The Uniform Policy - Part 1

By TIMMY_ialsodriveabus

12 0 0

The school is forcing students to wear uniforms now - but any student who disobeys the one rule - will get pu... More

The Uniform Policy

12 0 0
By TIMMY_ialsodriveabus

7 am. Time for Midnight to wake up. Her alarm clock goes off. She slams her fist onto the snooze bar. Time for school. She groggily makes her way over to the curtains and pulls them open. She squints her eyes and she tries to adjust to the light. She has a big yawn and sits down on her bed.

"God, I don't want to go to school today." She thinks. She slaps her thigh and hops up. She makes her way over to her walk in closet. She puts her fingers to her chin and wiggles them. She knows just the right outfit. She quickly gets undressed then dressed into an oversized blue sweater and black shorts. She ducks and grabs a pair of shoes from her drawer. Black flat heels. Perfect. Midnight feels ready than ever.

Midnight greets her older sister, Lydia, in the kitchen with a great smile. Lydia, however, notices, but simply does not care, for she is making scrambled eggs. Lydia notices what Midnight is wearing and stops her right in her tracks.

"Uh..Midnight?" She approaches.

"Y-yes, Lydia?" Midnight stutters back.

"You do realise that the school wants you to wear a uniform now."

Midnight could not believe what she was hearing. No, Lydia is just joking around. Right?



"Go get changed, Midnight."

But she did not want to get changed. She started to get angry. She thought it was just Lydia playing tricks on her. I mean, it's the first day back at school. Who wouldn't joke around?

Midnight clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She started to go red in the face. She started to get stronger, and as she got stronger, she grew. Midnight was as tall as the roof. Her eyes and the tips of her hair turned yellow. A lightning bolt struck the room. Lydia fell to the floor, shaking.

Meanwhile, in the family room. Midnight's little sister, Maddy, and their father, Bruno, were just having a relaxing time, waiting for the girls to get ready. Maddy was playing with her rabbit toy and Bruno was reading the Weekly Paper. They saw a bright light and turned their heads in sync. Did they know it was Midnight?

Midnight had Lydia cornered. She stretched out her arm and Bam! Out came a bolt that almost had enough volts to kill Lydia. It struck her in the eye. She fell to the floor, grasping and screaming in pain.

"Midnight stop!"

It was Gemma.

The night before, Midnight and Gemma decided to walk together to school the next morning. Midnight was so excited that she forgot. Gemma was waiting outside her door for 10 minutes until she heard a loud zap. She had no choice but to see what it was. Little did Gemma know that it would be Midnight about to kill her sister!

"Midnight, stop!"

Midnight focused her gaze towards Gemma.

"Why should I?" She says in a deep, scary voice.

"You are so much better than this!"

Midnight was getting ready to pounce on Gemma.

Gemma raised her hands up with fear.

"Please don't hurt me..or your family.."

Midnight starts to calm down.

"Midnight..please don't do this.."

What happened next made Midnight's heart skip a beat.

"..I love you."

Midnight started blushing. Her eyes and hair turned back to its normal color. She shrunk until she was back to her original size.

Gemma faintly smiled. They stood in silence for 2 seconds then ran into each other's arms. Midnight went in for a kiss. Gemma accepted. And that's how they started dating. Wait! The story's not over yet!

Lydia rubs her eye and gains consciousness. She wobbles to a standing posture and sees Midnight and Gemma getting very intimate together. she thinks and backs away quietly.

20 minutes before class starts, Midnight and her gang are hanging out on the school rooftop. The gang consists of 5 members. Midnight, Gemma, Billie, Gabriel and Ashy. Midnight was in a deep kiss with Gemma while the others watched. Ashy is grossed out, Billie is amazed and Gabriel just doesn't care. They stop french kissing and Midnights says:

"And that's how you do it!"

Ashy then gets up and dances.

"I'll never get a boyfriend." She says in a sing-song voice.

She sits back down. Midnight gives an unamused look.


Gemma sits down next to Ashy.

"What did you think, Billie?"

Billie was basically jumping up and down from arousement. She was a flirty little dog.

