His Saviour ✔️

By _TheFictionist_

345K 11.2K 633

After a year long misery for the wait of filing a divorce with his unloving partner of 10 years, Chase Johnso... More

"This isn't some kind of 'A Walk To Remember' Type Shit Life"
Shit. Here Goes Nothing.
Time For New Beginnings
"Daddy Told Me Not To Talk To Strangers"
Sarah Jones
A Cold One
"Tell Me What's Bothering You."
Miss Payton Adams
Lions And Tigers And Bears, Oh My!
A Step To Discovery
"Seems Like Mr Johnson Cares An Awful Lot About You"
The Devil's First Strike
"I Couldn't Be More Sure."
"We Have A Slight Problem."
Macho Woman
"What Would I Do Without You, Hm?"
Pretty Lady
Unwelcomed Visitor
When All Hell Breaks Loose
Sir Is The Soft Spot
Fuck You, Hormones.
* "Would You Like That, Sweetheart?"
As The Truth Unfolds
Rocky Road Ahead
Crossed Communications
Hidden Loopholes
Birthday Disasters
The Devil Strikes Again
Captain Obvious
*Undoubtfully, Completely, Madly
Happy Little Families
When The Devil Raises Hell
Not All Disasters End Bad
Love Doubts And Fairy Tales
Hormones and Hersheys
One In, One Out
Closing The Final Curtain

Night Off For The Parents

6.7K 217 16
By _TheFictionist_

Chase's POV


It was approaching dinner time. I suggested to Payton after our talk that it would be nice to have a little downtime without the kids, so Ryan, being the "wingman" that he is, agreed to babysit the kids until we got home.

I gave him the fair warning that I did with Lola. If the kids aren't in one piece when I get home, he's a dead man.

Remembering Payton's words about outfit choices, I settled on dark grey jeans and a grey patterened button up matched with black shoes.

I walked out the room as I buttoned up the cuffs of my shirt bumping into Payton.


My jaw literally hung open like a hungry cat, unable to stop my eyes from staring.

"Too much?" She bit her lip nervously

"Not fucking enough. Damn." I couldn't stop the words even if I tried.

She wore a skin tight, spaghetti strap, black dress that came to just about her mid thigh, heels that strapped around her calf to just under her knees.

She blushes and tucked her hair behind her ear, gently biting her bottom lip.

Oh let me bite that lip, puh-lease.

"A-After you?" I stuttered nervously. I cursed myself inwardly.

I was acting like a high school kid who'd just seen the hottest teacher in the building.

Payton wasn't a teacher, but my god she could teach me any day of the week.

She was gorgeous. Stunning. Beautiful. Absolutely fucking delectible.

Let me tell you, she'd be my first choice meal on the menu if we were going to a resteraunt.

She giggled and walked past me, her sweet intoxicating perfume whiffing into my nose.

I watched as she walked downstairs, not helping to notice how her ass swayed from every step she took.

I'm an ass man, and with an ass like Payton's, you can't blame me for looking.

"Enjoy yourselves kids!" Ryan shouted and I turned, already wanting to lump him as he gave the kids a bowl of snacks consisting of all things sugary.

I shook my head and gave the kids one last kiss on the head, as did Payton and we walked outside to the cab which was already waiting.

"You look... Incredible." I managed to get out as a blush creeped onto her cheeks once again.

"I can say the same for you, Mr Johnson." Last time she was formal with me, I'm pretty sure she hated my guts, but hearing her say it so... seductively, made me just want to cancel and take her back upstairs.

"Get in the cab." I grunt, trying to get my mind to think of anything other than Payton.

She grinned, happy with herself as she slid inside, me following shortly after.

We make it outside the downtown club, strobe lights already blinding my eyesight.

We both fought over who was paying the cab fair but eventually I won and paid, helping Payton out the car and into the club.

I made sure she was close by, taking her hand in mine as we headed inside.

There was hundreds of people inside, both Payton and I looked at each other and scrunched our noses, not really liking the atmosphere but we gave it a go anyway.

We took a seat at the bar, and ordered a drink, which again, I managed to pay for.

"Let's have a toast!" Payton suggested and ordered two shots, asking the bartender to make it whatever.

"To new begininngs?" I ask, making her smile widely, and clink her glass with mine.

"To new beginnings!" She cheered and we both threw back the shot.

