Demon Sovereignty: Retake Our...

By SaitoOnyx

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Demons are mysterious beings that can blend into their surroundings and appear as regular humans. They are be... More

โ„™๐”ธโ„๐•‹ -๐Ÿ™
[Era of Humanity] Part 1: Brotherly Bond
[Era of Humanity] Part 2: Embers of Hope Amidst the Storm
[Era of Humanity] Part 3: The Final Dawn Before the War
[Era of Humanity] Part 4: The Eternal Flame of the Human Soul
[Era of Humanity] Part 5: Aftermath
[Era of Humanity] Part 6: Unwanted Visitors
[Era of Humanity] Part 7: A Heartless Battle
[Era of Humanity] Part 8: Kana's Backstory
Demon Sovereignty - Manga
[Era of Humanity] Part 9: Eclipse of Heart
[Era of Humanity] Part 10: The Unseen Lament
[Era of Humanity] Part 11: Contact
[Era of Humanity] Part 12: Awakening
[Era of Humanity] Part 13: The World Preparations
[Era of Humanity] Part 14: Fearlessness
[Era of Humanity] Part 15: The Soul Bound to Nothingness
[Era of Downfall] Part 16: A Demon's Mind
[Era of Downfall] Part 17: Harakiri Azrael
[Era of Downfall] Part 18: Hellbound
[Era of Demonity] Part 19: Demon Awakening
[Era of Demonity] Part 20: God Demon Xerxes
[Era of Demonity] Part 21: Demon Behind the Stars
[Era of Demonity] Part 22: Organization Judgement
[Era of Demonity] Part 23: Double-Crossers
[Era of Demonity] Part 24: Fulfilled Plans
[Era of Demonity] Part 25: God's Volition
[Era of Demonity] Part 26: Aura
[Era of Demonity] Part 27: Messenger of God
[Era of Demonity] Part 28: Onyx's Decision
[Era of Demonity] Part 29: Bloodbath! Demonic Wrath
[Era of Demonity] Part 30: Shan-Rai
[Era of Demonity] Part 31: Death of Judgement
[Era of Demonity] Part 32: The God's Sight
[Era of Demonity] Part 33: Asher's Might
[Era of Demonity] Part 34: Energy Impulse
[Era of Old Demonity] Part 35: Snake Around the Heart (1)
[Era of Old Demonity] Part 36: Snake Around the Heart (2)
[Era of Old Demonity] Part 37: Snake Around the Heart (3)
[Era of Demonity] Part 39: Organization Atlas
[Era of Demonity] Part 40: The System of Atlas
[Era of Demonity] Part 41: Disbelief in Belief
[Era of Demonity] Part 42: The Former Planet of Shan-rai
[Era of Demonity] Part 43: Ice of Misery
[Era of Demonity] Part 44: Line of War
[Era of Old Demonity] Part 45: A Group of Love and Black Fire (1)
[Era of Old Demonity] Part 46: A Group of Love and Black Fire (2)
[Era of Old Demonity] Part 47: A Group of Love and Black Fire (3)
[Era of Demonity] Part 48: Harbingers of Power: S Abilities
[Era of Demonity] Part 49: The Devil's Burning Touch
[Era of Demonity] Part 50: The Black Pressure
[Era of Demonity] Part 51: A Group of Love and Black Fire (4) {Hisa's Powers!}
[Era of Demonity] Part 52: Bloodied Rose Petals
[Era of Demonity] Part 53: Red Storm
[Era of Demonity] Part 54: An Unexpected Smile
[Era of Demonity] Part 55: God's Movement
[Era of Demonity] Part 56: The Broken Mask
[Era of Old Demonity] Part 57: The God Slasher - Clan Omo (1)
[Era of Old Demonity] Part 58: The God Slasher - Clan Omo (2)
[Era of Demonity] Part 59: Spectral! The Walking Vengeance!
[Era of Demonity] Part 60: Sagakiri Family
[Era of Demonity] Part 61: Changing Universe
[Era of Demonity] Part 62: Self Image
[Era of Demonity] Part 63: Sword of Blaze
[Era of Demonity] Part 64: Rain of Darkness
[Era of Demonity] Part 65: S.S.O.G.
[Era of Demonity] Part 66: Invasion
[Era of Demonity] Part 67: Dark Captivity
[Era of Demonity] Part 68: Grief
[Era of Demonity] Part 69: Black Half-moon
[Era of Old Demonity] Part 70: The Broken Soul (Story of Satou Lance)
[Era of Demonity] Part 71: Shattered Chains of the Reality
[Era of Hell] Part 72: Trumpets of the Devil
[Era of Hell] Part 73: The Might of the Deceiver
[Era of Hell] Part 74: Cosmic Apocalypse
[Era of Hell] Part 75: Serpent Deceiver (End of Book One)
โธธDemon Sovereignty ๐˜˜๐˜ถ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ดโธธ
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[Era of Old Demonity] Part 38: Snake Around the Heart (4)

