By Ink3dverse

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[FEATURED x 7] The Pirropi constellation is a cluster of four stars, creating a unique stellar formation tha... More

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66 32 40
By Ink3dverse

They understood with clarity, they held something exceptional and extraordinary. This reflection, this realization stood as a testament to growth. Not just any growth, but a powerful transformation into an exemplar of mental strength, allowing them to manage something as powerful as love.
They'd indeed crossed a significant milestone. Now with a newfound understanding, their desires were no longer confined or misdirected because all they sought was to love and be loved in return. The joy of this sentiment is liberating and boundless.

They had finally reached the deepest depth of understanding simply because they now had the confidence that they could pursue whatever they wanted - all because their ultimate desire was to give and receive love.

The reality is never found on the surface. Not the good stuff. The only substance that sits in such a shallow place is more than likely something toxic.


Kwan stood at the edge of the cliff, feeling the weight of the entire kingdom's accusations pressing down on him. The wind howled around him, carrying the voices of the angry mob that had gathered below the castle walls. 

"It is wrong!" they chanted, their cries echoing through the valley. But Kwan knew in his heart that he had done nothing to deserve their hatred.

The commotion at the castle was an expected turn for each turmoil. The spell, the loss, the integrity: a broken law for each syllable.

"No! He deserves to be punished, Almighty Faen!"

"Clip off his wings!"

The elders of Pirropi, cloaked in robes of wisdom and authority, demanded justice be swift and merciless. 

"Crush him under stones!" roared one. 

"Burn him in the fire!" bellowed another. 

The clamor rose like a tide, seeking to drown out the whispers of doubt that lingered in the shadows. Kwan felt a shiver run down his spine as the guards seized him, their hands rough and unforgiving. The crowd below roared with approval, demanding his punishment.

As the strata of the land preserved the living quirks of previous epochs, so the ledges of archives preserved the omissions of the past and their explications, which, like the former, were very lively and caused a great deal of turmoil in their own time.

Pirropi was in dire need of blood, of fire, and revenge. Each star demanded an explanation, for never had it appeared, even in their deadliest dreams, that a man could perhaps use a forbidden incantation and survive the clout. What was even more apocryphal was the survival of the very Sangjian.

From Consuls to the Rulers, each realm wanted an answer, a verified decree: why was he left to be alive? Why were they both left to live their lives?

"We need an answer, Almighty!"

"Leave him to us!"

"He doesn't belong to Pirropi!"

"He is a fraud!"

The grudges and gritting anger were now bubbling through the population of Pirropi.

He had sinned because he could not feel. The world around him moved in vibrant hues of joy and sorrow, yet Kwan remained in a monochromatic existence. His heart, once brimming with emotions, had turned into an empty vessel. The weight of his apathy bore down on him like a heavy burden, crushing his spirit with each passing day.

The blatant truth of life was somewhat raw. Often humans do things they think are perfect, or maybe perfect for the situation, or perfect in their eyes because they hoped for happiness. They hoped hiding, or maybe letting go and shielding it would stop any ruckus that could have been hurled down.

People judge, people criticize. They hold up mirrors to reflect their own interpretations of right and wrong. To some, an error is a momentary lapse in judgment, a blip on the vast canvas of life. To others, it is a deviation from societal norms, a stain that must be cleansed.

But then, the other person sees them from his own viewpoint, chalking down the errors and managing the feelings according to their taste. For some, an error might stem from a lapse in judgment or oversight. For others, any actions straying from societal norms could be seen as errors.

And then they say you were wrong.

It happened, each and every day.

Sangji had always brewed love of every essence. Tewuni had seeped in all the pain. While Durai made sure happiness bloomed in each garden, Jaishi unravelled the naked truth of deception.

While blaming the two brothers, the whole Pirropi forgot the main motive; they all felt each shade of emotion, no matter how much they claimed to be only at one end.

"Void? He doesn't deserve happiness, and karma fetched him right! Almighty, he will never steal a piece of happiness from us."

"He is insulting the Sangjians! We spend our hearts like pennies at a market, and he says he cannot feel?"

"He got his heart broken! He is hiding it! He is a Tewunian now! Hand him over to us, Almighty!"

"He can't feel it? Such a pathetic excuse to be called something special... We don't want such a man in Jaishi. Throw him into the fire for the least we care."

Almighty Faen sat upon his throne, his expression unreadable, his gaze piercing through the grand hall as if he held the weight of universes in his eyes. His fingers drummed lightly on the armrest, the only sign of the tempest brewing within him.

It was then that a stone came hurtling through the air, striking Hyon on the head with a sickening thud. Another stone found its mark, hitting Kwan squarely in the chest. And then, as if on cue, the heavens opened up, and a torrential rain of stones turned into a crimson shower of blood.

Each hit brought immense pain, and those Tewunians didn't even bother?

But maybe now, they had spoken enough.


The rambunctious alcazar went hushed. The consuls and the people stole sneaky glances at each other as they saw their Almighty leaving his throne.

"The path you walk is shared by all your despairing companions, who lived without dignity or recognition. You have allied with cowardly celestial beings, a group who did not rebel or show loyalty to their deity, yet still stand out.
Paradise has cast them out, and even the deepest abyss will not welcome them. Not even the worst among them is worthy of dwelling in such darkness."

As Faen descended from his throne, a figure of judgment and retribution, the Tewunians could only watch in silence, their hearts heavy with the weight of their sins. For in the presence of the Almighty, there was no room for excuses, no refuge for the wicked.

And amidst the echoes of their remorse, the grand hall fell into a profound silence, a silence pregnant with the weight of Faen's righteous condemnation.


Rambunctious: A noisy place / fishmarket perhaps!

Alcazar: Castle

Stay happy, happier than yesterday :)

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