Blessed By Maniae {A Mafia Ro...

By Edla_Marcella

23.1K 548 54

Maniae ~ Spirits personifying insanity, madness, and crazed frenzy Dante Stefan Leonardo Salvatore wa... More

~Side note~
15. ARDOR~


373 13 8
By Edla_Marcella

~Epiphany ~a moment of sudden revelation 


One word, pissed.

Right now I couldn't be fucking bothered with the fact that he kissed another woman or that he shoved it in my face but the fact that it was fucking Gabriella. That woman can't stomach shit, especially not about being kissed by the head of the syndicate.

It's like a badge of fucking honor for her

If I don't do the damage control, this shit will be all over Romano Estate too and I can't have that. Not when I'm supposed to be the fucking enforcer. The anger that was coursing through my viens didn't even give space to jealously, Dante's utter disregard for my rank had pissed me off bad.

I knock on Luca's office thrice, waiting for a second before I did it again, I was running low on patience. He muttered a come in and I yank the door open.

"Walk with me, outside the building" I muttered, staring at him. He narrows his eyes at me, keeping the pen down.

"Heard about the reports"

"And?" I ask, tapping my heels against the heels

"I don't believe th-

"Then walk with me" I cut him off, not wanting to hear the damn speech he was ready to offer.

"I also know that my Don thought it was me who got his wife pregnant, you're going to get me killed Adriana" he groans, slapping his hand over his eyes as he shuts the files close, lying in front of him. Still, he gets up and follows me outside.

"Gabriella's part of your squad right? Trains under you?" I breathe, fuck me, I'm going to torture a woman because my husband can't keep it in his fucking pants, but, she did look very smug, didn't she now?

"Yes, do I have to kill her? The next training session starts in twenty-five minutes" he arches his eyebrow, laughing

"No, you have to do me a favor" I muttered

"Favour? it's called an order. You're the Donna"

"Favour, because no one is going to know about this" I hiss at him and he nods his head at me.

"Dante kissed her, and she won't fucking shut up about it" I sigh and Luca grimaces, pretending to throw up and I roll my eyes at him. He certainly doesn't act like a grown fucking man.

"You want me to make sure that she does" he summarises


"Consideralo fatto"

I sigh, nodding my head, the sudden realization dawning on me, being at home isn't going to be easy now. The normal me and Dante were used to won't work anymore, I'd probably snap if he even as much as touched me now.

"You're fucked" he laughs

"Not more than you" I huff, looking up at him. He sighs too, his mood dampening as he smiled through those sad eyes.

"True" he mumbled

"My pregnant wife doesn't want this marriage, people think I beat her and fuck around" he groans

"You do fuck around" I muttered, rolling my eyes

"Because she's had that boy toy of her's before and through our fucking marriage-

"And I told you, you should kill him before she gets killed for sleeping around" I shrug, looking up at him. Luca was a painful exception, not exactly, but he came close to that. Cheating wife and he is in love with her.

"She'd fucking hate me Adriana" he snaps, glaring down at me.

"At least she'd be alive to do that" I chuckle, earning another glare. If I wasn't married to his boss, he would have landed a punch by now, I was sure of that. Before he could snap back at me with something violent, my eyes find Dante.

I see him walk out from the front exit, walking- no storming towards his car. I know he'll turn, to look at me, he'd notice my eyes on him even if I was standing feet away. And he doesn't disappoint, looking me in the eye before his eyes drift towards his enforcer, narrowing.

"Fuck, you'll get me killed" Luca whispers harshly, scurrying off towards his boss. I see them talking, I already know Luca is going to throw up everything I asked him to do right now, he may pull favors for me but his loyalty lies with Dante.

I see a small smirk light up my husband's face as he looks up at him, his smirk widening as he sensed my irritation. I fucking hate men, at least made men. I sneer at him, hating that he has this control over me. Fuck. I keep my head down and walk towards my car, dialing Ariana.

"Are you still at my apartment?" I breathe, resting my fingers on my forehead. It was way too early for me to have a migraine.


"Can I crash for a while?" I ask softly, I didn't want to be a bother but I didn't want to be alone right now. Dominic wasn't an option, and knowing my husband he's certainly going to him.

