Petit Bourgeoise

By Hidhakmp

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hahah More

lost boy
forever meant for me and you
darkest and darkest of times
goodbye blues
letters to the moon
oh mother
Lost in the stars
What if I were
random soliloquy
tell them you lovw them
oh little heart
till death do us apart


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By Hidhakmp

1. Once upon a dream

[Act 1, Scene 1]

"I had a dream last night. A fairytale one" I told him as I sipped my Latté.

"Ohh! You did!" He replied.


"I went back, right back into era of poetry, of class, of romance, of when women started to CHARM men"

"Are you pulling out your contexts from Literature?"

"Obviously, isnt that the reason why I went back into the era of the Renaissance?"

"Probably, so tell me more" He smiled.

"I was rich, in one of those fancy gowns. Or in other words, I was her, the Juliet, the one from Shakespeare."

"Ohh! You met Shakespeare?"

"Unfortunately, no. If I had I would have asked him why?"

"Why? But why why?"

"Why was he depressed? And whom are his Sonnets addressed to? Why isnt he talking about his wife in those Sonnets? Who is the 'dark lady'?

"You think too much"

"Isn't that what I always do?"

"Yes, but I just wanted to point it out again"

"Thank you"

"You're most welcome"

[Act 1, Scene 2]

"Bestow upon thee, my charming young lady. In my heart of hearts, thou hast risen, to be my only romance"

"you sound nothing like Romeo"

"ohh, Ik not as if I remember all the lines 'My Romeo' pulled out"

"well was it 'but soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is east and Juliet is the sun'?"

"You learnt it from somewhere didn't you?"

"well probably, but you didn't"

"Fine, but that wasn't what 'My Romeo' said"

"Do I sound like I care?"


"Then tell me the rest"

"Well, this was a completely different kind of..drama"


"My Romeo was still mine"

"what?" He seems to be surprised.

"Lol. you wont get it"

"why not?"

"let's take a walk. shall we?"


"For no reason. pay the bills, we are going out"


[Act 2, Scene 1]

"So now what? what else happened in your middle age treacherous dream?" he asked clicking his fingers.

"It was more romantic than treacherous" I snaped back.

"Lol. You're a hopeless romantic afterall"

"Any problems?"

"ohh why should I have problems with that my Shakespeare girl?"


"Well continue"

"I was standing on the balcony. Looking at the stars. Please my costumes were the best I-"

"You wanna be a princess don't you?"

"At least for a day"

"I'll make you one"

"Will you?"

"Why would I?"

"ohh, shut up"

"Well hope you will someday get to wear those fancy shrilly dress"

"Hmm. I was captured by how pretty it looked. I was wearing them. It was noone else but me. And I saw him. Right there. My Romeo. Looking at me. Under the starry sky. We shared a stare."

"Sounds weird."

"For you-"

"What's so special about always having a starry sky in all your romantic contexts?"

[Act 2, Scene 2]

"'Cause I love stars"

"No there sure is something more"

"Ohh maybe. Stars denote hope. Even in the darkest of the darkest. Even when the Queen moon swallowed by it. The stars still shine. I mean, on the 2am nights I lay awake. Its all the stars I romanticize about. My love. The stars, my thoughts and my love."

"Captivating enough."

"I know I lack words when I come to talk about things I really love."

"I don't think so."

"But I do."

"You're always so wrong about yourself."

"I dont know."

"Yeah. You never know."

"Well, he was there. In his middle aged cloths. Slowly whispering, 'Are you the one I dreamt about last night, young lady?' it sounds cringe. Well, its just a dream right? And dude. I said yes. For real?"

"I am not laughing you are."

"ohh shut up."

"Well, that's how we met. We met 'Once upon a dream'. Then I saw the scene changing. On the screen it showed. 3 months later"

"Oh wow! I wish I was in there"

"You do?"

"Lol no! why would I be?"


[Act 2, Scene 3]

"I had 100 roses. He sent me roses. Every single day after that night."

"I would give Periwinkles instead?"


"Roses have thorns. Why hurting myself over it?"

"But roses represent love."

"But dont you think, its love that matters and not the flower and the colour. And if you ask me, I would prefer blue to be the colour of love. Blue is so calming yet so painful."

"True that is. Well he gave me roses. Sorry. He wrote me love letters too."

"why you fantacise letters and long paragraphs so much?"

"I dont know. They are more honest?"

"Maybe but still"

"Noone's thoughts end in one word"


"Letters is what I prefer over dry texts and heart emojis."

