I love you so - min yoongi /j...

By taegivibe

2.7K 323 274

This is a story about a girl named Quinn who got her heart broken too many times, She meets basketball team c... More

Author's Note


33 5 7
By taegivibe

As days went by, Kate was able to spend time with Yoongi in school, Taehyung continued to pursue Quinn patiently.
"I don't know what to do" Jungkook uttered
"Just tell Quinn how you feel, i'm telling you now Taehyung is way way ahead of you" Yoongi replied
"I don't know how, I've been keeping my feelings from her for about a year now i want to be with her so bad" Jungkook pouted
"You'll figure it out don't worry too much" Yoongi smiled as he left and went home

"Yoongi! you're home!" Quinn uttered
"Hey, you seem so excited, what's up?" Yoongi asked
"I baked some brownies, want some?" Quinn asked
"Yeah sure" Yoongi replied as they went inside Quinn's apartment
"I heard Eunwoo keeps on trying to call you" Yoongi squinted his eyes
"Yeah, i blocked his number yesterday i got annoyed" Quinn chuckled
"He deserves that, just tell me if you need help getting rid of him" Yoongi replied as he took a bite
"You got chocolate on your nose" Quinn laughed
"What?" Yoongi replied as Quinn wiped the icing off Yoongi's nose
"There it's gone" Quinn smiled
"If you were given the chance to choose your boyfriend would it be Jungkook or Taehyung?" Yoongi asked
"That's so random but i actually don't know, Jungkook is like a brother to me and i'm still very traumatized about models" Quinn chuckled
"Unless you like Jimin?" Yoongi smirked
"No way, i only like him as a friend" Quinn replied.
Yoongi and Quinn spent the night chitchatting about life and love.


"You never spend time with me anymore Lily and you weren't answering my phone calls yesterday" Eunwoo uttered
"Relax babe, i was busy i'm sorry, i'll make it up to you" Lily replied pulling Eunwoo for a kiss


Yoongi went home and i lied down on my bed. I'm still so in love with him but Kate likes him too why must this happen to me. None of us stands a chance with him because he's still very much in love with Via.
*phone rings* I answered the phone

(Y-Yoongi; Q-Quinn)
Q: you just left what's wrong?
Y: i can see you from my window you seem very stressed are you alright?
Q: oh that *chuckles* i'm alright
Y: go get some rest
Q: you too, remember, the school has an event tomorrow we need to be fresh
Y: yes i know, i'll see you tomorrow good night Q
Q: goodnight

I should close my windows more often, i can't let him see me go nuts. I went to sleep and the next morning I woke up early and went to school fast.

"Drop it Geo, you have nothing against me" Lily pushed Geo
"I can tell Quinn about what happened between us and she'll tell Eunwoo" Geo smirked
"Don't you dare tell that witch about what happened, it was a mistake, you got me drunk" Lily replied
"You weren't drunk and you know it" Geo replied walking away
"How long have you been there?" Lily uttered
"Oh not that long but i did hear some important details you little slut" I walked towards her
"So what now? you're gonna gang up on me and black mail me" Lily replied
"What if i do?" I smiled
"You wouldn't dare and Eunwoo wouldn't believe you" Lily replied
"Whatever, have it your way" I replied walking away

"Quinn! have you seen Yoongi?" Kate asked
"No, why?" I asked
"I was wondering if i can hang out with him, i wore this cute dress just for him and he knows maybe this will be the day of our first kiss" What the hell is she talking about
"First kiss?" I asked
"Well, Yoongi and I have this special connection already all thanks to you, i was able to spend more time with him here in school" She replied
"Oh i see, good luck with that" I smiled opening my locker as a piece of paper fell
"Oh, is that a love note?" Kate smiled
"I have no idea, let's see" I replied and opened the note

hey, i know this is sudden but i just want to tell you that you're very special and your smile makes me smile

"It's probably a prank or something" I laughed
"No way, just keep it who knows maybe it's Taehyung" Kate replied
"Oh well, i'll keep it then" I replied as i put it back in my locker with my bag and we went to Via's booth.
"You guys should try Via's cupcakes its really good" Yoongi uttered
"Yoongi, you're here" Kate smiled
"Yes i am here" Yoongi chuckled
"Let me try those cupcakes" I uttered grabbing a piece
"You have icing your chin" Jungkook giggled wiping the icing off with his finger and eating it
"Dude, what the fuck" I replied
"It's just icing and it's not like your chin is dirty" Jungkook laughed
"Why you little-" Jungkook cut me off "little cutie"
"Shut up bunny" I joked
"Shut me up then" Jungkook teased
"Oh so you're being playful again" I replied putting icing on his cheek
"I can do better than that" Jungkook laughed putting icing on my face
"Hey hey! stop playing with my cupcakes you two" Via uttered
"You heard the lady quit it" I giggled
"Let me clean that for you" Taehyung cut in as he wiped the icing off of my face
"Thanks" I smiled
"You guys look so good together, i think you should just date already" Kate uttered
"She's right Q, i think we should date" Taehyung smirked
"I-I don't know i-" Jungkook cut me off "Don't pressure Quinn you guys" There was awkward silence until Jin broke the silence
"Help us sell these cupcakes!" Jin uttered as we made sure that students would go to our booth, it wasn't hard because we had Jungkook and Taehyung who used their charms.
"I'd like a cupcake" Eunwoo uttered
"Yeah sure, here you go" I replied giving him a piece
"Can we talk in private?" He asked
"Fine" We went to one of the classrooms
"Quinn, i don't want anyone to know about me trying to connect with you again, i realized i love Lily and i don't want her to get hurt or anything" Eunwoo uttered
"Okay, so what do you want me to do about that?" I raised my brow
"Forget all my phone calls and the times i tried winning you back act like it never happened and never speak of it" Eunwoo replied
"Okay that's too easy can i go back to the booth now?" I replied walking out of the room and went back to the booth
"So what did he want?" Yoongi asked
"Oh nothing much" I replied brushing it off and continued to sell the cupcakes.

