My Second Chance (Erik Lenshe...

By Vigilante24

2.5K 132 8

A woman from our world, has seen things many cannot even imagine. A front line doctor, she saved the lives of... More

Face Claim
I. A New Start
II. An Unlikable Ally
IV. Gathering The Team
V. Gathering the Team part 2
VI. Next Mission: Russia
VII. Tricked & Ambushed
VIII. First Casualties & A New Start
IX. Training Time
X. Late Night Confessions
XI. Our Day of the Dead
XII. Last Night Together, part 1
XIII. Last Night Together, part 2
XIV. Suit up

III. First Attempt: Failed

220 13 2
By Vigilante24

After the disaster of meeting with the Director of the CIA, the three mutants chose to follow the mysterious man; the only one who seem to be more impressed and genuinely interested in mutants. As he led them through one of the many parking floors, Melinda glanced at Charles who had placed two fingers at his temple.

It was something he did when he used his telepathic abilities to their more specialised range. Once he was done, she glanced at him. "Is she coming?" Melinda asked, already having figured out to whom she was trying to contact.

Charles gave her a small sheepish smile, not surprised that his older sister could see right through him. She always had that strong look in her hazel eyes, as if she could also be a telepath. But no, she was simply very good at knowing her people and their body language.

Melinda, though, did want Moira to join them. Mostly because of the very original reason as to why they were in the CIA building in the first place. A powerful mutant, named Sebastian Saw, was a growing threat. It was him and his minions, who Moira saw attacking people.

Both mutants knew that he would be a problem if he continued, but they also knew the two of them would never be able to stand a chance against him. Not like that.

"I have always known, that there were people like you out there" their latest ally talked, mostly focused on Raven, who was walking by his side. "I have been the laughing stock of this agency for years, but I knew it! You are going to love my facility!"

"That's going to have to wait," Charles said, making his older sibling roll her eyes at his lack of manner.

"Why?" the man asked, full of curiosity.

"Agent MacTaggert has a lead on Sebastian Shaw, and if we do not move now, apparently...we are going to lose him"

Just on cue, a black car stopped right in front of them, with none other than Moira behind the wheel.

The Agent who was so interested in them was confused even more. Charles wasted no time getting in, taking the seat next to Moira as Raven held the door open for Melinda to go in first.

"Not only can he read minds, but he can also communicate with them as well" the blond explained, joining her sister.

Melinda gave the man a small smile. "Do not worry. You will slowly catch up. It is always a lot to take in"

"Mel is right," Charles said. "Moira and I just had a lovely conversation"

The female agent gave a smile of her own, happy that she could go on with the investigation but also to be included in something so extraordinary and new. Melinda did not blame her, remembering how excited she was when she was the one helping Charles communicate via a mind link, as she called it.

"I am sorry but I cannot take you anywhere, without an order from upstairs," the man said.

"Charles?" Melinda asked a hint behind that very same tone she used as her brother and she exchanged a look from the upper mirror.

Placing his two hands on his temple, the telepath looked at their latest friend. "Want to see another magic trick?" he asked him.

"Absolutely" the man replied.

"Get in the car," Charles told him.

"Good idea"

Melinda shook her head as she moved further to the window of the car, letting Raven make some space as the man got in the car with them.

Moira glanced at the two women and the oldest one waved her hand dismissively. "Do not worry. It is all harmless" she reassured.

Charles had that speciality, coming along with his mutation, to influence the thinking and decisions of others. Like a tiny voice at the back of their head, telling them what to do.

Melinda did not fully like it, especially when Charles used it to get some extra free drinks or to get out of some tough situations. She found all those times to be childish behaviour. But at that moment, when the fate of the world was at Stake, she had to let him.


It took mere few hours to have a plan formed and execute. Getting a bunch of agents and the Coast Guard, our three mutant heroes and their human friend, were on top of the Coast Guard boat. They had tracked Shaw's fancy ship, parked close to the harbour of California.

It was night by the time they had arrived but they knew the man was there, Charles could sense him. The three mutants stood on the deck, glancing at the fancy ship as it got closer. They had yet to open their lights, wanting to catch the man off guard.

When it was time, bright lights fell upon the ship and the three figures on it. From the pictures on the files, Melinda could recognise the older man as he stood between his two companions. One was a beautiful blond woman and the other was a man of Hispanic origin. All three were mutants with their abilities.

"This is the US Coast Guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel" one man shouted from a giant speaker, as three different floating motorboats with soldiers were sent towards their target.

Suddenly, Melinda heard Charles' faint groan. With two fingers by his temple, his face did not hide the strain he put to keep his telepathic abilities going. However, that was not normal. Something was blocking him, or better say...someone.

"I have lost Shaw. I have lost Shaw" he repeated, irritation hearable in his voice.

