By -platinumcopyshare

18.3K 455 23

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

1.5K 40 7
By -platinumcopyshare

Chapter Four: Mint Green Chocolate

Hundreds of brightly colored lights danced in the heated darkness, varying in almost every shape, size and color. The humid air mingled with the soft enticing music that filled the vast clearing of the Zabini Estate; a masquerade ball, yet another excuse to justify a hefty crowd, expensive champagne and wine, ridiculously boisterous music and something more-- if you're lucky.

Tipping the elegant etched glass that nestled within his palm, Draco took a sip of the chilled wine which the host had presented him with. He allowed the luscious red liquid touch his heated lips, let is slide down and cool his dried throat. It was sweet, he noted as he poured more of the fine beverage to fill his system. It was also quite hot; the heat in the breeze, mixing with the chill rising from the ground beneath him and that hinted sweet taste which filled his mouth gave him a sense of peace and made him drift into his own personal land of contentment.

Packs of people around him, spun, twirled and merrily frolicked amongst each other. Multitudes of couples took advantage of the dark steamy atmosphere, coddling one another in am intimate embrace; while other singles grabbed the opportunity to converse with other singles, in hopes to create an electric connection.

"Would you like to dance?" a brunette behind an electric blue mask offered, attempting to bring the blonde to the clearing. He extended long tan fingers to the sitting prince in front of him.

Draco pondered on the thought for a bit before refusing. "No, thank you. I don't dance with strangers." He excused, trying decline with dignity. Sometime ago, he decided to be on his polite side tonight. He extended a long pale hand towards the kid your gentleman offering him to dance, with his light gray sleeve slightly fluttering with the cool breeze.

The guy's smile never feigned. "Well then..." he started, taking one of Draco hands into his own; the contrast in their skin tones was clearly visible. "My name's Jean Clear and I am pleased to have the pleasure of dancing with you Mr. . . . ?" He kissed politely placed a small kiss on Draco's hand after introducing himself.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" Draco could only answer in embarrassment as the open display of formality normally associated with female hierarchy. His cheeks faintly tinted a blushing shade of pink as the heat flooded to his face. Normally, at an entire party he would play the role of observer and simply watched as the scene played before him, but tonight there was a tingle in his spine that he found quite amusing that he could not resist any invitations.

Jean once again smiled. "There; we aren't strangers anymore." He paused before continuing; "would you like a dance?" his smile never flattered, nor did that sparkle in his eye. His almost graceful movements made Draco unable to resist.

After renewing his offer, he once again placed a peck on those smooth pale hands. Draco could merely nod, as he was lead into the dance floor. He let the persistent brunette behind the blue mask show him the center of the dance floor.

Harry Potter.

While there were over a hundred guests frolicking within the vast Zabini estates, there was a particular group gathered inside one of the mansions private entertaining rooms. Lush chestnut drapery accented the tall French windows lining the wall of the room; in front of it five large couches were arranged surrounding a circular coffee table. Harry and his friends were all around the area; Ron, Hermione and Seamus were seated on separate couches while Harry took a seat under the French tapestries-- gazing onto the crowd below on garden. Tea and biscuits were served.

"This is great Blaise!" Seamus complimented as he moved over the center table, his soft light-brown colored hair falling on his face as he took a sugar-coated cookie from the basket. "These cookies are great! I wish Tessa could bake cookies like these at home. We must comment the Zabini's on their wonderful baker." He said happily as he ate the cookie in question and proceeded to take another.

"Oh Seamus would you please restrain yourself from those cookies" Hermione scolded him as she took the item in this hand and placed in on a napkin beside the basket. "You know well enough that these sugary confections are not good for your health. You'll bloat up like a pig, you will" She wiped the crumbs left on her fingers on some pink linen napkins provided nearest her seat, gently running the fabric through her fingers as she marveled at its quality.

"Blimey 'Mione! You sound like my mother!" Seamus protested, taking another cookie from the basket and safely moving it away from Hermione's reach. "You are one of the people who should know well enough that I'm one of the most physically fit people in town" he shot back with a sly grin on his lips--implying. "You can ask the ladies around yourself, though you might just get grim looks and 'hmpfs' in response." This time, Seamus finished his remark with his grin folding upwards into a full smile.

