☆total drama jungle☆

By txtal-drama

777 21 66

chris mclean brings back 24 of your favourite campers for another season of the beloved reality show! who wil... More

❝i wanna be famous: part one❞

767 21 66
By txtal-drama

the host was grinning brightly as he stood familiarly in front of his camera man, the show was about to air live. of course there had been some technical difficulties...but it's not like the cast didn't take their sweet time waiting to arrive. perhaps they just didn't want to be here, but who wouldn't want to be here with chris mclean? the answer may surprise him yet his ego will never change...and that's something to be sure of. he cleared his throat, "ahem? testing...testing. is it..." his voice faltered as his words drifted off and faded slowly. "okay, right! what's up everybody! miss me? you know you did. you all know who i am but just in case...it's me, the host with the most, the one and only chris mclean! back after one year presenting you another season of your favourite reality tv show...total drama! luckily for all you die hard fans out there, i haven't aged a bit!"

his gaze was still as excited as it was back on the island...yet his smile seemed to be less sincere...but more genuine than the recent seasons. he continued to speak clearly, "this season will, if you couldn't tell already, take place in a jungle! we have built specific areas tailored to bring back your beloved memories of our show. for example...we have a cozy platform high up in the trees with a campfire and log stools built in! nostalgic, right? the elimination method...you'll get to be...escorted...kindly by our new and improved boat of losers! take a cruise down this gentle, soothing river and feel at ease even though you got backstabbed and betrayed!" chris slapped the boat a bit too harshly. it wasn't really 'new and improved', just repainted so it looked that way. of course chris wouldn't spend money on a boat made for losers after all. he continued after coughing and spluttering from the blanket of grey released after he slapped it. "...anyways, the elimination platform is all the way up there right? so how will they get down?! a ladder maybe? no, you poor thing, allow me to enlighten you! look at our original vine of shame! man, i'm so good at making names."

"now how about we introduce our beloved campers?! give it up for tyler, our klutzy and somewhat athletic jock! naive yet kind hearted, will he be able to survive and maybe even win this season?" 

upon his introduction, the camera panned to tyler, who was clutching onto a flimsy zipline dearly. as it swayed rapidly, he landed with a thud into an uncomfortable position. "woah, you okay?" chris blankly asked, only to receive a groan as the brunette helped himself up. "yeah...i'm fine. i think?"

"well i mean, you're no chicken after all. of course you're fine!" the host patted his shoulder gently, the obvious implication resulting in tyler widening his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows. "anything to say to the fans back home?"

"...i guess i'm siked to be here? i mean, it's gonna be cool seeing everybody again considering my last appearance was total drama world tour. i heard that the seasons after that were pretty bad though...so maybe it was for the best. whatever, i'm actually glad to be reunited with all my friends, i definitely need to make sure we stay in contact this time!" he smiled bashfully at the camera only to be met with a rude awakening. "okay time's up! now it's time to introduce beth! our awkward, dorky gal with a pure soul yet some kind of backbone! a very weak backbone...but it's still there! she stood up to heather and tolerated duncan in total drama action, both hard things to do!"

the camera switched to the brunette fumbling on the zipline. her legs were bent upwards into some kind of sitting position as she held onto it. after all, she was using her girls scout skills from memory, a completely reliable source! she should be fine...she hoped. as she neared the ground, she pushed her legs forward and wedged them into the mud. dusting herself off with a proud toothy grin, she walked a bit too close to the camera. "erm...hiya! i'm beth, heh, and um...i'm kinda nervous but also positive about this new season! so root for me back home, will ya? i promise to do my best!!" beth pouted, stumbling backwards and doing a small wave to tyler, who returned it with a warm smile.

the moment didn't last forever - they were cut off by an eager contestant before their introduction was established. long locks of a dark magenta tugged and pulled in the way of her face, blinding her vision temporarily. "sierra, watch out!!" chris yelled, still utterly shocked yet hopeful that she would hear him. however, he was too late. her body collided with the dirt as she crashed rapidly. spluttering and stumbling, she was helped up by beth and tyler, leaning onto the former's shoulder. "are you alri-"

"oh my god!! eeeek! hey, hiya, hellloooo! am i dreaming? this can't be real! i'm actually here!! i'm so excited i could scream. maybe i should? nah...i'll wait till cody's here, then i'll be even happier!!" she spat out excitedly, letting go of the two contestants and running up to chris. "woah, you haven't aged a bit! kinda...lol"

"gee. thanks sierra."

