Kyalin oneshots

Bởi begaedocrime

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just a bunch of kyalin oneshots I've come up with Xem Thêm

playing princesses
we're gonna be ok
we're gonna be ok pt 2
I don't have to be a girl?
I wanna help


318 4 0
Bởi begaedocrime

Tw: slight homophobia

modern middle school au

Bumi: 16 sophmore Kya: 13 8th grade Tenzin: 12 6th grade Lin: 11 sixth grade

Lin loved school, not many people did for them school was torture for Lin an excape, from her mom, from her sister, from the pressure of always being perfect.

For Kya school was the exact opposit, She hated it, She couldn't be her self there were so many worries, and secrets, and caring about what other people thought, though it wasn't much diffent at air temple Island with the air nomads or the white lotus always around. The only place she could ever be her self was around Lin and she couldn't even be her complete self around the metal bender either. For around a year now Kya had a secret one that she was to scared to tell even her best friend. The secret was Kya like girls, there were girls like her at school exept they were out and the second they came out they were instantly shunned and became the weird kids. So it was better to stay in the closet even if it ment lying to her best friend.

"Kya?" Lin asked as they walked home to air temple island. snapping kya out of her thoughts.

"Oh sorry, I've just been realy tired lately" Kya excused

"you said that yesterday. Have you been sleeping all right?"

"not realy" kya said witch wasn't a complete lie, she had been up doing homework, and thinking about her slight crush on the metal bender for the past few days.

"ok" Lin shrugged and the girls contunied walking. When they arrived at the ferry tenzin and bumi were already waiting.

"took you long enough" Tenzin complained.

"sorry we don't enjoy running two miles just to be the first on the ferry" Kya shot at him

"runnings fun, I bet Lin would like to run with me" Tenzin smiled at the metal bender

"I prefer walking with kya" Lin said and smiled at the waterbender. tenzin scoffed and they sat in silince for the rest of the ferry ride. Once they arived at air temple island The girls were ready to enjoy there sleepover when katara spoke up.

"girls why don't you get your homework done than you won't have to worry the rest of the weeekend."

"moooooooooommm" Kya groaned

"just get it done I doubt it will take long" Katra said and lin and kya nodded and went to kyas room to do their homework. Lin pulled her math homework out of her bag and kya got her spanish homework. They worked in silince for a bit before kya groaned out of fresturation

"what?" Lin asked

"I have to correct this and my teacher said I got this one wrong but I don't know what its soposed to say." Kya groaned

"its soposed to say hello friend you wrote hello sweet potato" Lin burst out laughing

"I though batata was friend, and since when do you know spanish?" kya said

"I was bored one day so I started learing it" lin shrugged and they went back to their work. "cool" lin muttered quietly after a bit of working

"what?" kya asked

"oh its just that my math problem has to girls buying flowers for eacother" Lin smiled shyly

"cool" was all kya could mutter her mind was going insaine, should I tell her? she oviusly soports. I wanna tell her but what is she thinks it wierd since we alwasy hang out? I'm gonna tell her. "hey lin" kya started

"yeah?" he friend looked up from her homework

"I like girls, like just girls" kya said quietly

"cool me to" Lin shrugged

"what?" kya asked thinking she'd heard wrong

"well I like girls and guys but I'm leaning more tward girls right now" Lin shrugged while kya stared in shock

"so you don't hate me?"

"No why would I?"

"but all the popular girls always tease and bully the gay kids" kya rambles

"the 'popular' girls are stupid" Lin shrugged

"are you not freaking out? you just told someone you liked girls like it was nothing"

"I've told my mom and Su"

"why didn't you tell me I was worring thinking you were gonna hate me"

"I don't know it just never came up" Lin shurgged going back to her work and kya did the same.

"what did you mean when you said you were leaning more twards girls earlier?" kya asked when they were finaly done with homework

"oh" lins face went red. " I dunno it was nothing"

"whys your face red? do you have a crush on a girl" Kya asked trying to sound excited for her friend. the last time Lin had, had a crush on somone was when the earthbender was in third grade and she had a crush on tenzin, but tenzin had rejected her for one of the first graders that gave him a flower and said she liked him.

"what! No" Lin said her face becoming even more red

"oh come on tell me" Kya whined

"fine its um" lin said and paues deep in thought befor contuing " pema yeah pema"

"the girl tenzin rejected you for in third grade, isn't she like a fourth grader, when do you guys even talk?" kya asked shocked

"why do you care so much?" Lin shot back

"I dunno its just weird I don't think I've ever seen you guys talk" Kya shurgged trying to act like she didn't care

"mabye you don't need to see everything" Lin argued clearly upset

"ok I'm sorry, wanna watch a movie or somthing?"

"sure" Lin shurgged and kya started a movie. Half way through the movie Lin ended up falling alseep on kyas shoulder casuing the older girl to blush for a bit before turning her attention back to the movie.

"girls its time for supper" Katara called up after a bit and kya shook lin awake.

