Owned by Alpha Diétrich |BxB|

By saragrass_author

738K 31.5K 6.8K

Book 1 - Gyres of Hunger (MxM) A world that has divided citizens into different classes, there's people who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Book 2

Chapter 18

23.2K 940 151
By saragrass_author

My head was killing me.

"Here you go." Leonel mumbled from his office desk, setting an aspirin to the table. I simply took it and shoved it down my throat, grumpily setting myself better to the chair in front of the man.

The black eyes studied me calmly, though I knew that he wanted to say a few good words.

"Can you shut the curtains?" I grit out from between my teeth, the other sighing and getting up to the window. I felt like someone was pressuring my head and stabbing it with needles, I myself barely capable of lifting myself up from the bed. But Leonel wanted to have whatever conversation he needed to have, and probably it being now as a punishment.

You couldn't say no to him.

"Do you feel any better?" He asked as he crossed his arms and lowered down to his big chair that creaked under him.

I narrowed my eyes to him, a growl leaving my throat, "What. Is. It?"

I could see how his jaws clenched from irritation, my response being the exact same.

"You shouldn't drink without me— or alone." he said to me coldly, picking up a stack of papers from his desk. He moved them from the way, an unamused chuckle erupting from my chest.

"Why not?" I swallowed down, fully aware that he was right. It had been kind of stupid and dangerous, but I hadn't known it at the moment and I couldn't admit being in the wrong.

Leonel smacked down a jar next to him, the whole table clattering at the same time; him showing just how much my mood was influencing him as well.

"You know why. Now, why don't you stop that cranking and come here like I asked?" he met my gaze once again, my stubborn form sulking in front of him and giving him a glare worthy of daggers.

He had indeed asked me to come sit on his lap, but I was feeling a bit ashamed of myself and how I had acted the day before. So, to make myself feel better, I tried to treat him as unintimately as I could, "No."

Leonel tilted his head to me in annoyance, as if asking 'are you fucking kidding me'. I only crossed my arms against my stomach, ending the argument with that gesture.


He picked a pen from the jar, throwing it to the table, "As long as you don't do such shit when I'm not there."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes to him, pursing my lips together. Leonel's curly hair was still disheveled all over as we had just awoken, the man meanly tearing me up from the bed. Not even letting me take the blanket with me.

"What was it?" I tried to reel the subject away from yesterday once again, the other staring at me from under his eyebrows. He let out a long exhale, lifting a map to the table from one of the drawers.

It caught my attention immediately, my brows knitting together in confusion.

"We've spotted a warehouse where Tristan and Felia keeps slaves; whether they are selling them or getting rid of them" he folded the map open a bit better, my frame now lifting up from the chair to get a closer look of it.

"Who's Felia?" I asked, lowering my hands down to the map with a frown. There was a bright red circle between Kell's and Urak's Kingdom, in the middle of a thick forest.

"The man you saw in Tristan's mansion, the Urak's Royal." Leonel rose up from his chair as well, walking to the cabinet next to the wall. I felt like my head was still on the verge of exploding, but this was important enough to ignore it.

"He's one of the main financiers behind the slave industry; the warehouse actually located on his lands" I heard him speak with his low baritone as my eyes stayed on the map, my mind working for miles ahead.

With this information, we could do anything. It could possibly lead to a war, but done correctly, it would be an amazing achievement. All those slaves could be freed, they could be saved from plausible death; or even from something worse. This is exactly what I have been hoping for ages, and this is exactly what me and Celian have been searching for. A key to freedom, to our generation and to our progeny.

"Is this the only one?" I asked with shining eyes, like they'd be looking at one big golden jackpot.

"As far as we know, it's huge; even dozens of miles in length" Leonel responded, his feet clacking somewhere behind me.

"How long have you known? Why haven't you done anything— why did you tell me only now?" I sputtered out, taking the map into my hands to see the location better. It seemed to be in the middle of two high hills, out of sight and hidden.

"Not for long, only weeks. And I wanted to be sure, and I wanted to trust you." Leonel's hands came to my shoulders, I myself flinching in surprise as I hadn't expected it. Though I let him circle his hands around me, my frame relaxing into his touch.

"Are we going to do something?" I asked, though what I really was asking, was what were we going to do. Because we couldn't just let this slide away. If the building kept the foundation of slavery in it, that could be a way to pull down the whole system.

