. It's moments like these where I found myself overthinking everything.

Had he seen my bump? Is that why he was staring? Or was it the makeup. The only time he had seen me in it was the night at the club and it was dark, also a little bolder than the soft look I had now.

The fair is on the north side, meaning I had at least a forty minutes drive of this.

"When did you start know..." Harry glances over at me.



"Oh...I don't know. I hadn't noticed anything until today." I admit, and he nods, flicking the turning signal on so he could get on the highway.

The car is quiet after that, but only for a few moments.

"Did your check go through okay?" He asks, and I furrow my brows.

"Why wouldn't it?"

"I'm just asking, some people have issues with the banks and shit so I just wanted to know you got your money alright." He explained, oddly...calm.

"Yeah, it did." I eyed him. "I got some new clothes with it, so thanks."


More silence.

Deciding that I physically cannot endure forty minutes of this, I lean forward and turn the radio on, happy with the soft hum of pop that flows through the speakers. I lean back into the seat and Harry catches another glimpse at me just as I do him, the both of us quickly looking away.

He held a look in his eyes that made me feel like he had something on the tip of his tongue that he either refused to say, or just couldn't.

I look at the clock on his dash, ignoring how with every inhale I took, all I could smell was the overwhelming scent of him. I wasn't used to being neutral with him, nor I was used to him being nice to me. It felt unnatural. I felt...nervous?

This wasn't a date and I knew that. We were both doing it because I was getting paid, and he was taking advantage of the circumstances. I shouldn't be feeling anything but annoyance toward him after everything he's said and done to me.

Leaning my head against the window, I sigh, getting the last little bit of shuteye and relaxation that I could before we arrived.

A/N drink your waters or else

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