Shadows and Shades (#4 Post-O...

By Wild_Karrde

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Crosshair and Iden take off on their first solo mission together for the rebellion, heading to Raxus to inves... More

Shadows and Shades - Part 1
Shadows and Shades - Part 3
Shadows and Shades - Part 4
Shadows and Shades - Part 5
Shadows and Shades - Part 6
Shadows and Shades - Part 7
Shadows and Shades - Part 8
Shadows and Shades - Part 9
Shadows and Shades - Part 10
Shadows and Shades - Part 11
Shadows and Shades - Part 12
Shadows and Shades - Part 13
Shadows and Shades - Part 14
Shadows and Shades - Part 15
Shadows and Shades - Part 16
Shadows and Shades - Part 17 (Final Part)

Shadows and Shades - Part 2

165 6 0
By Wild_Karrde

A/N: Alrighty, some description of violence/death in the first part of this chapter and mention of abuse later, so just a heads up going in.

Iden sighed as she glanced out the window of the kitchen. Naboo's spring was her favorite season, promising warmer weather and trips to Lake Country to go swimming. She loved to swim. Sighing, she reached for the next stack of dried dishes that her mother had requested she put away. She'd put the task off long enough and her parents would be home any moment. Nisa would undoubtedly point out her failure to complete her chore as younger siblings were wont to do.

A sound off to her right grabbed her attention, and whirling, she dropped the plates in surprise at the sight of three men entering the dwelling. They shattered with a loud crash. The first man was large with light blonde hair and dark brown eyes, the two behind him similar, but one with brown hair and a nasty scar across his nose, the other with blonde hair but cut shorter. Brothers maybe, she thought. They were all thin but wiry, the veins in their forearms straining. It was clear that they were suffering from the rationing in the village as much as anyone.

"Are your parents home, girl?" the front one asked.

"N-n-no, but they'll be back any moment."

A flash of pink flickered in the corner of her eye, and her heart leapt into her throat as she realized it was Nisa in the hallway in her favorite pink dress, probably coming to investigate the crash. Nisa was still hidden from the men, and Iden didn't dare look at her, afraid she'd betray the fact that her little sister was in the house. Nisa had frozen, realizing that her sister was speaking to someone. Iden's mind raced before an idea struck her.

"In fact, they'll probably be back before you can count to eleven."

Whenever they'd played hide and seek, Nisa always complained that ten seconds wasn't enough time to hide, so Iden's compromise had been that she'd count to eleven. She prayed silently that her sister understood, and she let out a small exhale of relief as the pink form in her periphery quietly receded down the hall before disappearing from view.

The intruders exchanged a curious glance before shrugging. "Where do your parents keep their rations, kid?" She noted the glint of a vibroblade at his hip, and she swallowed hard.

"We don't have any more," she lied. They almost didn't. Her parents had been going without to try and keep Iden and Nisa fed. In fact, they were at the market now trying to sell some of their mother's jewelry in the hopes that they would be able to buy more food.

The men clearly weren't convinced, shoving past Iden as they began opening various cupboards, dumping items out onto the corner as they ransacked the kitchen. Iden pushed herself back against the wall before her shoulder bumped against the cabinet her father kept his blaster hidden in. Quickly and quietly, she yanked the door open, pulling loose the beat-up weapon and leveling it at the robbers.

"You need to leave," she said as firmly as she could, trying to keep the quiver out of her voice.

The blonde one stood, chuckling and raising his hands mockingly. "You going to shoot me, kid?" He stepped forward, wrapping his fingers around the barrel. Iden yanked the blaster, but the man didn't release it. He seemed surprised at her strength, but his wicked smile remained.

"Stubborn little thing, aren't you?"

"You need to LEAVE," Iden said, her voice becoming louder as she tried again to pull the blaster from the man's grip. He snarled at her, and she felt tears of frustration pricking at the corners of her eyes.

"IDEN!" Her mother's concerned shout made all four of them turn to the door where Iden's parents stood, watching their daughter struggle against her assailant. Everyone stared at each other in surprise before her father charged forward.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Before he could make it halfway across the kitchen, the brunette man pulled a blaster from beneath his cloak, firing a shot into her father's chest, and he dropped like a stone.

"NO!" Iden's mother screamed, and before she could take another breath, the man shot her as well. The bag in her hands fell to the floor as she slumped against the doorway. Iden screamed, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her as she closed her eyes and fired. The man with the blaster dropped to the floor with a shriek, his weapon flying from his hand with a clatter. When Iden opened here eyes, she could see his knee was smoking and could smell burnt flesh.


"You shouldn't have done that kid," the blonde man hissed, pulling the vibroblade from beneath his coat. Iden's eyes widened as he energized the blade, bringing it down to slash at her stomach.