"no problemo!"

fortunately cutting the awkward conversation off, another jaunty contestant swung down the poorly set up zipline. chris, for once, showed genuinity in his smile as his eyes grew bright. "give it up for owen, our winner of tdi!!"

owen leaped off the zipline hurriedly and embraced all the contestants at once, including chris. "aw man! this is so rad! i get to compete again with all my best buds and reunite with 'em! where are the rest??" he asked impatiently, letting them go and exaggeratedly searching. his hand was raised to his forehead. "they're arriving just now! or they should be, i guess!" chris tried to keep up with his enthusiasm yet ultimately failed. owen was an unbeatable power source of overflowing joy.

"speaking of which...i think that's izzy up there!" tyler pointed upwards, his finger shaking as she zoomed downwards. "hm, maybe she'll be calmer now! with age comes maturity!" beth chirped only for owen to gasp, "i hope not! i already have noah as the mature friend...if izzy becomes boring they'll probably join an advanced book club while i'm left in the dust with my picture books!"

"owen...reads...picture books! done! blog material!!" sierra typed away on her phone, only for it to be swiped by chris. "ah ah ah! no phones in the jungle! ...how do you even have signal here??"

in response she huffed and crossed her arms, puffing her cheeks as her lips pouted.

confessional - sierra

"yeah, i sooooo brought a backup! just in case, obvi. but...this one only has 376 photos of cody...a major decrease!!"


"here we have izzy, in her natural habitat! can she actually prove she has some bits of sanity left this season? ...maybe." chris shrugged nonchalantly, until izzy jumped off the zipline and onto his back, causing the two to crash. "ahaha! my bad! whoops!"


while chris remained down, izzy sprung back up and bombarded the cast instantly, especially owen. "hey hey hey! big o! this is crazy but here's my number, so call me maybe?? you know since i haven't heard from you at ALL!!" she knudged him obviously.

"iz...you didn't give me your number. you've just gave me this slip of paper that says 'deez...'"

"ahahaha! maybe don't read that on air!"

chris dusted himself back up and frowned, only to replace it with a quick grin as the next contestant was to be introduced. "trent! the troy bolton of our season who warms our hearts! but he was kinda boring so there's that. i mean he did something in total drama action...i guess"

trent casually strolled past once he landed, raising an eyebrow at the host and walking towards the cast, facing away from chris. "hm...whatever." he paused as a smile crept upon his face when he recognised the cast. "hey, good luck this season. i may not exactly want to be here but i'm glad it's with you guys. there's no one else i'd rather compete with." trent waved a hand gently and joined to converse with the contestants, who returned his grin.

"ah trent! i have a ton of questions for you!!" sierra flung herself forwards, only to receive an awkward side glance and a muffled sigh from him. "hm? what was that? speak up!!" 

izzy smiled shortly, "i just don't think that trenton wants to talk right now!" the musician looked up in disbelief at the usually frantic girl. "trenton?"

"isn't that your name?"

"who cares? now, introducing...katie and sadie! our clingy...annoying, i-i mean super attached best friends!! aren't they friendship goals?? like...soooo #livelovelaugh!" blaineley coughed and walked into the camera's view with chef. "and you forgot to introduce me! plus, i thought you said only one person on the zipline at a time?" 

"did i?" chris whistled, awkwardly chuckling and looking away from the inevitable. "AAAAGH!" the two girls screamed as they fell down, still in sync as they rubbed their heads in brief pain. stumbling back on their feet, they used each other for balance and walked towards the hosts. "eeek! h..hey! katie this is super cool!" sadie squealed, stammering over her words as she walked clumsily, still using her best friend for support. "for sure!!"

"...katie and sadie, everyone. you know only one of you can win right?" chris eyed the girls suspiciously. "whatevs! we know. sadie and i are going to win the money together and split it!!" katie smiled sweetly at the girl stood next to her, who grabbed her hand in response and lifted it up.

"totes mcgoats!" sadie nodded vigorously in confirmation.


the sudden groan came from harold, who was curled up into a ball on the floor before noticing everybody has taken note upon his arrival. "can you people wait until i introduce you, or are you just *that* excited?! anywho...welcome harold! let's just hope he rigs the votes again and actually does something...notable. please don't ramble about star wars, i'll gain wrinkles if you do and lose my youthful appearance!" 

izzy sceptically raised an eyebrow. "aren't you already old enough?"


