By r11yh1sokA

307K 10.8K 61K

ac: @/staticfeels_ on twt Falling full on into the illusions that come with love, you find yourself regretti... More

times illusions
waiting for my time
my meaningless attempt
calculating my chances
irreplaceable calm
test drive
temptations arise
through the looking glass
changed ways
mine forever
slowly developing more
constant reminders
under the flames of intimacy
comparison beyond
progressing feelings
giving up hope
giving a warning
the breakdown
counting your luck
not calling you a liar
tired of it all
what can i do?
one more chance
dont screw it up
lies contribute
no complications
slowed replay
time ticks
remember me
one back
history repeats
square one
heart to heart
starting over
i do
closing it off
all the time
end 2

closing it off

6.1K 204 1.2K
By r11yh1sokA

You slid your hands onto his shoulders and leaned up off the headboard, you tightly gripped his shoulders and pulled him forward then slammed him down on his back on the bed. You rolled onto his lap, he put his hands firmly fitted on your waist.

"Levi's really gonna kill me now."Eren whispered through the kiss, you were panting like a dog; kissing from his lips to his jaw and in the crook of his neck.

"You wanna stop?" You asked and sucked the side of his neck, keeping your hand up on his chest as you could see him smirking at the feeling of you all over him.

" 'Course not,"

He pulled his hands up your lower back, rubbing them up your back to pull your shirt off and throw it on the other side of the room. Your chest was exposed and bare.

You run your hands down from his chest to the waistline of his jeans, you felt around a bit and felt something odd, causing you to completely pause.

"What's this?" You felt around in his pocket before reaching in and pulling out whatever was inside, you yanked out multiple wads of cash.

"Uh...should I ask?" You leaned up on his lap, he was laying flat and you stared at all the rubber banned cash you pulled out of his pocket that rolled onto the bed.

"Probably not,"

He wrapped his hand around your neck and pulled you back down to his face. Your lips smacking and pressing against each other, you couldn't help but move your hand down a little bit further. You felt against his print, running your hand down his thigh.

"Gettin' real touchy there, huh?" He teased as you ran your hands lower down his print.

"Mhmm," you mumbled before he grabbed your wrist and guided your hand onto the button of his pants, granting you the permission to continue.

Your phone began ringing, you had no desire to answer it at all because you were way more focused on sliding your hand down his boxers and looking down at his unzipped pants as you stroked your hand back and forth.

"Gonna get it?" He questioned breathlessly as it began ringing for the second time.

"Don't wanna,"


"Well call her again! She doesn't go to bed for like another hour," I insisted in Mikasa's living room.

"Hey guys, why'd ya call me here?" Connie greeted and walked through the door happily, we had the news on the television in front of us and Mikasa walks still trying to get in contact with y/n.

"Have y/n and Eren been hanging out a lot more?"

"Yeah, why?" He asked and came over to stand by the two of us sitting on the couch.

"She's still not answering. Did she move too? I haven't seen her at her place at all," Mikasa asked and Connie forced himself right between the two of us on her couch.

"Yeah...she uh did...what's going on?" Connie answered and both Mikasa and I wondered how he knew that before either of us.

"Eren's being charged with murder of someone on the news right now. We're trying to find y/n in case she's with him."


Your pants had been slid off, sitting on his lap in your underwear and he moved your underwear to the side and slipped his finger inside you. He smirked at the sight of the wetness on your underwear, laying flat and you up on his lap you tossed your head back and moaned under his touch.

You pulled his dick out of his boxers, stroking his dick as he did the same to you with his fingers. Your breath quickened and so did his, you rubbed your thumb over the tip in a circular motion and he reacted by pushing you down flat onto the bed. Keeping you underneath him, your head on the pillow now that he slammed you down and started kissing your neck the more you stroked.

"Eren! You need to answer your phone when I call-...oh.." Levi burst through the bedroom doors, swinging the door open with Eren buried in the crook of your neck and practically on the verge of fucking.

"You two are disgusting." He says and keeps his hand on the doorknob, Eren sighed and turned his head after he covered your body with the pillow and the blanket that was over his lower torso so that much wasn't being seen anyway.

"Can we have this conversation later? Littleeeeee busy right now," Eren request, and you practically slide down and hide yourself under his chest.

Levi slowly backed away and shut the bedroom door, you could hear his steps as he was walking downstairs and Eren turned his head and looked at you underneath him.

"Are you hiding?"

"I'm embarrassed," you whispered and he laughed before getting off top of you.