"Whenever you want baby, what's wrong?" she says softly, concern seeping through her voice. Ah fuck, that question.

"Nothing, I just-

I stop. I didn't want to tell her, I hated Dante at this moment but I still didn't want our families involved. Whether I like it or not, I am stuck with this man and I don't intend to make our relationship public business.

"Never mind, just come over" she sighs, sensing my hesitation

It's easy with Ariana, unlike Dominic and Dante she respected boundaries, she doesn't pester, gives you time. So I send the day listening to gossip, who fucked whom at the Estate. Which married man cheated on his wife, men my sister sought after.

She whines about Dominic being a controlling ass and I laugh at that, she asks about married life and I just shrug. Mine is shit. She notices my shift in mood and puts on a stupid movie, a romantic movie. It makes me more bitter, that's the last thing I wanted to watch.

I don't realize how long I'd stayed at her place till Alex calls me, telling me my husband was drunk out of his mind and frantically searching for me. Apparently, this is the second time he had drank today, the first time he went to a strip club. Just my fucking luck. I don't tell Ariana that, just that it was late. She asks me if everything was okay, already knowing the answer but I still nod. It's nothing I can't handle.

The drive is hardly ten minutes. I hear him before my eyes land on him, I hurry out of the car, sighing when I see Alex supporting Dante. He can't even stand, he's wasted. He immediately notices me, rejoicing as he says my name on top of his voice, stumbling towards me. Immediately my arms go around him, holding him steady. He smelt like strawberries, he smelt like other women, he smelt like a strip club. I have a sudden urge to push him away and leave but I don't want to act up in front of Alexander.

"I thought you left me for good, little one" he breathes beside my ear, his arms around my neck. I was sure we looked comical, a six feet four man crouching down to my height with his face buried in my neck.

"You'd like that, won't you" I muttered in distaste, my palm landing on the back of his head, holding him close

"Never" he sighs, his teeth nipping at the bare skin of my neck. I push him away but his hold tightens, I wasn't a fool to believe he was any less strong when drunk.

"You want help putting him to bed?" Alex muttered, looking at me with narrowed eyes. Right, he knows about those reports too.

"No, I'll manage" I look at him, wanting him to leave. One man at a day, I would snap if he started with his moral science class here. I narrow my eyes back at him daring him to ask. They shine with defiance and hate?

"Whose child are you carrying Adriana" he spat

"You think he'd be here if I were fucking pregnant Alexander" I snap back, I've had enough for the day. I've had enough of cheating, lying, manipulative pieces of shit police me around today. They can't even get their act right.

"He would, he loves you enough for that, but then you've always been blind to that Adriana. So whose child is it Ana?" he snarls, stepping closer to me. Before I could reply Dante turns around, looking murderous in his drunk state.

"Don't talk to my wife like that" he growls out and Alex backs off momentarily, just till Dante is back to cradling me, then he's glaring at me again.

"None of your fucking business Alex, and it's Donna" I snap, glaring at him. We glare at each other for a moment but then he withdraws, giving me a hateful nod before he drives away.

I sigh, looking at the man in my arms, he's beautiful, and irresistible. Feels like home, he feels safe even if he is in no state to protect me right now. It takes a red stain on his shirt for all those feelings to go down the drain, lipstick or gloss?

"Let's get you inside big guy" I mumble, forcing him to stand straight as I led us both into the house, settling him on the couch. He collapses on the couch, half-awake as he rested his head on the pillow. I pour him a glass of water, bringing it to his lips. I tuck those long locks of hair behind his ear, combing away each strand blocking his view, pulling the glass away as soon as he was done.

"Will you hate me again in the morning?" he asks, softly. He looks like a child, with tired green eyes peering up at me, desperate for an answer. I press my lips against his cheeks, not able to help myself, he is a drug and I am the addict.

"I still hate you for what you did, I just care about you more" I say, hoping he won't remember anything in the morning. Not what I have said, nor what I'm going to say.

He shakes his head at me

"I can't hate you sugar" he grins at me, sloppily. He looks tired, exhausted actually.

"That's not my name" I shake my head, finding myself grinning at him

"You're sweet and delicious, so I'll call you sugar" he grins mischievously, leaning forward and pulling me close as he wrapped his arms around my hips, burying his head against my torso. He hums in satisfaction, and then shamelessly he lifts my shirt and I let him. His tongue circles my navel, fingers tracing my scar-ridden torso.