"Shit, was that tequila?!" I almost gagged, wincing at the burn that trickled down my throat.

"I thought you were a pro at this?" Payton smirked.

"Is that a challenge?" I raised my eyebrow as she shrugged her shoulders innocently.

"You're on. Another round! Leave the bottle." I told the bartender and Payton's eyes widened in surprise.

"This old man still has tricks up his sleeve." I say making Payton laugh again.

"You're 37!" She yelled dramatically.

"Yeah, and I'm about to age 20 years!" With that, three shots were knocked back. I tried to go for the fourth one but my throat rejected it.

I cringe in disgust at the burn and look up, seeing Payton knock back her fourth shot like it was nothing.

"You just got lucky." I roll my eyes and wipe my mouth.

I noticed after time passed, Payton didn't look the most comfortable.

"Wanna get out of here? There's a bar down the road." I announce and Payton nodded quickly.

Seeing it was further than a few blocks and looking down at Payton's footwear choice, I knew for a fact she'd complain about sore feet tomorrow, so without thought, I swooped her off her feet and into my arms.

"Chase! What are you doing?! You're going to drop me!" Payton shrieked in fear, her arms clinging onto my neck tightly, letting me inhale her sweet scent.

"Patience princess." I hum and walked the few feet until we were outside the bar.

I carefully set her down and smirked, holding the door open for her.

"After you m'lady." She playfully punched my shoulder and walked inside.

"Chase! My man! Long time no see. What can I getcha?" The barman through his cloth over his shoulder and leaned on the car.

"Hey Tony, a bud for me and for the lady.." I paused and waited for Payton to answer.

"Make it two." She said surprising me.

"You don't strike me as a beer drinker." I state and take a swig of my beer.

"There's many things you don't know about me." She said with hooded eyes as she took a swig, her tongue darting out to lick the drop of beer that was left on her lips.

Is it hot in here?

I popped open the top button of my shirt and rolled up my sleeves to my elbows, drinking the remains of my beer before ordering two more.

"Tell me one thing." I urge her.

"I could whoop your ass at a game of pool." She stated bluntly.

"Care to make a bet on that?" I smirk, my eyes momentarily glancing at her lips.

"Game on."

She slid off the chair and walked to pick up a cue. My eyes drew to her ass.

Oh how I just wanted to-

"Winner gets to choose their prize." She suddenly piped in, making me smirk inwardly.

This was gonna be like taking candy from a baby.

"You can set up." She stood at the opposite end, chalking up the end of her cue and positioned the white ball.

I followed her comand and grabbed my cue, chalking it and walked to where Payton stood. I watched as she leaned over the table, her ass sticking out at the perfect angle.


She potted her ball, breaking, and managed to score 3 points.

"Regretting this yet?" Payton looked up and winked at me, making me bite my inner cheek.

If she continued, it would be her ass on this table.

I didn't answer and watched as she took her next shot but missed, making me smile.

"Not at all."

I took my turn, potting 6 balls within a few shots, grunting as I missed the final ball.

"Regretting this yet, Sweetheart?" I used her words against her, making her tut.

She said nothing but walked to her next spot in front of me, taking her stance as she bent over the table, delibrately pushing her ass against my crotch.

I don't know if it was the tequila or if it was generally hot in this place, but I couldn't stop sweating.

I lost all track of thought, her hips swaying lightly as she attempted to line up her cue, potting two balls at once.

"What were you saying, Sir?" She said in an almost innocent tone, a smile playing on her lips as she turned to me.

I glanced at her bottom lip, just wanting to sink my teeth into it.

She knew how to play, and damn, was she playing all of her cards right.

We played the game until it was a tie with the black ball. It was my turn, and just as I drew my arm back to hit my shot, I felt her hand slide along my back so lightly it was almost like a feather, not realising my cue had slipped, ruining my hit.

"That was a terrible shot, Mr Johnson." She hummed in obversation and took her spot at the other end of the table.

Two can play at this game.

I gave a simple nod, and when she was focused enough on her line up, I leaned next to her, my hand gently sliding up her thigh as my fingers played with the hem of her dress.

I noticed the drastic change in her breathing, but somehow, she still managed to attempt her shot, although, instead of the black ball disappearing, it was the white, making it an automatic loss.

"Well, you won. What's your prize?" She asked with an almost sour look from loosing, but that quickly changed with my answer.

"I'm looking right at it."

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