Ties Between Worlds ; [ Tensu...

By TakeTheBigL

16.4K 375 226

Left with nothing to do after his final evolution, Rimuru creates tens of thousands of multiple existences an... More

Chapther 1 [ Reincarnation ] ; Act 1
Chapther 2 [ Tamed Beast ] ; Act 1
Chapter 3 [ Dungeon ] ; Act 1
Chapter 4 [ Rabbit ] ; Act 1


6.3K 129 117
By TakeTheBigL

5 months after the defeat of Micheal

A few months after defeating michael, we decided to gather our forces and attack the Heavenly Star Place, but before that, everyone had to transform into a Digital Life Form. Within a few months only me guy, rudra, milim, members of the Octogram Demon Lords, Four True Dragons, and my Twelwe Patron were able to do evolve at that time.

Of course, we had to defeat Feldaway's subordinates like Dagrule and Zelanus before attacking the Heavenly Star Place. After Michael was defeated, Zelanus, who escaped to his own world, followed Rudra , Guy and True Dragon Sisters and they eliminated him, of course, before they did, they ascended to the Digital Life Form.

Dagrule remained in the cardinal world and was swept away by the Veldora who had ascended to the Digital Life Form. But we did not kill his soul , we captured his soul , and what would happen to him was to be decided after the war.

In the end we finally arrived at Heavenly Star Place Feldaway and his men greeted us when we enter the Heavenly Star Place. It wouldn't be easy to beat Feldaway himself because Feldaway was a [ Upper Digital Life Form ] like me but because we attacked him together, he lost without doing much, of course, everything did not end so happily. Feldaway had the Seal of The World in his hands, and when he destroyed it, we all became extremely strong and gained new abilities. But the main purpose of Feldaway was not to strengthen us.

When the World Seal was destroyed, he enabled [ World-Destroying Dragon Ivarage] to enter the world. Before he died Feldaway said that "there can't be a world without a Veldanava" .when he died his soul try to reincarnate himself in anathor world . But i destroyed his soul, even though feldaway transcend the concept of death, just like True Dragons. I negate his Transcendental Immortality and kill him .

So after eliminating Feldaway and his angels, we entered the throne room of the Heavenly Star Place and it was completely empty at that moment there was a break in space and time .The World-Destroying Dragon finally joined the game. He was watching the fight from his Higher Dimension but with the World Seal Destruction He is able to join the battle .At that moment the last 4 months went through my eyes.

Past Multiple Months

After my victory over Michael, I fell into evolution sleep for about 7 days. more precisely, right after my fight with Michael is over. At that time, ciel Awakened Azathoth instead of glutonny to protect me, just like in my fight with hinata, this transformation was not like my transformation with glutonny instead of more humanoid transformation my body became Huge blob of meat that has eyes and mouths everywhere around it. Hundreds of huge tentacles formed and started attacking everywhere all at once, it was like a complete horror movie at that time and all I did was sleep

After Azatoth got out of control , it destroyed everything around it and emitted a terrible aura,that whole place where me and Micheal fight started to corrupt. My Aura poisened plants, animals, insects. All of them started to die and made everything around it uninhabitable. Of course, every living thing that was not strong enough died. Sensing this terrible aura Diablo come to my aid .

Realizing that my security was fully restored while I was in the evolution stage, ciel took back control of Azatoth.

Guy Crimson
[ Head of Octogram Demon Lords ]
[ Seat 1 ]

I was fighting aginst Velzard but the Velzard suddenly stopped , that slime must have beaten michael because velzard stopped attacking me and then Velzard gave me a cold look then smirked and said "How many times have I beat you, Guy , I'm having a hard time counting "

Although it was very frustrating for her to talk to him as if I was losing all the time, I didn't forget to stay calm. if we evaluate the situation, our situation is not bad, but it can't be called good, that slime probably beat michael , Feldaway and his men are left, we should not forget Zelanus and probably Dagrule sold us but in return we saved Velzard and regained Velzard and dino of course including all the ultimate skills michael stole

After keeping my current calm and thinking about the situation, I said, "If you're feeling better now, let's help that slime" and moved forward with our plan. My current goal is to protect the cards we've recovered and strengthen our defense. The weakened feldaway now has no chance. We must gather our forces and attack as soon as possible.