"That. Was. Good!"

Gemma's eyes went wide. Ashy popped her gum. Gabriel had had enough.

Meanwhile, a new kid Jaxson was starting school. He had transferred from an all boys school. He was having second thoughts. He saw two girls out the front. He thought they were cute. He even wondered if this was the right school. He also had to pee. Really bad. He was really tempted to go behind a tree. But then a wave of students came off from a school bus so he went into the school. The handle was smooth and cold. He took a shrill breath and in he went.

The first thing he saw when he went in were the two girls from before. They were chatting right in the middle of the hallway. A booming voice suddenly shouted out-

"Hey! Coco and Ashton!"

Coco turns her head. Jaxson hid.

"Why aren't you in uniform?"

Jaxson realised he also wasn't in uniform.

"Come here at once!"

The two girls groaned and started walking their way over to the office.

Jaxson didn't know if it was safe to come out. There was a shout then a thump then a blood curdling scream. Jaxson held his breath. He saw a pool of blood gushing down the hallway.

His lip started quivering and he ran up the stairs. He was so freaked out, that he didn't see Billie coming his way. He turned his head at the last second.

"Look out!" Jaxson yelled.

Billie had her headphones in and didn't hear him. They crashed into each other. Billie landed on top of him. They stopped for a second. They looked into each other's eyes and smiled. Billie bit her lip and giggled.

That day, in class, Billie rushed in with some exciting news.

"Guys!" She bursted out. "I have a crush on the new kid!"

They were all caught up in their work, they didn't really care.

"..Okay." Midnight said, breaking the silence.

"Guys, it's true. I wanna kiss him so badly! Ashy can I have some gum?"

She searches in her pocket.

"Sorry, none left."

Billie thumps her foot.

"Come here."

She looked around. "Why?" Ashy said, chewing her gum.

Billie threw a chair. "Will you just come here!"

Ashy raised her hands up, saying sorry for the noise. 

"Alright, alright," she walks over to Billie. 

Ashy never knew how tall she was until she was standing, looking down at Billie. She hesitates and finally says, 


Billie grabs at her cheek and pulls her in for a hard kiss. Midnight gasps. Gemma nearly vomited. Even Gabriel was surprised. Ashy pulled away and fell onto the floor. She was horrified. Billie nearly moaned.

"Billie O'Brien to the head office, Billie O'Brien to the head office. Thank you." the loudspeaker called out. 

Billie's moment of fun was over.

"Thanks for the gum, Ashy" she says and winks. 

She walks away.

"What?" Ashy didn't even realise that Billie slipped in tongue and took her gum. 

Ashy felt around her mouth with her tongue. It was indeed gone.

"Grrr! You little-!" She stops herself and puts her head down. 

Gabriel comes over and hugs her.

"Guys, I'm gonna take Gemma to the nurse's office." 

Gemma did look very faint.

After the class had quieted down, Ashy and Gabriel returned to their seats. Ashy continues her work. Gabriel stops, thinks, then says to Ashy:

"Hey, what was so bad about it?"

Ashy turns around with an unapproved face.

"What's so bad about it? Gee, I don't know, maybe for the fact that Billie freaking frenched me! We're best friends, you don't do that stuff. She could've asked someone else for gum instead of kissing me to take mine!"

Gabriel sighs.

"Sorry, I'm not good with helping people with their feelings."

Ashy laughs. "Yeah, I know that!"

Ashy turns back around and thumps her head onto the desk.

"Ugh." she groans. "What am I going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

Ashy turns her head around and leans into Gabriel closer.

She sighs. "When Billie kissed me for that one second, it felt-" She pauses. "It felt good."

Gabriels' heart drops. He has had the biggest crush on Ashy for a long time now. Ashy holds her hand to her heart.

"Billie makes me want to not like guys."

Those 8 words made Gabriels' heart sink. He never knew Ashy liked Billie. He never knew she was too afraid to admit she liked girls. He was too late. He never knew. He then wondered if he should just tell her he likes her.

"Ah, what's the point," Ashy says. "No girl or no one will ever love me."

The bell went.

