Enraged: Rise Of The Lycan Qu...

By Tangotkt

205K 6K 154

Wynter is an 18 year old girl born from a powerful family where her parents are the famous King and Queen of... More

Enraged: The rise of the Lycan Queen
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 8

4.8K 150 12
By Tangotkt

Wynter's POV

After seeing Ilari, I asked him the favour of convincing my parents not to have a girl that talks sexual things about him in my room. He agreed and was thinking about that night of the party, I had a little interrogation as expected.

I was happy to know they're are both okay and I haven't touched or hurt them. It's been a few days if not a week since I talked to them. Some days I don't see anyone because I need some me time. I found myself staring at my mate more than I should.

The way I was unbothered by him before was short-lived and now I think about him constantly. His words hurt everyday mixed with Autumn's. I dream about him, at least it's good things now but I'm not sure if that's good. My sketchbook is filled with his face, everytime I page through it and see him, it seems to calm me and my wolf. I guess I found a coping mechanism. It's not as enough though but it's something. I feel so vulnerable because I spend most times trying to convince myself he had a reason for those words and that he didn't mean them. I shouldn't be trying to defend him.

Days go by so fast. I eat, sleep, watch movies, do my work, drive to the nearest FROYO shop then back. Dad loves FROYO but it's our little secret. I don't get why he doesn't want to admit it. My days go by so fast and each day I feel like my soul is separating from my body and my dreams are the only and best escapes to everything. Drawing was an escape too but now he's there.

Currently I'm sitting under a tree waiting for my next class which is soon. It wasn't chilly today so I'm wearing a nice crop top and some shorts. I sit cross-legged studying but also evaluating my surroundings.

I see my mate who Quincy now confirmed he is Arseni, and is friends with my brother, in a way. That sounds nice. Not. He comes to hug his girlfriend now I know to be Mila from the back making her giggle. I don't want to watch them but I can't not because of the anger in me that I keep pushing back. My wolf wants to come out and scratch her pretty face and lying ass because she is cheating with my brother. I know they have something going on. And he says she's better than me. Pfffttt

I probably look like a jealous ex with the deadly glare I give them, it's making me angrier by the minute I can't hold in the anger anymore. It's been two weeks and I've been patient. My alarm rings reminding me it's five minutes before my class starts.

Yes, I have an alarm for everything.

I pack up my laptop and my books and hug them to me. I suddenly get a sense of hesitation knowing if I want to reach my class sooner, I'll have to pass by the group of Russian jerks, except Nikita. I decide that I'm not going to let myself get pushed around, plus Miss Johnson is not nice and loves punctuality.

I walk calmly by them and I noticed the way all of them looked at me. Would he have told them who I am? Maybe not. Either way this is going to weaken my steps. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself and hide any emotions on my face. While passing through, I didn't want to scan them because they're looking at me but my eyes did meet Mila who looked at me with disgust. What did I do to you?

The worst thing I could've done was looking at Arseni straight in the eye, I saw a smirk on his lips, his eyes didn't hold the usual hate for me as they used to. They hold something like admiration? Like in my dream? I was so distracted by the godly man showing some type of affection to me that I didn't notice the way and something that tripped me. I was on my way to hit the ground and my books, laptop and my phone were no longer in my hands when strong arms caught me.

The man didn't say a word and softly pulled me up and straightened me. I was met with dark blue eyes and blonde curly hair. He smiled showing his cute fangs, he's really hot. I think heard a mild growl that no human would hear but I couldn't make out where it came from. I back up from the man realising that he smells like all of them. He's one of them.

"I didn't mean to frighten you." He says softly. My guess was confirmed when he had the same accent but a little feint just like Arseni.

I open my mouth about to say something when I noticed my stuff on the floor, my books were scattered all over, my phone was faced down and my poor laptop was broken in half.

"Oh mother of all fiddlesticks my laptop! My freaking assignment! Now I have to start over all that shit! Stupid, Lecture and stupid timing argh I'm totally going to fail!" I mumble all of that while I collected my stuff from the floor. When I get back on my feet I don't turn around knowing they will be looking at me and one of them will be hating me for being clumsy again. Life of a damn princesses!

I practically run to Miss Johnson's class and luckily she was running a little late although my laptop and my phone didn't look too good. My phone screen was cracked a single line through and my laptop was way past repairs.


I informed Miss Johnson of my misfortune and to my surprise she gave me an day extra than other students until I solved everything. I get to my dorm and open the door to find my part of the bedroom empty. Did I get robbed? This day can't get any worse!

"I know girl! That's what I said!" Jessi comes out of the bathroom holding a cellphone on her ear and stops when she sees me.

"What are you doing here?" She rudely asks.

"Wondering where my stuff is?" I say.