She looked at me as if asking a question "When you say slime are you talking about rimuru " she said with angry tone 'hoo rimuru finally got your attention too, that bastard. '

After talking to Velzard about rimuru for a while , I felt an terrifying aura and said to myself, 'that slime sure did something again' Rimuru should be somewhere close to Velgrnyd because of that I asked Velzard to open a portal next to his sister Velgrnyd.

[ White Ice Dragon One of The Four True Dragon ]

While chatting with Guy about Rimuru Kun for a while I felt an enormous aura Guy asked me to open a portal to where my sister was, but when I asked him why

he said it was because Rimuru-kun was the source of this huge aura. When I asked what this had to do with Velgrnyd, he said that Rimuru-kun might be there

I did what he said because I am not in a position to argue with this devil right now. Although we do not agree on some issues with my sister it's better for all of us to be united right now because our current situation doesn't seem so good especially my [ True Dragon Core ] was stolen I hope veldora and velgrnyd are not like me

[ Scorch Dargın One of the Four True Dragon ]

Velgrynd has azure blue hair kept in twin buns with black ribbons and deep gold eyes. She was currently Looking at Berserk rimuru who lost control of his
Body and attacking everywhere . beside hım a handsome Man with golden hair and Crimson red Eyes his name is Rudra Nam UI Nasca he was holding a White Great sword that was has the same lenght as the Rudra he gripped his sword hard and said " This is the monster you lost women ? "

Velgrnyd looked at Rudra apologetically and said, "yes i underestimated him"

"Anyway, we don't have time to talk about this right now." Said Rudra and turned to Corrupted Rimuru

[ One Of The Four Heavenly Kings ]

At that time, Diablo, who lost against Michael, woke up and immediately went to the area where his lord's huge aura was located

but even though the aura was huge, the size of the aura was decreasing at an amazing rate. When Diablo came to the environment where his lord should be , he greeted by a huge pile of flesh containing a part of almost every monster with eyes and mouths all over it instead of a young blue-haired girl

Diablo heard a voice in his mind while trying to understand what happend to his lord and it was the same voice he heard while fighting the Eastern Empire, so he decided to listen to the voice.

Unkown Voice " Ensure the safety of induvidual named Rimuru Tempest " Said with monotone tone

Ciel deactivated Azatoth with the arrival of diablo, Rimur's body finally appeared with the deactivation of Azatoth, seeing this, Velgrnyd and Rudra approached diablo but rimur's body did not seem to be in good condition. rimuru was in his slime form and melting very fast some parts were separating from the body and. falling into rotten ground.

Seening rimuru body start to disintigrating Diablo started to use his Healing magics,magic transfer and even
Use his [ All of Creation ] to create a New body for master but he was dumbfounded when he try to transfor rimuru soul to wooden puppet it didnt work .

This was the second time he failed first was aginst Michael and now he is losing his only and first master but Rimuru suddenly stopped melting and started to renew himself. At first, the reason why he melted was because of ultimate skills including Manas Michael was too much for his soul , but with the complete completion of the Digital Life Form, his old skills were reactivated and the skills gained from Michael were encoded into
[ Lord Shub-Niggurath ]

" What happend to rimuru " Velgrnyd said with concerned look

"I have no idea, Lady Velgrynd, but I don't have time for that right now. I have to get Lord Rimur back to Tempest," said
Diablo with apolegic tone.

Rudra, who heard the conversation, said that he would Like to come Tempeste himself. Hearing this, Velgrnyd was going to stop Rudra, but suddenly Velgrnyd felt his sister's aura.

"Long time no see Velgrnyd" said Velzard, accompanied by a red-haired demon beside him. As soon as Velgrnyd and Velzard started chatting Diablo opened portal to Tempest without waiting.