27 6 26
By SaitoOnyx

The past serves as a teacher, offering us valuable insights and wisdom to navigate the present and future. It allows us to learn from our past errors, to appreciate the moments of happiness, and to adapt our behavior for a better tomorrow. Yet, it is essential to strike a balance between dwelling in the past and being anchored in the present, for dwelling too much on the past may hinder our progress.

The God Demon Powers shimmer in space, their spherical forms a tapestry of mystery. On their surface, patterns of three half-moons emerge, alight with hues that dance in celestial patterns. These carvings are no mere happenstance; the patterns mirror demons' emotions when they become God Demons, where red, blue, and green hues ignite the core feelings of anger, sadness, and fear.

In fleeting moments, these ancient stones reveal more. Five colors awaken, adding yellow and orange to the powers, indicating the emotions of love and joy respectively. Yet, legends whisper of those rare few who've unlocked a sixth half-moon, an elusive symbol hinting at a realm beyond comprehension.

Five days had passed since their last encounter. Ryn and Ruyx tirelessly worked on their device, hoping to harness its potential to detect powerful auras from the vast expanse beyond.

In the midst of their labor, Ether burst through the laboratory doors, urgency etched on his face. "You guys! I must depart immediately!"

Startled, Ryn jumped in his seat and let out a sigh. "Katayama, can't you be... a little more—" His words were interrupted by a loud yawn.

Frustration consumed Ether as he struck a nearby wall with his fist. "There's a problem within the Dyson sphere itself. As scientists, they are struggling to overcome it!" 

Ruyx's drink spilled from his trembling hand. "What?! Something's gone wrong?"

"That's right! If the worst were to happen, the consequences would be catastrophic. Ninety thousand scientists, as well as this entire planet, could face complete annihilation," Ether explained.

Ryn rolled his eyes dismissively. "Ninety thousand scientists unable to handle a problem within their own sphere? They should have been held accountable by the law."

Determined and prepared, Ether retrieved his specially designed heat-resistant clothing from his room. "I will be fine. I must leave now!"

With a sense of urgency, he swiftly donned the protective gear and departed from the laboratory, leaving his companions behind to contemplate the gravity of the situation.

Planet Kodona, nestled in the far reaches of the cosmos, held an air of intrigue and darkness that set it apart from any other celestial body. It was renowned as the intellectual hub of the universe, a world of brilliant minds driven by insatiable curiosity. However, the pursuit of knowledge on Kodona ventured far beyond conventional boundaries, delving into forbidden realms that sent shivers down the spines of even the most audacious explorers.

The planet's research facilities, shrouded in secrecy and hidden deep within its sprawling metropolises, housed an abundance of enigmatic artifacts and cosmic anomalies. The halls echoed with the whispers of countless experiments, each aimed at unraveling the mysteries of the universe and pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding. Forbidden knowledge whispered through the corridors, tempting those who dared to venture too close.

The planet's research endeavors reached far beyond the boundaries of known space. They probed the depths of black holes, communed with celestial beings—demons—and even toyed with the fabric of time itself. But with each discovery, a foreboding presence loomed, a sense that some knowledge was not meant to be uncovered, that some truths were best left obscured in the depths of the universe.

Hamaraki seemed scared and confused. "Is... Is Mr. Katayama going to be okay? Ryn?" 

"Oh, little girl!"

"I am not little..."

"Do you really think Ether would put himself in harm's way or risk his life? He's not just any scientist; he's a mad scientist! He's someone who thrives on pushing the boundaries of what's possible, defying the norms of science itself. His motivation stems from an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering desire for truth. Remember, that's what drives scientists like him!"

"I—I see."

