Big Time Songwriter

By AshlynnePotts

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Join Isabella Spade on her journey through out her own musical career along with four other boys from Minneso... More

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Big Time Crib

1.6K 31 4
By AshlynnePotts

I walked out by the pool to do a commercial with lightning the tv wonder dog. We were about ready to shoot it when the boys walked out here ruining the shot.

"What's this I didn't order extras."

"We live here."

"No this is the set for the sexy dog food commercial staring lightning the tv wonder dog and guest staring America's pop princess Isabella Spade."

"Hey lightning."

I walked over there in heals and a bikini ready to yell at the boys.

"Why do you guys have to ruin everything for me? Ever since you got here every thing started to get ruined for me. I almost missed my deadline for my new single that's about to be released in two weeks because I've been busy chasing you guys around with Kelly trying to keep you hockey heads in check. And not to mention this place is my childhood home and that studio you guys destroyed trying to get out of Gustavo's school was where I've been recording all of my songs since I was twelve years old. So thanks to you guys all of the memories that I made in there will be taken away from me, just like everything else since you got here. So do me a favor and stay away from me, the last thing I need is for my music career to spiral down hill because four hockey head playing hooligans keep breaking everything they touch. Now get off of my set so one thing goes right for me."

After my little rant the boys ran inside the lobby as fast as they could.

"Okay people let's get to work."

I sat down next to lightning and pater my lap for lightning to lay on. Lightning arrived at the Palm Woods not to long after I got there and I've been taking care of him since he first arrived. In fact his owners gave me custody of him because they just couldn't take care of him anymore. So lightning now lives with me in my apartment.

After we shot the commercial I picked up lightning and carried him upstairs to my apartment so we could get some rest for the night.

When I woke up in the morning Gustavo called me into the studio to help him with something. So I decided to bring lightning with me.

I put on Lightning's caller and leash and walked over to the studio.

"Bella you made it, I need your help. And I can hold Lightning?"

"Sure. What do you need my help with."

"Follow me to the conference room."

I handed lightning over to Gustavo and lightning immediately started to lick Gustavo's face, I couldn't help but smile. So o pulled out my phone and took a picture of them together.

When we walked into the conference room I saw the boys and a marketer at the front of the table.

"Bella what's lightning doing here."

"None of your business."

Kelly looked over at me and smiled when she saw lighting with me.

"Bella can I hold him?"


I handed lightning over to Kelly and he loved her so much that he gave her kisses just like he did with Gustavo.

After the marketing team explained the teen crib to the boys Griffin walked in.

"Put a swirly slide in my office."

"Griffin I don't know what this is, but I need to work with the dogs on harmonies today."

"Change your plans. Our ancient Japanese founder Mr.Fuijizaci wants to dump our music devision. But your boys are going to change his mind."

"And we get to live in there?"

"Yes, for two hours. But you have to do a promotional video, surrounded by rcm/cbt/ global net/ sanyoid products, which will show Fuijizaki why our future rock stars are perfect for selling his blenders, plasma tvs, and missile defense systems. Oh, and do some interviews. You know, why they love to sing, why they wear that helmet, and why they love rcm/cbt/ global net/sanyoid arcade games, industrial-strength playground slides, and the new xz5 micro laptop. Look how tiny. Here Bella you can have it."

"We could all wear bandannas. It could be our thing."

"No bandannas."

"Griffin you can't keep coming into my office and interrupting my training sessions."

"Yes I can. And do the interviews by the water. Fuijzaci thinks water is lucky. It's weird."

"But you want a performance in the teen hangout crib?"

"Exactly. And I need it in two days or the music division will be gone. But have fun with it."

"Okay we can build the teenage hangout crib here in studio 'A'. I find a nice beach location and put in some calls for a hot director."

"I'm a hot director and we're doing everything here because it's easier, quicker, and cheaper. You I want to show you where you're gonna build this thing."

"Hey Kelly do you mind if I use studio 'B' to work on my song."

"No I don't mind and I don't think Gustavo will ether."

"Great thanks Kelly. You know where to find me if you need me for anything."

I walked over to Gustavo's office and grabbed my guitar, some blank music sheets, and my song book. Then I made my way over studio 'B' to work on my song for my new and up coming album Play It Loud.

I put my acoustic guitar down and picked up an electric guitar and hooked it up to an amp. I played around with the beat for a little bit until I found the right one and continued to play that for a little bit while I was thinking of lyrics

When I finally came up with the right lyrics I called my band over to the studio so we could record it.

I was walking over to the dance studio to record so I could record my song when I got a call from an unknown number.

"Who are you and how did you get this number."

"Bella it's Kendall I need your help."

"How did you get my number."

"I asked Buddha Bob for it."

"I will not help you with whatever it is that you are planing to do behind Gustavo's back because I have a song to record."

"Can't you put it off for a few minutes."

"No because unlike you don't want to jeopardize my career and get in trouble with Griffin."

"Fine, I'll go to Camille."

