Life's Requiem, Death's Cater...

By TMWolf

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Sequel to Champion's Sword, Galar's Shield Reunited once more, Cassandra and Leon embark on their next journe... More

A Toast
Of Farewells
Welcome to Kalos!
Many Meetings I
The Bug Badge
Many Meetings II
New Friends
Memories & Hints
Team Flare
Beaches & Rock Climbing
Flare & Stone
Good Times & Good Friends
More Questions
Earth & Fire
The Ups & Downs
The Future and Past
The Plot Thickens
Snow & Sun
Breaking Point
The End's Beginning
Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul
A New Lease Part I
New Lease II (18+ Explicit)
A New Life

What Comes After

265 7 6
By TMWolf

Lumiose City,


Cassandra sighed as she rubbed the last of the sleep from her eyes and looked over at the balcony window door through which the morning sunlight was filtering through. A quick glance at the clock told her it was nearing seven AM, which meant they'd slept at least twelve hours. Arceus knew they needed it, even after resting at the hospital just yesterday to tend to their remaining injuries. For all Xerneas' healing abilities had helped stop the petrifaction and mend some wounds, they still had a good deal of scrapes, bruises on the skin and some ribs, and other aches they hadn't noticed until later. It had kept them under careful care of the Lumiose doctors, and it was only the next day they were released in the evening and then found their hotel to shower together and then crash together on the bed. They hadn't even bothered to dress as exhausted as they were, and even now her body was sore like she'd gone through an intense workout.

She chuckled at the notion–they really had been dead tired.

After all, they'd almost died.

Again, technically. But this had been closer. Much, much closer. She could still remember the sensation of her leg going numb and heavy–of watching her body slowly turning to stone. Of watching the same happen to Leon. She remembered how he shook when he held her; the tears; the choked sobs.

She rolled over to face Leon properly, the young man sleeping soundly with his arm secured around her waist. He looked peaceful, for which she was grateful. He'd endured so much, even before all this. He'd missed half a childhood, instead using it to endure immense anxiety and pressure of being the best and keeping up pretense for an entire region. Then the greatest betrayal and a loss of himself coupled with nearly losing his home again and his family and friends? And now all this. Part of her own doing, and the rest, well; she would trust AZ and Xerneas about Lysandre and just hope he would learn–and suffer, if only a little. Maybe then the guilt consuming her wouldn't feel so heavy then. In time.

He must have sensed her staring, for his eyes opened a little, then blinked twice before opening fully. A small, gentle smile came over his face and he tugged her closer to nuzzle his face into her hair, inhaling slowly.

"Hey," he called softly, and she nuzzled in kind into his neck as she braced a hand on his chest.


He was quiet for a moment, just enjoying the feeling of her against him, and then spoke in a hushed tone, "How do you feel?"

"Better than yesterday," she chuckled back. "You?"

"Same as you," he snickered. He glanced up to the balcony. "How long were we out?"

"About twelve hours I think."

"Huh... Is it weird that I don't feel hungry? Can't even remember the last time we ate."

"I think we were too tired to feel hungry," she laughed. "We should eat today, though–for sure. In maybe another hour or two. I like being like this right now."

"Agreed. We haven't gotten to sleep like this for a while it feels like," he hummed, tugging her closer; practically curling himself around her. He was quiet for a few moments before speaking softly again, "Are you okay? Really?"

She took a few moments to respond, "I think so. It was... a lot."


"I... think it'll be okay, though. Yveltal is sleeping... AZ and Xerneas are dealing with Lysandre... and I imagine Sycamore and the League are handling the aftermath," she went on, sighing. "Looker is probably going to have a lot of paperwork covering things up. Another list to my record."

"You have a bad habit of adding to it."

"Yeeeeeah, I do," she laughed lightly, then sighed again, squeezing her eyes shut. When she opened them, she deflated some, "I... um... I'm sorry, 'Lee... about all of it–of getting us involved.

She lifted a hand to his mouth when she heard him trying to speak, "No. Don't... don't argue. I know it ended up for the best. If we hadn't stepped in.... We might not even be here, but... you were right, too. Getting involved almost killed us. Again. Galar it was understandable–it was your home. Your friends. Family. Here is... it's not the same, and even though we became the only one who could do something... I should have talked to you first and made sure you were okay with it. I should have thought about it more. I should have noticed it was bothering you more. I should have... a lot of things, and I'm sorry, 'Lee. I hurt you. And then I got mad at you for being upset over me throwing myself into danger."

She paused to finally look up and meet his eyes; saw them staging intently. Focusing on her every word.

"I'm sorry. I just... All my life I've gone it alone and just charged in–with or without a plan. If I saw people hurting others, I couldn't–I can't just stand by. I was raised to do what's right, and after dealing with Rocket and then Galactic and Plasma... it just... it became like a habit? If that makes sense? And I never had to ask anyone if they were okay with it. It was always my own decision. I never relied on anyone but me and my Pokémon, and they were always like me–ready to fight to do the right things. To be honest, back in Galar was the first time I genuinely worked like that with people–with even just you to help people. And here I just... didn't even think to ask. So... Arceus, I know I'm a broken record, but... I'm sorry. I should have talked to you, and I didn't. I hurt you."

