The Rebel Within

By wolfmaaster

227 12 49

Have you ever wondered what happened to Freed Justine? What caused him to be the strict rule follower and loy... More

Chapter two

Chapter 1

133 6 31
By wolfmaaster

Hello! I am a new/old writer that's trying to write more and a friend suggested that I should publish my stories. So I thought why not so here you go.

-Cut to show-

"Laxus, are you sure we are going right? We have been walking for hours! The path disappeared ages ago!" Natsu whined out as he walked following the yellow haired giant.

"Aye sir, and my feet are killing me. Can we sit down?" Happy whined out as well as he held onto Natsu's back.

"What do you mean your feet hurt! I am the one that is doing all the walking! Maybe we should trade places!" Natsu yelled at the blue cat.

"Well... at least I am not Lucy who is using her spirits to carry her!" Happy chimed back. But before Natsu could respond, Laxus stopped him in his tracks.

"Would both of you quit it... we are all tired. And complaining won't make anything better. Now as for if we are going the right way, I am sure we are going the right way. I would be more certain of where to go IF SOMEONE DIDN'T USE THE MAP AS TOILET PAPER!" Laxus yelled at Natsu

"Yeah Gray, why did you ruin our map?" Nastu asked, crossing his arms and turning to face the ice prince himself.

"ME! Oh no you are not going to pin this whole mess on me flamebrain. This is your doing." Gray said with all the sassiness the very tired ice mage could muster at the moment.

"Oh you are always blaming me. Natsu did this. Natsu did that. No master, I didn't burn the city down that was Natsu even though he didn't join me on that mission." He whined in a very high pitched voice, mocking Gray. "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH ARMOR I HAD TO CLEAN FOR THAT MESS! AND IT WASN'T EVEN MY MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Natsu yelled at Gray.

"THAT ONE WAS YOUR FAULT! YOU JUST HAD TO TAGGED ALONG WITH ME AT THE LAST MINUTE AND IF YOU HAD NOT TURNED ON THE HEATER LIKE I TOLD YOU NOT TO IT WOULDN'T OF BURNED-" Gray yelled at the pink haired male in front of him. But was quickly stopped by Makarov, who was currently holding on to his grandson's back.

"We are all hot and tired and you guys' bickering will not make it better so quit it or I will get out the get along shirt!" Makarov yelled at the young mages who instantly stopped fighting.

Suddenly Laxus stopped in his tracks after Freed, who was further along stopped. He watched as Freed looked around the forest they were in before he came back towards him.

"I have an eerie feeling that I have been here before..." he muttered, looking up at Laxus. "Do you smell anything out of place?" Freed asked with a rare look of concern. The ruin mage rarely lets emotions like fear be seen because it could be used as a weakness.

Laxus nodded before sniffing the air and the other dragon slayers did the same before looking at Freed shaking their heads.

"I got nothing and I can normally pick up a trail fairly easily." Nastu said as he walked around the group to see if he would be able to find something that was causing the sudden sense of uneasiness.

-Switching to Freed Point of View-

'I feel like I know this place... but from where?' Freed thought to himself as he watched Natsu sniff around on the ground to try and find where the sudden presence was coming from. Suddenly his eyes widened when he realized why he felt so uneasy. "I know this place." He mumbled softly, moving his hand to his sword as if he was expecting an ambush to take place.

-Switching Back to Overview-

"What do you mean you know this place. The Thunder Legion has never been here before." Laxus spoke quickly as he was now studying Freed very carefully watching how his body language changed before him. The lighting mage seems to be nervous now because Freed seemed to be on guard and ready for something.

"I know... I think this is where I was befo-'' Freed started to explain before getting interrupted by the sudden presence of a blade pressed against his neck. The rest of the guild was ready to attack but was suddenly stopped by Freed who raised his hand to stop his guild mates from doing anything to hasty. "We come seeking the knowledge that these grounds hold for all who are wise to reap the harvest." Freed said in a calm manner letting his body relax and his hand move away from his sword to show he meant no harm.
"What is the knowledge of the fruit that you wish to get?" The hooded figure asked as she nodded, as if she liked his response

"We wish to gain the fruit of the past, present, and the future, for their fruit is the sweetest and the most powerful to us." Freed recited without hesitation at any point. He raised his finger to his lips to let his guild and his very nervous boyfriend know that they need to wait just a little bit longer.

"Why is it wise to eat the fruit from the past, present, and future?" The hooded figure asked, lifting up their head to reveal a soft smirk.

"Simple the fruit of the past is our teacher. It guides us and teaches us the world's past mistakes and the wise will be swift and learn so that when the present comes they will be able to pick up the test that the present gives us to take. And the future is what we look forward to with our hope." Freed recited. "These grounds are sacred for those who truly want to live the great path. May all join us who are worthy" He added as he felt the hooded figure step back from behind him allowing him to turn and face his accuser.

"Hello, I see the Rebel has finally returned home,'' She said, stabbing her sword into the ground in front of her before pulling her hood down from her head. Her bright green eyes looked up at the group in front of her as she leaned onto the sword. "It's been quite some time since we last met up for the last time." 

"Hello to you too, I see the mage of these grounds working hard as normal protecting our holy grounds." Freed remarked with a slight chuckle. "And yes the Rebel found himself on these grounds once again after all these years."

-Play ending music-

So... yes I am ending on a cliffhanger. yes, I know you are upset with me about where I left.... but common please be kind. I am just getting into writing again so please forgive me this time.but I am hoping to add more chapters and tell freeds unknown origins.

now here's a question... what are the theories for what is happening next?

Word count: 1081

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