"Your wish is my command my lady--- why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, you sound different."

"Do I?"

"Yes. Leave it. Then there came a day. We went across a hill. Just him, me, the moon, the stars and the silence."

"Something romantic coming up"

"Oh yes. He took me there. A gentle breeze kissed my face. As usual he gave me a rose. The silence creeping over us. He gently placed his palm on my eyes and slowly closed them."

"And he abandoned you"

"Oh my goodness never"

[Act 2, Scene 4]

"And then?"

"He broke the silence that enwrapped us. He said in slow silent whisper:
'Doubt thou stars are fire.
Doubt the sun doth move.
Doubt the truth to be a liar. But never doubt I love.
I will be your loyal husband. if you will marry me."I blushed.

"That's straight out of Shakespeare dude."

"What else were you expecting?"

"Something more cheesy maybe"

"Snap out of it. Its my dream and that's not what I want. I have always and always wanted to hear these lines. If only someone ever knew me enough lol."

"As expected of you. Continue"

"I opened my eyes. I saw him. Kneeling down right infront of my eyes. Holding a ring. The Sapphire. I was out of words. It felt so real. Without speaking a single word. I gave him my fingers. He stood up and our eyes met, they spoke 'yes'. On my finger. He crawled it up. The ring looked perfect. "Thank you' I couldn't manage to say anything more. I couldn't even say I love you too. I was just overwhelmed. I couldn't--."

"A sapphire ring. Wow!."

"Sapphire ring was just a ring that denoted his love. The same it would have been even if it was just a silver ring with no pearls and diamonds. That moment, that one moment made me go speechless. For a moment, I wished it wasn't a dream. It felt magical. A fairytale."

[Act 2, Scene 5]

"You literally did see something fairytale like. I am impressed"

"Impressed of a dream? wow!"

"Lol yeah! and then?"

"I dont remember much otherthan having candle light dinner,

dancing to Lo-Fi beats and singing over a piano. Pillow fights and small arguments that vanishes in 5 minutes. Well, that's it I guess."

"Candle light dinner, dancing, singing, fights, this is romantic for you?"

"Yes, spending time with the one I love is romantic to me."

"Good that is. He just need to give you all his time right?"

"Isn't that why he is in love with me? To share his time with his special someone?"

"Yes, that sure makes sense."

"Ah thank you"

"Well, I have one question. Did you see your Romeo's face?"


"Who was it?"

"Dont ask, You'll regret asking me that?"

"oh no why would I? Lemme know your special someone."

"You wouldn't wanna know"

"Why not? Just tell me"


"Tell me"

"No I wont"

"Come on girl!! Its just me-"

"Yes that's what it is"


"It is you. The Romeo is you-"

[Act 3, Scene 1]

"Been awhile isn't it?" He said sipping up his coffee.

"Yes, its been awhile. Or 5 months since we last saw cachother"

"Are you ok?"


"Seeing someone?"

"Oh why no!"


"Why you ask?"

"Just wanted to get updated about my Shakespeare girl."


"You're still embarassed aren't you" He giggled.

"Oh I am not!"

"Yes, you are. Well, I got promoted. Out of state somehow. Though, will move back soon."

"No wonder you went missing. You didn't even text me after that day."

"Yeah I am sorry. I was just being stupid."

"That's what you had always been."

"So you still see those fairytale dreams?"

"No. I would never want to."

"I can understand."

"So what brings you here today? The same place we met the last time? I thought you forgot me."

"Would I ever?"

"Yes you did."

"No, I didn't. If I did why would I wanna see you again?"

"How can I know?"

[Act 3, Scene 2]

"If not you then who?"

"Your new friends you made back in the last 5 months?"

"How did you get to know about someone non-existent?"


"You are still the same"


"Well I wanna tell you something"


"I won't be the same, but- [He puts his palm gently on her eyes and closed it slowly]
Doubt thou stars are fire.
Doubt the sun doth move.
Doubt truth to be a liar.
But never doubt I love.
I will be your loyal, faithful husband. If will marry me."

"What are you doing? Get up from there! People are looking"

"I am not rich enough to afford you a sapphire ring but this gold one would be fine right?"

"I asked what are you---"

"I am answering you. I am giving you the answer to where we last stopped. Please dont talk. Say yes! I want to hear nothing else."


"I love you"



"Thank you."

"Guess your dream came true."

"It did. It sure did"

"I love you. My Juliet"

"I love you too."

