Love Me At My Worst ✓

By PurpleTaeGguks

618K 29.2K 7.8K

Taehyung is pushed into an arrange marriage with a guy named jungkook who is older than him by 8 years when h... More

character intro + warnings
author's note
bonus chapter
bonus chapter 2


11.8K 609 201
By PurpleTaeGguks

3rd person pov:

Next day ,taehyung decided to do something as a surprise for everyone ,something he hasn't done since years. He was feeling really Thrilled.

Oh my god i am about to become a married man in a few hours. Fuckkk!! I cant believe this i an actually doing this. 2 weeks ago ,i would have ran away from the wedding day and now i an looking forward to it. Shit!

He had woken up when all his hyungs had gathered together in minimoni's home in the morning waking him up. It looked like they were even more excited than him. And why wouldn't they be ,it was their maknae's wedding.

"WAKE UP KIM TAEHYUNGG!!" all the 4 hyungs screamed in his ear in the morning and he immediately stood up getting startled ,"wha- what happened? Why are you all screaming?" He said in a sleepy voice.

"Get your ass up brat ,it's your wedding today. Don't you have to get ready for it." Scolded the oldest aka seokjin.

"I will wake up hyung ,i remember that. Just a few more minutes please." He said trying to get a little more sleep ,he couldn't sleep much because he was worried for his very soon to be husband knowing he wasn't in a great condition yesterday.

"No five minutes ,not even a single minute. Get upppp!" Jimin yelled.

"Yeah yeah ,i am up i am up ,just don't yell right now ,my ears hurt and see him ,he's sleeping as well. Wake him up too." Taehyung blurted pointing at yoongi who was clinging at his boyfriend aka hoseok.

"It's not his wedding ,it's yours. Let my baby sleep ,he didn't sleep whole night. Right Yoon?" Hoseok said trying to hide his smirk patting his Kitty's hair who nodded sleepily.

Taehyung pretended to gag ,"i didn't need to know that. Ew couples." Said taehyung now standing on his feet.

"I bet you are gonna be the same like that in less than 2 months." Seokjin said teasingly.

"Who? Me? Never gonna happen." Taehyung spoke while moving his step towards washroom. "By the way , where's Namjoon hyung?"

"Your dad called him sometime ago. He will be back in a few hours i guess." Answered jimin pouting because he was missing his joonie already.

"Okay ,i am going to get ready. You all are screaming at me ,and yourself aren't ready yet. Waah!" He said and entered washroom to get ready for his wedding.


On the other side ,jungkook and soohyun woke up early on their own , had breakfast,then got ready to leave for the venue.

He was feeling anxious for some reason. He didn't know why though ,even though he has been married before but in that ,it was a small function but this was is gonna be a grand wedding. And the younger didn't actually want this ,that's what is making him scared too ,like what if he ran away. That was a wild thought but overthinking has its ways. Or maybe because he hadn't had a great history with marriage before. Who knows.

Soohyun had asked him if he needs to call a make up artist but he said he wanted to do it himself. So ,he did his make up ,hair and dressing up. He was finally ready and so was soohyun.

They both went to leave for the venue. And soohyun sat him inside the waiting room as he had to go outside because the guests were arriving one by one.

Soohyun had called Namjoon to accompany jungkook till then who agreed to do so. Namjoon was already dressed in a suit.

"Hello jungkook shi ,nice to meet you." He said putting a hand forward for a handshake. Jungkook took his hand in his own shaking it ,"likewise Namjoon shi."

(OMG why does it sound like they are doing a business deal or something .and i just realised jungkook is actually older than all of the other BTS members ,even seokjin. Damn)

They brought their hands back to himself and sat on the different couches sitting in front of each other. The air was very awkward ,both didn't know what to say to each other neither did they want to sit in pure silence.

Jungkook subconsciously checked the younger out because damn ,that was a fucking handsome man. He looked at him up and down and when he looked down ,his eyes grew wide because umm woww "thighs!"

"Huh? Did you say something jungkook shi." Namjoon asked him looking a little confused. Namfused.

"Huh? Me? No! I didn't say anything." Jungkook said quickly in defense.

Way to go jungkook ,you are getting married in a few hours and here you are checking out thighs of your own fiance's cousin. And how more dumb can you get saying it out loud infront oh him. Now he is gonna think of me as a creep. OMG.

"Are you sure? I think i heard you say something like 'thighs' ,or did i hear it wrong? I mean i know they are godly. But Just to clear it out, i have a beautiful boyfriend so i am taken. And you are getting married in a few hours. I don't believe in cheating. I am sorry jungkook shi." Namjoon said in a fake sad voice obviously teasing the older, reaching out to pat the older's shoulder.

Jungkook blushed embarassed and covered his face , he just wanted to bury himself alive somewhere. Why is he like this!