I hung up the phone and walked over to control room where you could see into studio 'A'. I noticed that something was wrong. I only saw three shadows instead of 10 or 12.

I ran out and bumped into Kelly.

"Whoa Bella what's wrong?"

"Aren't there supposed to be like 10 or 12 people building the set in there?"


"I hate to break it to you but there are only 3 in there and one of them is Carlos"

"What are you taking about?"

"Kendall called me asking for my help with something I don't know what, but I have a feeling that the set isn't in there and I have a plan to find out that it's not."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

I ran into the bathroom and changed into a jumpsuit and hard hat and walked back out.

"This should do the trick."

I opened the door and saw Camille, Carlos, and Katie but no teen hangout crib.

"Carlos, what are you and the boys up too?"


I grabbed Carlos by his shirt and pulled him off the floor and slammed him into a wall.

"I'm not going to ask again. What are you and the boys up too?"

"We're building the teen hangout crib in our apartment."

"Thank you."

I walked back out with a smile on my face.

"The boys are building the set in their apartment."

"How did you get that information so easily?"

"I have my ways."

"Now let's go bust those boys."

Me and Kelly walked back to the Palm Woods and found Gustavo chasing James around the pool. Not going to lie James looked hot.

So to save his pretty face from getting destroyed by Gustavo I ran out there and jumped in the middle, grabbed James by his shirt pulled him down to my level and kissed him. He seemed surprised at first but he kissed me back.

"I may or may not have secretly liked you when you first got here."

"I like you too Isabella."



"I'd prefer it if you called me Bella from now on, and I'm still going to act like I hate you guys even though I don't."

"That's fine."

"Let's keep this a secret from the rest of the guys."

"I can do that."

"Good now let's go see how your apartment turned out."

I walked back into the lobby and Kelly walked up to me.

"What was that about."

"I was feeling spontaneous."

After a little chat with Kelly we went upstairs to the boys apartment. When we got there I was genuinely surprised that they managed to do all of this.

James was jumping on the couch, Carlos and Katie went down the swirly slide, Logan was playing with dome hockey thing, and Kendall was shock.

After we shot the video the set designer started taking apart the set and the boys started to complain about all of the fancy new toys being taken away.

"Oh, I'm sorry did you guys really think that you could put smart Gustavo."

"Yeah did you guys really think that you guys would get to keep this stuff?"

"That's cute, that's real cute. We'll let me tell you something that's not how it works. Just because you move the set doesn't mean you get to keep it."

"She's right. But we did get some pretty good stuff today. But let's hope Fuijizaci thinks so tomorrow."

The next day the video was shown to Fuijizaci and he said that he loves the boys. But not as much as I love James.

"So we learned something's didn't we? You did somethings. We did somethings."

"Ten hours of harmonies no breaks."

The boys sighed and walked with their heads down.

"Hey Bella."

"Yes Gustavo?"

"If that hockey playing hooligan breaks your heart you let me know."

"Will do."

"Oh and Bella why don't you head over to the boys apartment. I'm going to give them the crib back and I want you there to surprise them."

"Okay, I can do that."

I walked out of rocque records and made my way back to the Palm Woods. When I got there I was about to make my way to the boys apartment when bitters stoped me.

"Bella, wait someone left something for you."

"What is it?"

"Here, there's a note too."

I grabbed the flowers from bitters and head back to my apartment to set them down and then head over the the boys apartment.

'I hope you like these. James.'

I couldn't help but smile at the note that James left with the flowers.

When I got to the boys apartment I saw Mrs.Knight sitting on the couch and Katie eating at the top of the swirly slide.

"Hey Mrs.Knight Gustavo told me to come by and surprise the boys."

"Well, you must be Bella."

"I take it the boys told you about me."

"Yes they did, and I'm so happy to meet you."

"It's good to meet you too Mrs.Knight."

When the boys got back they walked in with their heads down and I smiled and Mrs.knight looked happy to see them as well.

"Well I love what you've done with the place."

The boys looked up in shock to see that they had the crib back.

"Good job today."

"This is awesome."

"This is a bone."

"Come again?"

"I Realized today, sort of that if you want to train dogs properly, you need to throw them a rest every once in a while. So enjoy your treat you're not getting anymore."

"We lost a dog of rehearsal because of the shoot, so it's at the studio 7:30 am."

"We'll be there. No problem."

"We promise no more surprises."

After the boys said that Bitters can crashing through the supply closet.

"You've altered this room. You've completely devastated this apartment."

"You locked him in a supply closet."

"No bandanna man did."

"This is a total lease violation. Man cool swirly slide. I want all of you out of here tomorrow."

"What if I add another grand to your making it happed fee."

"Have a Palm Woods day everyone. Enjoy your stay."

I just looked at the boys disappointed they hadn't noticed me.

"What am I invisible?"

The boys all turned around surprised once more and then they all ran and hugged me. And I couldn't help but laugh.

Okay maybe I'm starting to like the boys but I won't admit it to them.

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