"Seamus! You can be such a child!" Hermione groaned out-- defeated, as she instead took a sip from the teacup resting in her hands. The pearly white porcelain chine glittered as the light from the pink with a moon reflected on it. Hermione's deep red tresses were swept back onto the loose curls behind her neck with a few straw strands freely falling to frame her face. Her lips painted light cherry pink with a touch of shimmer making them sparkle as they played with the light.

"Hermione, Seamus, seems that the both of you have already started your own party" Blaise commented with a load resonating laugh that echoed in the air as he entered the quiet room; the noise from the outside hall slightly flooded inside the timid area as the door closed behind him. "It seems that Ronald has found it quite a bore and is contented at sleeping on my couch" He jested with a smile, removing his pale blue mask from his face.

"Serves him right for coming to the house hours before the party" Seamus sighed beside his red-headed friends haplessly thrown over couch. Ron's dark brick red costume getting wrinkled in the process and his usually messy curls even messier.

"He can't help it, he says, his dad needs to attend a ball in the neighboring town. He was dropped off here this morning." Blaise muttered before he turned to the silent brunette near the window. "Harry! You must not simply sit there by the window, it would be a shame to miss this entire party my father has thrown for all the eligible bachelors and ladies" he continued with a smile adorning his lips, as he placed a hand on his shoulder. Harry still remained silent.

"Harry?" They all inquired in unison as they all turned to his direction, worried about their friend.

"What's the matter Harry?" Hermione wondered, as she too stood beside the silent brunette, her long pale lavender and dark blue accented dresses draping around her. She placed a lace enveloped hand on Harry's shoulder waiting for a response, the pale light blue contrasting with Harry's darker green overcoat.

"It's nothing" Harry muttered, turning to face them with his signature smile, adjusting his deep velvet green coat before moving to stand up. "I was thinking of what our next bet would be" he quipped up jokingly as he removed Hermione's hands from his shoulder and moving his hands trough his messy brown locks in attempts to fix its current state.

"How about let's sleep with someone new tonight?" he suggested, beckoning to the large crowd below them. "It would be such a shame to let this pool of new blood go to waste" his lips curled again into a smile, as his glasses were hid behind a simple black mask adorning half of his face. His stunning deep green eyes fitted perfectly through the eye holes of the ornament.

"Sounds devilishly enjoyable for the night, what would you say we bat, Harry?" Blaise questioned fully entertaining the idea of yet another bet to be played out within the group, folding in his arms and placing one hand below his jaw.

"Hmm shall we any luscious maid in my household?" Harry offered them as he pondered. "And for Hermione perhaps one of my men? Or would you gentleman be interested in that offer as well?" his sly grin was once again the prominent aspect of his façade and with the addition of his black mask made him look even move dashing.

They all laughed at Harry's little jest yet fully agreeing that even Seamus, Ron and Blaise would love to engage in his proposition to Hermione.

Blaise on the side of the room had woken up Ronald and worn his dispatched light blue mask which he picked up from the center table.

"What are we all talking about?" Ron suddenly spoke out from his drowsy state of sleep and consciousness. He stretched his arms way above his head like a cat woken from its nap and let out a loud yawn. "Has the party started?" He asked, still rubbing his eyes and eliminating any reminisce of sleep from his eyes and over all appearance.

"Yes it has Ron" Hermione answered him as she too proceeded to place her bejeweled mask on her face, hers cover three-quarters of her face-- both her eyes and half of her mouth. "And Harry even has suggested a bet for the evening festivities." She said with a smile as she tied the mask around her face.

"Here" Harry whispered as she tied the elegant deep red ribbon behind her hair in an equally elegant bow. "Does everyone agree with my bidding?" he asked waiting for their responses.

One by one, all four of them agreed--even Ron who took a few minutes for the bet to be explained to him. They all made their way to the courtyard where the dancing took place and were greeted by the overwhelming sight of color and cheer. The music played in the background as the orchestra was lead by one of London's finest conductors.

The group all went there separate ways as they stepped onto the green; Ronald making his way to a curvy brunette by the fountain, Seamus headed to a gorgeous blonde seated near a table, Blaise went to a mysterious silver-haired lad by a tree, Hermione was lead to the floor by a handsome black-haired gentleman and Harry was left to stand by the entrance as he digested the sight before him.