"Well see ya! I gotta get to my next class." Ashy waves goodbye. She walks away then turns back around.

"Hey, are you okay? You're really sweaty."

Gabriel then took off his face mask. He never does this.

"I love you."

Later that day after school, Ashy didn't sit next to Gabriel on the bus. It was just too embarrassing. Gabriel sat two seats away from her and kept trying to gawk at her. Ashy turned around and looked at Gabriel. He froze and turned away. Ashy hadn't said anything to the 3 words Gabriel said.

Later that night, Ashy got ready for bed. She ate dinner with her family, watched tv, brushed her teeth and changed into her pajamas.

"Are you alright?" Ashys' mother had asked her at dinner. "You haven't said anything at all."

"Yeah..I'm just...scared for the big test coming up.."

Ashy layed in bed. She tossed and turned for several hours until eventually she fell into a deep sleep.

She woke up - still in her pajamas - at the school bus stop. She sat up and focused on her surroundings. "Where am I?" She looked around and noticed she was at the bus stop. "What am I doing here?" She looked around and noticed it was deserted. No cars, no people. A wasteland. The ground started rumbling beneath her feet. Earthquake was the first word that came to her head. She tried to jump onto the bus stop seats but a hole formed underneath her, she fell in. She fell through a lot of dimensions. She fell into her bedroom and saw Billie and Gabriel naked. "We know you want us." They said, holding hands. Ashy screamed and fell through the hole again. She was in an airport this time. There was a strange girl who came over to her. She had her flight ticket. "It's not too late to get a coffee." She said to Ashy. "No" She mumbled in her sleep. She was dreaming this whole time. She suddenly teleported in her dream to a house she didn't know. She was tied up with rope on the couch. A hooded man stood in front of her. "Let me go!" Ashy screamed. The man mumbled something in a foreign language. A big explosion flooded the room. She couldn't even have time to think what had caused it because she died.

She woke up in a huff and a puff but didn't scream. She patted her body and felt around to make sure she was alive. She let out a long sigh and decided to go to the bathroom. What a weird dream.

The next day in class, Ashy was so tired, she was falling asleep in class. Jaxson was finally in a uniform and Midnight was crying because of Gemma. Ashy eventually fell asleep. She didn't want to hear about quantum physics anymore.

She was in her school chair. Pitch black all around. She thought she had entered her mind. In front of her was Coco, all torn up and bloody. Look what she did to me. Coco thought. Was Ashy going insane? Could Ashy hear Coco's thoughts? She had to make sure it was really real. Coco? Is that you? Ashy couldn't talk, only thoughts. Yes, it's me. Coco thought. Where have you been? Coco looked down. It was the new principal She thought. You have to get your friends out of here! Ashy was confused, Why? She thought. Coco started slurring her words. She was glitching like a hologram. It's- It's the- It's the new principal- More glitches. She split into 3. If you don't wear your uniform, she'll- Cocos' words got cut off from an invisible force. It's like she got stabbed by nothing. Ashy could do nothing but watch. It was like she was glued to her chair. Coco fell to the ground and spat up blood. Ashy tried to get up. The invisible force holding her down eventually gave out and she fell to the ground. She grabbed Coco. She was dead. Ashy had a defeated look on her face and stood up. All was quiet and dark. But then, a loud voice - like the voice on the loudspeaker - called out:

"You've seen too much!" Ashy gasped. "It's time to end it all!" Ashy covered her eyes and crouched. She knew at that moment, she would be dead. She waited and waited. No more voice? She slowly stood up and gazed around. How would she get out of here?

"SHUTTING_DOWN_ASHY.EXE/SSFZXER47Y" Ashy fell to the ground as the darkness consumed her.

She woke up in a class that wasn't hers. The bell must've gone. All the kids were laughing at her and the teacher told her to go to her next class. She left the classroom and headed to her next class. She stopped in the hallway. She didn't want to go. She never ditched class but something was telling her to. Like something bad would happen if she didn't. She turned the opposite way and headed out of the school grounds. She walked and walked, turning left and right - not controlling it - going where her mind was going. Her mind was the host and her body was the temple it lies in. She kept walking like a mindless zombie until she was at a dead end. She broke out of her trance and fell to the ground crying. She was honestly scared for her wellbeing.