Ryn's departure left the room filled with an air of melancholy. As he walked out, his once cheerful demeanor was replaced by a somber expression. Tears streaked his face, mingling with the remnants of his smile. The weight of the impending mission weighed heavily on his heart, evoking emotions that he couldn't suppress.

Meanwhile, on planet Kodona, Ether's reputation preceded him. The entire population recognized his name and revered his remarkable intellect. With an IQ of 226 and confidence in his abilities, he stood out as a genius among geniuses. Yet, behind his intellect, there was an underlying sense of solitude. Trust was a rare commodity for Ether, as he believed only in himself and his capabilities. The risks involved in his current mission heightened his apprehension, even though he had faced similar challenges before...

As he made his way through the futuristic streets, the people greeted him with reverence, acknowledging his skills. However, deep in thought, Ether remained detached from the adulation around him. His focus was directed toward the mission at hand. Arriving at the launch site, he gazed up at the colossal rocket. Time seemed to stand still as he prepared himself mentally and physically, ensuring that he had all the necessary equipment for the upcoming launch.

The minutes ticked away, each second carrying the weight of suspense. Ether stood resolute, ready to embark on this perilous adventure. His determination eclipsed any lingering doubts, as he prepared to venture into the depths of space in pursuit of knowledge and discovery.

Hamaraki's restless energy filled the laboratory as she hurriedly moved from one corner to another. "I can't seem to calm down! So much has been happening lately! It's all too overwhelming!"

Ruyx, on the other hand, had a calm personality. He sat back in a comfortable chair, sipping on a strong cup of coffee while leisurely perusing the latest newspaper. With each sip, he let out a contented sigh. "The news today is... quite something, I must say," he remarked casually. 

Hamaraki paused her movements and turned her attention toward him. "Hmm? What does it say?" she inquired with curiosity.

Resting his legs on a pristine, white desk, Ruyx continued reading, occasionally glancing at the headlines. "Well, there's an article about a weak demon who apparently survived the impossible. It seems this demon fell from space, unconscious, and crash-landed on a planet called Earth. Since it landed in an uninhabited area, everyone initially mistook it for a meteorite."

"He... survived?" Hamaraki's eyes widened in astonishment. "Demons are fascinating!"

"Yeah, it appears so. According to reports, the local residents offered assistance and found that the demon meant no harm. However, it had lost its memories," Ruyx explained, folding the newspaper and placing it on the desk.

A smile crept across Hamaraki's face as a sense of excitement filled her. "Stories like these make me even more eager to go to space!" 

The scientist leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Let's wait for Ryn before we embark on any space adventures," he suggested.

"B—But I want it now!"

"I don't care what you want right now..."

Hamaraki sat down and put her head down on a desk. 

"What are your powers telling you?" he asked.

"My powers? They have been quiet for now but, they said something regarding the actual powers!"

"Actual powers?"

She nodded. "My angel's name is Atsuko. She told me that I possess the God Demon Powers of Charm and Control. I apparently can create charming dust, which lets me control opponents..." S

Meanwhile, Ryn made his way toward his secret underground laboratory, where he had previously created a shadow demon named Rai. As he entered the dimly lit space, beads of sweat formed on his forehead, his anxiety palpable. In this clandestine sanctuary, Ryn had also constructed a mysterious, large device for measuring a demon's vital signs, such as their heartbeat rate, the number of hearts they possessed, and their brain activity speed. This data was obtained through the measurement of their aura, although it remained incomplete. The reason behind Ryn keeping this apparatus a secret was not entirely clear.

Demons did not possess the conventional heart structure one would typically envision. Instead, their hearts took on unique shapes, some resembling flat, thick plates. Each beat of their strange hearts generated aura and energy, which they could harness to enhance their physical strength, speed, and brain activity. These pulsating heartbeats emitted a constant symphony of music-like sounds when observed through electromagnetic waves. Despite their undeniable presence, demons remained enigmatic beings, largely unexplored and veiled in mystery. 

As Ryn worked in his laboratory, he suddenly felt the ground tremble beneath him. Initially dismissing it as a minor earthquake, he soon realized it was something far more significant. The shaking grew in intensity, persisting for a couple of minutes. Ryn swiftly exited the laboratory and ventured outside, joining Hamaraki and Ruyx who stood nearby. "Hey! What's going on?" he called out, observing the collapsed buildings in the vicinity. However, his attention was quickly drawn to a colossal crater ahead, emitting billows of smoke.