Surveying the swarm of people dancing under the moonlight, he couldn't help as his eyes spotted those magnificent blonde locks that have been haunting him all day. He barely noticed as his own feet unwillingly lead him to the dance floor and straight towards the blonde, silver-eyed god before him.


Minutes into the sway of the dance, Draco noted that he getting restless--restlessly bored of the entire affair. Balls, masquerades, parties and so forth, were attended more of formality than leisure; he thought of it as duty than entertainment. He had switched partners for the third time in a row and now found himself in the arms of an unknown gentleman behind a crimson mask.

"You are lovely" he heard the man whisper to him, and yet he could careless. He still could not find anything of interest to him as he danced in rhythm to the music, merely grunting at the man's comment s he was twirled around in a circular motion. "why so quiet young one?" the man spoke again, this time pulling Draco closer to him; his luscious voice sending eerie shivers down Draco's spine. The noiseless blonde did not enjoy this man's company one bit.

He might as well have stopped there since the music came to soft ending. "Thank you for the dance" Draco quickly said, untangling himself from the fiendish man he danced with before turning to walk away. He tidied his coat and undershirt as he composed himself to continue walking. The masked male called after him with his deep voice resounding through the crowd yet Draco kept moving forward.

Within moments one of his wrists was captured by a stronger thicker hand. As he turned, Draco was met with his previous dance partner, with a sly grin plastered on his face. "Sir, may I ask you to kindly release my wrist" Draco bit out with much venom in his voice as he could muster, though it only came out in a quiet whisper. The assailant still held on tighter.

"But we were having so mush fun dancing! How about another round?" he boasted out rather boisterously, receiving a lot of glances in return-- some disgusted others in curiosity and yet others merely looked at it as scene in tonight's events. In every party, where ever it might be held it, there's always a sight much like this and, well, some of the guests this evening have learned to accept actions such as these; they all--if not most--merely shrugged it off and continued with their dancing.

"Again Sir" Draco started, getting annoyed with the whole situation as he tried to free his wrist from being bound. "Kindly let go of my wrist" he argued back this time using his free hand to attack the offending hand. Smooth pale hands were no match to rugged rough ones, as the man was able to pull Draco into his arms and the blonde could do nothing but resisted in his hold. "Unhand me" he gritted behind clenched teeth once again--still the man did not respond.

Draco struggled.

As his dance partner's hold loosened, Draco felt another hand on his shoulder; this flesh he knew and was comfortable with. "Let the man go" he heard from behind him, the deep voice sending chills down his spine and butterflies within his stomach as his partner fully obeyed the voice behind him. In the span of a few second the man refusing so violently to let him go, had fled into the safety of the thick crowd in search for other prey.

Draco spun around; beautiful blonde hair following dramatically behind him, as he faced his knight in shining armor--quietly hoping deep down that it was the kind brunette that had also captured his heart. At that moment he forgot to breathe as once again his silvery eyes met with deep green emerald orbs, only this time those stunning eyes were hidden behind a simple black mask adorning his beloved's face.

"Stranger" he caught himself involuntarily whispering as he lost control of the rest of his body as well. He took the hand offered to him without thinking and electricity sparkled as the dark fresh met against his own pale hand. There was once again that beautiful smile that entrapped his heart those many nights ago when they first met and at that moment he could speak no more.

"Angel" Harry whispered back, as he marveled at the blonde before him; pale skin, long finger, blonde hair, silver-eyes and the most gorgeous face which haunted him since that faithful party so many nights ago. He too met that breathtaking young man which had his mind in spirals, making his lose all his own senses. Dresses in a pale brown shirt, a white scarf and dark pants, the blonde looked even more beautiful then when they had first met and for the second time in his life Harry could only focus on the magnificent man in front of him.

They stepped together in a trance, captured only in each other eyes--in each others arms as they embraces with the tune of melody fast fading in the background. Once again, it was only them that existed, so much like their first encounter when the rest of the world dimmed out as they only found one another of importance. They were mesmerized by the individual they were dancing with--green on silver and blonde against brunette tresses harmoniously swayed in perfect rhythm. Both looked like a painting or sculpture and no one could deny that they suited each other in complete balance.

There was romance in the air as they looked into each other's eyes-- unfathomably intoxicated by this unreadable emotion in their hearts.