"gh! simpleton...i am much more complex than you can even comprehend. besides...i never ranted about star wars...well, not to you!" harold sighed and glared at the host, walking towards the cast and looking around cluelessly. "where's our luggage?"

"...they're somewhere!"


"continuing! who do we have now? maybe it's everybody's middle school crush...that only peaked in middle school? give it up for justin!!" chris coughed, only for the camera to be shifted at justin who winked towards the screen. he landed 'gracefully', causing tyler to lightly gasp, clearly impressed. "i-i mean...uh yeah i could totally do that!" this earned a few glances of disbelief towards the athlete.

"oh my eeee! justin we soooo follow your new skin care routine!!" sadie squealed as the two best friends swarmed him like bees would to a flower. "hah...yeah. great routine, right?" he grinned, however his face fell when they lingered for longer than they should have. "that routine made me break out...but i still trust you with my life justin!!" owen chuckled as justin raised his eyebrows, surprised. "that's a bit much but sure. okay."

the conversation was halted by the sudden arrival of cody clumsily clutching onto the zipline as his legs dangled stiffly. sierra widened her eyes frantically as her body pushed itself forwards. "cody! bend your legs!!" she called instinctively.

the brunette struggled to steer himself in order to avoid kicking her when he landed, chris had to step in at this point. not because he cared (it would be good for ratings)...but he assumed it was the 'correct' thing to do. "sierra, move!!"

"oh yeah, right!" she leaped out of the way as cody finally approached the ground swiftly, skidding on his knees. "woah, isn't he so dreamy..." she sighed in a daze, looking at the cast inquisitively. "...um i guess?" trent raised an eyebrow.

"shut up trent, he's mine!!"

"ohmigosh! hiya cody, what a coinkydink!" izzy leaped off of owen and crashed into cody. "gggh!" cody gasped as he collided with the floor again. "ahaha...sorry. i guess i should've warned you." 

the boy sighed, collecting himself. "it's okay." 

sierra squinted her eyes at the two, sending daggers with her glare. "don't get too comfortable, izzy."

confessional - izzy

"what is her problem? you know there's something wrong when i'm the one pointing it out!"


the next arrival was surely one to be remembered. the first noticeable thing about the contestant was the memorable icy glare that had been shot at them all once before. or maybe it was the constant, unwelcoming scowl of annoyance plastered on her face. chris' eyes twinkled as he couldn't contain the joy that broke through his voice. "finally! i was wondering when you'd make an entrance...introducing, heather! she may not be in high school anymore, but i'm 99.9% sure she's still a mean girl! yikes...would not want to see her on my university campus." he shrieked dramatically, a short laugh following afterwards. he glanced at chef for approval. 

"what? that girl's a pain in the ass, what do you want me to say?" chef stared back at chris, confused at what he was looking for.

"whatever. oh, and btw, i'm getting my money from this crappy tv show. no matter what." she frowned and then turned towards the cast, scanning them and slipping herself quickly between harold and cody. they all acknowledged each other briefly until their attention was caught by gwen, who was frantically swaying as she attempted to land somewhat safely. she slipped yet luckily wedged her platform boots into the mud and regained some balance.

"you alright?" sadie rushed to her aid, only for her to shake her head. "just peachy." she groaned and walked past the cast, cody flinching as she did so. she made sure to put herself at a good distance from everybody else.

chris bombarded her instantly with an array of questions. "anything to say to the camera? especially after world tour? all stars? you know, the fandom went kinda crazy about whether you were staying or going from s tier on their tier lists!"

she instantly slapped the microphone away and out of his hands. "to be completely honest, i don't give a crap. i don't even want to be here! i was just getting over this stupid show and then you bring back the contract-"

his eyes lit up at the mention of that word as though he'd been hoping for it. "you mean...this contract?" he slipped a few sheets of paper out of his pocket, in which the goth tore them apart out of instinct. "awww! just like how you did it in season one! i knew you missed this show."

gwen grunted in response and edged slightly closer to the other campers. fortunately, she had been saved by the charismatic angel known as leshawna, the girl with a hearty smile and natural outgoing presence was definitely a potential contestant to root for back home.