"Stop it! I didn't say anything ,and you didn't hear anything. That's it!" Jungkook tried to say in a stern voice but failed.

Namjoon chuckled at the older. "Yah yeah ,i didn't hear anything."

After that the awkward air cleared between the two and they started talking freely to each other ,asking anything and everything ,getting to know each other a little.

Namjoon thought ,even though the first impression was kinda wierd ,jungkook was a sweet person and a bit fun to be around once comfortable.


Taehyung and the gang arrived at the venue as well ,now in another waiting room because the groom's weren't supposed to meet before at the altar.

Taehyung was ready as well in his wedding suit ,make up on point and his hairstyle top tier. He was looking ethereal that he could marry himself ,but right now he had to marry Jeon Jungkook in a few hours and make him his.

Seokjin ,sope and jimin were ready in their suits as well all looking very handsome. It was a private event ,so there weren't any reporters and Paparazzi or anyone, they could be however they want here without any problem as all of them were very famous personalities of Korea gathered in one place.

Jimin was with taehyung as usual teasing his soulmate about something ,which was most probably related to the marriage with jungkook or fanboying over jungkook.

Sope were in their own bubble sitting on couch ,most probably yoongi in hoseok's lap and they must be making out.

And seokjin was most probably talking on the phone with his wife who couldn't attend because she had a shoot for her drama. Poor seokjin ,always has to be the single one among all the idiots.

After jin was done with the phone call, he didn't had anything to do anymore other then watching his friends doing nonsense things. He made a fake disgusted face when he saw sope making out on the couch. And then he looked at the other side just to see vmin pulling each other hair out for whatever reason who knows ,the soulmate duo is truly unpredictable.

He immediately went to them and pulled them apart ,"what are you two doing? Taehyung it's your fucking wedding and you have destroyed your hairstyle and jimin, fix your shirt. Oh god you both are such a mess. Now fix your hair quickly taehyung. Hahh!! These children."

Then he went to sope and pull them apart who groaned ,"you horny dumbfucks , you can do this later, always sticked together to each other ,i am fucking married i still feel single thanks to you both." Seokjin scolded the four.

"Okay now who's coming with me to the other waiting room? I am getting impatient to see the beauty in reality other than just photo. I m gonna go meet him." All of them raised their hands like students in a class giving answers to teacher and taehyung wasthe fastest one who even yelled 'ME' , i mean can you blame him ? He wants to see his soon to be husband asap.

"Taehyung not you! And jimin and yoongi ,come with me. Hoseok ,you can meet him later , right now accompany taehyung. " With that he left with yoonmin following him like little ducklings following their mother duck leaving a sulking taehyung and a pouty hobi.

Soon the jinminyoon trio reached the other waiting room and went inside only to see namkook laughing at something while eating chicken nuggets.

"Seriously ,here you are eating and laughing and here i was the only one who was missing you ,you idiot koala." Jimin screamed at his boyfriend as soon as he entered.

Joon made a scared face and motioned him to come to him and he immediately went to sit on his lap which means on his thick thighs. (Lucky jimin)

Jungkook just looked at them wierdly because wow ,didn't even notice him. Wasn't he supposed to have a crush on him like Namjoon told him.

Yoongi and jin sighed at the minimoni couple's behaviour. And went to greet jungkook who just noticed them and took a seat on a sofa.

"Hello jungkook shi, you are even more beautiful in real life. I am yoongi, taehyung's hyung." Yoongi introduced himself and complimented the older because that beauty deserves to be appreciated.

"Thank you yoongi shi ,Namjoon told me about you ,and you are very pretty yourself."jungkook muttered somehow managing to keep a calm face ,when from inside he was freaking out because first of all ,all these men are so hot ,second he was this close to fanboy right now because THE kim seokjin was in front of him. He was a fan of his acting and he didn't know that he was a close friend of his fiance.

"Hi seokjin shi , you are very handsome. Nice to meet you." He said offering his hand for a handshake.

"Hello to you too , jungkook shi and that's right i am very handsome but you are not any less. I would never admit but you are one of the most ethereal people i have ever met." Seokjin said shaking his hand which was trembling a little because of all the nerves.

"Mr.jungkook ,are you okay? Your hand is trembling." He said pointing to the hand. "Umm yeah yeah ,yes i am . Don't worry seokjin shi. Haha" he said wiping his sweaty hand on the couch and hiding it.

Soon jimin finally noticed jungkook and reminded himself why he was here in the first place.

He immediately stood up from his boyfriend's lap and went to jungkook sitting beside him ,"OH MY GOD! ITS REALLY YOU. OH FUCK ,Hello mr. Jeon ,i am jimin. OH MY GOD you are so gorgeous still the same as before might even be a little more than before. Do you remember me?" He said innocently blinking his eyes with a widest smiles on his face because he was the most excited to meet his first crush (not anymore tho.)

