By violentkarma

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" 𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭 " 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊: 𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃: april 13, 20... More



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By violentkarma

MICAH JOGS OUTSIDE WHEN HE SEES HIS TWIN. she sitting on the bench by herself while drinking a blood bag.

"There you are! I've looking for you everywhere, why do you eat lunch in courtyard?" He asked taking a seat next to the vampire

"Because people stare at me in the lunch room. It's like they never seen a vampire before!" she says

"I was just astral projecting to talk to dad-" he says

"Mic that's dangerous!" Ezrah says cutting him off

"I know anyways!" He says

"Dad told me that mom is starting to have contractions but her water haven't broke yet, meaning she's gonna be in labor soon" he says

"also meaning we're gonna move in to our new home soon, and the movers called the house is fully furnished" Micah finished

"that's amazing! the nursery too?" Ezrah asked and her brother nods

"finally! I can finally existed without people staring at me all the time" Ezrah says

Realization struck Ezrah making her drop her smile "what's wrong?" Micah asked

"We haven't told mom and dad about me yet- what if they don't understand or worse what if they disown me?" She asked worried

"Don't talk like that! They're gonna understand" he says

"But what if they don't?!" she questioned

"First Dad's a heretic too, so if he were to disown you it would be hypocritical and Second, they're our parents Ez they'll understand and for weird reason if they don't understand. You always have me" he says

"Thanks Mic" she says

"No Problem" he says

"Anyways I was thinking after lunch we could stop by the house and see how everything is looking" he says

"What about class?" Ezrah asked

"We can just skip it" He says

"Can we just go during study hall? Every since my transition I've been really behind on a lot of work" Ezrah says

"I remember when we first came here. and you were pestering me on how worried I was with my classwork— looks who is worried now" he teased his sister

"Shut up! Okay I just really enjoyed being here and experiencing school even if it's for the supernatural" she says finishing her blood bag

"Wow I never thought I would hear that come from you— weren't you the rebel during homeschool?" Micah asked

"That's because back then it was different! We lived in a prison world, and it was only our family." She says

"Mom was our teacher, principal and lunch lady, while dad was our gym teacher, vice principal and janitor" she continued

"Don't forget about Kaia— she was in charge of detention and you did have detention a lot" he says

"Yeah. Kaia was a very bossy 3 year old" Ezrah


THE TWINS SKIPPED NEXT PERIOD TO VISIT THEIR NEW HOUSE. As they were walking closer the see the movers exiting and they were close enough one mover handed Micah the keys before getting in their truck and driving off

"Wow I can't believe it's finally done" Ezrah says

"Same. I can't wait for them to get here, I miss everyone so much!" He says

Just then a brown skinned girl with long braids walked over from next door. her speaking up caught the twins attention

"I'm guessing you guys are the new neighbors? You seem kinda young to be living on your own" she says

"Um he's my brother. And our family is gonna live here with us" Ezrah says

"So where are your parents?" the girl asked

"they're out of town, they trusted us to buy and furnish the house" Micah says

"Wow your parents really treat you like adults. Wish mine would treat me like a grown up" she says

I'm Ezrah and this is my twin brother, Micah" Ezrah introduced them to the girl

"I'm Magnolia— yeah such a name. my dads are hippies, you can call Maggie though" she says shaking both their hands

"I guess I'm your new neighbor. And if we're too loud just tell us. There's 10 of us so things can get pretty noisy" Maggie says

"10?" Ezrah questioned

"Yeah. There's my two dads, me and my 6 brothers and sisters plus our dog, Pluto" She says

"I know it's a lot. My dads wanted to adopt as many kids as possible" Maggie says

"There's 7 of us" Ezrah spoke up. "There's our parents, Micah, me, our little sister, Kaia and our mom is pregnant with twins" Ezrah explained

"Two sets of twins. Do twins run in your family?" Maggie asked

The twins look at each other. This was a hard topic for the both of them mainly because they knew twins came from their dad side of the family. But he doesn't like talking about it

"We're not sure" Micah answered the question

"MAGNOLIA" a man's voice yelled from inside of her house "crap. I have to finish my chores but when I'm done I can show you around" Maggie says

"Yeah sure we'd like that" Ezrah agreed before Maggie ran back to her house

Ezrah and Micah both took a seat on the porch steps. "I saw the way you looked at Maggie" Micah smirked

"Stop" Ezrah begged

"Youu Likee Herr" he teasingly sung"

"Okay. I do think she's very pretty" Ezrah says

"You should go for it" Micah says

"What if she's doesn't like girls?" Ezrah asked

"You'll never know if you don't try what's the worse that can happen?" Micah asked

"She's straight. And I not only embarrass myself but I also lose the chance of making a new friend or even worse she'll end up dating you" Ezrah says

"Cmon- you know I would never do that to you plus I have my eye on someone else" Micah shrugged

"Riiiight, Don't think I don't notice how you look at Hope Mikaelson" Ezrah teased her brother

"I do not have a crush on Hope. she has a boyfriend and we're just friends" Micah says

"Not for long" Ezrah says

The twins sat in silence for moment before Ezrah spoke up again "that house— across the street, it's looks identical like our house back home" Ezrah says

"That's because it is" Micah says

"What?" Ezrah says shocked

"The prison world is modeled from this world" Micah explained

"Mom always said that- the house we lived in, in the prison world was the same house her and dad lived in when they first met— meaning that house" Ezrah says pointing at the house across the street

"Is the original house, they lived in when they first met each other" Micah finished her sentence

"Why couldn't we just move into that one" Ezrah asked

"Because someone already lives there" Micah says

After sitting outside for while the twins explored inside their new house and just relaxed until Maggie came over and they went out and explore the town

Maggie showed them everywhere from the library, hospital, local stores to mystic falls high school, the park and the mystic grill where they currently are

The 3 of them sit at a table waiting for the milkshakes they order. The entire day Micah felt left out the conversation, but he doesn't say anything because he sees how much fun Maggie and Ezrah are having so instead he excuses himself.

He tells Ezrah he'll meet her back at the house, before leaving the mystic grill


WHILE WALKING BACK TOWARDS the school. Micah looks up to see a girl that looks exactly like Hope, and getting closer he realizes it is Hope.

Micah jogged towards her "Hope?" He says getting her attention "Micah? What are you doing here?" She asked

"I was gonna ask you the same question" Micah says

Micah noticed how distraught Hope as she stumbled on her words "are you okay?" He asked

"I- I can't talk right now Micah. I have to get Landon" she says

"What happened to Landon?" He asked

Hope started to get emotional as she couldn't control her breathing " it's okay. Just breathe tell me what happened" Micah calmed her

"They attacked the school" she says

"What? Who? Is everyone okay?" He asked

"Yes everyone is fine" she says. "I have to get Landon" she says walking pass him but Micah quickly grabbed her hand

"I'm coming with you" he says

"No it's too dangerous" she says

"Exactly Hope, if it's too dangerous I'm not letting go by yourself" he says

"Micah—" she starts before deeply inhaling

"Hope, I know you can easily spell me but you won't I know you won't " he says looking her into her eyes

"Fine. You know you are really stubborn" she says taking her hand out of his hand

"I get it from my dad" he shrugged

"Let's go" she says as they walked  down the sidewalk side by side


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