He couldn't wait any longer because he wanted to show everyone the victory of his lord and left directly. seeing this, velzard suggested to his sister to continue the conversation in tempest, velgrnyd rudra who accepted this, arrived in tempest with diablo's portal.

Reaching tempest, Diablo left Rimuru in the safest place in tempest, namely the control room in the Labyrinth of Ramiris. Learning that Rimuru is currently in evolution sleep , the goblin Lords and goblin king rigurd decided to raise a red alert in the country.

The Labyrinth Lords increased their number of soldiers, and the city of "Rimuru" was teleported to the labyrinth, as in the war in the Eastern Empire.

Of course Guy, one of the active members of Octogram, started emergency Walpurugis inside the maze. The people who would attend the Walpurugis were Guy , Milim , Ramiris , Dino , Luminius , Leon and their subordinates.

Ramiris created another dimension for Walpurgis thanks to the huge magic power of Veldora. This dimension was to be used for the new emergency Walpurugis.

She prepared an area of ​​100 square meters. The ceiling and floor were covered with glossy black tiles. The room with 8 corners had 8 columns , the columns were white and they were decorated with gold. In the middle of it there was a large oval table, although the center of the table was black, its color was turning purple towards the outside, and there were gold-colored coatings on the outermost of the table. she made 8 thrones around the table. The thrones were black like a table and had gold ornaments. A glass globe was placed in the middle of the table and a huge crystal chandelier on the ceiling and thus the room for Walpurugis was completed.

the room was on the new floor of the Labyrinth so it didn't have a door because of that no one could enter without the permission of the Ramiris

Guy, Velzard, Velgrnyd and Rudra were the first to arrive in the room rain and misary were in charge of protecting the labyrinth for now Guy sat on one of the thrones and Velzard sat on the edge of the throne and leaned against the Guy while Rudra was going to sit on one of the empty seats. "I don't know since when you became demon lord blonde" the guy said sarcastically

"I'm not in the mood to deal with you stupid devil," said Rudra angrily.

There was silence in the room for a while, but the silence was broken by the arrival of my milim. Behind milim were Midray Carrion Frey and Obearon after Milim see her aunts, She sat silently on a court because she usually never spent time with them and never visited them.

Velzard, on the other hand, panicked and forgot what to do. Velgrnyd walked over to my Milim and said, "It's been a long time, Milim why don't you come over and give me big hug ?" said velgrnyd crouching

Millim got up and hugged Velgrnyd, watching this for a while, Velzard couldn't stand it and joined this family reunion and after a while, everyone went back to their previous place.

A few minutes later Leon quietly came into the room and sat on one of the thrones, behind him was Alrose. After a while Dino came, but he sat on one of the thrones as if nothing had happened and went to sleep. luckily, no one was in the mood to fight, even if they cannot get tired.

after a while Luminius came and behind him was Gunther and Hinata SakeGUCCI , Ramiris , Benimaru, Diablo, Veldora and their subordinates attended the last to the meeting

So Walpurugis Began

This Walpurugis was special because this Walpurgis not only had demon lords and their subordinates, but also have true dragons, a hero and a sages.

Guy was the first to start talking "What is our current situation? I want everyone to report."

Milim wanted to speak and she got up from her throne and said "We met zelanus and his men in the Dragon's Forgotten City which is my domain Zelanus was strong but i don't think he used all his power because i did fight him easily without using my Ultimate Skill" After sitting back on the throne,

Then Luminius got up. "Dagrule hasn't shown himself yet, he can attack at any moment, so we shouldn't keep the conversation long," said Luminius hastily.

Guy replied "don't worry Dagrule is already defeated by Veldora and his Mansand brother aren't stupid enough to attack without Michael "

"What do you mean?" said Luminius

Guy said with a grin "Rimuru has already beaten the other side's boss" At that moment, everyone in the room that not know what happend to Rimuru realized something and question marks formed in the minds of everyone "Guy What happened to Rimuru!?" Said milim with angry tone

Guy ; "I don't know but I'm sure he is fine because right now he's in a safest room in this Labyrinth" everyone was relieved for a moment

Guy continued " as you heard Michael was defeated not only that but there are many reasons why they are in such a bad situation right now because we must have 7 Virtues but i still have one question in my mind where is the Wisdom King Raphael?and who is the user of it ? We have the whole Virtue series except it" said Guy and He gestured to Rudra with his hand.