"Yes jiminshi i do remember you. You were the class president for the longest time ,right? And you are really cute too." The truth was he actually did remember him ,after Namjoon told him about jimin but that time ,he was a little chubby than now and had baby fat but still very cute tho.

"Oh my god ,joonie did you hear him? He called me cute. Oh fuck ,him hyung he called me cute. Aaahhh!!" Jimin fanboyed to jin and his boyfriend.

Namjoon just found him cute and wasn't jealous anymore because he knows his boyfriend loves him very much and after talking to jungkook ,they have become good friends as well.

After a while ,all 5 started talking among themselves and maybe ,jungkook finally made some friends too. And eventually ,jungkook told seokjin that he was a fan and jin was very happy about that ,kookie even asked him for a selfie and autograph which jin gladly did. Even if jungkook was older ,yoongi was babying him because he did look like a baby. Jimin was fanboying over jungkook and namkook became like besties at first meeting.


In the other ,waiting room vhope were enjoying themselves waiting for the wedding to start.

And that's when ,soohyun came inside ,"hello hoseok ,hope you don't mind but can you please attend the guest for a few minutes ,i need to talk to taehyung right now."

"Sure uncle ! I ll go then." Saying that hoseok left.

"Yes dad ,what do you wanna talk about?" Asked taehyung.

Soohyun was firstly shocked seeing the appearance of his son ,"HOLY JESUS! YOU DYED YOUR HAIR?" Yelled soohyun taking a seat beside taehyung.

"It has been so many years since you had your hair black ! You look handsome ,brat. Ofcourse you would, afterall you have got your genes from me."

"Dad~ yes i did change my haircolor because my black suited more with my wedding suit and i wanted to look more handsome, now tell me what did you wanted to say?" Asked taehyung.

"Yeah... So listen. Wedding ceremony is gonna start in around half an hour and i was here to check if you are ready or not and give you a pep talk parents are apparently supposed to give their children before marriage. So as you see ,i have never been married myself ,so i don't know actually what advises to give. What i can only say is ,even though i kind of forced you into this marriage ,which i do admit i did. It was nothing jungkook's fault and it's still your marriage.

Now all you both gonna have is each other. You both have to trust each other and take care of each other ,okay. You both need to grow together and not create problems instead be happy with each other. Even though ,now you might not be happy ,you eventually will get used to each other and maybe get feelings for each other.

You should always respect your partner As well. And never yell at him. As you may already knows ,kookie pretends to be strong but he is very fragile who needs to be taken care of. I can assure you that he will never do anything to hurt you ,but you have to promise you will do the same ,okay. Don't hurt each other And be happy with each other from now on and have a happy married life forward. Understood." Soohyun ended feeling a little emotional because the son he has raised up by himself all alone ,who he has watched grow from a toddler to a grown adult with his own eyes is getting married today. Doesnt matter daughter or son ,when your child gets married who you raised with your own hands ,it's always emotional moment for a real parent.

When taehyung saw that his father is getting emotional which he rarely gets ,he hugged him and said "understood my old man ,don't worry ,i will do as you said. You have to be happy from now on too ,find yourself someone too ,or you gonna stay single forever." Taehyung said teasingly to the older still hugging him.

"Yeah yeah ,will do. Now bye ,i have to go check up on kookie as well. See you at the altar with your husband." Said soohyun pulling away and leaving from there not before pecking his son's forehead.



oohyun went to jungkook's waiting room and ushering the gang out of the room who immediately left.

"Hey kookie! Are you ready ? It's only 15 minutes left." Soohyun said taking a seat beside jungkook.

"Yes appa, i am ready." Jungkook said giving his bunny smile to his appa.

"Good ,so listen to me ,okay.

I know that i wasnt there to tell you these things on your first marriage because i never agreed on it. And i failed to protect you as well.

But this time ,i wouldn't repeat the same mistake again. I wouldn't let you's uffer again ,and that's my promise to you. Anything happens, you will tell me. You are uncomfortable with anything ,you have to talk about it to taehyung. Don't force yourself into anything ,it's your right to stop anything you don't want and do anything you want to do.

I trust my upbringing and my son to know that he would never unintentionally hurt you . I know he is a little childish but that's just how personality ,he can never hurt anyone and i know that. He would treat you good , i can assure you that.

You both have to be happy together from now on ,okayy. I made this decision for a reason and i know that you are both the ones for each other. You trust me , right. So trust me on this ,that taehyung is the right one for you.

Dont hide yourself anymore under any facade. Show the real you to himself . Don't be afraid to let your vulnerable side out infront of him ,i can tell you that he would never judge you on anything. Okayy.