It would be a fucking landmark in history, especially for people like me. And that was why I was so passionate about it, because even when I had born into a better life, I was still part of them. I had been just lucky, and I wanted everyone else to be too.

Or then, scratch the word lucky. There shouldn't be the possibility to even end up into the places where some of these poor souls did.

"Maybe. It's a really sensitive matter, and I would need other Kingdoms behind my back as well."

"You have Quillios for sure." My eyes raked on the map, taking in every small detail. Leonel hummed behind me as he lowered his chin to my shoulder.

"It's not enough, and if I'm being honest, your Kingdom's support is barely nothing." a frown etched to my features, though I had to agree with him. We were too small and everyone already knew our politics what came to slavery.

"Do you have any that are certain, you can't just go around asking?" I inquired, setting the map down to the table. The trip there would take around two or three days, and we couldn't give a hint of our arrival; if we were to go there. They could possibly destroy everything, even kill everyone just to send a point. We wouldn't have any idea where the likeable new location would be, only leaving us with worse tension and conflicts.

"Maybe two or three." He answered, making me cringe. It wasn't even near enough; maybe with six or seven Kingdoms something could be done, but not with three or four.

"Fuck. . ." I sighed, Leonel tightening his hold on me, "Do you have any evaluation of the number of people in there?"

I lifted my fingers to my temples, stress now overtaking the joy that I just felt.

"No, but don't worry" Leonel turned me towards himself, my eyes flicking to his gentle face, "We're going to figure it out."

He pecked my lips, earning a sigh from me, "There's a high chance that it'll go wrong."

"I know, pup."

I lifted my hands to his shoulders, watching deep into the whirls of blackness. "You know that I like you, a lot?" I whispered, a small smile coming to the other man's lips.

"I like you too, a lot. Even when you're—"

I slam my hand to his chest, cutting off his sentence so he won't even get to finish it. A stupid smirk spread to his lips, nothing helping me from smiling back, "Idiot."

Leonel reached down to peck my lips, I myself answering with a similar one, "I won't be rushing this, we need to take the plan carefully forward."

He turned serious again, I myself nodding back to him, "I know. You should talk to Celian, he knows people."

I wrapped my arms around his waist, my foul mood slowly being replaced by his comforting touch, "I will."

My eyes flicked back and forth on his face as he lowered down to kiss me. I answered it just as sweetly, rubbing hips at the same time, "How about the shooting? Anything on that?"

I whispered, receiving a shake of his head before he kissed me once more, "I sent a letter to Tristan, hopefully shedding some light to this whole crap."

I hummed, kissing him back again, "And are you okay, your shoulder?"

"I'm fine, pup."

"Are you su—?"

"Shh now, and kiss me."


Today was the day of celebration.

The Viorna's Castle was full of people and ruckus, all the warriors and slaves running around to perfect everything for the arriving guests. I had done the whole morning border checks with some others, Leonel tightly locked into his own office. The lands here still shocked me by how stunning they were even though I've spent a good time here. On top of that, the areas were really peaceful; not for once have I seen any rogues or vampires. Quillios' Kingdom was so different; all kinds of monsters lurking in the shadows that the thick forests and mountains offered.

I was now dressing up in my own room after I had had a nice and warm shower. The caramel shampoo was now my favourite because Leonel liked it, everything on my skin smelling even more sugary and sweet.

My pale eyes took in my reflection, pondering whether I was finally content into the outfit. I had a mesh shirt over a black top, my arms revealed from under the thin fabric. My jeans were full of pockets and belts, knives and swords hanging down from here and there. I looked good to be honest, but I still was wondering if it was a bit too much.

I let out a long sigh, pulling on my leather boots before walking out of the door. If I'd stay there thinking any more of my stupid outfit, I'd end up not even going.

There was apparently dancing, dining and conversing to be expected, every snob of the town here. I was kind of stressing over it, not really eager to be with people like that; with people who despised or lusted for me. And I wasn't certain how Leonel would be with me now that there was yet another kind of person. All I knew was that it would hurt like hell if he'd push me away or treat me unkindly.

Cole was waiting for me outside the door, once again looking like a deer caught in the red lights, "Sir!"

I frowned to him as I walked past his shy frame, the man instantly sprinting to meet my footsteps, "Alpha Diétrich a-asked you t-to leave the equipmen-ent—"

"I know" I stated unbothered, continuing my walk towards the ballroom, "You said it to me as the very first thing."

