Red vs Blue season 6/ Reconst...

By Garydeansonic

6.2K 116 0

A year has passed since Tex left Blood Gulch the reds and blues have been relocated and agent Washington need... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 17

254 6 0
By Garydeansonic

Chairman: Dear Director.

Fade in to Church and Wash

Chairman: It is now clear, that your agency and its primary program "Project Freelancer" have abused the trust and freedoms that the Oversight Sub-committee has provided you. Your abuse of the Alpha A.I. will now become the subject of a criminal investigation. I am sorry, Director, but you have seen the end of my patience.

Church and Wash look at each other silently before we cut to Simmons typing at Terminal 84-C - Administrator Access Only

Sarge: What're you finding out, Simmons?

Simmons: Looks like all the Blue records are here, I just don't have the access to delete them. I'm trying to work around that right now. Hey Grif can you bring Delta here.

Grif: Ooh, try hacking the mainframe.

Simmons: This isn't a mainframe system.

Grif: How 'bout cracking it, would cracking it work?

Simmons: Grif shut up! Stop making suggestions when you have no idea what you're talking about.

Grif: Well, if you want help-

Simmons: I don't want help.

Delta: Would my help be useful?

Simmons: Yes.

Grif: Maybe you should explain what's going on, and I could make an educated suggestion.

Simmons: Educated? Okay, fine. This computer is a dedicated interface with a highly developed security protocol. The information we are accessing is stored on a separate database with its own dedicated hardware. That system has its own distinct layer of security. From what I can tell, the two systems verify their identities by trading randomly generated two thousand fifty-six bit encryption keys. I'm tryin' to spoof one of those keys right now. So, Grif. I'm all ears. Any suggestions?

Grif: Oh yeah, I've seen that before. You should try uploading a virus to the mainframe.

Simmons: Jesus.

Grif: I find viruses that feature a laughing skull tend to work the best.

Simmons: Shut the fuck up and let me work! Delta how are you doing?

Delta: I've added South to your squad but Put her in as a Rachael now I will focus on helping you.

South: Thank you Delta.

Simmons: I need help still.


Will: I'll go check on him.

Cut back to Church Alex and Wash

Church: You're a fucking idiot.

Alex: It makes sense.

Church: This is bull shit Alex!

Washington: That's not the reaction I expected.

Church: You think I'm a computer program?

Washington: Why is that hard to believe?

Church: Uh, how 'bout 'cause I'm a person! That I have been my whole life? That I have memories from when I was a kid? And I don't remember being a calculator, dude.

Washington: A.I. are programs based on an actual human mind. You're bound to have some residual memories. They're just not yours.

Church: Oh, you're so full o' shit.

Alex: It makes Fucking sense at lest I don't have to worry about you being a Horible fucking person Church!

Church: What?

Washington: The Director is Alex's father and he well wasn't the best.

Church: What do you mean Alex?

Alex: After mom died for the first time he became distant he would sometimes hit me when I got in his way. My sister Katie became competitive! That got her killed! 

Church: How?

Washington: The meta threw her of a cliff.

Church: That son of a bitch killed my daughter I'm going to fucking murder him!

Alex: You don't get it! Your not human! When I learn who you you were I feared you I was afraid you would hurt me and everyone else! But I guess I never told you and your not as bad as he is. I guess I could think of you as a father but now when I look at you all I see is him and ever fucking horrible thing he did to me and everyone else!

Church: (shocked) Alex I... I.. I'm sorry I remind you of a horrible man.

Alex: It's not your fault Church I don't know why but I think of you as a fun uncle.

Cut to Will walking over to Caboose and a dead body in green armor

Will: What is it Caboose.

Caboose: Your alive I thirty only you died!

Will: No I'm alive that guy is not me.

Will looks at the body and sees the body has a CQD helmet on

Will: I'll take the helmet though wonder who this belonged to.

Caboose: Georgia.

Will: What?

Caboose: There's a name on it.

Will: I didn't know you could read.

Caboose: I can.

Will puts on the helmet. Back to the Reds

Sarge: Simmons, how's your progress?

Simmons: Good, Delta and I are almost in. This blinking light is really distracting me though.

Sarge: Good. Simmons, if that light bothers you so much, just turn it off.