She looked away again, shame coming over her as her words made real the full brunt of the damage, she'd done to him. She could imagine a little why he was so hurt by it, but regardless of the reason, it had hurt him, and that's what mattered the most.

"It's okay–I understand," Leon finally replied, and she looked up in surprise.

"But... it's not okay–," she started, and he was the one to bring a hand to her lips, silencing her.

"I... yes, it hurt–seeing you rush into danger... but only because I was scared. I didn't want you to get hurt again. I was... I was scared I couldn't protect you–that, no matter how hard I tried, you'd just get hurt again, and... after what happened in Galar... I just... I already couldn't protect people from Eternatus... and then you got hurt thanks to Sordward, and just... I felt like such a failure. To my family. My friends. Galar. You. Myself. And if I couldn't protect you, then... I dunno, I felt... worthless. And it made me so anxious, and when you would just run in I... I blamed you. I see that now. You were just trying to do the right thing, and I wanted to stop you because I was scared, and I took out that fear on you.

He pressed his head into her hair again, "I should have just talked to you about it... but I was afraid you'd be mad at me or that you'd get hurt that I wanted to stop you or... I dunno. I just... I couldn't tell you. And that made it worse."

"You know you're not a failure, though, right?" she asked, tone stern. He chuckled, only for her to sit up suddenly and cup his face in her hands. "You're not a failure. Even when you lost to Gloria you weren't. You've always done your best to help others, and even here in Kalos you've worked to help these people and your own. You are an amazing man. You do everything he can to make people happy. Don't you dare shit on everything you've done. Also, as I recall, you tore through Team Flare's base to bust me out, and then faced a monster Pokémon and we survived. You're no failure, you hear me?"

Leon's eyes met hers the entire time, and a long moment passed as he took in her words. Then he closed them, smiled warmly, and then laughed loudly. She couldn't help chuckling in turn, then grew quiet as heat pooled into her cheeks when he reached up to touch her hand on his cheek, turning his head to kiss the palm. He squeezed her hand gently as he pulled it away and entwined their fingers.

"Thanks, 'Cas... it's... I wish I could say I don't think it a lot more than I should, but there are definitely days I still do–just thinking of how much I missed and couldn't do... but you're right, and I'm glad you're here to remind me. You help me be better, love," he spoke softly, reaching up to cup her cheek this time. Like he had, she reached up to touch his hand. "Still, I... can't help but feel it, realizing what I was doing to you, too–with my Pokégram."

"Okay, that was kind of my own fault–."

He smiled pitifully, ''Cas... we know that's not true. I was so excited and happy to share my whole life... I forgot you had lived an entirely different one. In that regard, anyway. I thought you would just... jump right into it, but I forgot you started it barely a year ago and I'd done it since I was basically ten. I forgot how harsh the comments can be. I don't even read them anymore, to be honest, so I just... didn't think about it. I forgot how cruel people can be, and I never thought they'd go after you like that, or how overbearing it can be for people who don't share everything. I just... expected you to be fine with it without even asking."

"...Sounds like we've been really bad at communicating, and making asses out of each other," Cassandra grinned.

"What's the saying again–assume makes an ass out of u and me?" he snickered, making her laugh.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. That's the one," she snorted, then let out a deep exhale. "I... won't lie. It's... rough. I try to not focus on the comments and DMs but... it has been a lot lately, and... truth be told, it's felt like we share everything. Like we don't have a moment to ourselves when this is our relationship. Not theirs. And I know I'll be more okay with things in time. I don't know how much or long it'll take, and I'm going to try my best to learn how to handle it all... just... please be patient with me?"

"Always... and I'll work to focus on us more, and not on pleasing my fans. 'Cause you're right. This is our relationship. And I don't need to share it all with them. I don't have any obligation, too, so... I'll curb the photos some or ask you first–or try to at least remember to. But you have to promise to tell me know when you're not okay with it, too, okay? I want you to let me know right away, 'cause I just want you to be happy, 'Cas. I just want to make you smile and laugh and feel... well, yeah. Happy."

"Okay. I'll work harder on that, too–for you. For us. And I'll do better about making sure you're okay with things," she began, then paused to laugh, rubbing the back of her head, "Or, well, okay–not that I want this kind of situation to happen again, but you know what I mean. I'll do better to consider your position more. I hope you can trust me despite all this when I try to do what's right, but I have to earn that, too, so I'll do better to help you to not be afraid anymore, too. But you gotta talk to me, too. You gotta let me know when I do something that's bothering you so I can work on it, too. Okay?"

"So, you help me and I help you and we do better about communicating?"

"I mean, if you want to sum it up like that–.."

"Deal," he laughed, sitting up to kiss her quickly. "There. Sealed with a kiss."