"Y-Yeah, so—"


I could feel how uncomfortable my denial made the other man, but I really didn't care. I was going to take my equipment with me, no matter what Leonel said. My gaze visited the other man briefly, a sigh leaving my mouth because of his sweating and nervous posture, "It's fully on me, don't worry."

The delta's wide eyes were staring at his feet, trying to open his mouth to speak again. Though I think he was too scared, zipping his lips together tightly.

My face scrunched into a frown as we started to walk the stairs down, the bigger in my pace, "Do you know any big names that'll come here?"

I asked Cole, eager to hear his cute rambling as he didn't seem to be starting a conversation with me. We reached the ground floor just as he responded, "I-I'm not sure, the people coming here u-usually stay anonymous."

I hummed to him deep in my thoughts, the ruckus downstairs hitting us like a brick wall. There were warriors and citizens all over dressed up really fancy, the walls decorated with beautiful flowers and leaves. It definitely was a huge night, even more so for the farmers who'd get all the profit.


A shout came from somewhere in the filled hallway, stopping me to my tracks. Leonel's large frame soon pushed his way through the ground, the wide shoulders and curly hair not going unnoticed.

He was wearing a handsome three-piece suit that was an amazing deep red, black gloves and boots finishing up the look that reeked of dominance and royalty. I think I flushed red and even forgot to breathe for a second as he came in front of me, his murky scent surrounding me like a warm blanket.

His black eyes were on me as well, eye-fucking me just like I had done to him. Though I was certain that he didn't have the same reaction as I, a smirk spreading to his lips, "You look loveling, pup. Now why don't you follow me here."

He turned around, leaving me behind like a blobfish that couldn't get a stutter out of its mouth. He hadn't even commented on my various choice of weapon that I had embellished myself with, which made me a bit dubious of his chirpy mood. As a Leonel expert, I knew that he would've scolded me.


I snapped out of my thoughts, my feet instantly starting to take me forwards. My mate's frame was already engulfed by the chattering crowd as I started to follow him, soon the man dressed in red disappearing through a door.

"Leonel?" I yelled behind him, confused about where he was taking me. And as I finally got through the door myself, I was met with nothing but darkness.


I was startled back as the door behind me slammed shut, the muscular frame of the other's pushing me against it. Leonel's lips were on mine immediately, hotness embracing me.

His tongue was deep in my throat, a moan being heard as I lifted my hands to his waist. I pulled him closer, my lower region growing hot in a second. My butt cheeks were grabbed tightly by his glove-covered hands, making me mewl in pleasure. His hardened length was rubbing against mine, everything during the few moments growing hotter by each kiss and breath. I even forgot how we got here when he pulled away, a sly smile appearing to his disheveled face, "You're so fucking hot."

He squeezed my butt, making me inhale sharply and grab on to him even tighter. My eyes shuttered closed for a moment before I got a grip of myself, his enticing body being grinded against mine. My stomach was just a knot of unreleased pleasure as he lifted one of his hands to his pocket, our intensive eye contact lasting the whole time, "I want you to remember the whole night, just who you belong to."

He whispered huskily, sending shivers all over my body. The smile on his face grew as he pulled a tiny object in front of my eyes, those that enlargened immediately after, "Do you know what this is?"

It was shaped like an egg, but had a long weirdly shaped edge. Beautiful diamond jewelry decorated its other end, a gulp leaving my throat as I pretty much guessed where it was going. His black eyes watched my reaction closely as his other hand started to undo my pants, "Correct."

My stomach flipped around from the low voice of his, my legs starting to shake as my butt was revealed to the tense atmosphere, "W-What does it do?"

I asked quietly, a bit nervous about how it looked. Though Leonel was quick to answer with his reassuring voice, his fingers gliding down on my bare ass, "You'll see, but it won't hurt."

He took my lips to a kiss again, my hands on his shoulders tightening their hold. I was so turned on as the leather glove went down to spread me out, one of his fingers gracing my hole, "L— ah!"

I moaned into his mouth, the digit gently rubbing me. I couldn't contain my voices, the other kissing me so deeply that I just might've fainted. He took me by my hair with his other hand that held the strange object, tilting my neck open for him. I felt his finger enter me, making me shout with a wavering voice.

"This is how I will control you. . ." He lifted his lips from my own, those now glistening in saliva. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he pushed himself knuckle-deep, my slick making it glide with ease, "This is how you'll know who owns you."