Iden's eyes snapped open. She was laying on her side, her pulse racing. Her eyes darted around the room, taking in her surroundings.

I'm on Raxus. We're on a mission. You're safe.

Her fingers traced the scar under the sheets, and she inhaled sharply.

It was real, but it's over. You survived.

Iden closed her eyes tightly, focusing on slowing her breathing for several seconds. The nightmare was a common enough occurrence that she no longer woke screaming and crying like she did as a teenager. She had a routine now, and she focused on slowing her racing pulse, bringing herself back to the present. When it finally didn't feel as though her heart was about to explode out of her chest, she took one more deep breath, holding it for several seconds before releasing it forcefully. Crosshair shifted next to her in his sleep, and she glanced over her shoulder at him.

He was laying on his side, facing away from her, snoring softly. His bare back was peppered with scars, some obvious blaster wounds, others less apparent in their origin. She rolled over to face him, her fingers gently tracing along his spine before she leaned forward to press her lips against his skin, resting her cheek against his shoulder. He stirred but didn't wake, the blanket shifting to rest lower across his bare hips. The man sleeps like a drunken bantha, she thought, smirking to herself as she watched the even rise and fall of his side as he continued to slumber. Placing one more kiss to the nape of his neck, she slipped out of bed, dressing herself quietly and digging around for the pouch of credits they'd been supplied with before they left.

I may not be able to cook, but we need some food to eat. Anyone can make a sandwich, right?

She tapped out a quick note on the datapad they shared, leaving it on the table in the kitchen where he'd easily find it before she pulled a jacket on and slipped out the front door, cringing at its loud squeal. Definitely need grease for that door track.

The sun was barely above the horizon, and Iden's breath came out in a short puff of steam as she zipped her jacket closed, shoving her hands in her pockets and striding towards where they'd seen the market on their way in the day before. One thing she'd always been good at was figuring out directions and her bearings quickly, and as they'd walked towards their dwelling the previous day, she'd made sure to note what was in the vicinity.

Passing the front of the large factory building, she noticed a shift of workers exiting out the main door while a line had started to form in front of what she assumed was the employment office door. She and Crosshair had agreed that they didn't want to seem too eager, so showing up in an hour or so wouldn't be the end of the world. There's more than enough jobs to go around from everything we've heard. No reason to freeze our asses off in the cold for hours on end to get a specific job. Any work will do to get our feet in the door. Best to let the more specialized people or those with families to feed get in first.

Rounding the corner, her mouth watered as the smell of freshly baking pastries drifted into her nostrils. She hadn't anticipated the market being very full due to the early morning chill, but she was pleasantly surprised to find the place packed with farmers attempting to sell their harvests from the day before. She'd made a list in her head of items that would do well for two novice cooks, and she quickly made her way through the stalls, buying a bag of rice from one and a sack of fresh produce from another. After half an hour, she was satisfied that she had enough to at least keep them fed for a few rotations. She stopped by the bakery she'd smelled as she exited to purchase a dozen of their sweet buns, and she couldn't resist trying one of the buns as she made her way home. Her eyes darted around as she walked, taking in the city around her. It certainly wasn't Theed by any stretch of the imagination, but Raxulon was charming in its own ways. She was certain even the most snobbish Naboo architects would be able to appreciate the simple elegance of the city's design, and she grinned at the thought.

Iden couldn't deny that she missed her homeworld and frequently chose not to dwell on it for too long due to the ache that would settle in her stomach. I'm unsure if I'll ever be able to return. I'd likely be arrested the moment my foot touched the soil. But still, I miss it. She wished that the homesickness would abate. There were no family members missing her on that planet, not since her sister had left, so she found the draw to return silly, impractical even. But still, she couldn't shake the feeling of longing for the Naboo sunshine and the feeling of the lake water in the spring.

Sighing hard, Iden adjusted her grip on the bags that suddenly felt heavier, shifting the box of pastries to her other hand as she licked a bit of the sugar from the bun she'd eaten off of her fingers, wiping the remnants on her slacks. Despite her homesickness, she couldn't deny her eagerness to explore the worlds around her. She'd tried to take time for herself when they were on Yavin 4, but they always seemed to be needed for something. Now, as she strode through the streets of Raxulon, she took a slight detour, hoping to take in a little more of the city rather than treading the same path she'd already walked. Her route took her through a park, and she stepped onto a walking path, keeping her bearings focused on the direction of their dwelling. It was still early, but several groups of children were out in the early morning sunshine, running through the trees and bushes. Iden couldn't help but smile as one group chased after a tooka that had clearly gotten loose and was making a mad dash through the neatly trimmed bushes. She stopped to watch as one child finally tackled the creature, holding it above his head victoriously as the furry delinquent squirmed in his grip. Two human men, who were clearly the boy's parents, came running into view, relief evident on their faces when they saw the boy holding the creature above his head. Their expressions shifted to one of fear and anxiousness as Iden watched, and following their gaze, she saw why. A squad of stormtroopers was patrolling the park, making their way towards the boy. The parents rushed forward, trying to usher the child away before one of the stormtroopers called out for them to halt. The family complied, but Iden could see the parents' grip on the boy's shoulders tighten as the squad approached, weapons on full display. She was too far away to hear what was being said, but she could see that one of the boy's fathers was attempting to finagle out of trouble unsuccessfully.