"Dante, no" I gasp, we can't fucking do this

"Because I'm drunk? He whines

"Si, and you were just fucking some other woman. I can't do this" I swallow, a bitter taste in my mouth. Someone needs to tattoo this across my forearm as a constant reminder, I am pathetic, meek, and a submissive fuck that gives into every demand of Dante Salvatore.


"No" he mumbles, standing up

"Dante, you're drunk and tired. Let me take you to bed" I sigh, I was emotionally exhausted, I just wanted to be left alone.

"I've never slept with a woman beside you" he grins, his mouth close to mine. I still at that comment of his, even if I knew it was a white lie.

"We haven't slept together Dante" I chuckle, shaking my head. It's a weird conversation to have with a drunk man. Even more so because he made me realize why men in this world are dead possessive, the idea of painting a person with just you, your memories, your body, and your soul when they are a blank canvas is exhilarating.

The very thought of being the only woman in his life, ever to have existed was exhilarating.

"Exactly" he smiles, a dazzling smile.

"Come on, let's get you to bed" I muttered, cutting the conversation short. This is the last thing I need. I drag him to the nearest room, settling him on the bed. He struggles with his button so I shrug his hands off.

I was feeling up his dick yesterday, I doubt stripping him for bed would do more damage.

Undo his shirt, helping him out of it, going for his buckle next. I undo his zipper and he helps himself out of it before collapsing on the bed. I shut off the lights ready to leave.

"Sugar" he whispers, his voice soft, cautious.

"Leo" I sigh, turning to him

"C'm here" he asks

"Yeah?" I as softly, bending down to his level. His rough hands meet the back of my neck, pulling me even closer. His lips against my ear, sent shivers down my spine as his tongue ran across my skin, hot breath fanning against me.

"I love you sugar"

I forget how to breathe, frozen in my position as I hear my heart beat out of my chest. I know he was drunk, didn't mean it but I couldn't help the blood thumping in my ears, making my heart race. I let my body run wild for a moment, shudder at his touch, and bask in attention before I reign myself in. Before I could come back, he presses his lips against mine, it's a small peck.

"Sleep Dante" I breathe, my breath flattering as I struggled to breathe. This man knows how to keep on my toes, even when he is drunk.

I scurry out of the room, running back to my room with my heart beating out of my chest. Why the fuck does it have to be me, always? I send a quick text to Ariana before I strip out of my clothes and slide into bed, hoping I fall asleep. I had been in this place long enough to fall asleep comfortably but to my misfortune, I don't. 

 I toss ad turn, begging for sleep to come. I realize it's because I've gotten very used to Dante, his weight on me, his smell. At one point I get up and change into his shirt, hoping that I could sleep. I spend hours awake, staring at the ceiling, images of Gabriela and Dante seldom flashing. The cycle continues till I hear doors banging, it startles me at first but then I hear his thundering footsteps

"Adriana" I hear him call, I know he's sobered up. He is the blessed one, doesn't know what a hangover is. I don't respond, hoping he'd just go back to bed. I didn't want to talk to him, not so soon after that drunk conversation.

I won't be able to look him in the eye

I hear his thundering footsteps in my corridor, stopping in front of my door. He knocks twice, waiting but I still don't respond as my eyes flicker over the night clock, three in the fucking morning. He knocks again, more aggressively this time.

"What do you want Dante" I croak, hoping he'd stay there, on the other side of the door and away from me. I don't know how to act around him anymore, I don't know how to keep my self-respect anymore. This man is going to ruin me.

"I'm coming in" he announces after a pause, his voice soft, almost as if he was asking for permission. I just hold my breath when I hear the door creak open, light falling in.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" he asks softly, voice drained of all the aggression it was carrying minutes ago. His eyes holding mine.

I don't know how to sleep without you beside me anymore

"I was sleeping before you started shouting" I say, my demeanor hostile. His eyes don't leave mine, sizing me up before he concluded I was lying. He tells me to get up and I give him an incredulous look, has he fucking lost it?

"No, go back to your room Dante" I breathe, clenching my jaw. I really don't want to talk to him right now.