Rudra stood up and started talking disrespectfully as he knew that because of the current situation no one can do anything to him "I am the only King of the Eastern Empire and soon the world, Rudra Nam UI Nasca" when Demon Lords in the room heard this guy some of them just laughed and some Demon Lords didn't care at all others looked at him like he was an idiot but they made mistake the last thing to do to Rudra was not to take him seriously.

If Rudra was back to his prime he thought he could single-handedly defeat the all The Demon Lords in the room except for Guy.

All of a sudden, Storm Dragon Veldora sitting in Rimuru's place stood up and said, "Kuhahahaha you human, do you think you can talk like that in front of the Great Storm Dragon" Hearing this, Velgrnyd got angry but did not speak because there was no time for that now so she tried to calm the angry Rudra. "My Love, please calm down a bit, of course, this will pass," she said.

Hearing this, Rudra calmed down but still hadn't given up on hie worldly ambitions and said, "We managed to eliminate Feldaway but he managed to escape"

Diablo next to the standing Veldora began to speak calmly "Michael and his mens are killed , 7 Virtues are in our hands , True Dragons Cores have been reclaimed and we have made new Allies Ex-Demon Lords Kazaream and his subordinates Laplace and Tear "

Walpurugis dispersed after their current status was spoken of, Luminius, Gunther and Hinata returned to The Holy Empire Ruberios While Rudra and Velgrnyd return to The Eastern Empire while Guy and Velzard remain in Tempest. Leon and his men went to Ruberios for Ruberios safety, but Dino decided to stay in Tempest.

A few days later, rimuru woke up and Walpurgis was restarted, but this time only one thing was discussed and decided and that is everyone in Walpurugis to evolve into a Digital Life Form

After that, everyone who participated in Walpurugis worked hard to transform into a Digital Life Form.

those that didn't succeed were evolved by Rimuru via Soul Corrider.Of course, ciel, who saw this situation as an opportunity, copied all the skills of those who could not evolve.

Flashback Ends

The dragon standing in front of me was almost twice the size of Veldora, with over 12 wings, deep black scales and red eyes staring at us all as if it were the only hunter on this playground.

At that moment, I tried to analyze Ivarage without waiting, but my analysis did not work. That's when I turned around, took one last look to my friends and smiled because I had no chance to defeat the lizard in front of me . That's why I have to fix the World Seal and keep the Ivarage here. I can fix World Seal with my Ultimate Skill [ Hope King Sariel] and prevent the dragon from going to World.

I said "Guy, this overgrown lizard might have an ego, so stay where you are" with this I can set up a teleport spell that is under them and using Veldora's soul Corridor I can back to Tempest with them this was my plan so everyone in the group was teleported back to Tempest but it didnt work out Like that because the soul corridor between Veldora and me disappeared in an instant.

That was my plan anyway, after analyzing it I already understood that I can't beat Ivarage, he's only interested in me because if he wasn't only interested in me he wouldn't let the Guy and the others let teleport just like he did to me
But that doesn't matter because I've already repaired the World Seal, now he can't go into the world without beating me

"You must be the world-destroying dragon, what is your purpose ?" I said in a serious tone.

Ivarage looked at me and spoke for the first time since Its birth "All this time, All this time I kept having this dream a dream where a dragon and I do battle, flying between the stars with as we try to kill each other , I know we had a exchange of wills , as the most worthy adversaries, Now to meet that person from my dream , I'm standing here.
My name is Ivarage , I want to hear your name. "

"My name is Rimur- no, my name is Veldanava"Rimuru said while drewing his sword

"Veldanava , if you would grant me rematch!!" said Ivarage At that moment, rimuru drew the sword on his [ Imaginary Space ]. The sword that rimuru still didnt name it.
it was a sword that even Ciel had difficulty in analyzing after his evolution, and I learned only a few things at the end of the analyses.