2. Letters to the moon

"I wrote poems to the moon about you,
When the sunset baltered its way back home,

When the stars twinkled whilst the moon shone,

I whispered about you,

The dawn waited for my neverending tales to end,

The moon and the stars,

Their eyes shone with jealousy.

I whispered and whispered,

I think the rabbit on the moon,

Waved at me, all night

Listening to the poems of you and me.

Till the dawn poked on my face,

Till the gentle morning breeze

Made my bangs dance,

I fell asleep,

Into the dreams of you

Where the Moon told me

Its jealous of you"

3. Till death do us apart

Till Death do us apart
In my ear she vowed,
I thought of forever
And sugarcandy mountains
Eternals of love
Laughters of joy

Little did I knew back then
My mother,
Sweet soul,
Was just another victim
Of Death doing us apart.

4. Epistle

Its been hours of thoughts

Racing through my mind,

With this sheet of paper

And my heart that doesn't collide,

Put my pen between my teeth

And started crumbling down the

Sheets, I scribbled down the ink in,

Should I start with "dear my beloved"

Or "dearest of all" or nothing at all,

Should I pass amidst the chaos

Of our dreams that never coincided

Into a forever journey crept within,

Should I pull out my insecurities

And doodle down some hearts

And flowers and a single lined

Teacup that I dont know how to draw,

Should I pull out my art sense

Into the halcyon state of your mind

And pull you down into a

Laughter marathon,

Should I just start with the cliché

Of "how are you?", "What's up?"

And "how are things?"

That were never answered honestly

Should I just call you my "Chérie" and

Start describing your seductive smile,

your soothing hugs and your irenic

Heart, that made my heart flutter,

Should I just tell you how you made

Me feel, despite the melee state

Of mind you crossed me into,

Should I just remind you of the

Star gazing, or the candle light dinner

Or our ride among the cloud unicorns,

Which made me feel like

I am in a whole new realm that existed

Just for you and me,

Should I just flirt with words,

Dresses with the ink

And make you feel "metanoia"

But unfortunately I get stuck with

words, as much as how I spill

Coffee beans onto the bare floor,

Should I just ask you to come over

And talk about love over a

Half-filled tea cup and a green

Briskly salad that never goes together,

Or Should I just dont write at all

Cause my words never made sense

Just like how omelette never

Goes with ice cream sundae

I wonder who yelled out "Written

Letter never ran out of style"

When all my epistle could hold was

The laconic alphabets that

Sparkled out "I love you"

Thats it, Thats what it is....

5. Describing Love

"How would you describe love?" He asked, holding my hands and crunching the autumn leaves under his tiny bare foot and throwing the rest on me.

"You wanna know what love is huh-?, then stop throwing it at me!!" I glanced a crabby gentle smile at him. Seeing his eyes widening with curiosity and his hands putting the leaves back to the earth, I continued. "Know what dearest, Love is when you are coming back home from school, your little feet climbing down the school bus. Your bag tangled upon your shoulders, swinging along your waist and that close-up innocent smile you flash at us, and we couldn't resist but smile back at you seeing our happy little boy and the aura he comes up with. Love is when our mother couldn't think of anything else than your meals, health and studies even when she forget her's. Love is when, our father sees your favourite toy around a gift shop and couldn't help but buying it for his little son just to see his happy face. Love is when I could never eat the last piece of my favourite chocolate because I know you love it too. Love is when your little brother have a fight with you and forget it in five minutes, 'cause you are his friend and foe and everything that contradicts. Love is when, you have a fight with your mates, but the very next day fist-fight turns into a fist-bump, and the latter moment you guys are having a small parade banging your hands on your lunch boxes and are running along the stairs. Love is when, we start the morning with an argument and at night, we can't sleep without laughing over lame jokes. Love is the the little things dear. The little things you cherish, the little things you care about, the little things you hold onto. Love my dear, is right here" I placed my hands on his chest. I felt his favourite green t-shirt reflecting the glow of the huge love he holds in his tiny heart. "And you wanna know what my love is?- you, I love you!" I flicked on his tender forehead.

"Ouch that hurts- but I love you too sis" he said grumpily and threw the pile of autumn leaves on me. And here we go again!!