Draco sighed contently as he let this man, his savior for the second time lull him into a peaceful surrender. The beating of his partner's heart hypnotized him, allowing the entire world to fade before him eyes. Nothing else mattered at this moment--nothing in the world could break the spelled wrapped around them.

"What is your name?" he heard the stranger ask him, a strong fingers bringing up his chin so that he could gazed into those emerald eyes. He had turn away, afraid that every barrier left might break. After all, this was the man who abandoned him the morning after their passionate lovemaking. "Angel?" the concerned voice brought him back to reality. He shook all fears aside.

"Draco" he softly answered back, burying his face further into the man's chest as he was literally swept of his feet and carried in the man's arms. "Hmm Draco Malfoy" he heard the deep voice above him groan out as those arms beneath him shifted to a more comfortable position. He was carried like a bride out of the massive party and into a more private garden in the Zabini estate. Soon, the thundering music muted out from behind them until it remain nothing more than a mere buzz in the far distance.

"I still do not know who you are" he thought out silently, unconsciously bringing his face closer to that exhilarating neck which was presented to him. He inhaled a breath of air, and the man's addicting scent flooded onto his senses--spice, he noted with the sweetness of cinnamon binding with the earth. He exhaled a heavy breath as if releasing the adrenaline rush of a horse race; it came out sounding more of a moan than he expected it to. "What is your name?" he sighed with a small smile forming on his lips. "Tell me"

"Harry" the man replied, as his arms tightened around the attractive blonde in his embrace. "Harry" Draco whispered back in reply, seemingly liking the sound of the name on his lips.

He inhaled another mouthful of air and allowed the scent to fill his senses once more. He lost all control and succumbed to his desires. "Harry" he moaned out, blonde tresses getting messier by the second as he pressed his face further to the strong neck in front of him. He pressed him lips to the nearest flesh that he could reach--skin that invited in since they had started dancing, skin which had tormented him from the moment the stranger lifted him into his arms. He could no longer control himself--he attacked.

Lips assaulted the exposed flesh with soft butterfly kisses, lingering on the skin slightly longer than necessary. Harry groaned as he fell back on the grass, letting the blonde vixen crawl on top of him. That lean body pressed against his own, molding itself to him. As those kisses continued their trek on is skin, hands found themselves buried underneath the cotton fabric of his shirt--smooth hands moving over his bare torso.

"Harry" Draco moaned aloud, trying to rip the shirt of Harry's chest but he was stopped by strong hands. "Harry?" he said the name again, only this time in a questioning tone unaware of the reason he was stopped in his pursuit. His gaze was met with smiling green eyes and a stunning smile on Harry's face as his entire head was lead into a kiss that stole all his ability to think--or remember to breathe. He could only moan incoherent phrases in response to the exciting new sensations.

Their lips met for the first time tonight, sending electric waves of pleasure through their bodies. Immense passion erupted as tongues battled for dominance--licking, caressing and exploring for undiscovered treasures that was hidden within their mouths. The intensity boiled to breaking point as Harry slowed and gently massaged Draco's mouth, making the other involuntarily relax to his touch.

Hands lowered down and caressed the blonde's waist and hip, feeling the fabric of his trousers and uncovering the fasteners that held it together. Harry deepened the kiss, as Draco pressed his lower half harder against him; he tugged on his partner's shirt effectively releasing it from being tucked inside tight-fitted trousers. He was rewarded when smooth skin met his own, the creamy flesh feeling heavenly under his finger tips. It was exhilarating, the more skin he felt under his hands the harder his desires for the blonde heightened.

Draco could not contain his moan--deep and throaty, lust clearly evident in his voice. "Harry" he released a breath as the kiss ended, both in dire need of oxygen. "Harry" he said again, pressing himself harder still on his partner's firm stomach below him. He could feel his erection growing from the heat, turning almost painfully hard with need.

"Harry" he breathe out almost pleading with desire, moaning out in pleasure as the brunette beneath him planted light kisses on his neck. Memories of their previous lovemaking flooded into his mind like a dam bursting with a sudden influx of water and he couldn't take it. The sensations that flooded his body the emotion he felt from the man holding him in securely in his arms. It was as if nothing would ever harm him--he was safe.