"oh right, leshawna. let's just hope she doesn't dance this season! maybe she'll actually get a fair elimination unlike her farewell on the island!" chris grinned at the camera. "but hey, i don't make the rules!" 

leshawna sent a nasty glare at him. "yes you do, you're the host!" she frowned, before changing her expression to a lighter one as she beamed at the cast. "hey! long time no see." she waved, standing next to gwen. chris nodded in response to her comment that wasn't even directed towards him. "long time no see indeed! that's right, your favourite cast are now nineteen! time sure flies when you're having fun." 

justin gazed at him, dumbfounded. "you had fun in jail...for a year?" the host widened his eyes and covered the model's mouth with his hand. "ahaha! that was two years ago." he gasped for air as soon as chris pushed his hand off. "ew. i'm going to have to charge you for that, just so you know. these lips don't lie, chris."

silence fell upon the cast until it was broken by a deafening scream, causing birds to fly desperately out of the trees. dj sped down the zipline, his legs dangling uncontrollably. chris' eyes darted as he tried to follow the movement, until the soft-hearted boy fortunately slowed down and landed safely. "dj! yo, what's up?" 

dj simply fist bumped the host as he patted the boy on the back. "i'm actually kinda good! me and my mama are living comfortably and i'm pretty happy." chris' expression lifted up. "ah right! good to hear you've both recovered from the cooking show incident!" 

dj ignored his taunting and frowned, walking towards the rest of the cast.

"ahhhh! hellooooo! how do you work this thin-gah!!" lindsay fell forwards, tumbling down onto the grass. beth and tyler ran towards her as she brought her dainty hands up to clutch her head. "woahhh...everything's all spinny!" she looked around, excited yet dazed. "yeah, here's lindsay! naturally photogenic, naturally an idiot. is she literally a walking stereotype? yes?"

"stereotype? uh...no? i'm lindsay. l-i-n-d-s-a-y!" she crossed her arms, an offended look spread across her face. "don't frown you'll get wrinkles." justin reminded her, to which she gasped. "omg you're right. thanks justin!!" heather raised an eyebrow at this. "i'm surprised she even knows how to spell her own name."

all attention was turned towards the sudden intimidating presence cloduing the air. the host turned his body to face upwards, looking eva directly in her stone cold eyes. "well, looks like another contestant is landing shortly! even sasquatchanakwa is afraid of her, she's a lean mean fighting machine who can and will punch someone this season! will her anger get the best of her again?" blaineley gasped dramatically and falsely, causing eva to furrow her brow. she walked straight past the blonde, "shut up, you old hag." 

"old hag?!" she widened her eyes, touching her face self consciously. "omg! hii eva! that was soo badass!" katie waved at her, only to be shot a glare. "i'm not here for superficial friendships, so i'm not going to pretend to be all giggly and excited to see you." the girl paused and glanced awkwardly at her best friend before clearing her throat. "um...okay."

"what about me? am i an exception?" izzy walked over and placed an arm on eva's shoulder as she leant back, only to slip over in the mud. "hahhgh!" she gasped lightly as she fell. blaineley presented chris a questioning glare. "why are so many people slipping?" leshawna rolled her eyes and scoffed as though it was obvious, "well it's not like the zipline is right above a patch of mud...but okay. sure, whatever." chef joined in the interrogation and looked at chris, who was whistling contently and avoiding their glares. "and why did you position it there?"

chris shuffled his feet and grinned proudly, "well, i thought it'd be funny to see them fall into the mud...and it would totally boost ratings! i know, genius."

"genius? even lindsay wouldn't position it here." heather snorted, only for the cast to look at lindsay as she vigorously nodded. "mhm. that totally makes sense chris!" she then bent down and cupped her hand to her mouth and whispered to beth, "does it make sense?"

blaineley huffed and turned her head back towards the screen. "whatever. it doesn't matter. who do we have now anyways? maybe they'll be more exciting." she let her eyes travel upwards to the platform, only to deadpan at the sight. "gh...dammit. nevermind. yeah, it's mr huge ego himself, duncan." she said unexcitedly, focusing on her nails instead.

once he landed, he finally glared at her, "yeah i may have a bit of an ego...but yours is massive!" gwen anxiously chewed at the skin of her bottom lip, averting her gaze from him. she did not want to associate with him at all. "can this place get any worse?" she muttered shortly under her breath. chris glanced at the punk with knowing eyes. "so dunkie, how was prison?" he leant forwards, only for duncan to knudge him back. "not sure chris, how was it?" 

the host instantly squinted his eyes and watched as a proud smirk took over duncan's usually brooding face. despite the tense mood, it was instantly lifted by the next arrival. chris turned around and sincerely smiled, "finally, a contestant that i actually like! now we have ge-woah! hold on geoff! slow down, buddy!" he shrieked as geoff sped down rapidly, his mouth agape as he clutched his cowboy hat and the zipline simultaneously. "you can't stop me! ggh!" he yelled dramatically as he neared his inevitable fall, only to jump off early and land onto his knees, skidding lightly. "i did it...i'm alive!"