"You're such a dork!" she giggled and kissed him back. "There. Double sealed."

"Life's too short for us to have to argue and get mad like we did. I just wish it hadn't taken nearly dying to realize that," he sighed softly.

"No kidding," she sighed with him, leaning over to rest her head on his shoulder. "Seriously, though... life really is too short to be mad at each other. We should spend it having fun, trying new things, and just... living it. We never know when another Mega Death Pokémon might come along and all."

"Ha!" he bellowed and shifted so she fell back onto the pillows. He followed in suit, hovering over her, their fingers still clasped together. "I think we can let some other Trainers handle that the next time."

"Agreed. We'll just enjoy the local food and drink and only step in if we absolutely have to. Last resort," she hummed, then paused. "Wait–if that's okay with you."

"Look at that! You already learned. We're making waves on this relationship thing. I think that'd be okay with me, by the way. Just a last resort," he snickered, stealing a quick kiss. He pulled away to hum, a thought coming to mind. "...Shit."

She raised a brow, "What is it?"

"Raihan was right."

"...Damn you're right."

"Wait–did Raihan give you advice too?" he frowned, pouting slightly.

"Well, I asked him one time, then he gave it the next. Wait–you asked?"

Leon laughed, plopping down on her, "Yes! We both did! Arceus, he'll be so pissed if he finds out we legitimately had a fight because we didn't listen. I guess we owe him a favor."

"More like a drink," she laughed, too. "But we can do that once we get back to Galar. For now, I'm happy to stay in bed a little longer."

"Me, too. Although, I think I wouldn't mind a few more of those kisses we've been giving out," he poured, nuzzling her cheek gently.

She purred back, "I think that's doable. We ought to celebrate our new promise to be a better couple. Start working on that foundation for that life together, y'know?"

"Sounds good to me," he hummed, pressing his lips to hers again.

And then again.

And again.

And again, and more still as their hands roamed; hers along his back as it flexed and into his hair; at the same time his trailed along her sides to her thigh, which he lifted over his hip. The touch was electrifying, sending sparks of fire through them, invigorating them. Gentleness became passion as heat pooled between them and carnal yearned claimed their instincts. It'd been too long, and a need for release–for the sheer relief of being alive–took them through their desires, tangling them into the sheets as bodies entwined and their love was made through touch and cries of pleasure, ended with the blissful sighs of joy that gradually melded into peaceful sleep enwrapped in each other's arms once more.


A few days later....

Lumiose City,


"How are you two feeling?" Sycamore inquired; hands clasped in his lap as he sat behind his desk. He glanced between the two Trainers, who sat in the chairs opposite to him; both pushed close together to have their hands clasped. They looked better, certainly, but he knew better than that–not after seeing the aftermath of Geosenge. The memory alone filled him with guilt–to have let it happen right under his nose. Yet, who could have thought Lysandre could have done something so cruel? So vile? So... evil?

Truly, he had failed Leon and Cassandra. He'd failed his region. His people. He should have seen the signs, but he had blinded himself to the truth–because he didn't want to see it. Because he couldn't fathom that his former friend could be so deranged.

"We're... okay. Considering," Cassandra replied finally, meeting his gaze. "Are... you okay?"

He chuckled, a bit ruefully, "I'm not sure. It's... so much... and I feel ashamed admitting that to you two."

"No, don't–this... this was a lot for everyone. No one could have thought he'd find Xerneas and Yveltal or used them like that," Leon spoke up, shaking his head.

"I admit I... can still hardly believe it. They were real. Really real... I... I never fathomed how... dangerous they could be. How truly deadly the Weapon was... but... Arceus, Geosenge is in ruins," the Professor rasped, running a hand through his hair. "It'll take years to rebuild... and the lives lost... it's only thanks to Xerneas it wasn't worse."

"It saved us, too, and is making sure Yveltal remains asleep," the redhead stated, and Sycamore looked her way.

"You're sure?" he asked, tone firm.

She nodded, "Yes. We were there. It stopped Yveltal and forced it into a hibernation state–a cocoon. Last we saw it was resting beside it... along with AZ. And Lysandre."

Sycamore flinched, eyes widening. He looked to Leon, who nodded. He slumped in his seat, hand going through his hair, then covered his mouth. Thousands of questions ran through his mind. His former friend was alive. Still. He was both relieved, and yet hated himself for feeling so. He should be angry after all Lysandre had done. He had become a monster, and yet–and yet!

"I... he... he lives."

"Yes. Malva saved him when the base collapsed while Xerneas protected us, and then AZ showed up and I guess knocked some sense into him. They let Xerneas recover while we went to stop Yveltal and then they met us where we'd fought. He seemed... subdued. Not... remorseful, but... defeated," Leon added, eyes downcast.

Cassandra continued for him, "He's... immortal. Like AZ is."

"What? How–wait... who is AZ?"