Back at school, it was recess. Jaxson, Billie, Midnight and Gabriel were hanging out in their usual spot. Gabriel was not focused in the conversation. "Thanks for letting me hang with you guys," Jaxson said. "I thought I would make no friends." Midnight rolled her eyes because she knew this was Billies' plan to make him fall in love with her. "No worries, Jaxson!" Billie giggles. They all exchange glances. Billie breaks the silence. "Where's Ashy?"

"Maybe she didn't come today because of the incident." Midnight says. "Incident?" Billie asks. Did Billie really forget what she did to Ashy yesterday? "The kiss."

Billie turns red. "...Right. Let's just forget that ever happened." Billie felt embarrassed after she kissed Ashy. She should feel it too.

"Ashy is definitely here today. I saw her in class." Jaxson said. Billie smiles. "She's probably ditching." She would never do that. Midnight thought. They all return to silence. Jaxson breaks the silence by taking a crunch of dog food. "Sorry." he muffles.

"Midnight, why are you so quiet?" Billie asked. "Uh..." Midnight quickly thought of an excuse. "Gemma's sick! And I'm worried about her. That's all." Midnight pulls her collar and tie away from her neck. "Is it just me or is it hot out here?" Knowing Billie, 'getting hot out here' means sexual tension. She was confused as to why Midnight was trying to seduce her. "What are- what are you implying?" Midnight locked her eyes onto Billies'. "Can we go somewhere cooler?"

"Where?" Jaxson flirtingly said. He was just as perverted as Billie was. Billie was amazed. Midnight hated how Billie was so gross, she didn't want her new friend to be like that either. "I don't know- SOMEWHERE ELSE FROM HERE!" Midnights' eyes and tips of her hair turned yellow. It was not like her to yell at her friends. "Okay fine.. Don't know why you want me that much." Midnight was trying to calm herself down. "What?!" She yelled. "Well, you said "is it getting hot out here" and I thought you were making a move on me."

"What the hell, Billie?!" Midnight got more yellow. "I'm actually feeling hot, I'm burning up!"

Billie felt silly. "..Oh. Sorry." Midnight groaned then stormed off.

Ashy woke up still in that dead ended alleyway. She heard a faint voice call her name.

"Ashy..." She got up. "Yes, I'm here!" she thought it was one of her friends or teachers calling her name. There was no one. "Hello?" The voice spoke again. "This way.." The voice was emitting through the darkness of the dead end. "You want me to go-" she pauses to find her glasses and puts them on. "-down there?" She continues. "Yes.." She wondered if she should. She wondered if she walked into the darkness it would give her her old life back. She wondered if she followed the voice it would take away her pain. She wondered, that's all she could do, for her mind had fully taken control over her.

After school, Midnight was still yellow. She had not changed out of her uniform. She didn't care. Moments later, her dad walked in. "Hey kiddo!" Midnights' father - Bruno - was an exceptionally happy person. "Hey dad.." Midnight turned around to face him. "Your- Your hair is still yellow," he joked. "Ya. I know," Midnight said in a sarcastic tone. "Because I'm still angry with someone." She sat on her bed. "Who are you angry at?" Midnight's father asked. "One of my 'friends' from school." Was she my friend anymore? "Ashy?" Bruno asked. "No."

"Abby?" "His name is Gabriel dad!" "Right sorry, sorry, uh, that new kid?" "I barely know him." Jaxson was a pervert. Just. Like. Billie. Bruno was trying to think of more of his kids' friends. "Mousse?" He eventually says. "No." Midnight replies. "Ashton?" Bruno asks, knowing how much Midnight hates her. "No! I am not friends with her!" she yells. Bruno felt bad. "Moonlight?" he says. "No." He has upset Midnight even more. "Veronica?" he says. "Dad- who even is that- no it's-" she turns around and sees her father is playing the guitar and is wearing a Mexican hat. Her voice gets cut off. "I- Dad, what are you doing?" Bruno was too stunned to speak. "Uh - nothing." he says and the props disappear. "It's Billie." Midnight finally says.