I bit my bottom lip with a whine, his finger starting to pump me. I was burning hot and red, sweat starting to glisten on my forehead, "And this is how you'll listen to every fucking word I tell you."

He gripped into my hair tighter, his dirty words lowering down to my bared throat, "Understood?"

I moaned a 'yes', every cell of me simply submitting to him. I was chasing down the release, every touch of his making me feel so good.

"Mmh, such a good pet." he murmured, making my back arch against him. I was panting so hard, my eyes tightly shutting as he fastened his pace. Though it ended way too quickly, a cold thing being pressed against my hole after a second. It freaked me out first, but as Leonel started to kiss my neck, I relaxed once again.

"A-Ah. . . Ngh!" he pushed the object gently into me, stretching my entrance ever so slightly.

It filled me completely, leaving me panting and groaning behind. Leonel's lips were sucking marks into my skin, those fading away quickly as they'd heal. I could feel my slick drip down my inner thigh from the pure satisfaction the toy gave, in need of more.

Leonel's head rose back to the same level as mine, him kissing my face as he moved his hand from my butt to my front, "And, because you didn't listen to me. . ."

He pulled my pants over my hardened and leaking length, my eyes opening in confusion as he buttoned them back on, "You don't deserve this."

He whispered with a menacing voice, full well knowing what he was doing. My foggy facial features crumpled together into a frown, a droplet of sweat climbing down my temple at the same time, "B-But—?"

"Tsk, no buts. You know that I asked to not take these with you." He poked my katana that was strapped to my other thigh, my scowl deepening. I grabbed his shoulders tighter, pulling him closer to me with a whine.

"Leonel. . ." I murmured to him quietly, begging for him to touch me. But all I got was a smirk as he took me by my other hand, tugging me off from the door.

"Shh, it's too late for that baby" he said with what I could only describe as an evil voice, a sulking Ezekiel unlocked.

I could feel the plug inside me every given moment, teasing my prostate and making me nearly moan. And soon I found out that it was even worse while I'd be walking as Leonel dragged me out of the small room, back in the middle of the crowd. I was so hot and red that probably everyone guessed what was going on, the embarrassment making me blush even harder.

"Would you like something to drink?" Leonel asked innocently as he took me to the ballroom that was already filled with dancing and laughing people. I pressured his hand with mine so hard that it was probably going to break, the other simply smiling down to me.

I gave him a glare, shaking my head afterwards, "It's pressing me—"

"I know." his smile widened, my eyes almost brimming with tears as I realized that he wasn't going to give me what I wanted.

"You're mean" I grunted to him, trying to adjust my stand so that I couldn't feel the toy that well. But it didn't help at all, even more sparkles jolting through my body.

"I know that too" he said with a smug expression, starting to take me through the great hall. I walked a bit strangely, biting my bottom lip the whole time. My dick was desperately leaking against my jeans, the other happily enjoying every second of my misery, "But maybe my little pet will get a reward if he plays nicely."

The wink he sent me over his shoulder made me stagger in my steps, my stomach flipping around from just the images he gave me. God, I was so done.

"Mud cake?" He asked as he stopped in front of a serving table, dozens of different kinds of colourful sweets filling the whole thing. It even built up like a pyramid, beautiful cupcakes making the tip of it with golden topping.

"Uh–" I didn't even have time to say anything as the man took a piece of delicious cake to his hand, shoving it in front of my mouth with glistening eyes. I could only gape my mouth open for him, the other feeding me with the still warm yummy. The insides of it were made of silky chocolate dressing, my eyes nearly rolling to the back of my head because of the heaven-like taste.

"Wow." I chuckled lightly, Leonel smiling brightly down to me.

"It's my favourite" he kissed my forehead, wiping away the few crumbs that had left behind on my lips. You couldn't really be mad at him; being so cute and sweet.

I moved my eyes to the table once again, taking in all the various types of cakes and candies, "My mother used to make so amazing mint balls, inside to a crust like this" I lifted a pink little ball to my hands, probably being flavoured as strawberry or raspberry.

I gave the ball to the male beside me, his black eyes studying me carefully as I shared one of my best memories, "Our house smelt like mint for days after that."

Leonel took the sweet into his mouth, a glint in his eyes that I couldn't recognise, "You could always ask for the kitchen to make them– hmm, that's delicious."