Ruyx turned his gaze toward Ryn, concern etched on his face. "We're not sure, but according to reports, it descended from the sky—or rather, from space. We're here to ensure everyone's safety and verify the situation."

Nodding gravely, Ryn took a determined step forward. "Excuse me," he addressed the officers barring his path. "I understand the risks, but let me through. I am one of the most proficient scientists and a half-demon in this area." Brushing past their objections, Ryn continued toward the edge of the crater, his curiosity overpowering any cautionary instincts.

Ryn's frustration burned hot as he stared at the black orb, wrestling with the temptation it held. The officer's warning echoed in his mind, but his desire for power gnawed at him relentlessly. He turned away, dismissing it as a mere rock, but his steps faltered as he passed Hamaraki and Ruyx.

It's a fresh rock of Anti-matter, Ryn said to himself. 

Inside the lab, Ruyx found Ryn and his eyes bore into him with a mixture of concern. "You've mentioned it several times, Ryn. Your longing for the powers of Anti-matter," Ruyx stated, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

Ryn's anger flared, his eyes flashing with defiance. "So you knew what it was. And what of it? Are you going to stand in my way? That Anti-matter stone was brought here by fate." he exclaimed, his voice cracking with desperation. "I don't want my old self back, but I do need Anti-matter for something. I... sense danger. And it's near."

"I won't let you do this to yourself! The power of Anti-matter corrupts the very essence of a demon. Those who possess it become malevolent, devoid of emotion!" Ruyx shouted at him. "And you know that very well!"

His partner's face contorted with defiance as he clung to his belief in his own strength. "I am strong, Ruyx. Physically and mentally. I can control it," he declared.

Ruyx's gaze softened, the weight of his concern evident in his eyes. He stepped forward, reaching out to his friend. "No demon, no God Demon, has ever tamed the power of Anti-matter. It consumes their bodies, their souls. You will lose yourself, Ryn. It's not about strength, it's about the very nature of that power. Please, I can't bear to lose another friend," he pleaded, his voice filled with raw emotion.

A silence fell. Ryn's resolve wavered as he stared into Ruyx's eyes, the truth of his words piercing through his defiance. Slowly, he released a shuddering breath, his anger dissipating. "Ruyx... I... I appreciate your concern. I won't pursue the power of Anti-matter, then. I won't risk it. Sorry," Ryn confessed, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and gratitude.

His friend stepped forward and enveloped Ryn in a tight embrace, the weight of the moment lifting from their shoulders. In that embrace, they found solace and the reaffirmation of their unbreakable bond.

Hours and hours passed like seconds. Ryn, still feeling a sense of unease, joined Hamaraki on the rooftop of the laboratory. He sat beside her, gazing up at the starry night sky. "It's strange, isn't it? The mystery surrounding that black orb," Ryn mused.

Hamaraki nodded, her eyes fixated on the twinkling stars above. "Indeed. The power it holds, the danger it represents... It's unsettling. At least for me."

"Ruyx was right. The power of Anti-matter, it's a force beyond control. It would consume me, strip away everything that makes me who I am."

Hamaraki turned to him, her expression filled with understanding. 

They sat in silence for a while, the weight of their thoughts hanging in the air. The night breeze gently rustled their hair, carrying a sense of relief. Ryn finally spoke, breaking the stillness. "Hamaraki, thank you for being here with me. Your presence reminds me of what's important."

She smiled softly, her eyes filled with warmth. "We're in this together. No matter what challenges we might face"

As they continued to gaze at the vast expanse of the night sky, a sense of camaraderie enveloped them. In the midst of the enigmatic black orb and the mysteries it held, they found comfort in their bond, ready to face whatever the future may bring.

Ruyx, exhausted from his experiments, had retired to bed earlier than usual. Ryn faked his sleep and seized the opportunity to sneak out. He adorned himself in a large black coat and a top hat, concealing his identity from prying eyes.

Carefully opening the door, Ryn was taken aback when he saw the lifeless bodies of the officers spread before him. Standing amidst the scene of carnage was Hamaraki, causing another surge of panic to ripple through him. "H-Hama?!"

"Did you notice anything, Ryn?! I was on the roof and heard nothing. This is unnerving... All of them were killed without making a single sound," Hamaraki remarked, her voice filled with pure concern.