"yes! i knew you could do it. i always believed in you geoff!" izzy punched her fist in the air excitedly, running up and patting the guy on the back. "when did they get so chummy?" leshawna raised a brow, only for duncan to shrug. "no clue."

geoff foolishly smiled and noticed dj and duncan stood somewhat closely together. he quickly stumbled over to reunite all three of them. they hadn't properly spoken together since island despite being well informed of each other's highs and lows after the season. he pulled them both in and they all exchanged small smiles and glances.

"let's play a guessing game! who do you think will be next?" chris leant forwards towards the cast. eva rolled her eyes and scowled, "does it matter? just cut the bs mclean." izzy pouted. "eva, it might be fun!!" she glanced at owen, who nodded vigorously. "i'll go first! is it brody?!

eva deadpanned in contrast to geoff's sparkling eyes and childish grin. "i hope it's brody! please be brody!" dj agreed contently. "i think you might be right! it's probably brody." chris groaned, "ugh you're all so bad at this! and a lot of you didn't even take part because you're either emo or boring! it's ezekiel...and dj, do you even know brody?!"

"...no, but he seems nice! if geoff's cool with him, i'm cool with him too!" dj smiled innocently enough, causing chris to deadpan. geoff carelessly swung an arm and wrapped it around his shoulder, squeezing it tightly. "awh! dj, you're the best, c'mere!"

the boy timidly made his way down the zipline, still stoic as he dangled helplessly clutching the handles. he landed at a slow pace and readjusted his beanie awkwardly, before strolling forwards and outcasting himself on his own will. "he's non-mutant now?" blaineley raised an eyebrow, chris nodded. "yep! so now nobody can use it as an excuse for why i'm a...terrible host." he muffled that last part and averted his gaze. heather glowered and folded her arms, "well, it still happened! even if he did steal my damn prize money...you're still a shit host!"

"well at least i'm popular!" chris frowned falsely, before breaking out into a proud grin as it dawned upon heather what he was referencing. leshawna cringed and visibly shuddered. "ugh. don't even remind me."

"hey, back to the topic! any words on being a mutant previously, zeke?" blaineley strutted over and tipped the microphone in front of his face. he shifted away awkwardly, patting down the microphone and pushing it. "...no." the co-host's expression dropped and she scowled but then quickly replaced it with a smile. "okay then!"

"now it's time for our summer daydream, bridgette! she's got good social game and is pretty athletic...but will her stupidly affectionate relationship be her downfall...again?" blaineley gazed at the camera, before turning her head around to see geoff running up to bridgette as she landed. "bridge!!" he stumbled over his own feet, embracing the girl in an affectionate bear hug. the girl with a smile as warm as a gentle spring day surely made people feel at ease, especially when she waved briefly to the cast and returned geoff's embrace.

"awww how cute, edit that in slow-mo or something!!" chris ordered, blaineley could be seen rolling her eyes in the background. "yuck! where's the drama? i know we're still doing introductions but c'mon!" she huffed, flipping her shiny locks of hair.

"hm...oh. you either love or you hate her, please welcome courtney! or don't, i don't really care!" she looked up to see courtney effortlessly swinging down the zipline, somehow managing to land on her feet. she blew her fringe out of her way and walked over to the contestants silently, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. she glared at blaineley, who was staring intently at her. "what?"

"so...nothing. you're going to say nothing? not even a 'you're all going down!'" the co-host imitated her, much to the girl's annoyance. "shut up!" courtney scowled and straightened her posture, folding her arms with her head held high. duncan grinned, "uptight as always, i see." only for the contestants to then look at him irritated. "...what?"

while everybody was distracted, noah slid down the zip line with a bored expression. his attempt to go unnoticed failed, however, as chef took account of this and simply gave the boy the attention he wanted - none.

blaineley's head turned directly towards him, she sent a glare his way. "hey! you didn't let us introduce you!" he shrugged and was about to reluctantly walk to the rest of the cast, only to be lifted up in the air and hugged tightly by owen before he could do so. "hey buddy, i missed you so much!"