"Don't be. We could tell him we were wrestling-"

"Oh shut up," you tried not to laugh and got out from under him, you went to go grab something else to put on.

You threw a shirt in his direction for him to put on, you stood over your dresser and grabbed the first pajamas you could find.

You pulled the shirt over your body and heard rustling behind you before the bedroom door opened again and Eren exited. You soon followed after, Levi was sitting on the chair in your living room and Eren was sitting on the couch where you went and awkwardly sat next to Eren.

Levi stared directly at Eren before speaking.

"You're being charged with mu-" Levi says and Eren quickly puts his hands over your ears before he finished.

"Of which person?" Eren asks and you just side-eye Eren as he keeps his hands over your ears.

"The one who stained your rug. You didn't dispose of him properly and now your name is all over the news-"

"We still have that guy to take the charge for me. I'll pay him and it'll be one and done." Eren explains, Levi gives him a very parent-like flare before affirming whatever he said when you couldn't hear.

"Charged with what?" You ask and all attention shifts to you, you push his hands down off your ear and focus on him.

"Nothing. It's not important,"

"If you're going back to jail then it is important. Charged with what?" You nudge at an answer again but Eren clearly has no intention of giving one.

"Tell her Eren. Better to hear it from you then when she decides to turn on the news,"

"No. She doesn't need to know anything at all," he denies and Levi just sighs and stands up.

"I'll get in contact with the guy. This will all be sorted out within twenty-four hours so don't fuck up from now until then," Levi advised and proceeded to walk away and you waited until the front door shut and he left swiftly.

"What did you do?"

"Can we not have this conversation? I don't want to argue," he shrugs and looked the other, practically batting an eye to your concern.

"Exactly, we're having a conversation not an argument unless you make it one. So what happened?"

He reached down and grabs his phone out of his pocket, you scoff at him and once his phone is in his hands you knock it out of his hand onto the couch.

"Stop ignoring me and tell me. I already know your lifestyle isn't legal but it doesn't bother me so why can't you-"

"I was charged with murder." He interrupts boldly, looking over at something in the opposite direction, you sat there quietly.

"Did you do it...?"

"Yep," he answered, leaving you in the same spot and process everything that he was admitting to, he stood up from his seat, and as you stared down at the wooden floor; thinking, you heard the front door opening.

"Wait where are you going?!"

"Making the hard part about telling you the truth, easy for you." He says and walks right out the door, shutting it behind him and leaving you sitting there still unsure of how to feel.

Honestly, you had your suspicions yet you spent more time wondering in why it didn't bother you as much as it should've. Nobody who was afraid to use a gun owned a gun and that was a given, you knew you should've been more thrown off and afraid yet you were more conflicted with your own romantic feelings rather than the scared ones.

You didn't want him to leave, you really didnt. He must've had fears that you would immediately leave and disassociate from him when you found out because he was quick to leave like it was nothing. You stood up hesitantly and hurried over to the front door, you opened it and checked down the hall to see if he was still there.

"Did he already go downstairs?" You asked the guard at your door.

The man nodded and you sighed and shut the door, his phone number still didn't work for you so you had no way of getting in contact with him. You walked yourself back upstairs in despair and processing everything else happening and when to sleep, wrapping yourself in your thick blanket and sleeping on your side.

You'd think that finding your phone meant that all your worries would vanish in the morning but the opposite happened. You found your home with over fifty missed calls from Mikasa, when you called her back in the morning she insisted on coming over like there was something urgent to tell you.

"What's wrong...?" You greeted as you sat down on the couch and both Mikasa and Sasha had very concerned looks on their faces.

"Have you seen the news?"

"No, I don't really keep up with it. Why?" You asked and took a bite out of the granola bar you were having for breakfast.

"Eren's being charged with murder y/n..." Sasha informed and Mikasa sat there, wide-eyed and more worried than you were.

"Oh...that's so...bad," you said the first response that came to mind, you probably should've made it more believable but you didn't think of that at first.

Both Sasha and Mikasa glared at each other at the sight of you just casually eating your granola bar.

"Did you know already? We only told you because we know you're...involved with him in some way, "Mikasa advised and weakly smiled your way.

"Yeah, good thing you didn't sleep with the guy! That would make things awkward, especially with his history," Sasha joked and started laughing along with Mikasa.

"Yeah, glad this happened in a way...before you two got any closer," Mikasa shrugged and you just sat there with a straight face, somewhat repulsed by how much they didn't like Eren.

"I did sleep with him." You blurt, switching between looking both of them in the eye.

