Lady of Death & Daughter of M...

By YonaDawn2020

26K 737 208

Alvara Arethusa Potter, daughter of lady magic and deaths lady, called 'The-Girl-Who-Lived' has been lied to... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Tutors, Books, & Magic!
Chapter 3: The Meeting...
Chapter 4: Train, Sorting, Chaos!
Chapter 5 - Awakenings, Bonds, Delusions
Chapter 6 - SHIT!!!

Chapter 7 -

1.9K 70 14
By YonaDawn2020




~' Parseltongue'~ Talk

~ Parseltongue ~ Thoughts

~" Beast Talk "~



 "You have my permission and blessing... I know you will treat her well, tom" She spoke. "In the old traditions, The mother of the bride-to-be is the one who gives the final say in who she mates. As well as the fact that you didn't give in to your primal instinct. You helped her through her first wave. Without bonding with her fully. You showed me you have restraint. By my right and an old tradition, you may wed my daughter... Now I believe I am not needed as of now, I would like grandchildren in the future, she's much too young and in a difficult situation right now to have a litter... " She said as I heard my mates please, though in our language. The other two were gone as she placed what I can only assume as silencing, notice-me-not, wards, and others I was not familiar with, though they gave off a feeling of privacy. Closing the dark wood door, I stare down at my mate.

With her mother's permission and blessings, My creature broke from the bounds I placed on him to keep me from railing her into oblivion the moment I saw her. Well, who am I to deny my mate when she called for me to help?


Alvara -

When I woke again, I was alone. Alone in a cold bed. Where is mate? I remember him being here when I rested. Did he reject me? No, he wouldn't have helped me through the first wave if he did. I felt my mother's presence at the door. Looking over I saw my mate talking to her. 

~' Mate... help... please, it burns'~ I spoke in our tongue. I could see him stiffen slightly at my calling. I wanted him. Needed him inside me. I wanted him to claim me as his and only his. His to mate. His to claim. His to breed

I felt my mother's magic ward the room off from the others outside and any intrusion. I felt peace and privacy come from the wards. I knew it was not a good time for a litter, but damn it to hell and back I wanted his kits. I wanted a family with him. 

I watched him as he closed the dark wood door. I could feel his crimson eyes on my form. My eyes trained on him as I watched every movement he made. He slowly takes his robe off and allows his creature to partially take over. 

Following his lead, I slowly sit up to allow my creature partial take over. My normal eyes now had a ring of royal violet around my pupils. My fangs grew lightly as my body glows very faintly. My inheritance shows fully to him and only to him. 

I watch as scales appear on his form. From his shoulders to his biceps, his jaw towards his collar bone, his sides to his waist. I wondered if he had scales on his back as well. Soon dark crimson, almost black feathered wings appeared from his back. They were beautiful and suit him well. His ears were pointed as well. Though they were not as long as mine. His dark brown hair grew just past his waist and his pupils turned into slits. He was gorgeous, divine, a deity in mortal flesh. Shadows formed around him, darkening everything around his body as he walked closer to my nest. 

"My dear mate, what is it you wish for me to do?" He asked. His voice was deeper and as smooth as velvet. His voice alone was making my mind mush. He never once attempted to enter my nest. He was following the courting ways of my creature. I purred lightly as my creature acknowledged the courting. He can not enter unless I have permitted him to do so. He can not touch me unless I make the first move. All he can do until then is wait, watch, and speak to me. 

He must complete three tasks of my choosing to prove himself as a mate. As I am of royal blood, my mate must prove he can provide for me. He must prove he has restraint and patience. He must be able to magically dominate me but not restrain me. 

"I feel hungry. I would like something to eat." I spoke calmly. He smiled gently before calling an elf to bring us food periodically with snacks in between.  As I ate the food he ordered I noticed he didn't get much meat for me. I smiled gently at the thoughtfulness. As a submissive/omega and my creature, I don't eat much meat because of my nature. I will mostly eat fish, fruit, and vegetables. 

After finishing our meal I laid down on my side to rest a little before my next wave. During this time, a dominant must wait and restrain themselves. I watch him slowly walk around my room while staying in my line of sight. My heart flutters every time he asks me if I wanted or needed something every hour or so. He was a very tentative alpha. 

Warmth spread in between my thighs before becoming a roaring burning pain. I couldn't hold the whimper that escaped me.  He soon was close to my nest, on his knees whispering sweet words.

"It will be alright my sweet mate." He whispered before my magic flooded the room. I heard him let out a deep groan before releasing his magic to dominate my own before they converged into one. 

"My mate... you've done well... I need you, please..." I spoke out between pants of breath. I gently stroked his cheek before he kissed my palm. He smiled while looking into my eyes. 

"Are you truly fine with being mine for all eternity? To be mine to love and hold? To protect and cherish? To be my mate forever more?" He spoke calmly. My breath hitched as my creature yipped with excitement in my mind. My eyes start to water as I smile gently. Slightly lifting my body with what little strength I had, I gently kiss him on the lips. 

"Yes, my alpha," I whispered when I finally pulled away. 

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