"The king from the legends–the one who made the Weapon. He's immortal, too. While the Weapon did destroy much... it also granted eternal life to him and now Lysandre. AZ swore to help Lysandre see the error of his ways, but... he can't come back. Ever."

"I... I see," Sycamore spoke softly. Tiredly. He shut his eyes as he leaned back, "I suppose... that's for the best. The world would never be able to accept him. I... I don't even think I could. What he did was... wrong. He betrayed all we knew. All we've worked for... and to think I admired him for it."

"Don't do that to yourself, Sycamore. Lysandre had a lot of people fooled, and you're not wrong for having faith in your friend, especially when he did do a lot to help Kalos. It's just... people can change and hide their true nature very well–trust me on that one," the redhead sighed. Leon squeezed her hand, and she gave him a quick smile. "Just... don't try to look for him. Xerneas told us to tell you what happened, but also that they won't be found until it's time to be found. So don't put yourself through that, either, and just focus on moving forward and helping the people that were hurt. Geosenge needs you–and the League–now more than ever."

The Professor was quiet for a long while, closing his eyes again as if in pain. When he opened them again, they were steadier. Just a little. Just enough.

"I understand. And you're right. I have to focus on the future and the people. The League is already working nonstop to support Geosenge and make sure they're taken care of. We had a massive influx of support and donations, so it's thankfully going well. Diantha herself has been in the field personally. Inspector Looker is working with the police to hunt down the remnants of Team Flare and going through their bases. It seems their head scientist escaped, so they're hunting him down. And then it's just... damage control, I suppose. People want to know the truth, but I'm not even sure how much to tell them."

"Normally... it's better to hide it–the IP always likes to keep the peace, but... too many people saw what happened and died from it... you'll need to give them as much of the truth as possible. And we'll tell you everything that happened and about Xerneas and Yveltal. It... might take a bit, but... we'll tell it all."

"I... thank-you. We owe you. We all do. They'll hail you as heroes for this–," he began, but was cut off as Leon raised a hand.

"Actually... we... talked about it, and... frankly, we'd prefer it if people didn't know it was us," he explained. "It's been a lot, and, really, we'd just like to be able to avoid any more of the craze.'

Sycamore opened his mouth to reply, but to their surprise, it was not his voice which answered.

"Then I'm afraid I must apologize–that won't be possible."

The two Trainers spun around in their seats and found the Champion herself standing just behind them. She looked less vibrant than before, a weariness in her features that felt entirely out of place, although she still carried herself well and wore her usual white outfit that made her seem almost like a fairy. She smiled warmly at them as she walked over to Sycamore's side, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing. He brought his own up to touch hers, relishing in the comfort.

"I'm sorry for what's happened, Sycamore."

"Me, too... Thank-you for all your help. Have you been able to rest at all?"

"A little. But when you mentioned you'd be speaking with Cassandra and Leon, I decided to take the chance to do the same," she replied, and, sparing him another, much quicker and smaller smile, she returned her focus to the two Trainers. "I apologize for dropping so suddenly... and to elaborate on my statement: before that bird-like Pokémon caused the collapse, Malva had been recording the entire thing live. Millions of people watched you two fight against Lysandre to protect the Pokémon. It spread quickly, and now there's no news station that isn't talking about you two and some are beginning to realize you're the heroes from Galar. I suspect it won't be much longer before they try looking for you both for an interviewer and you're recognized even more than I am.

She paused as she saw them both slump down not unlike her companion below her, and regret appeared in her features, "I'm sorry–there's nothing we could do to stop it. At most, I can waylay the reporters, but you won't escape notice."

"I see," the redhead sighed, head falling back. She closed her eye as she went on, "What about Malva, though? Last we saw she was hit by rubble..."

This time, Diantha sighed, gaze falling, "She... Malva didn't make it."

Both Trainers shot up, eyebrows scrunched together.

"Wait–she was hit by the Weapon, too. She should be immortal..." Leon frowned.

"Immortal must not necessarily mean invulnerable," Sycamore mused and looked up at the woman beside him. He squeezed her hand this time, "I'm sorry, Diantha. I know you and the others were close to her, too."

"I... yes. We were. This... betrayal hits hard. Both personally and for the League itself. We're short a member and won't be able to find anyone to replace her anytime soon. We've had to put the Elite Four and Gym Challenges on hold because of it–and to focus on Geosenge first. I'm sorry for that as well, for you two. I know you came here to take on our Gym Challenge, and now you've been embroiled in our problems because we were blind to the truth and couldn't act swiftly enough. We should have been better. I should have. As Champion I am meant to be more than simply the strongest Trainer. I am supposed to be a beacon to my people; to help them when they have need and give them hope. I have failed in this–failed you both, and I am sorry."

"If we won't and can't blame Sycamore... then we can't blame you either," Leon smiled back.

Cassandra nodded, "He's right. And, well, I know all too well how the League ties down their Champions. They expect so much but give you little room to do as you need. Even Lance got into some trouble with Rocket, and Unova hated how Alder would just go off even when there weren't any challengers. I know it's not easy, so don't beat yourself up about it. What you do now when they need you even more is what matters."