Name : Unkown

Tier : Mythical Grade + ( Rimuru thinks after his evolotion his sword evolved to but he dont know any thing abaut it because of that he thinks his sword is Top of The Mythical Grade )

Abilities : Existence Erasure, Logic Manipulation ( able to alter logical order ), Law Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; It can destroy Ultimate Skill which is a Consept it self ), Resistance Negation (Via Melt Slash ), Power Nullification (Can destroy magic), Space-Time Manipulation (Can cut space. Can cut objects which are stopped in time), Causality Manipulation (Can reverse cause and effect to make a slower attack overcome a faster attack), Nonexistence Erasure (Can erase Ultimate Skills which is nothingness,), Immortality Negation (Types 2, 3, 4, 7, 8) & Regeneration Negation (High-Godly; Can destroy concept ), Immortality (Types 3 and 8), Regeneration (High-Godly) & Resistance to Immortality Negation, Regeneration Negation ( Didn't let FeldAway Regenerate), Power Absorption (Can have other Digital Life Forms Weapons Abilities After Destroying Them or Via Soul Corrider ,
users can take off the power of other enemy weapon even if it is Higher Dimensionel ) , Higher Dimensionel Existece Erasure , Plot Maniplation ( Can delete / Change his enemey powers )

As Rimuru pulled his sword from the [ Imaginary Space ], his whole spirit, mind and material body disappeared, everything in that area disappeared, even the İnformation particles. Ivarage blitzed Rimuru Before he can react at that moment, his mind was destroyed, he found himself in an endless nothingness, he looked around to try to understand what was happening, but he couldn't find anything and at that moment


just his posture made the space-time fabric warp he didn't have a face he couldn't be defined in any way

[ Wake up ]

[ Wake up ]

' hmm where am i, ciel '

' are you there Ciel '.

Rimuru was surprised because he couldn't access or use any of his skills.

' how could this be? Ciel and I need to be connected spiritually. It is illogical that we cannot communicate. What is going on? '

At that moment, only one result came to Rimuru's mind, Ivarage had killed him.

' Am i really dead? was that all? so what do i do now? will i wait here so?reincarnation? Summon ?..... all of these would be answered if Ciel was here? I'm stuck here forever huh? So this is real death? '

At that moment, rimuru did not even exist, but the nothingness in which he thoughtfully existed suddenly began to shake as if there was an earthquake, and cracks began to form in the space, the number of cracks was increasing very rapidly until it covered the whole space like a spider web.

In an instant, the whole space was broken and a human silhouette stood in front of the Rimuru which is only exist as a Though. The silhouette was hundreds or even thousands of times larger than the Veldora and was crouching on the ground, looking at the Rimuru.

Rimuru wanted to ask what happened to him , but he could not speak , so silhouette showed the Rimuru with his hand .

[ I am you I am all of you but none of you can became me , only you , only you are closest to being me ]

No matter how mysterious this conversation is, he got what the silhouette wants he doesn't need everyone but he wants to be loved by everyone he's a selfish being

At that moment, all nothingness disappeared and Rimuru was still where he was with Ivarage, but Ivarage couldn't believe what had happened. His opponent, whom he had just defeated, was standing as if nothing had happened. Rimuru was resurrected, but there was a difference between the Rimuru who was defeated by the Ivarage and the current Rimuru. current Rimuru was as strong as a Ivarage.

<< Evolotion Complete >>
Chaotic Life Form

               Name : Rimuru Tempest

                 Race : Chaotic Life Form

           Blessing : O'r Candidate

                  Title : Chaos Creater

               MagicAbstract Chaos Magic |True Dragon Magic | High Spirit Summoning | High Demon Summoning
| Other Magics

                Manas : Ciel

Inherent Magic : Multi-versal Perception
Cosmic Haki  Universal Shspeshift

Ultimate SkillsNuclear Chaos Azatoth • Harvest God Shub-Niggurath • Manas : Wisdom Core • Lord Of Creation Azura Mazda  • Justice King Michael • Hope King Sariel .......