Simmons: Hey, I got a great idea, how 'bout if someone else does somethin' for once. I'm workin' here!

Delta: We're working here.

South: Grif get the light.

Grif: Fine I'll do it.

Grif hits the light and we hear radio sounds

Tucker: Hello! Come in Command! Do you read, Command? Why isn't anyone answering!?

Grif: What should I say?

Simmons: Who the fuck cares, just get rid of him.

Grif: Um, hello. Uh, this is Command. Go ahead.

Male voice : Finally! Hey! This is a distress call! We need help down here ASAP! Mayday, and all that shit!

Grif: Oh, yeah, uh, sorry dude, there's no one here to take your call right now.

Male voice: What!?

Grif: Can I take a message?

Male voice: Dude, that's bullshit. You guys suck.

Grif: Is that the message?

Male voice : No it's not the message, asshole! Tell them, we found what we're looking for, and it's under the sand. Send. Help. Now.

Simmons: (whispering) What the hell is he talking about?

Grif: (whispering) Who the fuck knows? (speaking) Under... sand. Uh okay. I got it. As soon as they get back I'll be sure to grab them and uh, slip it to 'em.

Male voice: Yeah, slip it to 'em! Bow chicka bow wow.

Grif: ...What'd you say?

Sound of gunshots are heard

Female voice: Tucker there back we got to go and there's more coming.

Male voice: Oh shit, gotta go!

Grif: Was that who I think it was?

Caboose: Did somebody here just say something?

Will: I thought I heard Tucker and Ava.

South: Georgia your alive?

Will: No I'm just wearing his helmet.

Back to Church Alex and Wash

Church: I can't believe I am based of a horrible person.

Washington: It wasn't your fault and you don't have to be like him.

Alex: We can take him down and all the A.I. like XI and Omega.

Washington: Actually it will be me and Church who do it.

Alarms sound

Alex: Shit.

Cut to the Reds and Caboose and Will, with the alarm still going off

Caboose: Does anyone else hear that?

Will: Yes Caboose.

Grif: Yes, we all hear it, Caboose.

Sarge: Simmons, did you do that?

Simmons: I don't think so. Hope not.

Caboose: Uh, red guys? Uhm, white guys are coming? Aaand, they look mad.

South: Shit lock and load we are about to have a fight.

One of the approaching white guys throws a grenade at the building, and the grenade explodes

Caboose: Really, mad.

Sarge: Grif, close those shutters!

Grif: On it.

The shutters close.

Simmons: Here, I got it! This is every bit of information about the Blues and their soldiers!

Sarge: Can you erase it?

Delta: I doubt this is a good idea.

Simmons: I can, but Sarge, maybe we should think about this for a moment. What happens if we delete the Blues?

Sarge: It means they never existed.

Simmons: But did you ever stop to think, what does it mean to be red if there is no blue? If they never existed, what's the purpose of even having a red army if there's no one for us to fight? Do you understand what I mean? It's like, flip sides of the same-

Sarge steps forward and pushes the button. The words "BLUES DELETED" appear on the screen

Simmons: ...coin.

Delta: Checking freelancer systems and there's no sign of the blues.

Sarge: What it means is what it's always meant. We rule, they suck. Don't over analyze it, you pussy.

Grif: Oh my God. Where's Caboose and Will?

Sarge: What in the-

Simmons: Where did he go? *gasp* You don't think that deleting him from the computer somehow altered the fabric of reality and removed him from-

Caboose appears.

Caboose: Hey guys. I was just tryin' to find the bathroom. Church always has me go before a big battle. He hates when I ask to go in the middle of one.

Will: Caboose that wasn't a bathroom you used.

Simmons: Oh...

South: Umm ok

Sarge: Did you want to finish your thought, Simmons?

Simmons: Naw that's okay, I'm- I'm cool.

Grif: Come on dude, tell us more about the reality bending computer. I'm hanging on your every word.

Simmons: I don't wanna talk about it.

Sarge: How do we turn this damn alarm off? Maybe it's one of those clap things.

Sarge claps twice and the alarm stops

Sarge: There we go.

Delta: Alarm shut off.

Sarge: Eh you ruined the magic pixie.

Delta: I am an A.I. not a pixie.

Note the female voice is Ava.

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