"Your sexy brother came in here with his annoying girlfriend who by the way is mean for no reason? Can't take a challenge obviously and they had a bunch of people take your things to Block 5 up stairs. Now leave." He says and shooed me out.

Block 5? I start taking the stairs to block 5. It's a little far but not too much. I do see myself getting exhausted coming here when it's really hot.

When I reach block 5, I don't know where to go next but I see Darren, one of our warriors and go to his direction. What's he doing here? Was he the one Jessi mentioned with Arseni?

When I reached the place, I see the room is already done and Chrystal is sitting in another bed while Ilari talks to another one of our wolf warriors.

"Oh hey Wynter!" Chrystal says getting up to hug me and I embraced her too.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

"This is your new crib, we're having a sleepover!" She hugs me tighter.

"Yes they are. You're not." Ilari says behind us. "I still have to get my revenge love. Or did you forget?" He says kissing her cheek making her blush.


"Yeah you should go before you do your revenge in my room please." I say taking a seat on the new bed. The place was rather refreshing.

"Thank you for your service men, I'll keep on touch." Ilari says.

"Yes Alpha." The men say in unison before leaving the room.

My room has actually been re-decorated and judging by the cream, it's grandma. I don't hate it actually, I love her style.

Ilari and Chrystal say their goodbyes leaving me alone in my room. Tomorrow is Friday, I should visit home.

I decide to go get a smoothie so I can come back and chill. It's been a long day and I was embarrassed in front of my mate once again.

It's actually getting a little dark out so I walk faster. It's not scary but I just hate walking in the dark alone. It's creepy but it also feels good when I'm going through stuff and need some fresh air because my mind doesn't think about the worst.

I bump into someone on my way back.

"Oh so-" I don't finish when I noticed who it is.

"You! I've been looking for you." Mila says giving me a deadly stare.

"Uh..qq okay?" I say not sure how to reply. Should I feel all jolly or?

"I want to warn you, if you tell Arseni anything about me and Au-" I stop her before she finishes.

"I don't care what you do okay? I don't care about your boyfriend but you should think twice about getting my brother involved in your little quarrel. I'm not scared of you." I say back at her. She looked taken aback by my challenge before she smirks.

"Oh little wolfie, you don't want to threaten me. You're so adorable." She takes a step foward as she spoke. I wasn't backing down, if she wants to fight then so be it. I have been needing to teach her a lesson. a
As if on cue, Arseni shows up.

"What are you ladies talking about?" He says, his eyes facing only Mila and not a single glance at me. He was wearing a white t-shirt with black blue vintage jeans and a brown jacket. His hair was let down as it usually is. I forgot he's a jerk and my mind came back when his annoying girlfriend speaks.

"Oh I was just saying how Ilari and Autumn's little sister is so adorable, nothing much." She smiles sweetly at him. I wanted to gag at it but instead I rolled my eyes.

I just stare not sure what to do because my wolf wants to pounce at her face right here and right now but I hold myself. I also want him to look at me, look at me with love not the way he was before. He turns to look at me and I look him straight in the eye.

"Mila, give us a moment." He orders more than ask.

"Are you sure? She isn't that very intr-" He closes his eyes as if annoyed before he disturbed her before she finished her sentence.

"Leave." He says and she raises her hands in surrender and heads to a car far behind.

"Listen, I don't have much time right now. I don't want you to speak to any of my friends. Stay away from them and stay away from me." He says in a whisper shout.

Excuse me?

"Excuse you? You're the ones always coming at me!" For the first time my words come out.

"We've gotten a little brave haven't we?" His eyes sparkle with something I can't quite wrap my head to. He took a step of which I backed up from him.

"I- I don- mean. No..." And just like that all confidence is gone. Why Wynter? Why?

"Why do you hate me?" I ask my voice barely audible this time. I know it's weak of me to ask but I really had to. What do I lack that he has to hurt me? What did I do to him? I saw the surprise in his face but he quickly masked it and lifted his eyebrow and gave a small smile.

"Would you love yourself?" He says and when he turned on his hill to leave. The words sent a not a dagger but a sword in my already fragile chest. As if something in my mind clicked when I said my next words.

"That's okay Arseni." I say and he stops in his tracks but doesn't turn around. "To answer your Question, no. And you could never hate me more than me."

I say and throw my smoothie on the ground suddenly not feeling it anymore. I walked past him and then started to run back to my dorms. He hates me. He admitted that he hates me. I don't blame him. I don't blame any of them.

Feeling overwhelmed by my feelings, I take my car keys when I reached my room and went back downstairs to my car. I need a release.


Hey lovies! This chapter was a little emotional in the end and it's made me sad😢

Find out what's happening in the next chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comment. Xoxo.

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