"How?" Moira asked him.

"There must be another telepath on that ship" Melinda suddenly said, her eyes locked on the horizon. "Someone capable enough to block him"

She did not like how that sounded to them. They had never met another telepath before, and they did not expect to be one of such high calibre. To be able to block Charles completely, shielding Shaw, proved that person was far more trained than their still-learning mutant.

"This is incredible" Charles commented, placing both hands on the railing. "This is incredible. I can actually feel her in my mind. I am sorry"

"Block her then. Now it is not the time Charles" Melinda practically hissed, grabbing his upper arm.

Whoever that telepath woman was, if she could pick into his mind, she could get classified information and even their plans to stop Shaw. It was getting too dangerous.

"I am" he replied, leaving out a sigh. "I am sorry, it looks like I cannot be much of a help tonight. You are on your own"

Everyone watched as the male companion of Shaw stood close to the edge. In his hands, two small hurricanes seem to be forming at his command before he sent them straight at the incoming boats.

"Oh, gods" Melinda exclaimed, eyes wide open as she watched, helpless.

The wind turned the boats as if they were mere toys, flipping them upside down and throwing the men into the water. The winds continued, hitting their ship and almost making Charles fall from the railing if it wasn't for Melinda to grab him.

They wasted no time getting inside, for better cover, before something was to happen. However, midway on the steps, Charles grabbed his head. His sister was quick to rush to his side, placing her hands on top of his to help him ease the pain.

"What is it?" Moira asked, a worried look in her eyes.

"There is one of us, out there," Charles said, looking at Melinda in the eyes before the two of them sprinted up the stairs. "There"

They all looked where the telepath pointed, seeing the dozen tone heavy chain of the ship, emerging from the water. Like a wild snake, someone controlled it to attack the cruise ship. It ripped it apart, breaking the fancy ship into pieces as it tried to harm Shaw.

Whoever was controlling it, was one powerful mutant, and had a personal vendetta of his own against Shaw.

They all watched as the attack stopped, only for something to be moved under the waters and head straight for them. By the change of the tides, Melinda quickly realised it was a submarine and that Shaw was trying to escape with it.

However, the mutant metal bender did not seem to be willing to go. Proving to be a young man, he tried to pull the submarine back but only ended up being pulled along the waters. He could not stay outside the water for long before even his head got submerged.

Yet, he refused to let go. Charles tried shouting but the man did not listen to him and telepathically, he could not truly reach him. So, Charles being Charles, did the first reckless thing that came to his mind...he jumped into the Sea.

"Charles!" Melinda shouted at him but it was too late.

Her brother had already dived into the waters, wanting to save this stranger from drowning himself. The Healer gripped the railing with enough force to make her knuckles turn white, hazel eyes looking at the waters as the giant light searched for any signs of life.

She let out a breath she was holding, once she saw Charles and the mysterious mutant breaking the surface of the water.

Both wet and out of breath, they looked at each other as the Coast Guard ship headed their way.

"I thought I was the only one," the metal bender said, looking at the man who saved him.

He had heard his voice in his head, something that had never happened before. He knew Shaw and his buddies were mutants, but he did not expect to find anyone else. Let alone be saved by another mutant. A reckless one, to be more precise, considering the stunt he pulled.

"Well..." Charles said, about to continue his phrase when a loud female voice reached their ears.

"Charles Francis Xavier! You better pray I do not find a scratch on you, or I will drown you myself!"

The telepath felt his cheeks flushing, a sudden awareness enveloping everyone as a round life preserver was tossed from the ship.

"I am sorry. That was my sister...she can be kind of over-protective" he apologized and chuckled slightly, amused by the situation.


After they had been saved, Charles led his latest friend, Erik, into the cabins of the ship. Both were drenched wet and they had to get out of the cold night air. In addition, Charles had to explain and take the scolding by the woman he called his sister.

Erik had only glanced at her for a moment, as she approached Charles. He did not pay much attention to her as he was led to one of the cabins to get dry. He had heard her shouts and scoldings to the lower floors, proving that either the ship had very bad soundproof walls or that the young woman was utterly furious with him.

The metal bender stood in front of the open fireplace, letting his soaking wet body get some hit. So many things passed through his mind, he did not truly register the cold and he did not care either. His plan to kill Shaw had failed and now he was picked up by another mutant, who seem to work with the government.

A lot of things did not make sense to him as he found some good whiskey hidden in one of the cupboards. He was not sure to whom the room belonged and he did not care. He put some drink on the glass and took a few deep sips, letting the familiar sensation burn his insides, starting from his throat.

A knock on the door made him snap his gaze from the fire to the source of the sound before the door was opened. The woman from before, the one Charles called his sister, entered the room. One hand was free and the other held a towel and some clothes folded neatly.