He pulled me closer as I swam in the nice image of my childhood, a smile spreading to my lips before I pecked his chin, "Nah, those times are far gone by now."

I said with a sad undertone, Leonel picking it up immediately. He didn't say anything else, giving me a kiss as well.

"Alpha Diétrich! Isn't it pleasant to see you!"

My head flipped over, being met by a young alpha woman with beautiful black hair that reached her waist. It was decorated with flowers, a violet dress contrasting the green eyes of her's, "Looking just as handsome as last year."

The woman stopped right in front of us, taking my mate into a warm hug without even glancing at me. A frown etched on to my features as she hung on him maybe a bit too long, after that taking a minimum of inch space, "Hi, Grace."

Leonel greeted her as he let go of me, with nothing but politeness on his hard face. The woman was basically shoving her breast to the Royal's face, some weird feeling filling my chest. I hadn't ever felt it before, but right now I could only describe it as suffocating and unpleasant.

"I was wondering whether you'd like to dance with me, maybe even take a new round?" the alpha wolf inquired with a suggesting voice, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Of fucking course.

The wink made me nearly bang my fist into her face, a tight smile coming to my wavering lips, "Oh, sorry– but I don't think we've yet met."

I introduced myself with a sugary voice, giving the female my hand. Though she only glanced at it briefly, clear disgust coming to her face. Without a further of do, she continued to lure my mate into a dance– or into something more, "If you aren't busy, please?"

Her intentions were lucidly to ignore me completely, most likely because of my status. Usually, it would've not bothered me, but as Leonel was right next to me, I was simply embarrassed. To these people, I wasn't even worthy to talk to; and that should've been the case what came to my mate too.

What if he'd actually like someone like her more? Someone with high status and money?

"In fact, I'm busy– I think you haven't met my mate yet." Leonel waved towards me with a scowl on his face, lowering down his hand to my shoulder.

But I couldn't help but move my shocked eyes to him, baffled by the word 'mate'.

What had he done?

The woman seemed to be just as lost, her green and round eyes directed to me for the first time.

"B-But. . ." she stuttered out, eyeing me from the tip of my toes to the very top of my head. It made me a bit uncomfortable, but I was still taken back by the sudden claim Leonel had laid.

He had never before addressed me as his mate in public, and now he had decided for it to be a good moment? I hadn't yet even been marked.

Leonel didn't say to the alpha wolf anything, simply taking me by hand and dragging me towards the dance floor. I couldn't get a word out of my mouth, feeling like just an empty shell as my feet took me forwards.

What the hell had just happened?

It had come too quickly, too suddenly. But it also made me feel good and satisfied; that he had indeed noticed the disrespect and defended me in front of another person. It did seem only like a small and simple gesture, but to me it was so much more.

"Do you know how to dance a waltz?" Leonel asked like he nothing would've happened, I myself not even in the condition to answer his question as he pulled me against his chest.

There were dozens of pairs and groups around us dancing to the quiet tune of the orchestra, violins and trumpets singing in a melancholy cry.

As a day of celebration, it was also to remember the fallen in the Great War.

"I-I ye– Leonel?" he pulled me against his chest, taking hold of my waist and hand as I stuttered out like an idiot. He only smiled down to me, my blushing and sweating frame watching him back, "Did you just–?"

He started to take me along the melody, carefully and slowly at first. I couldn't do jack shit with my legs right now, only walking along him without any rhythm or gracefulness, "Yes I did, Ez."

I furrowed my brows to him, my heart beating fucking miles ahead, "Does that mean–?"

"Yes it does." He whispered, fastening his movements. I could feel the plug poke me here and there to my prostate, my body tense as a brick wall. The hard erection hadn't in any point lowered down, the large strides making me sigh out small whines.

"Now?" I asked quietly and a bit absentmindedly, my thoughts already circling around the marking. By claiming me like that, and by saying those things. . . he wanted to mate with me.

He nodded to me with a nervous bite of his lip, lowering his lips down next to my neck, "Now."

He husked into my ear; my eyes shuttering closed from the images the whisper brought to the front of my mind. I could already feel and see how he'd be on top of me, how he'd stretch me out and push into me.

A moan escaped my mouth the exact second as I felt the object inside of me grace my sweet spot, my eyes opening to be met by the hungry black ones.

Like a beast, stalking his prey.

Or like a flame that could finally engulf me,

burn and eat me alive.

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