"It wasn't a request Adriana, get up" he snaps, determination lighting his eyes. He walks to my bedside, standing over me. I pull the comforter over closer, feeling conscious under his gaze.


"I might just let it slip that you and I aren't sleeping in the same bed, in front of your mother. How do you think that's going to pan out" he says, his voice soft and expression smug. I give him an incredulous look, he can't be fucking serious. Mum would tear me apart, probably tell Gina too.

"You won't stoop that low" I breathe

"If that means you sleep better, I will" he shrugs, smirking like a fucking idiot. I wanted to punch those perfect dentures. Asshole

"I'm not a fucking charity case" I snap, sitting up straight

"Was I a charity case when you helped my drunk self?" he retorts, folding his arms across his chest. He looked mouth-watering, dressed only in sweats and a sheen covering his naked torso. Fuck me.

"I don't want to Dante, don't fucking do this" I gritted out

"I don't care, get up" he grunts, narrowing his eyes at me. He may be doing this so I could sleep peacefully but he was deriving some kind of sick pleasure out of my misery.

I throw the covers off me, standing up on my feet. He watches me like a hawk as I pick up my phone and start walking out of the room, not waiting for him. He maintains his distance till we reach the room and then he slams shut the door.

"Adriana" he muttered, his fingers curling around my arm, pulling me back towards him. I refuse to look at him even though we are pressed together, my back against his front. He nudges my face towards him, his touch soft in contrast with his voice.

"Please" he mumbles

I sigh, turning to him, waiting for him to say something. I don't believe I'm capable of talking right now or listening to his confessions, still, I stand my ground, looking at him. He steps close, till I'm breathing him in, till his lips are pressed against my ear. I hear him mutter a sorry, his voice rough.

I shut my eyes, reminding myself of the time I walked in on Gabriela on his lap, reminding myself why that sorry wasn't acceptable. I shake my head. Pushing him away, wanting some distance

"Don't do this Dante" I say, my fingers around his wrist, looking up at him.

"I'm not moving till we talk" he grunts, pulling me back to him, and yet I don't struggle. A sick part of me enjoyed his embrace.

"You had enough chances to talk, each time you decided to turn to other women" I mutter, a bitter taste in my mouth. He looks defeated, but his grip is strong. Refusing to leave.

"Gabriela was a fucking mistake, the strip club was Dominic's choice. I was just there for alcohol. And I was in the reserved area, without all the women" he breathes, shutting his eyes as disgust washed over his features, his fingers digging into my skin painfully.

"How many times?" I swallow, finally looking him in the eye. He almost looks pained by the question and that makes me want to run.

"Once, today"

"And other women?"

"Fuck" he muttered, raking fingers through his hair "There are no other women Adriana, I fucked up, I- What do I need to do to make you believe me?" he stutterers, tugging at his hair as he looked down. Frustrated.

"You were doing good, and then you did Gabriela" I shrug, cracking a smile

"I didn't do her, fuck. Believe me for once. Tell me what I need to do to fix this." he pleads, his arms going around my waist, pressing me against him. My arms reciprocate his actions, my nails digging into his skin as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I don't know Leo, what do you want me to say, that I forgive you?" I whisper, my voice soft. I had never seen Dante like this, pleading, distraught, not angry. I don't how to deal with him, he could have been an absolute fucking asshole to me but I couldn't, I didn't want to push him off the edge.

"No, I want you to tell me that we'll be okay. That you'd forgive me one day" he sighs

I nod my head at him, slowly

"I think so, eventually" I mutter, honestly, it was inevitable. I know there would be a day, I won't hold this against him, when I wouldn't feel like carving out Gabriela's heart. We stand in silence for a moment, in each other's embrace. Dante's hands don't venture off, he seems content holding me, tracing circles against his shirt.

"Does this mean I don't need to call you Adriana anymore?" he asks, burying his head in my neck, humming against my skin

"Probably" I answer

"Does this mean I can kiss you now?" he frowns and I can't help but laugh, nodding my head.

