
By Alexbomani

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The triplets were raised in a very uptight, traditional family. Now, if the triplets' DNA had conformed with... More

Author Note
Intro Info
Stick Together
Given up

After Math

530 27 3
By Alexbomani

---- Age 16 -----

Their heat and rut lasted a full week, during which they were mostly tied together. Even when Edward and Marcel were not locked in Harry, he wanted them to stay. They only got up to go to the bathroom or to get another water bottle from their small fridge. So suffice to say they were hungry when they finally came out of their den. They climb down into Edward's room, where he thankfully finds his phone. He has several texts and missed calls from their mum, asking where he is and that she had found him an Omega. Her last text was from their first day, saying she assumes he had found someone else and was in the middle of "taking care of her" and to text when they are done for her and their father to come home. Edward throws his phone on the bed without actually opening the texts, as they were in his notifications, and turns to see Harry had been looking over his shoulder.

"Why was she asking where you were? What other Omega?" Harry leans his head on Edward's shoulder, peering up at him before licking his bite mark that still looks fresh and raw. Edward tips his head to give Harry more room as he responds.

"I had to get mum out of the house, so I sent her on an errand to get me an Omega. I never wanted anyone but you and Marce, I just needed her out of the house." Edward explains, rambling a bit because he knows Harry is extra sensitive to these things right now, fresh out of his heat. 

"Okay, that was pretty smart of you, although I can faintly smell them in here." Harry picks his head up, scrunching his nose in disgust. "Now I have to wash the sheets."

"I think you have to wash the sheets anyway, Baby," Marcel comments with a smirk, not meaning the ones in Edward's room.

"Yeah, I know, but I have my big, strong Alphas to help me do those, don't I?" Harry bats his eyelashes up at his mates.

"I suppose I could help," Marcel says sarcastically, "How 'bout this? You whip something up for us to eat and we'll bring the sheets down and start them."


"Before that happens, I'm at least coming with you to make sure the house is safe. We've been gone for a week, I don't even know if mum and father actually left." Edward says.

"Yes, please, I would feel better with that, too. But before we do that, I need a shower, who's with me?" Harry shakes his hips a little, having turned toward Edward's bathroom.

"Oh, I guess I could tag along," Edward smirks at Harry as Harry walks away. He lunges for him, grabbing him by the hips, causing Harry to squeal, and pulling him back to line him up with his own hips. Rolling his hips, Edward says, "What do you want, baby?"

Harry put his hands on Edward's before he reaches one hand over his head to Edward's neck and the other out to Marcel. "Just want some time with my mates, is all," He flutters his eyelashes in faux innocence at Marcel as he rolls his hips back to meet Edward's.

"I like the sound of that."

---- -----

Edward, Harry, and Marcel make their way downstairs, their deal was forgotten during their playtime and clinginess to each other with a fresh bond. Harry goes to the fridge to see what is available before listing off suggestions for his mates.

"I can do chicken alfredo, chicken and rice bowl, chicken salad, cheese toasties and chicken, -"

"Is the only meat available chicken?" Marcel asks in disbelief and amusement. 

"Yeah, sorry," Harry turns sheepishly to his mates from peering through the pantry and cupboards. 

"It's okay, Haz, not your fault. It's mum's, really. She said she wanted to prepare for our ruts, but I guess she forgot about after." Edward rolls his eyes. "She was so focused on finding me someone to have, she forgot about how we'll need food after to rejuvenate ourselves." Edward is fed up with their mum's behaviour. 

"So.... what do you want? I'm getting hungry, and if you want something, tell me so I can make it, please." Harry stands awkwardly in the kitchen, waiting for his mates' choice of food.

"What do you want, Baby?" Marcel decides to ask.

"I like when you guys call me that." Harry timidly smiles and looks down in embarrassment, having admitted this fact.

"What? Baby?"

"Yeah.... makes me feel... nice." Harry's cheeks have become bright red, hair falling in front of his face to hide away. Before either Marcel or Edward can respond, his stomach is growling, reminding them of the present predicament. "Oh, right, food. Um, I don't really care, but I kinda want alfredo." Harry answers Marcel's question shyly. "But we don't have to, we can have what you want, you're the Alphas. My Alphas." He finishes, smiling to himself before looking up to see his mates looking fondly at him.