"Ah... true... At least now we have the full support of the League behind us, and I'll do my best to ensure they give it to you two as well. After all, you're going to be Champions."

The two paused for a moment before Leon asked the obvious, "Um... what? I'm confused."

She chuckled, "You're both already being hailed as heroes, so when I suggested it to the League members they agreed as well. Since the Challenges will be closed until further notice, you normally wouldn't be able to challenge us or even get your eighth badge, but after what you've done for this region... for the sacrifices you made and the danger you faced... you are to be named honorary Champions of Kalos. You won't be able to claim the seat unless you came back and defeat me properly... but something tells me you both would be the most likely to do so."

"Two Champions with only seven badges. Going to make for a fun headline," the redhead snickered.

"Well, actually... Wulfric of Snowbelle City has agreed to grant you the Badge in honor of what you did. I think his quote was: 'If they're willing to face and beat a Legendary Pokémon like that to protect all of us, then they damn well can beat me'. Or something like that."

"Now I wish we got to battle him!" Leon laughed, glancing over at Cassandra, who chuckled similarly. He was a little disappointed, truth be told, but overall, he realized he was actually relieved. Of anywhere he wanted to go, it was home right now. And with Kalos busy recovering, it worked out well. Still, not exactly how he expected to become a Champion–neither of them expected it, really.

"Well, I guess we'll take it. Just don't tell me there's going to be a parade," the redhead replied, and this time it was Sycamore who laughed.

"Well, normally we do, but I think in your case, we can forgo that, even if it might be good for the people's morale."

"Another time–when we've mourned those lost long enough," Diantha spoke, to which he nodded.

"We vote for no parade. To be honest... we just want to go home right now. We would have come back to finish things later, but... this works, too," the redhead mused, rubbing the back of her head. "It's... been a lot."

"Oh, Arceus, yes, of course– we can expedite the paperwork and everything and get you a plane ticket home no problem," the Professor replied, shifting up proper.

"Yes, unfortunately there will be... paperwork. Inspector Looker still needs to hear what happened from you."

Cassandra sighed, nodding, "Don't worry, I know how it goes. Normally he'd keep it off our records, but it's probably too late for that. He's going to try and work damage control regardless. The IP tries to make sure things don't get out of hand when it comes to situations like... these."

"Understandable. You clearly speak from experience," Diantha mused, regarding the redhead differently.

"Ah... yeah, you could say that. He did me a lot of favors, let's put it that way. He still has my number, so he'll contact me when he's ready. He won't stop until he tracks down the escapees, so our stories aren't that high priority right now," she replied, waving her hand.

"I guess we'll need to wait a few days before we can prep to leave then," Leon mused, rubbing his chin.

"If that's the case, you can send your receipts to the League. I will personally make sure you're compensated for what you've done. A Hall of Fame recognition is hardly enough. You saved this region–I want you both to know that," the Champion spoke firmly, and a light flush came over their faces as they looked away sheepishly.

"I mean... We just... did the right thing. We couldn't just let Yveltal destroy everything," Cassandra mumbled, shifting her feet.

"And, really, Xerneas was the one who stopped it. We just... held it off long enough."

"And if you hadn't, we might not be talking here right now," Sycamore pressed. "Don't diminish your efforts, you two. You did more than you know."

"I... alright. Just–sorry. We're just tired still," the redhead replied.

Her lover added, "And homesick."

"I'll see what I can do about getting you home sooner. I... imagine there's going to be at least one interview, but I'll do my best to keep them at bay," Diantha told them firmly.

"Thanks, we appreciate that," the redhead smiled. "So... what else do you need to know?"

"Well... I don't want to keep you both, but... if... you could explain everything–from the beginning... about what Lysandre was doing, then maybe..." Sycamore replied, eyes downcast. Again, Diantha squeezed his shoulder, and he reached back to place his hand on hers.

"Sure. We'll tell you everything... starting from when Lysandre made the broadcast, to when we last saw him in the woods."

The Professor regarded them for a moment before he sighed and nodded, "Thank-you."

With their next breadth, a long, arduous tale began, and all the while Diantha remained by her friend's side, and Leon and Cassandra did not let go of each other's hand.


Days Later...



There were temporary houses up around the town, on the outskirts where the debris and damage hadn't reached. Campsites were spread out here and there, too, along with some in the woods for extra. People looked better, considering what had happened. Funerals were taking place, and new headstones had already been erected. The Pokécenter was plenty busy, still caring for the injured and giving out supplies and food. Workers trudged about the Ultimate Weapon, or what remained of it, clearing more of the glass-like debris to then get to the buildings stuck underneath. Already it looked far better than it had before, but the scars would always remain.