From now on ,as you always say me and taehyung will be your ACTUAL family. You will be a Kim from now on as well. You will be my actual son in law which is no less than son , so you always have to come to us if you wanna talk about anything ,or you are going through something okayy.

You both will only have each other from now on , you both have to take care of each other and not hurt each other. You have to grow with each other and heal with him. Understood. I will always be there for you both as well. But firstly it's gonna be each other for you two. This time you are gonna have a happily married life from now on ,i promise you that. Okayy"

Jungkook feeling a bit touched by the older's words because it did mean a lot to him hearing these things from his appa but he blinked his eyes to not let the tears fall as they will ruin his makeup. So he just nodded.

Soohyun hugged him as well to his chest patting his back and pecking his head.

"I think we should move now kookie ,it's time for ceremony ,your fiance might be waiting there for you at the altar . He was looking really excited." Soohyun said chuckling and giving his hand to jungkook ,who took it and stood up.

They both went out of the room to go the main venue where the ceremony will take place.

Just as they reached there ,jungkook took a look at the place and it was mesmerizing ,it looked so beautiful.

Taehyung was standing there on the other side beside the priest. With jimin on his side and Namjoon on the other side waiting for jungkook.

Jungkook was awestruck with the beauty of handsome male infront of him. He was looking ravishing in black perm.

And taehyung had his eyes widen looking at the older who looked so beautiful in his white suit while holding a blue and white flowers bouquet in one hand and his other hand interlocked with soohyun's.

Jungkook looked at the other side seeing all of taehyung's hyungs standing there as well. All smiling at their maknae and jungkook.

Soohyun walked the bunny down the altar to taehyung, while all the guests were eyes on them.

He handed his hand to his son a d muttered a 'take care of each other' and left to be with the other guests. Taehyung took jungkook's hand in his own and he stood up infront of him facing each other.

While they were staring at each other ,the priest said his readings.

"Now ,please say your vows." Said the priest.

" I, Kim taehyung, take you, Jeon Jungkook to be my lawfully wedded husband ,my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." Taehying said his vows.

"I ,Jeon Jungkook, take you, Kim taehyung, to be my lawfully wedded husband ,my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." Jungkook completed his vows.

"The couple may exchange their rings." Priest told the couple.

Namjoon and jimin brought the rings handing them to taehyung and jungkook.

Taekook exchanges their rings holding each other's hands.

"I now pronounce you as husband and husband ,you may kiss now." The priest announced.

Truthfully ,both taehyung and jungkook had forgotten about the kiss part ,that you have to kiss at the end of the wedding.

Taehyung pulled the older by his waist and slowly leaning in capturing his lips with his own. Jungkook kissed back immediately and they both pulled away after a few Seconds. And both looked like blushing messes ,they didn't even know what they were blushing for ,like it's not like it's their first kisses. But it sure was THEIR first kiss though. They didn't look at each other in the eye after that. Taehyung loved how the older tasted ,made him wanna kiss him again and again . And jungkook ,he felt a tingly feeling in his heart which he quite liked ,he would love to be kissed by the younger again.

The guests clapped for the couple and congratulated them.

Both were finally an official couple and no more fiances or soon to be husband's but actual husbands.

Both were feeling extremely happy from inside for no particular reason. This was the start of their new life ahead. And maybe a better life ahead.

Jungkook felt like he finally belonged somewhere ,having an actual real family of his own. He was no longer a lonely Jeon but was a part of family of Kims now. He was Kim jungkook from now on. That name sounded very sweet to him. He has decided that he won't run away from his feelings anymore, wouldn't avoid them and will actually face them and go with the flow.

Taehyung was very happy and had a giddy feeling bubbling inside his chest. The older was his now ,his husband ,he didn't know why but that sounded extremely good to him. He couldn't identify what he was feeling exactly ,but he was sure of one thing that he loved that feeling.


Taekook are finally married y'all.ಥ‿ಥ

I did it ,i got them married finally. It took me 16 chapters but i did it.

This was an extremely long chapter with 4000+ words and here i was thinking of even adding reception to it ,but i decides against it and decides to write a different chapter for it.

I had described their outfits and rings in the before chapter but i don't know if you got the right image of it or not ,so i added pictures in this one of their wedding outfits , wedding rings ,wedding venue and all of the other member's outfit as well as the bouquet so you can imagine it well.

I hope it wasn't disappointing and y'all liked it. I tried my best i could.

There might be mistakes here and there about the wedding rituals. It could be because i don't know how these marriages actually happen as where i live ,the culture is totally different so i wrote on the basis of what I found on Google. So please don't hate if there was something wrong. You can obviously point it out in the comments ,i will try to change it if i could.

Not proofread. If there are any typos ,please do tell.

I will try to do an update tomorrow but i have an exam day after that ,so i can't promise anything. Please understand ,hope y'all don't mind.

Till next time....~~

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