"Why are you so shy? You've never been this shy with us. Just because you now have our bites, doesn't mean anything is different. Yeah, we'll have a new element added to our relationship, but nothing should change about how we treat each other. We can have alfredo if you want. You are the one making it." Edward chuckles at Harry's behaviour. It's cute, but out of character with them. 

"But, I'm your Omega now. I want to be a good mate." Harry looks distressed at this and curls in on himself, slouching his shoulders and tucking his chin into his chest. 

"Hey, hey," Edward and Marcel quickly run around the island counter to crush their mate in a hug, releasing soothing pheromones to calm Harry down, the kitchen smelling like lilac and vanilla. "You're already a good mate, you're our perfect mate. Our perfect Omega."

Harry burrows into his mates, taking deep breaths to inhale the pheromones and calm his Omega. "Sorry, I think I just needed the touch, my Omega feels clingy."

"It's probably because a lot of firsts just happened, your first heat and first time. On top of that, we mated. Your body is adjusting, to the mental and physical changes and the hormone overload. It's okay to be a little freaked out, Baby." Marcel soothes in the way he knows how, explaining why something happens. He rubs Harry's back, holding him tightly. Edward begins pulling them toward the table to settle in a chair. Marcel detaches from the hug, which causes Harry to whine and reach out.

"Calm down, Love. I'm just going to start on some food. It will make you feel better, I promise. You just sit with Ed, now and rest."

"But I should be doing that! I need to serve you. To be a good Omega!" Harry freaks out again, trying to detach himself from Edward's strong arms.

"Harry, what did I just tell you? You are our perfect Omega. Get that way of thinking out of your head, you don't need to serve us. If anything, we should be serving you, as our Omega. To spoil you like a princess."

Harry settles into Edward's lap, taking in what his mates have said, blushing at the new nicknames. "You're sure?" He asks timidly.

"Of course, we are," Edward says, pushing Harry's hair behind his ear from where it had fallen in his face. Marcel nods in agreement. "We don't want anything to change just because you now have our bite marks. The last few years were us courting you, and now you're our mate and the treatment continues. We don't want you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Okay?"

"Okay," Harry sighs as he lays his head on Edward's shoulder, turning to watch Marcel make chicken alfredo.

---- -----

Edward texts their mum two days later, giving them time to freshen up the house, making sure there is no trace of Harry's heat, and recover from the taxing time they went through before being bombarded by their obnoxious mum who knew nothing of privacy. It also gave them time to go grocery shopping, adding makeup, scent blockers, and Alpha booster to the list to cover their scents and hide their bites, something they all dreaded but knew needed to be done, at least until they moved out. 

The months pass without too many problems. Their parents still demand Harry takes the suppressants and getting them out of the house for their second rut/heat was a bit of a hassle but what came after was something they couldn't prepare for.

---- -----

Edward and Marcel had left for school. Harry was still recovering so they left him to rest. Their mum and father had left again and Edward had yet to alert them to their conscience states. 

Harry had moved into Edward's room to nap, as the nest was still deconstructed for the cleansing of their time together and they had yet to put it back together. While sleeping peacefully, his senses, which were heightened by his Alphas' absence, alert him to noise coming from within the house. Still groggy, he slowly regains consciousness as the noise travels up the stairs. As he is rolling over, the door opens, revealing his mum and father. 

"Edward? Why didn't you say you were out of rut, sweety? Who was the Omega you spent your rut with? They smell so nice." 

Harry panics. Then panics again when he hears, "Harry? Are you okay?" in his head. All his panicking distracts him from his mum coming towards the bed, reaching out to push his hair out of the way. "Oh fuck" Harry thinks to himself. "What's 'oh fuck', Haz?"  He registers his mum talking again before he can focus on what is happening inside his head.

"I don't see why you need your hair so long. It distracts from your handsome face." When the last curl is pushed from his face, his neck is exposed, showing, not only that he is not Edward, but his bite marks as well. His mum freezes.

"Harry? What are you doing in here? Why do you smell like an Omega? Why do you have bite marks? What is going on?"

"Hang on, Hazza. We're on our way!

"Mum. What are you doing home?" is all Harry can say. He is so confused and groggy and tired and scared. He wants his mates and he wants away from his mum and he certainly wants away from his Alpha father, who has marched over to where he is on the bed.