"nooo" lin groaned

"Lin its supper time we're having noodles"

"nope, sleep" she muttered wraping her arms around kyas waist causing the older girl to blush again

"my moms gonna get mad if we're not down there soon"

"tired, sleep, now"

kya tried to stand up so she could pull the metal bender out of bed but her grip was to tight "wow, Lin you have a very strong grip" Kya muttered

"I know" lin muttered pulling kya closer to her

Kya sighs "I'll give you a kiss if you get up" she didn't know what possosed her to say that but it was to late now

"kiss first then I get up" Lin muttered causing kyas cheeks to heat up alot


"mhm" kya leaned down and kissed lins cheek

"ok now get up" kya sighed

"nope, didn't you say you were tired to earlier?" Lin said hidng he face in the pillows so kya couldnt see her red cheeks

"Lin my moms gonna yell at us if we don't get down stairs soon."

"I will if you give me another" Lin smirked

"what about pema?" Kya asked hoping the earthbender had been lying earlier

"wow, you don't even have to be a truth seer to tell that was a lie" Lin chuckled

"so do you like someone?" Kya asked with hopefulness in her voice

"kiss me again and find out" Lin smirked truing her face away from  the pillows a bit.

Kya was leaning in to kiss the metal bender again when bumi bust throught he door. "mom yelled for supper 15 minutes ago whats taking so long."

"Lin was sleeping and I just got her to wake up" kya made an excuse her cheeks red

"whatever just hurry up" Bumi shrugged. the two girls didn't say anything to eachother and went down stairs in akward silince.

"nice of you to finaly join us" katara said as they entered the dining room.

"Lin you can sit next to me" Tenzin smiled patting the empty spot next to him and lin shyly sat next to him, while Kya took the empty seat next to bumi. The rest of the family talked around her but kya wasn't listening her mind was going insaine did she want me to kiss her???? why'd she lie about liking pema?? dose she like me back??

"kya?" Katra questioned


"I asked about how your spanish classes have been going"

"oh Its been doing ok" kya asnwered half heartidly. they finished eating and kya and Lin went back up to kyas room to finish the movie. Niether of them dared to bring up what had happened earlier.

"lin?" kya asked after a bit of building up her curage


"what did you mean earlier?"


"when you said 'kiss me again and find out'?" kya asked quietly

"I dunno it was nothing" Lin said her face going red

"oh ok" Kya said disapionted

"why did you ask?" Lin asked hopefulness in her voice

"I dunno" ky said her face aslo going red

"is it bad that I kinda wanna kiss you?" Lin asked quietly

"no" No kya aswered and looked into lins eyes "is it bad I wanna kiss you?"

"no" Lin aswered and the both leaned in until their lips brushed softly. "kissing dose not feel how I thought it would" Lin chuckled once they'd pulled away

"you've never kissed anyone?" Lin was about to answer when she looked at the door way and her face went white. Kya turned and say tenzin in the door way his eyes watering. "shit, i'll be right back" kya muttered and went chasing after her little brother. "tenzin!" kya yelled trying to find him

"go away kya, you knew I liked her and you kissed her!" tenzin shouted from around the corner

"you never told me you liked her" kya walked around the corner to face him

"well it was pretty obvius, and since when do either of you like girsl thats gross"  Tenzin shouted

"its not exactly easy to tell people that espeshily when they react like this." Kya shouted back

"whats going on out here?" Bumi asked walking out of his room

"Kya kissed Lin!" Tenzin shouted

"oh congrats sis" Bumi said

"why are you congratulatng her? thats nasty" Tenzin asked angrilly

"did you miss the air bender chapter of school? I'm pretty sure everyone soposed to learn to be accepting of all" Bumi said

"kids?" aang asked as him and katara came out of there room"

"kya kissed Lin and she knew I liked her!" Tenzin shouted now crying

"I never knew you liked her!" kya shouted

"kids calm down, was lin fine with you kissing her" aang asked Kya and the water bender nodded

"well tenzin I guess that just to bad" Aang shrugged

"but kissing the same gender is gross" Tenzin shouted and his parents had a face of shock.

"tenzin why don't we go back and look at some of my old air bender books" aang sugested and tenzin shruged and followed him.

"Kya before you go back to your room, I just wanna make sure that your sure you wanna be with Lin, your guys friendship is so amazing I don't want it to get ruined" Katara said taking her doughtors hand

"I do, I've liked her for awhile" kya asnwered

"ok good" katara smiled and everyone went back to what they were doing.

"is everything ok?" Lin asked as kya came back into her bedroom.

"yeah its fine," kya said sitting down enxt to lin. "hey Lin I was wondering if you mabye wanted to be my girlfriend?" Kya asked

"hell yeah" lin cheered

"yay" kya cheered and hugged her new girlfriend.

A/N this took way to long *cri*, if you got that refernce I love you sm. srry for any grammar or spelling mistakes

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