The International Police were there as well, scouring the area and moving to and from the path leading to the abandoned and demolished base. With some luck, they'd find plenty of useful information that could lead them to the escapees, or just to learn how it all had come to pass. Where they found the Pokémon and the Weapon. How they planned it all. Maybe even what drove Lysandre down this path. Then again, Cassandra wasn't sure if anyone could truly know what made the man who once built Kalos up want to burn it all down. What evil had he seen to make him give up on humanity and the world so easily?

Sometimes, it made her angry to think about it. She, who had faced the evilest of people–those who hurt without regret and wanted to destroy the world without a care for anyone but themselves. She, who had witnessed a "father" murder his son for the sheer fact he considered him useless. And yet, she still found beauty in the world. The love of her family and friends. The Pokémon around her and in the world. The joy of battling. The joy of love–real love, with the man beside her, who stuck with her despite the horrors. Still, they saw the good, so what could have made him this way?

"There's Looker," Leon spoke, breaking her stupor. She looked his way, then followed his pointing hand to a man in a brown trench coat walking in their direction. He wasn't alone, though; a young girl was with him, an Espur in her arms. It was a surprise to both, especially Cassandra who had never known the man to work with one but his Croagunk, who had passed away now. She smiled, figuring it would be good for him then–to have company like that.

"Cassandra! Leon!" he beamed, holding out his hands for them to shake. "You two look... Better."

"We feel better. Seems Geosenge does, too," she replied, glancing around.

"As good as it can be for now; once homes are rebuilt it will be in a right place. At the very least, it's nice to see the region all coming together to help the people here," the older man sighed. A gentle breeze came through, a little chilly compared to when they were here the first time. Seemed even the land still felt the hardship brought by Yveltal's wrath, too.

Leon set his hands in his pockets, "Any luck on the scientist that got away?"

"Scientists, actually, but their main leader is a man called Xerosic."

"Oh," the purple-haired man blinked, then scowled. "He's the one we fought–and activated the Weapon in the first place."

"Then it's even more imperative that I find and apprehend him. Who knows what else he's up to? I suspect he may be in Lumiose. I'll be returning there as soon as possible–once I have your stories," Looker replied firmly, all business. He looked to Cassandra, "I won't be able to blacklist your file, as I'm sure you know."

"I know. We've already done a few interviews we couldn't avoid. We're the 'Heroes of Kalos' now, too. As nice as it is... it's not exactly the best attention. Although... I don't think what's left of Team Flare would really think about coming after us, truth be told. Even with their doomsday plan, they weren't like an organized crime group that was totally malicious."

"I think so, too–and they'd be hard pressed to leave the country or find... Well, I can't exactly hide your details, Leon, I'm afraid, but Cassandra, your family should still be secure despite becoming famous in Galar, too."

She breathed a sigh of relief, "Good. I know Silver's there and keeps a close eye on them, but I still worry sometimes. Fame can be nice, but... it can attract bad attention, too."

"I can work something out, if you'd like–have the IP send undercover agents to watch your homes for a while," the inspector offered.

Leon hummed, "It... couldn't hurt. I plan to spend time at home right after we get back, but I can't put off League duties much longer and it'd be nice having a pair of eyes around."

"And what with me busy searching for a new Ranch spot in Galar..." the redhead mused, making her boyfriend perk up instantly.

"You–really?!" he beamed, making her laugh as she put a finger to his lips.

"We'll talk about that later. For now... we're here to talk about what happened. I guess since we are at the scene of the crime, we can walk you through things."

"I'd appreciate it and take notes if that's alright. You'll have to clue me in starting from what happened at the Lysandre Cafe base–where we got separated."

"Not a problem. Is your... uh..." the redhead began, motioning to the girl, who shied away. Her Espurr did the same, turning its face into her chest.

Looker smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Emma. My new assistant here in Kalos. She's cleared to hear everything, don't worry. Come, I'll lead the way. They're a bit particular where we walk now."

"Got it. After you," Leon replied, gesturing, and the inspector nodded once, motioned for the girl to follow, and headed back towards the chaos. The two Trainers followed suit and didn't miss the way the citizens would stop and stare, as if seeing a ghost–or a celebrity. Here and there, a thank-you rang out, and while it did fill them with a small sense of joy and pride, every glance at the wreckage was just a solemn reminder of how even though they stopped Yveltal and Lysandre, it didn't feel enough.

It was a feeling they had to bury as they described their story to Looker, who wrote sparse notes, but would easily remember it all in the end. He asked questions as needed, whereas his assistant merely listened in quietly. They were careful as they entered the base, held up in some places where the structure was damaged. Despite the creaks and groans, it held fast as they went all through the construct but had to stop where they had first found the Team Flare leader and look down into the circular chasm that had housed the legendary Pokémon. Now, it was filled with debris and rubble, and echoes of chaos and fear. They told Looker all of it, and more still as they ascended back to the surface and then turned to face the woods just outside. There, they ended their tale.

"And... that's it. Lysandre, Xerneas, AZ, and Yveltal are just... out there. Somewhere. Xerneas made it clear you won't find them even if you look, and I believe them. Frankly, it's better they're not found," Cassandra sighed, squeezing Leon's hand, which had held fast to hers the whole time.

