Je'daii Deku: Rise of the Rev...

By The_Nocturnal_Raven

92.3K 2.6K 443

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Young Izuku Midoriya is constantly punished by the world he was... More

A Wake Up Call
The True Nature of Earth
A Mother's Concern
Understanding What Threatens You
Inko's Recovery
A Mother's Promise
Izuku's Lightsaber
First Step into the Dark
UA Exams
A Day of Choices
Izuku's Observations
Inko's "Observations"
The Road to Hell...
Cynical Intervention
A Tour for the Fair Lady
Moving Forward
Trust Excercises
The UA Sports Festival
Shinsou's Capstone
Heroes Properly Ressurected
Machinations in Motion
Light the Tinderbox
Struggles on the Home Front
Allmight Vs. Stars & Stripes
Dawn of War
The Faction in the Shadows
The Shadows Come To Light
Week-Long War: Japan
The Week Long War: America
The Week Long War: Resolution
A Mercy Mission
The Second Attempt
Underhanded Tactics
Flight & Fight
Negotiations Pt. 2
Aggressive Negotiations
Race to the Finish
The Truce

Gears Begin to Turn

2.4K 72 4
By The_Nocturnal_Raven

She was surprised to find that he texted her back in the morning. Most guys didn't really like her that much, due to her tired appearance compared to others, but Izuku didn't judge. In her eyes, he was an amazing person, and she was glad to have him as a friend. After the next day's group meeting, Izuku left in a hurry, apologizing that he had some things to take care of, but she wasn't buying it. They were supposed to meet, but one glance at his phone changed all of that, and she wouldn't be so easily deterred.

She followed him from a distance as he went in the opposite direction from where she knew his home was. Suspicious, she watched as he went into an alley, and into a public toilet. When he came out, he wore black green and purple robes, and put on a helmet and hood. They matched the design of Revan, the holographic man. Scanning his environment, he went towards the nearest docks. Shinsou, definitely suspicious at this point, continued to follow him as he approached a bunch of new vehicles being brought over. He examined them, and then knocked on one.

What is he doing?

Her question was soon answered as the outward panels on the vehicle split, and the vehicle shifted and turned into a giant robot. In a commanding voice, they boomed. "Where is All For One? He was supposed to be our contact here!"
Unafraid, Izuku responded, his mask changing his voice, "He is currently preoccupied. Besides, I used him to contact you."

The robot's crimson eyes narrowed slightly. "And why would he help you, boy?"
What he said next almost made her shout her thoughts. But... Hizoshi was careful to cover her mouth for once. What the fuck?! He's the son of a villain?! "Because it's the son's duty to surpass the father."
The robot thought over it, then laughed. "So it is, boy. So tell me, why bring us here?"
Midoriya's response was horrifying to the potential hero student. "I want you to cause havok. If you are captured, tell them that the US secretly brought you here..."
The robot laughed, voicing the violette's thoughts. "You want us to blame them? What do you gain from anonymity?"
The reply was simple, yet terrifying. "War. The accusations will cause tensions... and your 'Decepticons' are not the only group brought here for that purpose. When that war happens... villians will no longer be the priority."
The mechanical villain nodded in understanding, "And if we are captured?"
"I will use my power to help you out when I can. My motto is to help those who help me. So, Megatron..."

Hitoshi secretly gasped, inaudible to the meeting down there. Megatron was in the news for a series of slaughters over gang wars. I thought they'd arrested him! That must mean the other vehicles are his gang... his 4 other brothers!

"...will you help?"
If the robot could smile, he would. But, his metal features already resembled a manic grin. "Cause chaos with All For One's support? I get to frame the government... and Stars & Stripes? We're in!"
Izuku nodded, and turned away from them, "Great! I'll leave what you do up to you. Have a good day."

Megatron grinned, growling, then barked out an electronic order, transforming back into the same truck before the front lights turned on, and it started to drive away. Izuku glanced back, watching as they drove away, preparing to cause chaos.