"Give me a break, dammit..."

"I feel so uneasy seeing so many lifeless bodies here. Who could have done this?" Ryn's anger began to boil, and he moved toward the gruesome scene.

"Ryn, wait! There could be someone lurking nearby!"

"Don't be absurd! Whoever it is, I'll deal with them," Ryn retorted, his determination masking his unease.

Suddenly, Ryn felt his heart skip a beat. His legs quivered, his heartbeat raced, and an intense chill ran down his spine. "What... What is this..." Overwhelmed by an immense surge of aura, Ryn was consumed by a mix of fear and fascination. Hamaraki, sensing the surge as well, joined him. "I felt it, too! Tch! It's an aura of a God Demon!"

Hamaraki's voice suddenly cut off as she felt an overwhelming pressure, causing her to fall to her knees. Ryn, too, was overcome with dizziness. In the distance, a tall figure emerged, its form shrouded in darkness. Its piercing white eyes glowed like stars and wisps of black vapor emanated from its body. The figure stood motionless, observing them silently. Despite its distant position, it seemed to close the gap between them with incredible speed. Reacting quickly, Hamaraki kicked Ryn's leg, causing him to fall to the ground. As he descended, his gaze fixated on the figure above him, its arm poised to strike at his heart. Hamaraki desperately reached for Ryn's dagger, only to witness it disintegrating into ash upon contact with the figure.

The mysterious entity halted behind them, leaving Ryn in a state of shock, his body frozen in place as he watched intently.

Finally, the figure spoke, its voice deep and resonant, echoing through the air, "I had anticipated someone would come... seeking control over the power of Anti-matter. However, this was your final opportunity, for there shall be no other. Why? Because this entire planet is on the verge of destruction."

Fueled by anger, Ryn clenched his fist and struck the ground, demanding answers, "Who the Hell are you?! Speak!"

"My true identity shall not be revealed to those who are destined to perish," the figure replied cryptically.

Hamaraki, her frustration evident, confronted the figure. "What was the purpose of everything that happened here?!"

"The purpose is clear. This planet, in its arrogance, seeks to unveil my secrets," the figure locked eyes with them, its gaze filled with intensity. "In other words, this planet dares to aspire to the realm of the Gods. Neither mere humans nor mere demons shall be permitted to attain such heights."

Ryn burst into laughter, his voice filled with defiance. "What?! Who the Hell do you think you are, acting all mighty like a God?! Go to hell already!" Ignoring any sense of danger, Ryn charged toward the Anti-matter, determination burning in his eyes. "You won't harm anyone! I'll show you how to fight! You're no God, Harakiri!"

Amidst the chaos, the figure responded with a calm demeanor, "Ah, so being in proximity to the Anti-matter is slowly bringing back memories, is it? Tell me, who... are you?"

In a split second, Hamaraki appeared before Ryn, desperately trying to stop him. "Stop! I'll handle this! Don't you dare touch that rock!"

"Hama! I'm sorry, but please, just get out of my way for now!" Ryn's resolve was unwavering as he pushed her aside and reached out to touch the Anti-matter rock.

The dark figure observed from above, its gaze fixed on the unfolding events.

Suddenly, Ryn's agonized screams filled the atmosphere. He writhed in pain as if his entire body was being subjected to intense heat. His right hand turned all pitch black, its darkness spreading and engulfing his entire being. The pain was unbearable, and his screams seemed to echo endlessly.

Concerned residents rushed to the scene, only to be struck down by a powerful surge of aura emitted by the figure.

Meanwhile, Ruyx had managed to stay conscious. Armed with a sword, he emerged from the chaos and called out, "Ryn! Hama!"

As Ryn attempted to absorb the Anti-matter, Hamaraki engaged in combat with their enemy. The figure wielded a sword and effortlessly deflected her strikes. "You're not from this planet, Miss Amana Hamaraki," the figure spoke with an air of familiarity. "What are you doing here?"

"Y—You know me?!"

At that exact moment, an immense wave of aura swept over Hamaraki. She turned her gaze to the right and saw him—a tall, shadowy figure donning a long coat and a top hat.

The mysterious figure jumped back in amazement, its eyes shaking. "So, it's you."