6. The unspoken words

Something inside of me is craving for you.
To let you know what I had always wanted to tell you.
The unspoken words baltering in extreme loneliness.
Nobody seems to have taken notice of it. They are clumsy,
they trip,
they fall.
Latter refusing to stand back up
but never dying.
Hurting over the sore elbows and knees,
they lay down there waiting for a hand
to hold them up.
There were times when
they had wanted to escape.
Escape to where there is a spark,
Someone worth listening to what they mean.
All they want to hear is a lullaby to their hearts .
To be soothed with love.
And there were times when they take
Their courage to take out another leap. To jump over the moon maybe.
It knew all their untold tales.
Something inside them tells them
What if they mistook your words?
What if they judge you?
What if your words are never worth to be letting out?
What if everything turns out to be watering the dead plants?
What if they never understand?
What if.......
Maybe just maybe,
those unspoken letters were never meant to be spoken out.
And if these unspoken words,
swirling inside me were a sea of apocalypse,
here I am drowning to the depths.
My body sinking to the unknown.
And even then,
You'll never know what
I wanted you to know.
I slowly let it end
and let it go.

7. Darkest and Darkest of times

You listened to my silence
When the words failed

Danced with my solitude

When life went awe-struck

Chanted lullabies to my

melancholy; when

the moment turned grey

Oh darling,

Can't you see?

We are together

For a reason; To crave

for eachother's souls

Even in the darkest

And darkest of times

8. Tell them you love them

There is this pic I never got tired of. Had ran into it a couple of times and everytime I do, I get lost in thoughts. The one with 3 men saying goodbye to eachother, unaware of the fact that they would never see eachother again. One is crossing the road, and obviously gonna run into a rushing car. The other one gonna get smacked on his head by an axe or something like that (it was long before, not like I have memory issues!) and the other one I dont even remember somehow how he is gonna die(Consider the point I said above). Well, on top it quoted "We'll never know when the last goodbye is".

I wonder what hit your mind when you just read that. To be not able to see someone out of nowhere. Suddenly in the blink of an eye, the person you just smiled at awhile before had already said goodbye to this world. Life is weird, isn't it?. You remember yourself walking down the street and the next moment who knows what will happen! But, is it ok to just say goodbye just like that; Without letting them know what you never told them?

Whoever is reading this be thankful to every single person who made your life better and bitter. 'Cause they added sparkles to your little life just like how you did with theirs and its your duty to be thankful to them. As You are never gonna know if the person you love so much (anyone mom, dad, brother or sisters, friends, lover, whoever it is) for now will even be there for the next second. Have you told them how much you love them? Have you been kind enough to them? Have you complimented them on those little things? Have you told them they matter to you?. If you haven't! Go tell them. Tell them they are the best thing that happened to you. Tell them they mean the world to you. Compliment on the little things that makes them special. Just go and tell them what you feel for them. Tell your mom she's the best. Tell your dad you love him. Tell your siblings that you would be lost without them. Tell your friends that they mean the world to you. Tell your grandparents that they are amazing. Tell your neighbours a big thank you for special memories. Thank the guy who just helped you. Smile at the little kids when their glittery eyes look at your face. Help the ones who asks for you. Spread kindness to the world around you. You'll never know, when the last goodbye is gonna be. Tell them you love your lil human world before the clock ends ticking its final tik tok.

9. Soliloquy to my heart

"T'was a just dream" Someone whispered right in the middle of nowhere. But all I could still do was panic. The moment your face suddenly came into view. I felt my long lost hands longing to touch you again. To Feel the eternal warmth of your skin. The catastrophe I created, to happen again amidst the chaos and traumas that follows. For a moment, the kleptomaniac in me got awakened and it wanted you, steal the whole you and keep it for my self with a sticky mote on your forehead which read "Sharing isn't caring when its about him". For awhile, I couldn't feel my legs touching the floor, my hands shivering as if it got chills, my heart bursting out, thumping and bumping louder than ever, and my head crumbled up with never ending thoughts. I doubted what its all about, do I still love you or is it just that I miss you?. For me, you never failed to steal my heart, neither did you fail to break it into two. Followed up by the anxieties inside me and the melodramatic dreams my heart fire up, I lost the new imaginary me that was holding into the fact that everything's changed. Awakening my thoughts that, dreams can at times be more powerful that memories could ever be. Colliding the positive sides with the words left unsaid and the negative side which is still dwelling into the part of you. Your tender smile, my heart always wanted. Your smooth hair, my fingers loved crawling into. Your almond shaped eyes, I loved getting lost with. And you, the vampire inside me always craved for. The moments, when The butterflies in my stomach chant right into my ears to hold your hand and the warmth I feel inside 'em. Maybe just maybe, its too hard to move on. Maybe just maybe, All I wanted was your words, that soothes the whole me whenever I felt low. Maybe just maybe, the shattered heart never mattered at all, when all I could ever do was love you to the core. You're my rame. You are my joy and pain. Weird huh-? But that's how it always worked for me. Just like, if I were a philocalist, you are my beauty. If I were a pluviophile, you are my petrichor. If I were a bohemian, you are my literature. If I were an eccendentesiast, you are the smile I crave for. You are my Robert Forst and my John Keats. You are my Romeo, and lemme be your Juliet but we aren't dying. Let's choke in our endless un-dying love. And fly, beyond the horizon and never come back, being the lost boy and girl fitting inside Neverland so that we never grow old. Maybe, it wasn't just a dream but my heart reminding me over and over again, its too hard to give up on the love that touched me the way nothing ever did.