After a long day, we decided to go eat out for dinner, Kate joined us and she sat beside Yoongi. I noticed how close they were getting i just hope Yoongi doesn't replace me.
"You should try these spare ribs they're really good" Taehyung uttered putting food on my plate
"Thanks!" i replied taking a bite and i have no regrets it was actually good
"So Yoongi, when do you plan to date?" Kate asked
"Maybe soon" Yoongi replied
"Wait a minute, you never told us if you like someone" Jin chuckled
"I do like someone but i don't think i have a chance" Yoongi replied
"Wait does she go to our school?" Jin asked
"Yes she does" Yoongi smiled
"Good luck on that! hope you guys date soon" I choked on my water as Jin said those words
"Are you alright Q?" Jungkook asked
"Yeah, i choke on water a lot its a normal thing for me" I replied as they all laughed, I don't want Yoongi to ge caught or anything so maybe changing the topic would be a great idea.
"What about you Jungkook, when do you plan to date?" I uttered
"I don't know yet" Jungkook blushed
"The real question is, When are you gonna date Taehyung" Jin asked and i just froze
"You know- I- i like ribs" I chuckled
"Don't pressure Q, i can wait for her" Taehyung smiled
I'm really starting to feel guilty, I don't even know if Taehyung and I has a chance to date i'm really confused. If there's something i'm sure about, that is i know who i want to be with and that's Yoongi.
After dinner, we went outside
"Yoongi, is it alright if you come with me when i take the cab? i'm feeling al little dizzy" Kate uttered
"Quinn, would that be alright?" Yoongi asked
"What-I- of course don't mind me i can go home alone" I smiled
"Don't worry about Quinn, i'll drive her home" Taehyung uttered
"Okay, take care you guys" Yoongi replied
Everyone said their goodbyes as we all part ways
"Do you think something is going on between Yoongi and your friend Kate?" Taehyung asked
"Oh them, i don't really know but maybe" I replied, we didn't really talk much on the drive, when we arrived he escorted me until we got on my door
"I'll see you tomorrow Q, good night, i love you" Taehyung kissed me on both of my cheeks
"Bye, goodnight" I just froze as he left, it was the first time i felt butterflies on my stomach because of his kiss this is not happening to me, i am not falling for Taehyung Kim. I went to bed.

The next day, I went to school right away and to my surprise, there was another note in my locker that says "You should smile more often, it brightens my day :) take care and stay safe always my Q" Well that was a great way to start my day, I took the note and put it in my bag. As I went to the classroom, Jungkook, Jin, Via, Eunwoo, Yoongi, and Kate along with others were already there.
"You look very happy today Quinn" Jungkook smiled
"Yes, i got another note, it's really simple but it made my day" I blushed
"Note? what note?" Jungkook asked
"I don't know i just got it from my locker" I replied
"Note from who?" Via asked
"I have no idea, it didn't have the name on the paper but it doesn't really matter" I replied

I received notes everyday and it has been going on for a few weeks now, I still have no idea who gives them but I didn't really bother trying to find out.
"Quinnie! i'm so happy" Kate pulled me for a hug
"Hey! tell me about it" I replied
"Well, Yoongi and I watched movies last saturday and i spent the night at his apartment yesterday! it felt like a dream, and we almost kissed" My heart kinda shattered at this point
"Really? that's great! you guys almost kissed, how?" I giggled
"Well, we were just talking last night and we were having an intense eye contact and we almost kissed but it was interrupted by a phone call" I was happy to see Kate happy but i couldn't deny the fact that i was actually falling apart and dying inside.
"I see you have another note, what does it say?" Kate asked
"It's the usual, you know what i mean, wholesome shit" I replied
"Well i'm happy for you, but i think you should just go for Taehyung, it's pretty clear he really likes you, anyways I gotta go, Yoongi is waiting for me downstairs" Kate replied walking away

"Wanna go for a walk?" Jungkook suddenly uttered
"Yeah, maybe we can go to the bench and sit there" I replied
"I said walk but sitting is fine too" Jungkook chuckled
"Shut up man" I laughed playfully punching his arm as we walked and sat on the nearest bench we could find.
"What are you looking at?" Jungkook asked
"I wish i could tell him how i feel" I uttered looking at Yoongi and Kate
"They've been spending time together, don't you and Yoongi hang out?" Jungkook asked
"We still do, we always have late night conversations since we're neighbors" I smiled as i rested my head on his shoulder
"Then why don't you tell him how you feel?" Jungkook asked
"I don't know how, but i want to be with him so bad" I replied as tears started to fall
"I feel you Quinn" Jungkook replied wiping my tears with his fingers as I pulled him for a hug
"I'm sorry you feel this way too, I guess we really have each other" I replied patting his back
"If you don't mind me asking, do you like someone right now?" I asked
"What? no i just-i feel-i" I cut him off
"Relax, you don't have to answer" I chuckled
"I'm glad you're not crying anymore, I guess you owe me again" Jungkook teased
"Yeah i probably do" I giggled resting my head on his shoulder

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