Ryn created a really long dark sword and slowly walked toward him. "Let's end this, Harakiri Akshar! I have waited long enough. I won't forgive you! Making me lose memories of you! Were you scared of me?! Sending your pathetic clones around!"

Akshar smiled a little, and his aura burst open from excitement. "How amusing you are. I am relieved. So, you have been hiding on this planet? All this time? I hate to admit it, but you deserve a prize in acting, Harakiri Azrael."

He leaped into the air, his sword wreathed in black flames. "Harakiri? I no longer have any associations with that clan." With a swift swing of his sword, he severed Akshar's right hand, only for it to regenerate instantly. Azrael instantly manipulated the powers of the Anti-matter, creating additional limbs and hands within the ground to stop Akshar.

"Anti-matter is a power that cannot be destroyed. I'm surprised you managed to get rid of it in the first place. Did you not miss your powers?"

"So you were searching for me, Akshar! Is that why you brought the Anti-matter rock here?"

"Right. One of the guards there attempted to retrieve it, so I intervened and stopped them."

Azrael thrust his sword into Akshar's head, but God remained unfazed, speaking calmly.

"We are many, Azrael. If you kill me, I will simply return to my original form."

"Damn you! I don't believe in your Godly manipulations! Go to Hell! Never show your face to me ever again! Do you hear me?!"

Azrael sliced off Akshar's head in one swift motion, causing the body to transform into mist and evaporate.

Looking around, Azrael noticed that Hamaraki and Ruyx were both unconscious. The merging of his formidable aura with Akshar's had taken its toll on them.

After three hours, Hamaraki regained consciousness, and Ruyx woke her up. They engaged in a lengthy conversation, during which Hamaraki recalled something important. "Ryn... He..."

"Absorbed the Anti-matter?"

"Don't be too angry with him!"

"Angry? Are you serious? Right now, his aura could easily crush me. There's no time to be mad, especially when he's already furious."

"He helped me. If he hadn't made that decision... Who knows... We might not be alive right now..."

Ryn, once known as Azrael back in the day, found himself lost in his own thoughts. "Akshar found me. He sensed the aura that resembled my true self and dropped the Anti-matter stone. That damn bastard... I must go to space and forge an alliance capable of defeating Akshar and his wretched subordinates... Once and for all."

After an hour or so, Azrael entered the laboratory, causing Ruyx's headache to worsen. Hamaraki greeted him with a smile. "Ryn! I was so worried!"

"It has been an honor serving under your command, Ryn."

"I'm heading to space. I have unfinished business there."

Ruyx smiled at him. "I understand. Good luck to you..." He set aside his work and stood before Azrael. "Who are you truly, Ryn?"

"Azrael, Son of Helion. I was once a subordinate of Akshar, a figure I now hold in disgust. I got rid of my Anti-matter to live like a human. That was long ago. I don't think I can live like that, though. I have too many enemies."

"You must possess great power. Controlling Anti-matter is no small feat."

"I want to go, too! To space!" Hamaraki interjected.

"What?! You too?! I might get killed up there!"

"No, no! You won't die, Ryn! We will face it together! Do you think I am weak?"

Azrael let out a sigh. "Very well then... Prove it to me!"

"I certainly will!"

"Get going. You no longer have any business here," Ruyx spoke with a sad smile on his face. 

Azrael nodded, firmly grasped Hamaraki's arm, and they walked outside. "I will teach you how to journey into space. It is easier for a God Demon, even if you have recently acquired your powers. It doesn't matter... It's all about harnessing the power in your legs, which you already possess."

Ruyx found himself alone in the laboratory, the absence of Ryn weighing heavily on his heart. Ryn had departed. Ether was out there, somewhere near a distant star, grappling with the challenges of repairing the Dyson sphere. The room felt empty and desolate, and he couldn't help but let his tears flow freely.

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Best rankings: #1IN PSYCHOLOGICAL #1 IN TORTURA #1 SKITZOPHRENIA #1 SPLITPERSONALITY 2019/03/30 !!!WARNING!!! about... - sexua...
1.6K 282 71
Detective Adam Callidus is on the hunt to crack the case of the vanished young women. As he delves deeper into the enigmatic crime scene, he can't sh...
2.7K 105 9
Billie Joe Armstrong; an intoxicating omega, who loves nothing more than teasing hungry alphas. Mike Pritchard; an emotionless alpha, who loves nothi...