10. What if I were

What if I were a butterfly
Casting my shadow everywhere I go
Maybe, just being happy; I fly
and forget the rest for awhile.

What if I were a bee
Buzzing and buzzing
From plant to tree
And making myself proud whilst I glee

What if I were a whale
Pulling out whistles to enchant
The world with the tale
Of what's beyond the depth of the waves

What if I were a caterpillar
Crawling and crawling chanting my spells
Going through chaos and times of blur
To become the prettiest of the beings ever were.

Just let me fly and swirl, glee and dance
Spread peace and harmony across the horizon
Maybe just maybe, I just wanna be free
From the chaos and catastrophe that ruins the world.

11. Oh Little Heart

Oh Little heart,
Does it hurt to weep
Over something you
got no control of?

Oh little heart,
Are the bruises inside you taunting you
Over and over again?

Oh little heart,
Are you blaming yourself again,
Cursing and banging your head
Onto the wall?

Oh little heart,
Are the scars growing
Bigger and bigger filled with
The guilts and regrets?

Oh little heart,
Are you scared of
The choices you made?

Oh little heart,
Does it hurt having noone
To understand your
Feelings that hits?

Oh little heart,
Are people making you
Feel like you are
Hard to be loved?

Oh little heart,
Are dilemmas complicating
Your tiny broad mind and
Questioning your existence?

Oh little heart,
Stay strong
Things will get better soon
And you will know your worth

Oh little heart
You got this
And I am proud of you

12. Goodbye Blues

Its all about what had happened all over again?

All about regrets and guilt?

All about "it should have been different"?

All about why you exist ?

All about why "I SHOULDN'T HAVE DID THAT" screams ?

All about the lies and truths?

All about breakups and makeups?

All about death and end?

All about the words left unsaid?

All about the mistakes?

All about the "tears I cried for you"?

All about the depression that haunts you?

All about "I dont belong"?

All about your pillow hugs?

And all about "why me"s?

Darling, why cant it be....

All about your happy now self?

All about "why I belong"?

All about your ups over downs?

All about what's next?

All about your strength?

All about why you matter?

All about the smiles you shared?

All about the friends that stayed?

All about the achievements?

All about "I am one of a kind"?

All about the ice cream parlour and chocolates?

All about your favourite cartoons and the "3am sneaky snacks"?

All about fun and mischiefs?

All about your beloveds and well-wishers?

All about yourself?

All about the love you gave?

All about the happiness inside of you?

And all about the "OH ITS ME!"?

Oh Darling, soar up in the sky

Cant you see your wings craving for it ?

Dazzling through the glimpse of breeze

Dandelions watching you glee

Free and majestic pinion gliding past the clouds

Your smooth and silky self catching the breath of shooting stars and the starry moonlit sky?

Cant you see...?

Its time to say goodbye "blues"

Because you are enough to be your "yellow"....

13. Oh Baby Girl

Oh baby girl,

Can't you see how the fire blazing up in your eyes

Can't you hear how your glistening glittering self telling you

how strong you are

Can't you feel the way your life sparkling after a downfall

Can't you take in the fragrance of your own beautiful self

Can't you realize how contagiously adorable your smile can be

Can't you appreciate how charming and awesome you are just by being yourself

Ohh baby girl,

its not what lost that matters

Its what you had gained and how you stayed in all those obstacles life threw at you

Its all about being yourself even through chaos

Embrace yourself,

take yourself on breaks,

Buy yourself chocolates, and explore the world

Tell stories and sing songs

Be your own best friend

Oh baby girl,

just keep giving yourself

that laugh on how you should be;

with love....

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