After he did, he raised a hand and gestured toward him. Hizoshi was launched from her hiding spot towards him, and then he cushioned her fall with the force. She froze when he asked, dissapointed, "Why did you follow me?"
However, her voice was tinged with betrayal, of everything he claimed he was, this seemed to be a knife in the back to that. "What are you doing with dangerous villains? Starting a war?!"
The greenette sighed, "It's best if I explain everything... let's get out of here, though. I don't want you to be implicated in anything."

They remained silent as they walked home, Izuku picking up his backpack first. Silence was all that greeted them as they navigated Mustafu, eventually getting through the door. Shinsou would not let this go. "You owe me an explanation."
Annoyed, he finally took off his helm. "So do you, for following me. I'll start with my own, but I want to know why you placed yourself in danger by tailing me."
Shinsou didn't answer, which prompted him to ask, "Can I trust you to tell the truth?"
The violette whirled around to get in his face. Her eyes blazed with fury at the implicit accusation. "You've already lied to me once today! If anything, it's you who can't be trusted."
To his credit, Midoriya didn't back down. Then again, he just stood up to death machines an hour before. "I can't just tell you everything without knowing if you are trustworthy first. But you've forced me to do so. So that's why I ask, how can I trust you to tell you everything now?"

The standoff lasted a minute before... Hizoshi backed down. "I'll keep quiet..."
"Alright..." He gestured for her to sit down on the sofa, and she did so. "I was going to tell you all of this eventually, regardless, after your training." He called out. "Revan!"

"Yes?" He materialized in front of them.

"Pull up a hologram of the droid."
The hologram nodded, before waving his hand. "Done."
On the table, a hologram of a weird looking machine appeared. It was embedded into the ground, and clearly not designed to walk. Shinsou immediately recognized it from when she followed Izuku the first time, and from their walk home tonight.
"Ok, we've seen this before. What even is that?"
Izuku explained. "This is an Advanced Vulture Droid. It has self repairing capabilities and is prioritizing repairing an emergency beacon."
Shinsou was amazed. It was so advanced compared to anything else. "That thing is a droid?"
"It's a machine from space. Yes, aliens are real. Revan is technically an alien AI."
Revan interjected, "A gross simplification, but it's true."

Izuku continued. "After I was nearly flattened by its crash, I found this place. Revan explained everything about the galaxy, the force, and the threat that droid has placed on our planet. I've already tried destroying that droid. It keeps repairing itself from destruction... After it's fully repaired, it will send for its owners... and they will enslave us. Neimoidians have a terrible reputation for a reason. I am the only one who understands this, so I have to unify the world."
Shinsou paled, now realizing the problem at hand. "Why not do another method?"
Izuku shrugged. "My first method was being a hero, but even then it's too long. It's expected to be online in less than two years."
That... was even worse. "Oh god..."
"Exactly. I don't like having to do this, but it's the only plan I've got. So... are you with me?"
She glanced up to him. "... do I have a choice?"
"You do. You have three. You would technically be the first person I've given the choice to."

She widened her eyes. Her surprise apparent. "Really?"
"Yeah. Mom's doing what I ask without question, but I don't really trust anyone yet to ask."

"Except me?"
Izuku smiled slightly, "You followed me because you were worried, right?"
Rolling her eyes, she agreed with that. He was one of the most trustworthy people she knew. Was being the key word. He was still nice, but he lied. "Well... yeah... you go off in a different direction to your home after you nervously tell me your needed somewhere..."
"Ah... right..."

Even with all the revelations... his actions in the dark... Hizoshi still remembered that day when they met. How her quirk didn't determine who she was. Even now, he didn't think that way. And, even if he's working with villains, he's doing so for a good cause. That was what won her over, in the end. "I'll help."
Izuku seemed resigned to the worst outcome. His previous quirkless nature really not helping... leading to him starting... "I knew you'd go to the hero... wait, you will?"
She explained why, "You're right. If this threat is real, which it is, I've seen the droid. Under two years? Hero course won't cut it."

Izuku smiled, and laughed nervously "I'm glad. Really glad. Now I can be open with you during training. I'd suggest staying out of downtown in the next week, though. Those Decepticons will be wrecking havok, and they're not shy to murder."