"And you're... sure Lysandre won't come back? He is... ah, immortal, as ridiculous as that sounds. But we've heard of this AZ before and sighted him once or twice. He's the real deal."

"We're sure," the former Galar Champion nodded. "He's... different. Even without our threat, I don't think he'll come back. He can't, really. The people won't accept him. They'd probably burn him at the stake if he did."

Looker hummed, "True... I suppose it's for the best, although I'd rather justice be delivered. These people deserve that... His 'death' will have to do. We'll cover it up; let them know his body was found in the rubble, marred beyond recognition. I take it you told Sycamore the truth?"

"Yeah. He deserved that. Diantha heard it, too."

"Hmm... that's alright then. They know not to say anything," he mused. After a moment he inhaled deeply and then exhaled slowly. "Again... I've had to rely on you, Cassandra. First Team Rocket, then Galactic, and Unova... and now this. I can't say I'm not happy it's you considering how skilled you are, and your successes, but... Arceus knows how remorseful I am that it keeps falling to your shoulders. And to you as well, Leon. What you went through in the Darkest Day and then those two brothers..."

"Don't apologize–if only because we've heard it too much. It's starting to just feel like empty words. It just happens we were at the right place, at the right time. If you really want to help, you might want to let League Trainers have more freedom to step in," Leon replied, doing his best to smile, but it didn't fully reach his eyes.

"Admittedly, I've been saying that since I worked with Cassandra in Sinnoh against Galactic," the inspector laughed ruefully. "The League is stubborn, dammit. They worry about loosening the leash on their Champions and making it seem like something is wrong."

"Well, it's too late now here in Kalos at least. You might want to try your speech again," the redhead snorted.

"What speech?" the man laughed.

"The one I know you always have ready. But, well, there's the story. Do with it what you will and then let us know what you want kept secret from the general public," she replied.

Leon added, "They're going to ask us. Back home, I mean."

"Yes, of course. I take it you two are leaving soon?"

He nodded again, "Tomorrow. We've all packed and gotten our medals and everything."

"Ah yes. You were named honorary Champions. And given the 8th Badge, too. Fine rewards."

"Really, though, we're just going to be happy to go home... uugh, my parents are going to find out, though. I told them about everything else, too."

Looker groaned, "You didn't think to tell me?"

"I owed them the explanation... and I didn't tell them everything. They... put some things together on their own. Sinnoh events didn't exactly go unnoticed, nor did Unova. And Galar was kind of the tipping point. I don't want to have to keep hiding everything from them, Looker."

"Alright, alright... It... they should know at this point anyways, I suppose. Especially now you're renowned Trainers," he rasped, rubbing the back of his neck. "Only tell your family and individuals you can absolutely trust. We don't need people thinking a Death God Pokémon is out there somewhere, even if it is asleep."

"I think we can manage that," Leon chuckled and then held out his hand. "It's been an honor meeting you, Looker, sir. I'm sorry it's been under... dire circumstance. I would have liked to share a cup of tea–or maybe some whiskey–with you instead."

The inspector shook his hand, "The feeling's mutual. I imagine this won't be the last time we see each other, but I'll pray it's under happier circumstances. And you, Cassandra... please, take care of yourself. You never should have been the one to shoulder these burdens."

"Someone had to step up–guess better it was me–us–than someone else, right?" she shrugged, but they all knew the sincerity was shallow. Looker could only give a small smile back and a short nod.

"Until we meet again, my friend. Have a safe flight home."

"Thanks, Looker. I look forward to hearing you bagged that scientist," the redhead chuckled as she turned and waved.

"No offense, but hope we don't see you soon," Leon chuckled as well, earning a grin from the inspector. Then he, too, turned and walked with Cassandra back towards the town. He let out a deep breath of air once they were far enough away, "Well... all that's left is to head home."

"Yep... and a lot of long talks. Your mom heard about things, too–I could hear her shouting in her message on your phone, and the group chat has been blowing up."

"Ugh, I know... I told them we'd talk when we got back, so... looks like we won't have much time to relax except on the plane," he snickered, bumping her gently. They paused as they came to the opening, Geosenge before them. Healing. Slowly. Leon's gaze fell, "I just... wish we could have done more."

"Me, too... but... we've done our part. It's up to them to... figure out what comes after. They seem strong, though, and we'll have to be content knowing they'll be okay now," Cassandra replied, turning to face him, and reached up to cup the side of his face. He leaned into her touch, a sad smile on his face. 'We'll be okay, too. It... takes time. But we will be."

"I know... it'll be easier this time with you, though. That, I know."

"Yeah, it will. Now, c'mon... we gotta make sure that paperwork for our Pokémon is finished, and then we have a dinner date with Sycamore and Diantha before we go."

"Okay, now that I am looking forward to," he snickered, and brought out his pokéball from which Charizard emerged. "C'mon, we can ride together."