It was just a pet that had escaped. There's no reason to harass them over that.

She watched for another few seconds before she realized she was staring.

Need to get home. I can't help them. Getting caught now for gawking would be foolish.

Ducking her head, she quickly made her way to the opposite end of the park, slipping into an alley she was fairly certain would dump her out in front of the dwelling she and Crosshair shared. There was no solid reason for her avoiding the main roads, but something about the way the two fathers had looked when they'd seen the stormtroopers approaching made her want to take extra steps to be cautious.

She breathed a small sigh of relief when the front stoop of the dwelling came into view, and she bounded up the steps before slipping inside, cringing at the loud door again. Her concern about waking Crosshair was unfounded as she found the sniper standing by the table, reading the message she'd left him. His eyes flicked up to meet hers as she strode into the kitchen, setting the bags on the counter. She couldn't help but drink him in. He wore only a pair of loose-fitting trousers that sat low on his hips, and his silver hair was stuck up at odd angles as it normally was after he'd just woken up. He scratched at the beard he'd grown out recently. Crosshair had never explicitly stated what had driven him to give the beard a try, but Iden strongly suspected it was because she'd commented on liking one on one of the rebels at the base on Yavin 4. She'd joked that Crosshair could definitely pull one off, thinking nothing of it until she'd started to note the build-up of stubble a few rotations later. When she'd commented about it, he'd shrugged.

"Figured I might try something new."

She hadn't pushed the issue further, but she also couldn't deny that he wore it well, even if it tickled mercilessly, particularly when his face was pressed between her thighs. Heat rose to her face at the thought, and she turned away under the pretext of placing the bag of rice in one of the cupboards.

"Would you like some caf? Bought some at the market, along with some pastries if you're hungry," she tossed over her shoulder, thumbing at the box on the counter.

He grunted in response, which she'd come to learn was an affirmative. She reached up, feeling around in the cupboard nearest the sink until she found two dusty mugs. At least they provided some sort of dinnerware I suppose. She turned on the water, giving the mugs a quick scrub before heating water on the stove and pouring it into the old caf press tucked into one corner.

"Seems they shorted you a pastry," Crosshair muttered from her right.

Iden didn't react, keeping her face neutral as she replied. "Oh?"

She could feel his eyes on her, teasing as he stepped closer, leaning back against the counter and affixing her with his piercing gaze before he reached up and swiped his thumb over the corner of her mouth. She watched as he examined the substance he'd wiped from her face before he popped his thumb in his mouth. "Sweet bun, hm?"

She shrugged. "Needed do some quality assurance." He huffed a short laugh before reaching into the box and procuring his own pastry, taking a large bite.

"People are already lining up outside the factory for work," Iden commented as she poured caf into the two mugs, handing him one. "We probably shouldn't wait too much longer before we head out."

"There'll be jobs no matter when we show up."

"True, but I'd rather get this over with and get to work, wouldn't you?"

He shrugged, taking a sip of the caf before setting the mug on the counter. "I could do with a paid vacation for a little longer."


"I'm only joking. I know we only have enough credits to float us for another few rotations anyway."

She rolled her eyes. "Hunter was smart giving you a moderate budget."

His lips twitched with mild disdain, but he didn't reply. Iden knew Crosshair worried about the amount of trust his brothers placed in him, but she had hoped that being assigned this mission had assuaged some of that concern.

Apparently not.

They ate their breakfast quietly, Iden perusing the news holos on their datapad while Crosshair seemed to be satisfied at just having a normal breakfast not in a mess hall. There was something oddly peaceful and alarmingly domestic about the entire feel of it, and it made Iden wary at how comfortable it all felt.

We have a job to do, and it isn't to play house, as nice as this may be.

After they'd finished, she cleared the table and counters while Crosshair went and got dressed. As she placed the last mug in the dishwasher, she felt a warm set of hands sneak around her waist, a beard tickling her neck as he tucked his chin over her shoulder.

"Are you about ready?" she asked, trying to ignore the feel of his warm breath on her ear.

"If we must," he drawled, but Iden noted a hint of something in his voice that took her a moment to identify. Turning to face him, she examined his face, and it finally struck her. He's nervous.