"What?! No son of mine will be an Omega! You are a disgrace to this family, you always were the weak one, holding your brothers back, dragging them down to your level. I knew I should have never kept you!"

He begins to drag Harry by the arm out of the room and down the stairs. He makes it to the front door when the garage door bursts open and two angry Alphas charge in. Marcel grabs Harry while Edward grabs their father, throwing him to the ground.

"Don't touch our mate." Edward and Marcel are growling, both in defense and comfort for their mate who is sobbing in Marcel's arms.

"He's your mate?! That can't be!" Their mum, who had followed their father downstairs, screeches. "He can't be your mate! You were supposed to find mates of your own, maybe all three of you mate a fine Omega together, and continue on the Meyers' name, take over the company!" By this point, she's hysterical.

"Look at what you're doing to your mum! Dismiss him and leave him now or get out of this house!" Their father is still on the floor, not even trying to help his mate, too frightened of Edward, who towers over him, eyes glowing green. 

"Will you give us a week? To set our affairs in order?" Marcel asks calmly, even while Harry sniffles in his arms, having calmed down with his mates around. They had been slowly moving their things from their rooms and their hideaway to their new home, continuing the weekend trips to set everything up. The main things needed now were the beds and the rest of their clothes they had left for everyday wear, leaving a formal outfit if needed. 

"You have a week. This... whore needs to go now." 

"Marcel take Harry, I'll pack up and meet you there."

"Where will you go? It's not like your friends will let you in once they hear about this, and they will, mark my words."

"Considering you have already kicked us out and are using it as a threat, I've no doubt about that. However, you don't need to worry about us. Like you so eloquently put it, we are leaving this house, meaning we are no longer your responsibilities."

"How will you do anything? It's all your father's money. We can take it back if we like!"

"Your threat is useless," Marcel interjects, "We are sixteen, the savings accounts you have in our names are ours now, you can only add money, you have no control after that, the accounts are fully ours." The triplets did a lot of research, understanding what they could and couldn't do based on their circumstance. Thankfully, the laws gave rights to early bonded mates, giving them more control over their lives than single wolves. 

"Well, you can't take the cars-"

"Also ours, we bought them with the money you gave us in our names, as well as the insurance."

"If you leave now, you can't come back."

This made the triplets pause. They still have the bed to move from their den, they had already taken the other furniture and stuff to their new place, and had to finish cleaning out their closets. If Marcel left with Harry, Edward won't be able to pack it all himself and move it in one car, plus they would leave a car behind. 

"I can go out and wait for you to pack as much as you can now into my car. Then you can pack the rest into your cars and meet me at home when you're ready." Harry mind-links to his brothers. "That should be enough room for everything left."

"You have the most space and biggest car, Haz, we need to rent a trailer to put the bed in."

"Or I can drive Marcel's since it's the smallest, and leave mine for you guys to pack, that way we can get out of here quickly."

"That makes the most sense, Ed," Marcel interjects.

"Well? What are you going to do? Changing your minds, no doubt. We gave you something to think about apparently," their mum begins to smirk at their apparent reluctance, mistaking their silence for consideration of their threats.

"Harry, go out." Their parents smirk, glaring at Harry. Harry turns, takes Marcel's keys when offered, and goes out to his car. 

"I knew my boys wouldn't disappoint me. Good on you for leaving that wretch."

Edward and Marcel growl at them before they turn to go upstairs. Finding the bags they had set aside for this purpose, they begin packing Harry's things, clothes and essentials, taking the sheets from his bed, everything they were planning on taking. Once they clear his room, they move on to Marcel's, repeating the process there as well. After they clear his room, they begin to take the bags out to Marcel's car. Their parents are still by the door and, on seeing what they are doing, become shocked, standing frozen and wide-eyed. 

Once the car is fully loaded, they hug Harry, scent-marking him to help calm him down from this day's stress and trying to tide him and themselves over until they complete the move and meet him in their new home. After a few minutes, they pull apart and send him off to begin unpacking and settling into their home.

Edward and Marcel watch him drive off before they turn to continue packing. Passing their mum and father on the way in, they make their way to the stairs. They pause when they hear their father speak. 

"You don't want to do this. He's not worth it. I'll make sure no one welcomes the Meyers boys into their homes, ever."

Edward and Marcel continue up to their old nest the dismantle the bed.

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