One Week Later:

The streets were calm as Izuku walked with Shinsou around the city after a day dedicated to force training. It was a leisurely day when a building the direction they came from exploded. The voice that boomed following it confirmed his suspicions.

A Blackhawk helicopter flew down the street towards the voice, then transformed into another of them, with a stealth fighter doing the same thing. They even found American style forms to transform into!

Megatron clearly wasn't trying to hide. He retained an 'alien' aesthetic for his vehicular form, turning into a large bulky tank, before rolling down the street. Toward them.

"Shit, he doesn't know it's me. He'll kill us if he catches us. Move!"

The two ran down the street and into an alleyway before he barreled past them, heading towards the Hero Commission building. Bold move, starting in the heart of the city, then heading to the Hero commission. That'll do wonders to thinking that the US is sending villains to Japan so that Allmight can deal with them... "Whew... at least we're safe... you should get home... your parents should be worried."
"Yeah... wait... my parents live near where they just went!" Her eyes widened in horror as she realized what was happening. They wouldn't know what hit them, and what they didn't know, in this case, can kill them.

Izuku couldn't help but worry. "Shit... we have to help them!"
"C'mon, I know the fastest way!"

Endeavour was busy working with the Hero Commission on a seperate case when the villain attack alarm blared and the building shuddered. Immediately going into combat mode, the Pro hero started issuing orders; "Everyone who cannot fight, evacuate. Heroes, we have a real fight on our hands! Let's show those villains who they're messing with!"

After a front window shattered, he launched himself out the building and saw the Decepticon gang. At first he couldn't believe it. Didn't Stars & Stripes capture them two weeks ago? No matter, I'll have to deal with this now. He flew down, intensifying his heat and punching the closest one, one that could transform into a police car, and slammed him into a nearby building, despite their size difference.

Megatron noticed, then assessed the situation. He sent out orders. "Alright, we have their attention! Decepticons, Distract & Divert protocol 5!"

Bonecrusher, Blackout, and Soundwave all acknowledged and transformed, splitting off in different directions, while Megatron noticed Barricade unresponsive. Turning, he found Endeavour attempting to melt him. "Get off him you disgusting hero!" He grabbed and threw him, but Endeavour caught himself, but found a furious killer robot after him.

Izuku followed Shinsou as they navigated the minefield of combat between heroes and giant villains. The one that was known as Barricade had been knocked down by Endeavour himself, and so, Megatron had decided to scatter their attention. Megatron himself stayed to fight the strongest of the heroes, and assist Barricade. As soon as he tossed the man off, he launched after him, and Barricade transformed, leaving his leader in the dust. Meanwhile the two powerhouses fought as Hizoshi looked through the rubble. "This was our apartment building, this is where we lived... I hope they weren't here..."
Izuku helped by lifting rubble off the street and helping civilians, as the heroes were too distracted by the Decepticon assailant to help the civilians. Failure of the hero system...

However, he noticed a distinct head of purple hair still in the building. Her parents were fine, and not a part of the ruins they were sifting through.
"Hizoshi, up there!"

When she looked, relief stretched across her face when she saw them. "Mom, Dad!"
When they heard her voice, they called back, "Are you ok?!"
"We're fine! We'll meet up with you on the other side of the building...!" However, as that plan was enacted, Endeavour threw Megatron against the same building, pouring flames against him. The villain's body did not stop the fire, which went further back... screams could be heard soon after. It was her parents, melted by Endeavour's callous action.

Megatron, grabbed and punched him, then ran him into the hero commission, causing the building to fall the direction they headed. When the steam faded away... Izuku and Hizoshi could see it. Two charred corpses reaching forward. Everything was burnt away. Unrecognizable. But she knew it was them. Their screams... were unmistakable.

"Endeavour... he..."

Izuku, worried that she'd blame him, nodded. Endeavour was a negligent hero. He never checked  for civilians... meaning that those deaths could have been avoided. "He did this. But we can't stay here. C'mon."

She let herself be guided to Izuku's home. Her eyes were empty, and Izuku could feel her despair echo through the force. All he could do was support her when she needed it most.

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