π‘‡π‘Žπ‘›π‘”π‘™π‘’π‘‘ / πΏπ‘’π‘”π‘œπ‘™π‘Ž...

By ihateson1c

31.7K 697 56

Y/N Y/L/N is an 19 year old outgoing , funny , smart , pretty girl. She of course loves the lord of the ring... More

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Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's note!

Chapter 9

1.2K 30 2
By ihateson1c

-With Arwen and Frodo-

The white horse comes upon a river and without hesitation runs into the water. The 9 Ringwraiths pull up and stop just before the water , clearly nervous of the water.Asfoloth reaches the other side and Arwen turns around facing the Ringwraiths "Give up the Halfling she-elf!" says the witch king.Arwen draws her sword out and yells "If you want him , come and claim him!" The witch king screeches angrily and draws his sword as he starts going into the lake with the other wraiths. Arwen waits till they are halfway there. The water starts flowing faster , and a distant rumble can be heard. Then Arwen starts chanting something in Elvish.

"Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer. Rimmo nin Briunen Dan in Ulaer!Nin o Chithaeglir, ladto beth daer.Rimmo nin Briunen Dan in Ulaer!"

The ground suddenly trembles, and a mighty roar can be heard.Frodo weakly looks up to see the water flooding down the river towards the ford.The water forms a shape of Dancing horses.The Ringwraiths scream in terror as they are swallowed up in the deluge.Frodo slowly starts to lose consciousness. "No,no ...Frodo,no! Dont give in! Not now!" yelled Arwen picking up Frodo in her arms as she slowly felt his life slip away.

-With Aragorn and Y/N-

They finally arrived in Rivendell. It was more beautiful than in the movies.The elves bowed their heads as they walked in , well
mostly to Aragorn or should i say Strider. Y/N looked horrible. Her long white dress was now ripped up , and full of dirt , sweat and blood. She still had the sword Aragorn gave her tied to her side. As they were walking Lord Elrond started walking towards them. "Aragorn its nice na see cin. Im didnt see cin in a an anand" He said removing his hand from his heart and Aragorn doing the same while Y/N , Merry , Pippin and Sam just stood there.

Elrond looked at Y/N and said "I do not believe we have met" Y/N didnt know what to say and just stood there then blurted out "Its nice to meet you my lord im Y/N" Elrond nodded and said "Very well.Go get rest my maids will show you the way to your rooms.A beautiful she-elf came up to you. She was tall and had long brown hair "Hello M'lady im Aerin and i will be your maid" her voice was calm and Y/N swore she could listen to it all day.

"Im Y/N its a pleasure to meet you" Aerin blushed and smiled then said "M'lady lets get you to your room.Follow me." Y/N followed her , when they finally got to her room and when Aerin opened the door Y/N gasped.It was beautiful. It had a bed in the middle , a table on the right , two nightstands at the each side of the bed and a balcony. "Its beautiful" Y/N said. Aerin smiled and said " M'lady we have prepared a bath for you.The bathroom is right there" she pointed to a door in the room. Aerin started walking towards the bathroom and Y/N followed her.

Aerin opened the door and the bathroom was even more beautiful. It was big with a big golden bath and it was full of bubbles. There was a golden mirror that could open.Under the mirror was a golden sink with a drawer. "They sure like golden things" Y/N thought. "The bath is ready M'lady. Ill bring some clothes.You can undress while im not here" said Aerin and "Thank you" said Y/N while Aerin just nodded in response and left the bathroom. Y/N took of her dress which was absolutely destroyed. She took a look at it "Its a shame its destroyed . Its beautiful" Y/N thought as she put it next to the sink.She then took of everything else and got in the bath tub.

The water was warm and Y/N couldnt be happier shes finally getting a bath after these crazy days. Her thoughts quickly wandered off to her family and friends "Are they okay? Are they also here? Will i ever see them again? Will i ever be able to go back?" a knock on the door broke her out of her thoughts "M'lady its Aerin i brought you some clothes. May i come in?" Y/N sank deeper in the bath tub and said "Yeah come in!"

Aerin came in and said "Here you are i hope you like the dress M'lady" "Please just call me Y/N" said Y/N while smiling. Aerin smiled and nodded. As she was about to walk out Y/N yelled "Excuse me" "Yes M'lady- i mean Y/N" said Aerin correcting herself "Do you know where i could go and wash the dress i wore to here" Y/N asked pointing to the dress next to
the sink "Oh its fine Y/N i'll do it my self. You deserve to rest" Aerin said smiling at Y/N. Y/N smiled back and said "Thank you so much i appreciate it" and with that Aerin nodded and left her alone

After a while Y/N got out of the bathtub , dried her self off and picked up the dress Aerin gave her. It was a long silky grey dress and it fit Y/N perfect.

Y/N went back to her room and sat on the bed. She looked to the mirror that was right above the table and she was sure her hair grew a few inches from the shampoo she used. There was knock at the door and she got up to open it. Aerin stood there and smiled at Y/N "Hello Y/N." "Hello Aerin" Y/N smiled back at her "I came here to help you dry your hair. Also Lord Elrond demands your presence when youre done" Y/N looked at her confused and realized she didnt let her in her room "Oh im sorry come in" Y/N said moving away by the door so Aerin could come in. She came in and closed the door behind her. After a while she started helping Y/N with her hair and they talked for a bit. It felt like they were best friends. "Aand were all done" said Aerin. Y/N's hair was now half up in a bun and the other half was down "Thank you it looks beautiful" Y/N said to Aerin

"No problem. We have to go to Lord Elrond he must wait for you. Follow me" You followed her out your room to Lord Elronds office "Were here" said Aerin as she opened the door. There stood Gandalf and Elrond " My lord here she is" you both bowed to them and Elrond said "Aerin you may go" Aerin nodded and bowed looked at you and gave you a reassuring smile "My lord" said Y/N and bowed "Y/N theres no need to be nervous were just gonna ask you some questions" and you nodded "How did you get here may i ask?" asked Gandalf " I-i dont know the last thing i remember was reading a book and falling asleep and then when i woke up , i was here. Where im from there movies and books about you so i basically know everything thats going to happen." Y/N just stood there thinking she said to much "Y/N tell us do you wish to stay here or go back home?" Y/N thought for a second then said "As much as i miss my home i wanna stay here. It was my dream to be here ever since i was a kid. I can even help you! Im not the best at fighting ,but Aragorn can help me train!"

Elrond and Gandalf looked at you with amused faces them Gandalf smiled and said "I agree im sure she can be a lot of help, especially if she knows everything thats going to happen" Elrond nodded and said "We will be having a council meeting.You are invited. We hope to see you there" Y/N had the biggest smile on her face she nodded and said "You'll most definitely see me there My lord" Elrond nodded and said "You may leave" You bowed to Gandalf and Elrond and quickly left. "Best day ever!" Y/N thought

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