Physicel Attack Nullification
Natural Element Nullification
Abnormal Status Nullification
Mental Attack Nullification
Hybird Attack Nullification
Existece Erasure Resistance

"Let's start round two," said rimuru with a grin.

Rimuru and Ivarage ran towards each other, tearing the fabric of time and space. After Rimuru pulled his sword from his Imaginary Space again, as soon as they closed the distance between them, Rimuru tried to cut Ivarage by swinging his sword towards Ivarage and seeing this, Ivarage immediately retreated and sprayed a very strong pure [ Nihilitiy Collapse ; Turn Null ] energy from his mouth. Turn Null was about to hit Rimuru, but Rimuru started to eat the energy with his Ultimate Skill [ Void God Azatoth ] . Of course, while the Azatoth was eating the energy, Rimuru did not stop running and quickly closed the distance between him and the Ivarage and tried to cut him in the same way, but no matter how hard he tried to cut him, he could not hit him, the same was true for Ivarage. Because of that Rimuru use his New move

[ Fictitious Act ]

He turned into a slime form, transformed himself into a ball of Nihilitiy energy and moved towards Ivarage much faster than before, he was so fast that before Ivarage could even react he managed to hit Ivarage. He created a hole the size of himself in the middle of the World Destroying-Dragon.

Rimuru prevented Ivarage from using his Turn Null energy by using his Turn Null against his Turn Null to prevent Ivarage from using his Turn Null energy.

Ivarage was in trouble because his natural ability and what he used best was his Nihilitiy energy , to render him unable to use it. it would make it difficult for him to win, but Ivarage was the only being that was almost as old as Veldanava at that time, even if he had no ego, he had uncountable skills, but number of skills was not infinite like his Nihilitiy Energy

" This duel isn't over yet and it won't be over until I say it's over!! " Said Ivarage with Roar

" No, it's already over " said Rimuru, and he transformers to his human form, the sword in his hand shined brighter than ever before. Rimuru copied a few skills of a few people before Final Battle came , one of them was StarDust one of the Ability that Milim has. he had to eat Millim because it wasn't a skill.

Rimuru used a Imaginary Blade, but instead of a magic particle, he used Star Dust.so it was much faster and more destructive than a normal Imaginary Blade

Unable to react quickly enough, Ivarage split right in the middle, but the part where it was cut had already been regenerated. Stardust wasn't like Nihilitiy energy, it could stop regeneration, but Ivarage had resistance to regeneration Negation, but something he never expected happened at that moment, Ivarage split in two again. Rimuru didn't move, the only answer was the sword in his hand, in his first duel with Rimuru, even if he destroyed Rimuru and everything around him by using the including space and time, sword did not dissapear . Nihilitiy Energy can destroy everything, even the Higher Dimensional Beings. but nothing had happened to that sword, now that same sword had split Ivarage in two.

Ivarage even had resistance to things that prevented others from destroying his skills were destroyed.

Regeneration skills and other resistance abilities were destroyed, his resistance was destroyed, everything was destroyed, The reason why Ivarage bruised and tattered body remained was because Rimuru was merciful.

No matter how destructive , Rimuru sword was, the person wielding the sword could fully control the sword but Rimuru could not find out what happened to his old sword.

It wasn't actually a sword that Rimuru used, his old sword had disappeared since Rimuru evolved into a Digital Life Form. it was replaced by this sword that looked like his old sword. This sword was the embodiment of the Nihilitiy Energy that inside him, Ciel, who could not fully control the Nihilitiy Energy for now, turned the part of the energy that could be used, into a sword, allowing her Rimuru to use the Nihilitiy Energy in the best and easiest way.

