Runaway Prince {IDOLiSH7 fanf...

By NBooster

7.1K 397 124

A prince that smiled so brightly was forgotten one day and lived through hardship. Just when he thought that... More

Ch 1
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Ch 14

263 15 3
By NBooster

"Fuuuu! Finally done with work for the day." Gaku slumps over the couch in the green room.

"Since we're all here, why don't we have dinner together?" Ryu suggested. It has been a while since the three was able to spend time together outside of work due to their tight schedules.

"Count me in! Where should we go?" Gaku started searching for the possible options on his phone with Ryu, until a phone rang interrupting their discussions.

"Oh, sorry. It's mine." Tenn apologized and stepped out to answer his phone. The other two didn't pay much attention to the details and didn't try to ease drop on his conversation. Food was really the only thing in their mind when they're hungry after a long day of hard work. It would be just like any other regular phone call, or they thought.

"WHAT?! I'm coming over right now!" Tension grew in Tenn's voice as he barged through the door while hanging up the call. "Sorry, I won't be able to join you guys for dinner." He grabbed all his belongings and shoved them in his bag, running straight out of the door.

"Eh?! Tenn?" Ryu started worrying about his centre and was left with no explanation. Not long after Anesagi returned to the green room.


"Ne ne! It's that Tenn?" Momo pointed to someone running in their direction.

"You're right. I wonder what's wrong, he seems to be in a hurry." Yuki nodded.

"Ah, here he comes! Tenn! How ar-" Momo was sadly cut off.

"Good work for today, Momo-san, Yuki-san. Sorry, I can't talk right now, bye." And with that, the rose-white haired boy ran off.

"Geez... He couldn't even give us a reason." Momo puffed his cheeks up.

"Now now, if Tenn is here, chances are that Gaku and Ryu are here too. We can just go and ask them." Yuki suggested.

"You're right! Let's go!" Momo dragged Yuki like an excited puppy.

"... from what I heard from Tenn just now, the king collapsed and is in a weak state. He's heading over to help solve problems in the king's stead with he recovers."

The two heard Anesagi from outside the room.

"Oya? It seems like we should notify Riku about this." Yuki whispered to Momo.


"Ah! Good morning, Yaotome-san!" Riku cheerfully greeted the silver head.

"Morning, Crimson."

As they are in public, Gaku couldn't call Riku like how he does as his name is still a secret. The two are scheduled to model together for a weekly idol magazine. They arrived at the studio and waited for staff's instruction.

"Sorry Yaotome-san, Crimson-san. It seems like our makeup artist has yet to arrive due to the heavy traffic this hour. Please feel free to help yourself to the snacks and drinks provided." A staff informed the two idols.

Both of them where free until the evening so they didn't mind the delay in schedule, so they ended up having a leisure conversation.

"Speaking of which, I was really surprised when I first heard your voice!" Gaku complemented. "A part of me thought you sounded familiar, but I'm pretty sure we'd never meant before, right?"

"Really? I've always been living in rural areas and moved a lot due to personal circumstances. I didn't had any friends the same age as me until I became an idol." Riku replied. Everything he said was true, he didn't deny ever meeting Gaku after all.

"That must be tough..." Gaku stop to think for a second. "Say, are you free after this?"

"Huh? Yeah, I do have plans in the evening though."

"Why don't you join me later after this shoot then?"

"Eh?! Is that really ok?" Riku asked hesitantly.

"Of course." Gaku smiled.

"Umm... I'm really happy to hear this offer, but can I ask why so suddenly?"

"Well... as someone who didn't get to enjoy his childhood and teen years like what 'normal' people would because of my father, I can tell that you somewhat also didn't had much of a bright past. It might also be a bit of a selfish reason but I also need to get some stuff out of my head. So? What do you say?"

The red head's eyes sparkle out of excitement and nodded.

"Yaotome-san! Crimson-san! The makeup artist is now here." A staff came and told the two.

Overall, the shoot was smooth sailing and enjoyable for everyone in the studio. Once they had wrapped up, the two changed back into their casual outfit, hoping not to draw a crowd even with their disguise on. They chatted happily while walking down the city streets. Occasionally they will stop at a stall with delicious looking food or enter a shop that they are interested in. Their conversation was so engrossing that they somewhat forgot about reality, and somehow the topic of concerts; more specifically, the summer festival, came up.

"Haha! I remember how nervous Mitsuki and Sogo-san was!" Riku laughed. "To be far, I think we were all really nervous to be performing with you guys. You are TRIGGER after all!"

"The three of us where nervous too, you know? Just because we had more experience, it doesn't mean we don't feel nervous. That was a blast thought! I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves too. Man, that was a really long time ago now that I think about it huh..." Gaku smiled feeling the nostalgia. "...though I am still mad about what father did. Even though he said he had nothing to do with it, he clearly pressured Hyuuga for a 'better' song, resulting to him stealing Natsu Shiyouze. Tsk. If only I had noticed it sooner..."

"Everyone already agreed that it's not TRIGGER's fault. Nagi may still be mad at Hyuuga-san, but he doesn't blame TRIGGER at all. Those songs really mean a lot to Nagi..."

"The... summer festival...?" Gaku remembered something.

"Ah-!" Riku gasped, realizing his entire conversation.

"Nanase you..." Gaku mind flashed his completed memory of everything he should've had remembered. "...are IDOLiSH7's center..." He looked at the redhead with an 'explain yourself' expression.

Riku gulp knowing the silver head is scary when angry and glanced at his watch. "Sorry Yaotome-san! We shouldn't really be taking about this in public so I'll call you over when we're both free. Trust me, it will be a lengthy explanation so we won't have time from it now. You do have something planned in your schedule in an hour, right?"