A few weeks later, Midnight's class is going on a class camp to New York. They take a train to the airport. Ashy and Gabriel are forced to sit with each other. The awkwardness was real. Gemma recovered from her sickness, and it turns out she got a stomach bug right at the moment Billie kissed Ashy. Midnight sat next to her for comfort. Jaxson and Billie had nothing to talk about. When they arrived at the airport, they got their luggage and boarding passes and were waiting out on the seats. After a while, they heard the joyous news to their ears, their flight was boarding. They all walked to the boarding area but Ashy stayed put. Midnight noticed. "You coming, Ashy?" No words came from her. Midnight waited for a response but got nothing. She headed over to the boarding area. Ashy sat down with her head in her arms. A woman saw her and came over. "Are you alright?" she asked. Ashy looked up and saw the woman before her. She looked very familiar. "You know, it's not too late to order a coffee" Where did Ashy hear those words before? That's right! Her dream! Her dream has come true!

After a few hours, they arrive at their cabin rooms. Midnight, Gemma, Billie and Gabriel are all in one room. Gabriel would've preferred to be in the boys cabin. In another cabin, Ashy was stuck with Mousse, Moonlight and Laura. People she barely knew.

Back at Midnight's home, Bruno was working on a very important cooking recipe. Moments later, Maddy came into his study. "Daddy!" she said. "Yes, darling?" Bruno said, not taking his eyes off the screen. "Where's Midnight?" she asked. "At camp darling." Bruno quickly answered. He didn't want to be bothered. Maddy grunted and left the room. Moments later, Lydia came in. "Dad! I can't find my lip gloss!" Bruno sighs. "Where did you last leave it?" he says. "Uhh.. on the counter?" Lydia peeks her out to inspect the counter and sure enough it's there. She smiles. "Exactly." Bruno says. When Lydia exits, Maddy comes back in. "Daddy, I'm hungry." she says. Bruno let out a long sigh. "Go get a carrot out of the fridge." Maddy nearly crashed into Lydia as she came back in. "Dad, can I have $987?" she says. Bruno scoffs. "What for?" Lydia thinks. "Kylie's new lip kit, uhh.. A bunch of other stuff too." She counts on her fingers. "No, it's a waste of money." Lydia leaves the room angrily. Moments later, in walks Maddy. "Dad-" This was his breaking point. "What do you want, Maddy?! I'm trying to work!" Maddy whimpered and started crying. She was crying so much it sounded like a relative died. "Maddy, please don't cry, I'm sorry." He gets out of his chair and hugs his child on the ground. "Look, what do you need to tell Daddy?" Maddy stutters on her words but eventually speaks. "Can you look at my poo?" Bruno sighed. It was hard being a single dad. Lydia knocked on the door and came in. "Dad, one of my nail polishes broke all over your fluffy white carpet." Lydia grimaced. What a great day I'm having, Bruno thought.

Midnight was sitting on the couch in the dorm room. Gee, this place is really boring. And it really was. The wallpaper was dull. The roof was leaking with some strange goo. It smelled like four rats beaten to death with a hammer. And to top it all off, you have to wear your school uniform. No casual attire allowed. There's nothing to do. Midnight wished she brought her phone. Then she remembered reading about a rooftop in the brochure. Perfect! Midnight loves hanging out on rooftops! She made her way to the top, Looks like the one at school, she thought. She walked a bit further and saw two people. Two very familiar people. Two very familiar people kissing! Gemma - her girlfriend - was kissing Ashy! Midnight couldn't believe what she was seeing! Gemma pulled away from Ashy for a second and saw Midnight in the corner of her eye. She gasped. She smacked Ashy away from her and stepped back. Ashy noticed and smiled nervously. They both smiled nervously. "H-Hi Midnight.." Gemma said. Midnight was disgusted. She shook her head in anger. "Never talk to me again!" she shouted. She ran away crying. Gemma sighed and hung her head down. Ashy felt pity.


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