A Brand New Journey: When it...

By Nintendofanchild

307 10 0

Unova is a pretty peaceful place, where many different cultures collide, in fact that's why it's called Unova... More

I have a good name for this-
▪︎The Beginning ▪︎
▪︎Back Home▪︎
▪︎A Strange Dream▪︎
▪︎Through The Woods Together ▪︎
▪︎Together in Nacarene▪︎
▪︎Journey to Nimbassa▪︎
▪︎A Night In Nimbassa▪︎
▪︎Onward to Driftveil▪︎
▪︎Argument in Mistralton▪︎

▪︎Telling The Truth▪︎

16 1 0
By Nintendofanchild


"Oh what- sorry I must have spaced out."

She found herself watching the sun go down, her attention being drawn away from it when N spoke. "Do you want to head back now... it's getting late, theres no telling what will pop out."
"Yeah you're right, do you have to go anywhere?"

"I plan on staying here for a little while." He replied, "Is Hilda here?"

Malerie tilted her head slightly, "Yeah, She's gonna challenge the gym tomorrow then head to Iccurus."
N nodded, "Okay... Do you mind if I stay with you again?"
Malerie shook her head,"Look I know we... had that fight... but that doesn't mean I don't think we shouldn't... Arceus I can't talk-"
"I think I understand," he chuckled. Malerie let out a sigh, "Also... are the Shadow Traid still-" She looked around a little bit.

He blinked, "Um... Not now, at least I'm almost certain they aren't."
"Okay good," with that she stood on her toes and gave him a light peck on the cheek. "Let's get going then"
"What was that about?"

"Mm... oh nothing, I just felt like it."
"You're so odd..."
Malerie chuckled, and turned her head twords him. "That's coming from the guy who can talk to pokemon, I guess I really am an oddity." She got a short laugh out of N making her smile.

"Well... you're just complex to me is what I should say." He hummed, "How so?"

"Ah, well, I don't really understand you. You're not like other trainers I've met. I've met so many and talked to their pokemon but... your pokemon absolutely adore you. Both yours and Hilda's..."
Malerie pursued her lips, "I honestly don't know why they do. I understand you think battling is cruel, frankly if I saw it that way I wouldn't battle my pokemon. To be honest it can be, unless the trainer and pokemon have a certain amount of trust in each other... if that makes sense."

She turned her gaze to N, he seemed to be taking it in. "Maybe..." she heard him mumble.
It took her a moment but she soon realized what she had to do... she had to show him the truth. Of course she couldn't force it upon him or a repeat of earlier would happen. "N...?"
"Yes Malerie?"

She stopped walking for a moment, should she really tell him this? Yeah... if this was going to work she needed to be honest with him. But this wasn't the place, "When we get back to the Pokemon Center I need to tell you something..."
He gave her a concerned look, but nodded. A small trek through the tall grass and they made it back to Mistralton. Malerie thought over what she needed to say multiple times in her head, making sure she said exactly what she needed to. Although what she didn't know was how much N was picking up on how nervous she was

She jumped slightly having been snapped out of her thought when she felt a hand clasp onto hers. "Are you okay...?" He mumbled, "I don't know..." she whispered back. She walked back to the room she rented, his hand holding hers the whole time.

When they finally got back she noticed all her pokemon had returned to their pokeballs. So she placed Lilligant in her bag next to the rest of her team. "So, what do you need to tell me?" She heard N ask from behind her. She sat down on the bed with her bag on it, patting the place next to her.
"Its about that night in Nacarene... remember that nightmare I told you about." He nodded and she continued, "Well I didn't really tell you what I actually dreamed about."

"Oh... I mean I can understand if you were uncomfortable sharing the-"

"Well that's the thing- I didn't want to tell you because..." she paused, she knew what she needed to say but was having trouble saying it, "Well you were in it, and so was Hilda and-"
"And two dragon pokemon...?"

"Yes, how-"
"Just a guess, if Hilda and I were involved than I assume Zekrom and Reshiram would be there as well."

"You mean the legendaries of the region... I know about them mostly from stories my mom told me about them when I was younger." She turned to him again, "But why would they be in my dream?"

"You may have something to do with the legend I suppose. But... there was no mention of a third hero in it." He mumbled, placing a finger on his chin. "Other than the two brothers and their sons who continued their fight, no other humans were mentioned... So I don't know why you've had this dream."

"I know I'm not apart of any legend... I'm nothing special I'm just some random trainer who somehow got in between all this Team Plasma stuff- I really don't understand..."
She felt N place a hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure you will, just give it a little time."

"...Yeah time..." She let out a sigh, "The thing is, I don't really understand all this." She kicked her legs up so she could hug them, "Why me...? Then again I kinda did this to myself didn't I?" She chuckled lightly, shifting her gaze to the other side of the room. "You really shouldn't put the blame on yourself. To be honest I really shouldn't have gotten you involved to begin with... Maybe I shouldn't have told you about my place in Team Plasma to begin with, but then again, would've found out eventually...wouldn't you?"

"Knowing how curious I can be I probably would've pried it out of you at some point," she smiled softly glancing in his direction. "But, I hate the fact that we're on opposing sides on this whole thing. I just want you to u-"

"Malerie... I get that we don't see eye to eye. We may never... Maybe I should just explain why I believe we should separate pokemon and people, so you can at least know how I see it."
Malerie let out a short huff, but, nodded.

"Alright then," he let out a breath before beginning, "Ever since I was a child I was taught in a way that I could become one of the heros of the legend. I knew this from a young age, that, and, that people were cruel to the pokemon they captured. I believe I already told you most of the pokemon I grew up with were harmed by humans in some way."

'I wish you could see how manipulative that is...' She thought, just was saddened by the thought of it.
"I know there are trainers like you who deeply care for their pokemon but... I can't help this, it needs to happen." After he finished he placed his hand over Malerie's who's was clenched in a fist beside her.

She didn't look at him and kept her gaze in the opposite direction. "I can see where you're coming from but it won't change my mind." She muttered.

"That's what I was afraid of," He replied, letting out a soft sigh. "We both grew up with our separate views, we can't expect each other to change them so soon." Malerie said, unclenching her fist, she thought about what the Professor had said earlier in the cave after N had left. "You have a point," he hummed. The two were quiet for a little bit, neither knew what to say.

'I should probably change the subject...' She thought, and swung her legs back so they were touching the ground again. 'But what do I even talk about... we kind of left off on an awkward subject.'
She thought about the fight that happened earlier, she was oddly quick to forgive him wasn't she. Was that a good idea? Then again she did understand why it happened, it was her fault as well... why was she thinking so hard about everything?

The two sat silently for a few more minutes before N finally broke the silence. "Malerie... I need to ask you a question." He said quietly, her gaze shot back to him, and she nodded for him to continue. "I've been thinking about this for a while now... and I know I don't want to be apart from you,"

She tilted her head slightly, "Okay...and...?" She mumbled, he then turned his body completely twords her, leading her to do the same.

"This may sound like an odd request from me, but..." He paused,
"Just stop beating around the bush... it's just me, you can tell me anything," she gave him a sort of awkward smile. N nodded and then took both of her hands in his taking a breath in,

"Malerie, I hope this isn't much of me to as you, but, I want you to be my queen."



Oh wow I decided to leave it on a cliffhanger oh boy

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