"I am sorry to bother you. I just wanted to bring you this. It is not wise to stay in the same clothes, or you will get a nasty case of cold. Trust me" she said with a friendly smile, placing the things on a chair.

She could feel his eyes watching her, studying her in silence. She had been used to it, getting all types of looks from men, some better and some worse. She glanced at him, seeing him all stern and quiet, a shadow flickering in his eyes; cast by the bright flames by his side.

Melinda realized the man did not want to speak and she respected that. She did not know his reasons as to why he was after Shaw, but she would not pressure him. Instead, she kept her smile and turned to leave him alone.

She was not that surprised, when he talked to her, making her stop with one hadn by the door frame.

"You are Charles' sister?" he asked.

She turned to face him, closing the door behind her for more privacy. She was not the only one not fully trusting the people on the ship. She gave a nod. "I am. Older and adopted. I am sorry for all the shouting, he has a habit of getting into trouble by being reckless"

Erik took a sip from his drink. "I kind of realized" he admitted, his accent not hiding his origin.

"I am Melinda by the way. Melinda Xavier" she introduced herself, walking towards him and extending her hand.

The man glanced at it, before shaking it with his own, just out of mannerism. He would not truly bother with her, but she did try to be polite and had brought him dry clothes. In addition, she did try to respect his space by not coming too close. He would give her that.

"Erik Lensherr" he introduced, holding her hand for a moment longer.

She did not pull her hand immediately either, taking a moment to feel how cold his skin was compared to hers. Their eyes locked and there seem to be a similar burden behind them. The look that each other held was that of someone who had aged far more than his body showed. That deep look, that only a person who has truly faced war and true hardship, had.

Erik was surprised to see it, in the eyes of a young mutant woman. From her clothing to her face, she did not seem to have passed through a hard life. Even her hands were oddly smooth, compared to his own had roughened up as years passed. Yet those hazel eyes, changing from green to brown, had this darkness within them.

He remembered seeing those eyes in the older men, survivors of the Holocaust. That look of someone haunted by dark images, haunting images that would never go away.

She cleared her throat, feeling a very faint blush creeping on her cheeks as she pulled her hand back. He held some resistance before he seem to snap from his trance and let her go. She lowered her head for a moment, wanting to hide the faint pink on her cheeks.

A finger was placed under her chin, moving her head to lift it and make her look at him once again. Her faint pink lips parted slightly at the sudden movement, once again looking into his steel eyes.

"What is your mutation?" he asked, studying her every reaction.

"My...uhm..." she cleared her throat again and he let go of her chin, yet she found slightly missing his touch. She looked at him again, seeing a small opening of his cheek skin. "May I?" she asked, motioning with her hand on the small wound.

She always asked unless the person was unconscious since her gift required physical contact. And that coming from a total stranger, it could freak out a lot of people. Yet Erik stood his ground, giving the faintest of nods. He knew of what wound she talked about.

Emma Frost, the powerful telepath, had delivered a strong back slap in her diamond form. That had injured his skin, creating a small gash that he sensed when he fell into the seawater.

He watched her as she gently placed her hand on his cheek, almost cupping it in a very caring way. Her warm skin felt so contrast compared to his cold one but then he realised he felt something else. The tiniest of annoyance, like the very faint prickle touching his skin.

She then withdrew her hand and motioned with her head, at the mirror hanging above the fireplace.

Erik walked towards there, watching impressed as the wound had completely disappeared. Not even the faintest of scaring was there, not a single reminder of the wound that existed just seconds ago. "Healing" he muttered, turning to look at the woman, who gave a nod.

"Not as fancy as Charles or yours I am afraid," she said with a small smile, glancing at her fingers.

Erik glanced at her through the mirror, a serious and dark look in his eyes. "All gifts are important. No matter what purpose do they serve"

Melinda smiled softly, glancing at her hand once again. "That's nice to hear, but I am afraid I do not share the same view with you"

It was true, there were times she did feel jealous of Charles and Ravel. Their mutation was unique, most offensive, and could be used in everyday life without the worry of someone realizing that they are unique. She could not. Going to someone and by a touch healing their wound, gets noticed.

And a healer does not have a place on the front lines. She could train her body all she wanted but against mutants, she was better to the side, coming after the battle to treat the wounded.

Feeling the sudden silence in the room, and their sharp gaze of his through the mirror, Melinda felt small under the tension. Taking a deep breath, she lifted her head to look at him. "I will let you rest. We have time until we return to the HQ"

With those words, she left the room. All the while feeling his sharp eyes watching her like a hawk. However, he did not say anything else or tried to change her mind. Simply, he watched as the brave and peculiar woman, who underestimated her very own gift.

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