"You just wanna hold me."

"Always!" he grinned, slipping onto the fire lizard's back and tugging her in front. "Besides, you like it, too."

"Of course, I do," she purred back as she scratched the Pokémon's next. "Alright, bud; time to get us back to Lumiose–lightning speed to impress Chara."

The Charizard perked up at once, rumbling eagerly as he spread his wings and shot off into the sky, bringing out a laugh from the two Trainers. Leon held fast to her, relishing in her warmth, and did his best not to look below, otherwise, he'd have a harder time believing in her words. She was right, though; he knew. They'd done their part, and now it was up to Kalos to mend itself. And, in his heart, he knew it would.


The Next Day

Lumiose City Airport,


"Ms. Cassandra! Mr. Leon!"

The two Trainers paused at the kiosk, turning to find two familiar, youthful faces racing towards them. They panted lightly as they reached them, and the two adults chuckled while they let them catch their breath.

"Hey, kiddos," the redhead grinned, then lurched back a little when the young girl suddenly turned on her with a huff and glare.

"You were really just going to leave like that without saying goodbye!?" she pouted, but the hurt was genuine. Calem had a similar expression but was quieter about it. Leon smiled gently as he ruffled the young teen's hair.

"Sorry, guys. We got... well, caught up in everything. We've barely had time to ourselves between the hospital, interviews, and more. We are sorry we didn't get a chance to talk to you two first," he spoke, and his lover nodded.

"Yeah, we meant it. We just... we've been itching to get home, but we didn't mean to hurt you two," she added.

"Well," Calem huffed. "We're not that hurt, but we were pretty worried when we saw everything. Sycamore told us enough, so we waited so we could say good-bye to you guys."

"But then you went and left before we could!" Serena exclaimed, hands on her hips. "We even had a little gift for you guys!"

The former champ blinked, "A gift?"

"Yeah! We owe you two for more than saving Kalos–you really helped us grow as trainers! It's the least we could do. And it's not much but, we hope it'll make you think of here when you're back home!" she beamed and pulled out a little jar filled with stones. Not just any stones, they realized. They were keystones.

"Wait–what!?" Leon gasped "But–these are–."

Calem grinned, "Keystones, we know! We found some while we were traveling, and since we don't have Mega Rings yet–."

"--And these stones belong to Pokémon we don't have, we thought you guys could put them to better use! Don't worry, Sycamore gave us the ok, too, and even added some he had, too!" the young girl giggled.

"Arceus, thank-you, you two! This is crazy! Do you know what they all are?" the redhead grinned, turning the bottle this way and that to examine the contents. Calem answered by handing over a paper.

"Here, Sycamore wrote this up. He hopes you'll keep 'researching' Mega Evolution with them, too–and maybe bring them to Galar. A little piece of Kalos at home."

"Absolutely," Leon chuckled and held open his bag for the redhead to put the bottle in. "I'll have to pull some strings, but even if I can bring it to official matches, exhibition will love to have Mega Evolution battles. Seriously, you two.... Thank-you. I'm glad we got to meet you both."

"As are we!" Serena laughed and took hold of Cassandra's hands. "And... truly, thank-you both. I don't know if me, Calem, or everyone else I care about would still be here if not for you."

"Nah, if it wasn't us, I bet you two would have stepped up. You're amazing Trainers, and I can't wait to hear about when you two become Champions," she grinned, squeezing the teen's hands back.

"Oh, we guarantee that," Calem smirked, tipping his hat slightly. "And once we do, we're coming to Galar to show you how Kalosians really battle."

"I look forward to it, kiddo," Leon smirked back, tipping his hat in kind.

"Watch it, old man."

"Hey!" Cassandra snapped for her boyfriend, who laughed. The redhead sighed, rolling her eyes and looking to Serena. "Men, right?"

"Men," she giggled back and then stepped forward to hug the redhead. "Thank-you so much. For everything. We're never gonna forget you two!"

"Same to you, kiddo. I wish we could have hung out more. I'd love to have that battle with you in the future," she smiled, squeezing the young girl.

"You know it!" Serena beamed.

Calem held out his hand to Leon, "Same to you, but less mushy."

Leon laughed and clapped his arm, squeezing, "I expect to see you in Galar to challenge me."

"Bet on it."

"Alright, well, we should probably get going–we're early for the flight, but you know how it goes. Besides, you have more fun things to do anyways," Cassandra grinned, and the two teens smiled and waved.

"Have a safe flight!"

"See you later!"

The two adults waved their good-byes back and then the teens headed off, back towards the vehicle where they had obviously come from–an older woman was waiting for them there. They scurried in like little Lilipup, and then they drove off. The two watched them go, and once out of sight, the redhead let out a soft sigh.

"They remind me so much of me when I was a kid."

"Same. The future of Kalos is looking bright still," Leon smiled, eyes lit brightly.

"Yeah. It's gonna be alright here," she replied and, taking his hand, they picked up their luggage and headed inside.

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