[ xelqua ] watcher!grian story

By ciel_gege

21.4K 648 240

Grian was surrounded by the hermits, swords pointed. The boy frowned at the man in front of him, "I didn't ki... More

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1.1K 33 28
By ciel_gege

Grian couldn't hold it much longer. Gold hue started to drizzle the area.

He was worried.

He was scared.

He was ambitious.

The situation did not look good. Taurtis was in the hands of the watchers. The watchers were really dumb and messed up creatures that exceeds the limit of survival players and low tier admins. Taurtis could've already died.

Grian no longer cared of being spotted. He directly summoned a portal. He heard the watchers whispers once again.

>ᔑ⍑ ⊣𝙹𝙹↸. ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓵ⍑╎ꖎ↸'ᓭ ⊣𝙹リᒷ ᔑリ↸ ᒷ ̇/!¡𝙹ᓭᒷ↸ ⍑╎ᒲᓭᒷꖎ⎓ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ⚍ᓭ. <

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Grians eyes went red as he heard their voices. "Where's taurtis."

>You shall see h..im after you step in.< The watchers tone was questionable, as it was not fluent.

"Keep your promise, watcher." Grians voice went back to his usual monotone back in the early versions.

>...just get inside.<

Grian looked up the watcher, not letting it gain the upper hand. He entered slowly, knowing he couldn't get back.

>Now follow us child.<

"You only said to enter. I'm not moving until you show me where taurtis is." Grian, who immediately found their loophole, stood rooted to his spot.

>Stubborn one. Here.< The watcher snapped his finger as a disheveled taurtis fell on the hard end block.

"Taurtis!" Grian carefully balanced his best friends body to lean on his.

>now follow us<

"Bring him back first. He isn't supposed to be here." Grian was pretty sure taurtis had never been to the end, much less the watchers 'end'.

Grian felt the watchers annoyance. It snarled but did as told. >Lets. Go.< It held grians wrist and dragged him on the end blocks.

Grian kept stumbling as he followed. Taurtis was tossed back to the Evo server by the other watcher, however it seemed to have left a tiny bit of portal lit up.

Grian took notice of this.

The watcher brought him to a blinding white building. It had walked up the ridiculously long staircase and handed him a tiny mask. >Wear it.<

Grian hesitated but agreed. The last time he checked, nothing could harm him that could lead his certain death. His record on Evo with zero respawn proved him with this conclusion.

He wore the mask, feeling his restrained power loosen. It was a mistake the watcher brought upon that would change everything.

Because like admins, watchers are ranked in a similar way as them. This similarity includes on viewing ranks.

The watchers on the evolution server were incredibly low tiered watchers at least one of them. They were like stray cats who had found another's food.

Grians power flooded the whole end city. The restraint him and the one who arranged his lounge on one of the end city, was easily broken by the watchers mask made by the primal watcher themselves.

The watcher who had put on the mask, had no sense at all. They had thought that grian was just a bit difficult to get close to but nonetheless a success on controlling the evolutionist.

Grian finally woke his ambition.

His power had absorbed every knowledge he was missing. He was as old as time, cycling through reincarnation.

He had finally remembered why he was on that lonely Island.

He remembered how he was pushed in evolution.

All of this was too much for the small evolutionist. He held his head as his clothes turned red to purple and white.

The other watcher carefully approached grian. >sir, I'll...transfer him to our...cells<

>Ah, good idea! Nicely done Xanthus.<

The white haired man nodded. He held grians body in a piggyback and vanished.

He took grian to one of the most pleasing looking cell and carefully treated him. It was incredibly dangerous to haste ones growth. The other watcher had done just that.

Grian was now taking all of it in. Xanthus sighed, he had opened a way for him to go back however, he doesn't think this boy will do it when he wakes up.

It was now up to grian to wake up himself. Wearing the mask meant you, yourself, are challenging your inner consciousness.

Xanthus left the cell as he sat down on the chair next to it. He will guard this boy and get him out, he swore.

The boy stared at his counterpart. He was basically mirrored except for his wings. The other him had wings.

"...hello." grian greeted...grian.

"Oh, what a cute descendant. Hello! I'm xelqua— grian. I'm grian two!" The other was expressive. His wings moved as his smile go wider and wider.

Grian looked at the other grian. He was tall, his wings were dragging on the floor but he was tall. Grian thought to himself.

There was a huge height difference between the two. "Excuse me but can you tell me how old you are." Grian looked up to have a proper conversation.

Grian two's smile faltered a bit. The small boy didn't even know how to ask. This was going to be a lot of work. "I'm...18 I guess. I mean technically I stopped aging, but if you want I could calculate my real age."

"No thank you." Grian and maths is a no. Both grians knew this.

The place was quiet once more. Grian sat down while grian two built an experimental redstone contraption.

Grian spoke after a few annoying push of the pistons. "What is this. It looks very complicated and annoying."

Grian two laughed. "This, my soon feathered friend, is your test!" The test was both grians' weakness, redstone.

The author has something to say; soooo I'm actually sorry to like not update for a week but there was so much going on and I've finally completed watching all of grians videos. I recommend watching "kotaro lives alone" if you've done the same.

On another note, I'm starting a new book after this is done! I know I said I've planned everything up to book 2 but this ideas been stuck up my arse for weeks!

Sneak peek of the idea;

grians season 6 finale included him of crossing a portal. He was deeply alert whenever he comes across these jumping to another world seed thing that he jumps last. That didn't end well. For like 50 or 100 chapters long he like travels to [ spoilers ]

I bet some of you already know how this is going down but eh. Just don't steal the idea ig

Because I will be watching. I'm always watching.

Also I'm very sorry but I'm currently going through something, it's dragging me quite down but I shall be updating bc of this amusing reader who added my book to her updating pls reading list haha. Dw, I've already finished the next ch! Just proofreading.

Thanks for ur time.

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