"We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience." A staff apologized for the nth time.

"Don't worry about it. Things like this happens and there's nothing much we can do about it." Mitsuki tried to calm the staff.

The producer of a talk show called in and is not able to make it for the recording, so Mitsuki and Tamaki are now heading back to the dorm. Tsumugi is currently doing some other work so she is not able to drive them back.

"Mikki, let's go to the convenient store on our way back." Tamaki suggested.

"For what? If you're hungry, I'll start dinner as soon as we are back. You've already got plenty of pudding at home too so you don't need to get more." Mitsuki strictly shut down the request.

"Heeeeh... You're to strict..." Tamaki grumbled.

The two continued to walk down the streets, luckily without being discovered by fans.

"We're home..." Mitsuki and Tamaki stepped food back into the dorm. To their surprise, it was dead quiet though everyone else should've been already back at the dorm.

"Huh? No one's home?" Mitsuki said out loud, walking behind the kitchen counter to put on his apron to get dinner started.

"Maybe they're planning a surprise for us!" Tamaki excitedly guessed, though he thought of another scenario. "Wait... what it they're out eating expensive premium food without us?!"

"I highly doubt that." Mitsuki answered deadpan at the younger's childishness.

"Ah, Mikki. Do you need any help? Usually So-chan helps you with cooking, doesn't he? Since he's not here right now, I'll help."

"You will? Thanks! Help me wash the potatoes and peel them afterwards. And when you're done with it..."

The two worked together to make dinner, which consists of curry since it's easy and quick to make, not to mention Tamaki whined about being hungry for who knows how long. Poor Mitsuki had to be the one babysitting Tamaki this time...

"Huh? Did they forget their keys?" Mitsuki turned his head towards the front door as he heard the door bell ring. "Do you mind opening the door for them, Tamaki."

"I'm on my way..." Tamaki dragged his feet towards the front door while Mitsuki continued to focus on cooking. Well... that is until he heard a the baby blue hair teen yell.

"Re:Vale? You brought Osama Pudding?! Yes!!!"

Tamaki lead the two in while skipping happily and placed his precious pudding in the fridge.

"E-eh?! Re:Vale?! W-why are you here?!" Mitsuki's jaws dropped.

"Hehe! What's so wrong about senpai visiting our kohais?" Momo winked. "What about you? Shouldn't the both of you be in a recording now?"

"The producer wasn't able to make it due to some personal issues so it was canceled. What, how did you know about our schedule." Mitsuki raised an eyebrow.

"Iori-kun told us your schedule." Yuki replied without hesitation.

"Really?? Anyways, since you are here, would you like to have dinner with us? It's just Tamaki and I here right now though." Mitsuki offered.

"Yuki! What should we do??? They're not suppose to be back and they don't know about Riku yet." Momo whispered to Yuki.

"They'll have to remember at some stage so why not just tell them now?" Yuki said in a not so quiet voice, gaining both Tamaki and Mitsuki's curiosity.

"Remember what?" Tamaki asked.

"Follow us." Yuki lead the way to where the rooms are, and stopped in front of Riku's room.

"Why are we here? This room is always locked because no one uses it." Mitsuki said.

"We can use So-chan's screwdriver gun to break open the door like how he did with my room that one time." Tamaki suggested.

"There no need for that. I've message them to open the door so hopefully they read it." Momo show them his phone.

Not long after, the door opened just liked how Momo said it will, though there's a slight confusion from both parties inside and outside the room.

"Mitsuki?! Tamaki?!' Riku's eyes widen.

"Yaho~! Re:Vale's here!" Momo cheerfully yelled out, ignoring the tense atmosphere and scanned the inside of the room. "Oya? Gaku's here too!"

"Eh?! Everyone's here?" Mitsuki exclaimed.

"Nii-san?! Shouldn't both you and Yotsuba-san be at a recording now?" Iori tries to think back at their schedule.

"Welp. Since the secret's out of the bag, might as well tell them now. You'll be killing two bird with one stone this way too. Oh wait, or is it three birds since there's the three of them that doesn't know." Yamato joked.

"Have a seat where ever you want." Riku suggested. "Now to retell this story again..."


"Anyways, let's talk about the current situation at the kingdom." Yuki said seriously. "Words are spreading fast amongst the nobles. From what we heard, the Isumi and Natsume clan are sending people to help heal the kind back to health and defend for any possible threats."

"We should get either Haruka or Minami to get some more intel from the castle if they have the time then." Yamato suggested.

"We have midterms coming up shortly so I'd have to object sending Isumi-san." Iori said.

"Eh?! We do?!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"Don't tell me you didn't pay attention in class again, Tamaki-kun." Sogo scolded.

With the commotion happening, Gaku turned his head to ask Riku a question that has been on his mind.

"Say..." Gaku too a deep breath and paused to think. "Are you sure you're Tenn's twin?!"

"We're fraternal twins but yes I'm 100% sure I'm Tenn-nii's younger brother." Riku proudly replied.

"How though...?! You deserve the title 'Morden day Angel' more than that brat." Gaku said in disbelief. "There's no way that brat has such a cute twin, especially with that evil personality he has."

"What do you mean? Tenn-nii is an angel!" Riku argued back.

"I can kinda see the resemblance now that I think about it closely." Mitsuki nodded his head, envisioning the two standing side by side.

"But Rikkun's much cuter and nicer." Tamaki added, ignoring the nagging from Sogo and Iori.

"Wha- No! Tenn-nii's kinder than me. Plus, Tenn-nii will be the one guiding everyone as future king." Riku everted his eyes and whispered under his breath so no one hears it. "Besides, there's not much time left for me anyways..."

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