"You're worried about something," she said quietly, leaving no room for argument. Crosshair met her gaze before reaching into his pocket to retrieve a toothpick and flicking it between his teeth.

"Shouldn't I be? We are in the heart of Imperial territory, and the both of us are wanted fugitives."

She nodded, worrying her lip between her teeth. "Is it just normal concern?"

He huffed a sigh and rolled his eyes. "I'm not panicking."

"I know you're not, but that doesn't mean I can't be worried about you." She strode forward, gripping his chin and forcing him to meet her gaze. His amber eyes met hers reluctantly, and she searched them for a few moments. "It's going to be fine, yeah? This is the easy part."

"Nothing is ever easy, particularly if it's supposed to be," he replied.

"Maybe not, but that's why they sent us. We're adaptable. It's going to be fine."

She watched him for a few more moments before releasing his chin, heading down the hall to retrieve their chain codes and additional credentials from their travel bags, tucking them into her pockets before turning back towards him. "You ready then?"

"I suppose I am."


"Who here has experience with droid maintenance?"

A few hands, but none of them belonged to Iden or Crosshair. The toothpick clamped between his teeth flicked to the other side of his mouth yet again as his fingers flexed nervously at his sides. They'd been here for half an hour, watching other people receive their assignments, and he was starting to worry that there wouldn't be anything for them. They'd watched experienced programmers, technicians, and metallurgists step out of line with assignments, but so far, none of the job descriptions matched their skillsets. His shoulders slumped slightly as the Gran foreman glanced up from his datapad, nodding at the rest of them.

"That's all for now. Thank you for your time. Come back tomorrow, and we may have something else for the rest of you."

Iden caught his eye, hanging back as the other workers filed out. She strode towards the foreman, who was ignoring her. Crosshair glanced around nervously before following her lead, coming to stand next to her. The Gran ignored them for another few moments before sighing heavily, finally raising his head to assess the two of them.

"Sorry folks. All the jobs for today are gone."

Iden moistened her lips. "We really need this, sir. My husband came all the way here from Corellia looking for work."

The Gran appraised her. "Plenty of work on Corellia. Why'd you leave?"

"Our skillsets didn't align with what was needed. A-and my husband and I needed to leave the planet. For reasons."

Crosshair fought the urge to raise his eyebrow as she lied. He had no idea where she was going with this, but he decided it was best to remain silent as she wove the story.

The Gran appeared largely unsympathetic. "Listen, if you think I'm taking Imperial fugitives in, you're sorely mistaken, miss. I've got a business to run here."

"It's not from the law, sir," Iden assured him. "You husband, he...he got me out of an abusive household. My family is looking for me, trying to keep me under their thumb. We eloped, thinking that would be enough to keep them off our backs, but it wasn't. He got me out in the dead of night, and we left with only what I could throw in a bag and a handful of credits. We're staying at a friend's vacant place nearby, but you see, we're running low on credits. We need to find work. We don't wish to be a burden."

The Gran listened to her story with about as much sympathy as a Gran could muster in his expression. He glanced at Crosshair, and the sniper tried to plaster what he hoped was a solemn look across his features that might elicit some additional pity. The Gran turned back to Iden, sighing heavily.

"Alright. What are your skillsets?"

"Weapons actually. My father was a manufacturer, and we're both skilled at understanding the mechanics of various weapons."

"Don't need any engineers. Got plenty of those already."

"What about quality inspectors? Or repairs? We could do those as well."

Adaptable indeed, Crosshair thought.

The Gran stroked his chin, leaning on his desk. "We have droids for repairs, but we have been noticing more issues with quality recently. Are you familiar with weapons systems on fighters such as TIEs?"

Iden shrugged easily. "Not familiar, but I imagine the design is about like any plasma-based weapon. How hard would it be to learn?"

The Gran ground his teeth in thought, glancing between the two of them before heaving another deep sigh. "You get a three rotation trial at half pay. If you're good enough, I'll start paying you full after that. This is basically a position that doesn't exist, but I can't deny that it's potentially needed. That's the best I can do for now. Will that work?"

Iden looked over at Crosshair, and he made a show of considering it for a moment before giving her a nod. We've got more than enough to last us through that time, and it's not just a foot in the door, but a position that would allow us to see exactly what's exiting the factory. Could hardly be more ideal.

Iden smiled softly before turning back to the Gran. "We'll take it."

The Gran nodded. "You start tomorrow then. I'll pay you under the table for the trial period and put you on the books if this works out. Otherwise, it's too much of a hassle. Understood...miss..."

"Zo. Zo Kress. And my husband Aban. We'll be here first thing tomorrow."

"Don't be late."

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