Harry could no longer restrain himself and his desires. Being near the blonde drove him insane, being unable to think as all he wanted was to ravish the body on top of him. Those awe-striking blonde locks playing with the moonlight above them as Draco moved--and moaned with tingling sensations that overwhelmed his state of mind.

He kissed luscious pale neck in front of him, tasting the sweet taste of vanilla on his lover. He inhaled, the soft muted scent of mist overflowing his senses --intoxicating him more with this unknown raw need that he could not understand. He wanted more of this taste, of the blonde's unidentified flavor. This addicting experience which he has never encountered before.

He moved his assault to the pale skin of his partner's collar bone, creamy light skin giving him sparks of bliss unimaginable to him. White skin, made him react in unbelievable feelings throughout his entire body. This was an entirely new playing field for the well experienced Harry Potter.

Draco humped his hips harder on the man blow him, trying to find release--attempting to reach his climax. He found no avail, and he grew frustrated at his lack of orgasm. He knew too well that he needed Harry inside of him once again for his fulfillment to be attained. "Make love to him" he moaned out, pressing himself long and hard against his lover. "Make love to me" he repeated as he let himself bury his face onto the neck beneath him.

"Draco" Harry groaned out in response as the man on top of him grinded against his hips in delicious friction. He lost all of his remain restrain as he heard the blonde begging for his touch in desperation. He flipped their positions; now trapping the heated silver-eyed god underneath his full weight. He groaned as the movement created more delectable rubbing heat in between them.

Draco's hair haloed his head, scattering in different directions and angles as he was taken aback with the sudden momentum which Harry had created. He found himself beneath the handsome masked god above him, those unruly brown locks fallen haplessly over his knight's face. He caught himself staring, unable to tear his gaze away from such an enchanting sight. "Oh god" he moaned out, feeling the pressure placed on his groin by a hot hand.

"Harry" he called aloud.

"Harry Potter you stop this right as this instant!" another voice called out to them and Hermione walked into the garden, a handsome man on her arm as well. "Do not defoul the Zabini gardens!" she said, scolding the man like a mother. There was a faint blush of red on her cheeks as she fully viewed the sight that greeted her.

Draco's eyes open wide in shock as the intruding voice that entered, for a moment he was left on the ground by his lover. He could not find the strength to move as another wave of emotion ran through his body. "Harry?" he called out, but received no response from his lover. "Harry" he tried again.

Upon hearing his friend's voice, he immediately got up from his position to greet the lovely lady. "What are you doing here, Hermione?" he asked with a sly grin, while giving a quick wink to Hermione's date for the evening.

"The party was getting too rowdy for me, I'm afraid" Hermione confessed, slightly leaning on the tall gentleman beside her--her red hair falling with much drama on her partner's black covered shoulder. "Unlike you who fancied a shag" she bit out menacingly as she turned her eyes towards Draco.

"The poor thing" she commented, moving her head side to side in pity. "the gardens? Really, Harry, you should at least get him inside before he freezes to death" she suggested while looking as the almost topless blonde lying on the grass not far from where she stood.

Harry gave a throaty laugh. "You know well enough I plan to keep him warm, Hermione" he jested, lifting an eyebrow to prove his point. He opened his mouth to make another comment when he was stopped upon hearing his name being called out.

"Harry" he heard the blonde's voice call to him--sounding quite afraid that he was alone. Immediately Harry rushed to his side, wrapping his thick cape over his half-naked partner and scooping him into his waiting arms. Draco immediately reacted, by wrapping his arms around Harry's neck and burying his face as much as humanly possible in Harry's neck, giving a happy sigh with the contact.

"I would love to stay Herm', but I believe my lover has other plans" he commented, feeling the blonde shift in his arms at the comments. Hermione only smiled in reply.

Harry nodded his goodbye to Hermione and her partner, as he was too preoccupied with the blonde in his arms. He made his way swiftly and as stealthy as he could into his bedroom before carefully placing the beautiful man in his arms on the soft awaiting comforters. Silver-eyes opened and gazed into his. Golden blonde hair once again framing Draco's captivating features the moon too seemingly highlighting all the right contours of his face--it simply made him look an angel.

With much tenderness, Harry undid the buttons of his angel--not wanting to break the trace which has mesmerized them both. Swooping down he placed their third kiss of the night onto those tempting seductive lips and lead his lover into another dance of the tongues. Tonight, they were going to make love for a second time.

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