Now let's go back to Ivarage. After defeating Ivarage, Rimuru ate him with Azatoth but didn't kill his soul, he reserved his soul in the chaos world [Imaginary Space] to use it for another time. After Rimuru entered the evolution sleep, he began to float in the nothingness, even though time did not pass here, maybe months might had passed in the real world.

Guy Crimson Pov

I said I would fight Ivarage myself, but after seeing it , I changed my mind. I realized that even in my current state, I dont think i can defeat him. But at that moment Rimuru asked me to stay where I was, and he would probably try to negotiate with Ivarage. When Rimuru stopped in front of the dragon, he looked back and smiled, and in that moment we all found ourselves back in the tempest.

At that moment, no one in the group was stupid and understood what had happened, everyone in the group had lost the will to fight after seeing fraction of Ivarage power. That's why rimuru, who realized that we could not be victorious from this battle. He teleported everyone back to Tempest.

"Where is Rimuru?, shouldn't he be teleported too?" said Millim desperately. At that moment and then Veldora suddenly crouched on the ground and cried out in pain. Seeing this, Veldora's elder sisters gathered around Veldora and tried to understand what had happened to him, but they could not find anything.

"My Soul Corrider with Rimuru have been severed" said Veldora, and after a while he got back to his feet.

There were only 2 reasons why the bond between him and rimuru was broken, First Rimuru might have died , Second he might have broken his ties with the world to prevent Ivarage from coming to the world.

But neither was the main reason because all of a sudden everyone started to weaken, as if the World Seal had re-formed. So Rimuru himself had not destroyed the Soul Corrider that between hım and Veldora , what destroyed the soul Corrider was the World Seal. All the ties between the world and outer space were cutted out.

"Rimuru is probably dead," Guy said in a helpless voice.

"It's impossible, there's no way he could die that easily," said Luminius.

"I agree Lord Rimuru must has a plan , I'm sure he would never do such a thing without thinking. also zegion carries pieces of Rimuru-Samas pieces if he really died these pieces would be gone" said Diablo

"Then we should go back to the Heavenly Star Place immediately," said Milim

"As long as there's a World Seal , that's unlikely, Milim" said Velzard.

"Then what are we going to do?!" she said in an angry voice

"We'll wait," said the guy.

At that moment, there was silence and this silence did not break for hours, it was Leon who broke the silence first. "I'm going back to my country, the fight between Rimuru and Ivarage doesn't seem to be over" said Leon

"You're not going anywhere Lord Leon" said Benimaru, surprising many people who came to defeat Ivarage and Demon Lords

"It's better than standing here and doing nothing," Leon said.

As the environment started to heat up, the number of fractures in space began to increase. The guy who saw this interrupted the conversation.

"He's coming," said the guy, who heard him stop whatever they were doing and prepared to fight the World-Destroying Dragon. The number of cracks in space continued to increase until it completely painted the sky. And finally, 5 kilometers above the demon lords, a break occurred in the sky, a black dust started to come out from the place where the break was and the dust that came out became more and more dense, until something black appeared from the place where the break occurred, this black thing got bigger and bigger and it started to resemble a dragon's nose, and the break that occured in space got bigger and bigger and we finally saw Ivarage's head.

"He's here, everybody keep your distance, there's no room for error" said Guy The breaking was getting bigger and bigger while the dragon's body started to show. But there was something strange, Ivarage didn't even have an ounce of aura, but who understood this still kept his distance, until Ivarage's lifeless body started falling from the sky.

"hahahahahaha I knew that slime wouldn't lose that easy" the guy said with a laugh, breaking his stance.

Ivarage fell a few hundred meters ahead of the demon lords. Its fall almost caused an earthquake and a crater formed where it fell. A few seconds after Ivarage fell to the floor, someone appeared where the Space Break had occurred. She had dazzling white skin, silver hair with a visible violet hue, and sharp and beautiful golden eyes.