The room went silent, silent enough that a feather hitting the wooden floor could be heard. The looks on their faces were as if you told them you murdered someone right with him, you didn't appreciate the way they talked about him. You didn't care that they didn't like him as long as they expressed them within themselves and not out in front of you, this made you realize that you did care about him...more than you thought.

"Seriously...?" Sasha asked in shock.

"Yeah. Seriously."

"Why? Why would you sleep with someone like him?!" Mikasa asked pesteringly and furrowed her brows at you.

"What's wrong with him? And he's innocent until proven guilty so don't be so quick to believe everything you see on the news," you shrugged it off and Sasha stilled stared, mouth open and eyes wide.

"You'll end up dead with him. He's not someone you want to be involved with and that's why we don't like him."

"I'm not dead. Last time I checked I'm alive," you shrugged your shoulders, easing and lowering them and Mikasa shook her head and sighed.

"Mikasa I think she's joking-"

"I'm not joking. I don't regret anything either, I knew you two wouldn't be very happy which is why I didn't say anything."


"Why're you back here? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend Levi," I propped my feet up on his couch and continued laying on my back.

"Get your feet off my couch...and what is she then? Somebody you have intercourse with for fun? You'd think I taught you better than that," he rolls his eyes and continues ironing his shirt behind the couch.

"Why can't you say sex or fuck? You're so formal it's creepy,"

"I'm going to burn you with this iron if you don't take your feet off my couch. That didn't answer my question either," he threatened and I moved my feet off the couch in fear that he was serious.

"It's complicated," I answered and sighed in my pajamas, I slept over at his place after leaving y/n's.

"No, it's not, you're just making it complicated. Just ask her if she's okay with it all,"

"Oh yeah, so I just go and say "Hey, I know I murder people and all and your life is at risk if you stay with me but are you okay with that?"." I mocked with air quotations.

"That sounds like a reasonable way to approach," he confirmed I turned my head and stared at him to see if he was actually being serious.

"I won't do that to her. Why would I purposely put her at risk?"

"The thing is, she's not at risk. You've ensured her safety in more ways than one. Stop being ignorant it's giving me a headache,"

"What about last night? How do you think she'll-"

"Do you think she's an idiot? She probably put two and two together before you even told her the truth."



They both left two hours ago and you were left thinking they were pretty much completely against the idea of you and Eren. You sat on the couch watching tv, you were pretty bored as you had nothing to do and Alex hadn't sent any other work she wanted done.

Sitting there in your pajamas made you feel like Eren, the longer you thought about it the more you got pissed off with him fleeing so quickly. By no surprise, an hour into your movie you saw that his name had been completely cleared from all news outlets and another person had been charged instead.

You rolled your eyes and tossed your phone onto the other side of the couch, just as you got comfortable and pulled the throw blanket over yourself, you heard a knock on your door.

You turned your head before getting up, you unlocked it and wondered why the person even knocked when Carlos barely let anybody in. Until your question was answered and you saw who stood there, Eren.

He had a bouquet of flowers in his hand and had been dressed in a nice navy blue suit.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm an idiot and should've waited for your reaction rather than assuming them." He apologized before you grinned at him, slightly smirking that he'd couldn't even go twenty-four hours without you.

Opening the door wider, you stepped out the way for him to enter and hand you the flowers himself.

"Did Levi help you come to that realization?" You tease and he nods even though you already knew the answer.


"I assume you have a justification for why you did what you did. Not that it's really my business anyway, that's the only part of yourself you can keep from me," you answer and grab a vase from under the sink to put the flowers in on your kitchen counter.

"So you're okay with-?"

"Didn't I just basically say I'll bat my eyes to that part of you? Don't ask me about it because I don't know anything at idea what you're even talking about." Fluffing the flowers up a bit and smelling them, he stood next to you with a smile on his face.

"But in return...I want answers to my questions,"

"All of them?" He asked and you both turned to stand right in front of each other before nodding.

"Alright, the tattoo on my back is the location of where my mother is. All I have is the blueprint, not the coordinates. I used your computer so often because your computer can't be traced back to me when I would launder money, which is where I get seventy percent of my money and the other thirty comes from investments into video games. I've been arrested a total of five times and only went to jail for what I was charged with once." He informed calmly and you stood there like you were frozen completely.


"And Armin is using my mothers case files to try to pin it onto me. If he's successful, I'll be arrested and it gives him an opening to get to you which is exactly why he has Annie asking people I associated with questions."

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