"introducing noah...i guess. he's snarky, a terrible assistant and probably spat in my coffee!" chris side eyed noah, now on the ground, who deadpanned. "oh yeah, for sure." noah sarcastically muttered, leaving the host startled. "ha..whatevs. moving on! will he be able to actually get past merge in a *real* total drama season?" he grinned charismatically, spreading his arms out wide. "somehow, he has a large fan base. ...seriously, maybe even larger than mine!"

"ahah! yeah he totes does. sorry mclean, you're kinda old news!!" sierra chirped, smiling obliviously. he sent her a brief glare and coughed awkwardly. "and..now we have noah's best friend, alejandro!" the bookworm groaned at the introduction, but only after heather's obnoxiously loud gasp covered by a fake splutter. everybody looked at her knowingly. "what? it's allergy season!"

"no it's the..." chris blinked and lifted up his fingers to count. "...sixth season!" courtney squinted at him and groaned. "funny."

alejandro was already on the ground by the time they stopped conversing. he instantly bowed to show some sign of respect. "hello everyone. pleasure to compete with you all again." he walked towards the cast, who gave him questionable glances laced with distrust. "ah...right. i would like to express how sorry i am about my actions in the previous seasons. we were younger then...i know i hurt many, which is why i am here - to apologise. but...also for the prize. the prize is good too." leshawna frowned and placed a hand on her hip harshly, "sureeeee." she dragged out the word with evident sarcasm even lindsay could pick up on.

"finally! drama! is that everybody?" blaineley looked towards chris, who nodded contently. "that's right! so, who wants to be team captain? just kidding! i know you were dying to put your hand up courtney...but it just wouldn't be fair! you know i'm all about justice and that."

confessional - cody

"thank god this isn't like gym class! ...i still remember getting picked last." he exclaimed, before awkwardly shuddering afterwards. he glanced around the confessional - it was strikingly similar to the total drama island one. "are these vines real?" cody held one gently before the camera cut off.


"rightio, let's form teams! so you know the drill...if i call your name, stand to my left! umm...let's see owen, cody, bridgette, over here! then...noah, geoff, dj and courtney...sadie, sierra, heather, beth! and sorry to pin him on you, but duncan!" chris nodded, his hand stroking his chin as he thought about where to place who. "you'll be team tropicalia!"

confessional - noah

"gee. i'm on an amazing team which has a name that sounds somewhat like poptropica...or at least that's what izzy would say. and...neither izzy or eva is on my team. at least i have owen and cody, i guess." noah shrugged, clearly tired of this season already.


"and team rainfall, you'll be on my right! gwen, katie, trent, izzy, justin, harold, ezekiel, leshawna, tyler, lindsay, alejandro and eva!" 

confessional - katie

"i'm not on a team with sadie...?! what the hell am i supposed to do, cry? well it's not like i can, this mascara would go to waste and is not waterproof!"


"now who's for a group photo? y'know, for memories and...all that! just like the good old times." chris grinned from ear to ear as chef reluctantly fetched him a camera. "let me guess, that's the same crummy one from the island?" noah raised a brow sceptically, only to be ignored by the host. "is that even a question, of course it is." gwen piped in, placing her hands on her hips.

"everybody say total drama!"

followed by an expected silence, the contestants had posed so fittingly that it was awkward, and unsurprisingly, few had blinked so there had to be multiple retakes until chris was satisfied. "jeez..some of you are really unphotogenic!" chris looked up and stared at duncan, who blinked back. the two kept this gaze until blaineley coughed to break it. "you're not wrong...but now it's time to unpack! your luggage is situated near the treehouses or whatever. right, chris?" she folded her arms and glanced back to the host, who whistled in return.

confessional - chris

"i have no idea where their luggage is!"


confessional - gwen 

"oh and by the way, if anybody was wondering...so far this still sucks."


a/n: finally finished the rewrite!! this is pretty much the introduction chapter so sorry if it's a drag, i'm kinda following tdi in which ep 1 they get organised onto teams and ep 2 they do the challenge! 

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