"You won't fuck me over like in the morning?" His frown deepens

I shake my head in a no, standing on my toes and pressing my lips against his. Fuck it. His hands slide down beneath my ass, pulling me to his height, his other hand around my neck as he took control of the kiss. I moan against his mouth, burying my fingers in his hair. He holds me close, crushing me against him. The kiss wasn't our usual, tongue and hands, no. It's just him kissing me softly, holding me.

"You smelt like strawberries, women, and your shirt had a red stain too" I grunt, narrowing my eyes at him. I'm a smitten, desperate fuck, not an idiotic one.

"That was Dominic's one of many women for the day, got there before me, I threw all of em out" he sighs, and for some reason, I believe him.

I'm an idiotic fuck too now.

"I meant what I said downstairs sunshine, it's always been you. Everyone seems to fucking know that except you" he mumbles, pulling me back up against him and I bury my face in his chest. How the fuck do I like this more than gossiping with my sister?

"Everything I said downstairs and -

"Can we just go to sleep, please?" I blurt out, not looking at him. I know where this is going and I don't like it, at all. I don't know how to respond, I don't know what to say. Dante seems to realize that as he pushes me back, clutching my face between his fingers and obviously he finds it amusing.

He smirks at me

"I meant all of it" he repeats

He leans in, flashing his teeth at me, very pleased with himself as he feels my heart beat faster. Thumping against my chest.

"I love you sugar" he repeats as I watch him my jaw on the floor, my pulse quickening.


"Don't give me an answer, not until you forgive me. My personal hell" he smiles at me, his eyes sad. I cock my head to a side, looking at my husband. He's fucking gorgeous, drop-dead, tall, lean, all muscle, an absolute sweetheart, and the head of the syndicate. Some might say romantic too, what the fuck does he see in me?

"Of course you do, what is there to not love" I sass, giggling, dangling off him as my arms tighten around his neck.

"Fuck yes, the ass, the perfect tits, and the sweet smart mouth that fuels my ego? Not to mention the pretty face" he grins back, sliding his lips against mine, moaning my name, gripping my thighs.

"My body, why did I expect anything else from you" I moan, pretending annoyance.

"I fucking missed this" he murmurs against my lips, gripping my ass

"It's not even been twenty-four hours, pathetic" I laugh, pretending as if I didn't feel the same way. Desperate and longing for attention. He narrows his eyes at me, smirking.

"I heard what you asked Luca-

"Now we should really sleep, we have the joint meeting on Saturday and I have to prepare for it the whole week with Dominic and Alessandro I need sleep" I grunt, rolling my eyes at him. Of course, he told him.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart" he chuckles, lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I laugh, pinching his back and he hisses doing the same. And before I can respond he tosses me on the bed, climbing up against me, pressing a kiss behind my ear. His hands parted my legs, wrapping them around his torso.

"I really fucking love you sugar" he whispers against my lips

"Will you keep calling me sugar?" I smile, combing his hair away, it looks so good on him. I press my lips against him, he's a fucking sweetheart and an asshole.

"Every time I profess my love for you"

He flips us around, me on top of him, my face pressed against his chest. His hand snake up the shirt I'm wearing and I don't protest, for some odd reason, it felt comforting today. He traces a scar, the ugliest one. It was deep, white, and disgustingly prominent. His finger venture further up, lingering against the strap.

"Undo it, probably why I couldn't sleep"

"If you say so sunshine" he laughs, snapping it open. I sit up straight, taking it off my sleeve before I lie back down on him.

"I got in fight with mamma, over what she'd said" he tells me and I can help but sigh in relief, that woman is too fucking much for me to handle. I'd probably have slit her throat if she weren't my mother-in-law. We move on from that topic, Dante tells me about his day, between all the drinking he did.

Went to the strip club, tortured a man, paperwork, killed two men, briefed his capos, fought with his mother, and then alcohol, again.

"I've another secret to tell you" I say, digging my chin in his sternum. I wanted it off my chest, this is what we fought about to start with. He seems to catch on, pulling me up. His curious eyes coast over me, trying to come up with a name before I give it to him.

"That report, it was Ariana's"


Do you think Dante manipulated her? 

Or does he actually love her

Either way, he's still an asshole

Whose point of view should I continue with?

Also, I'm so sorry for the late update, caught up with exams :( Excuse all the typos and discrepancies, I'll edit em soon!!

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Edla Marcella

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