Rimuru Pov

<< Evolotion Complete >>
Semi O'r

               Name : Rimuru Tempest

                 Race : O'r

           Blessing : Eru Candidate

                  Title : Chaos Creater

               Magic : Higher Dimensionel Magic |Abstract Chaos Magic |True Dragon Magic | High Spirit Summoning | High Demon Summoning
| Other Magics

                Manas : Ciel

Inherent Magic : Cosmic Awareness
Cosmic Haki  Universal Shspeshift

Ultimate SkillsFiction God Leviathan

Higher Dimensionel Maniplation Nullification
Physicel Attack Nullification
Natural Element Nullification
Abnormal Status Nullification
Mental Attack Nullification
Hybird Attack Nullification
Existece Erasure Nullification

After completing my evolution, I found myself floating in nothingness. 'ciel how long has it been'

<< 16 hours 45 minutes 32 seconds 23 ..>> ' It's been less time than I thought I was thinking a week would pass, why? ' said rimuru

<< yes Master, that's because your current body's ability to adapt is much faster than his previous body >> ' hmmm then let's go back , we have nothing to do here anyway , or.... can you make the Heavenly Star Place the same as before Ciel ? '

<< yes sir, with Creation Lord Ahura Mazda, it can be done >>

' Then let's do the Heavenly Star Place right away, I have one more thing on my mind,' said Rimuru with a grin. ' Ciel? '

<< yes Master?>>

' I think have grown again ' said Rimuru.

<< yes sir, you are approximately 1.72 m in human form and 1 meter in slime form >>

Rimuru created a clone with his [ Multiple Existece ] in front of him and looked at himself, but he noticed something, he was completely naked.

He immediately created the True Dragon outfit .

' it's like I'm more beautiful than before, isn't it ciel '

<< you were always the most beautiful master >>

' Anyway, let's go back, I don't take this as a compliment, by the way 'Rimuru said and suddenly arrived at the place where his friends were, but no one could see him. as if he was never there. ' ciel why can't they see me ? is there a problem ? ' said Rimuru worriedly.

<< no Master, after your new evolution, they can't feel or see you because you are an infinite dimensional being , but if you want, you can be seen by them >> ' Hold on, I have a plan ' said Rimuru with a grin and cite his plan.

' that's how we will do it ok ciel '

<< yes my lord >>

Time Skip

Almost 2 years have passed since then. After my victory against Ivarage celebrations and festivities were held. Of course, a lot of things have changed, and strangely, Velgrnyd and Velzard started to come to Tempeste and unknowingly i found out that there was a secret organization about who will be my wife first but the members of this organization surprised me even more

Head Member [ Unknown, possibly Ciel ]

Members : Shion,Shuna, Milim,Kumara, Chloe, Velgrnyd, Luminius, Velzard, Hinata SakeGUCCI.......and many more.

Luckily i didn't spoil their private group because i have nothing else to do. Government affairs are pretty easy for someone like me, of course, it's because of my [ Cosmic Awareness ] forensic skill that I become aware of everything that affects me on a global scale, including threats, anything that will affect me in any way, and even someone who talks about them. Of course, when you add Ciel to this, I know everything from the unknown future to the future that will never be.

' Of course, I can save myself from this trouble whenever I want, but I had to tell you this, so I waited, I waited for you to read the story and come here. We will act together from here on.'

Rimuru projected itself into outer space, a Spiral Dimension in which Realities spilled over, containing an infinite number of multiverses within these Realities. A white light shone in Rimur's hand, this infinite dimension of infinite truths was illuminated by his radiance, and then countless spheres appeared around Rimuru. There were spheres of all colors, and Rimuru's shot the spheres into the realities around him at great speed. some spheres were going to the same reality while others were going to a different reality .

"From here on, your story with me isn't exactly over, but your story with them has definitely begun," said Rimuru. Inside these spheres was the spirit of Rimur, dividing his own soul into an infinite number of times, and he would experience endless adventure. '

"Anyway, I have to go to tempest, see you later" said Rimuru and Leave


This was my first Story

If i made a mistake please warn me or if i am missing something

Made Bye Fuze

Made By Fujino Oomori

Made Bye TakeTheBigL [ Drip God π]

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