GHOST oneshots

By Lumitybiishhhhh

1.4K 41 5

All characters belong to GHOST More

so uhm
Nancy Is Insane (Saint Patricks Day)
Kenneth gets pissed off
oh dear god not again
woah (not a chapter)
(still not a chapter)
Say's encounter

[Whateverthefuckyoucallher] goes to the supermarket

280 5 3
By Lumitybiishhhhh

The gworl from Appetite of a People Pleaser  is gonna be called Obsequious 

Kk bai 


 Obsequious pov

 I feel like I'm  dying. I havent eaten in days cause i live in 'merica where the gas prices are higher than Jod on crack, so fuck driving. I cannot eat anything else without wanting to eat moths, though I will have an allergic reaction and just fucking die. Oh wait, walmart is just across the street. Cmon legs, do your thingy ig.

*In the grocery store*

I walk in and hear yelling between 2 voices. As long as they aren't guarding the cake I'll be fine... The shelves looked quite empty,giving me less hope that the cakes will still be there. I walk over to the sweets section and...




   I wanted to rip my fucking hair out now, but for now i'll just have to settle for ice cream. I walk over to the freezers, and soon find out where the yelling was coming from. Two people that looked about my age, One with short hair and bandages covering their eyes, and the other with medium length hair and orange eyes. They were having a fucking nerf war inside a walmart. They took all the items off the shelves to build forts. I look to see that the cakes were also apart of one of the forts. Nerf darts were all over the floor, and there was a small crowd watching them battle.

   I had my basket in hand, and was very pissed. I'm not walking home empty handed. They used the cakes for the support in the forts, which, surprisingly didn't destroy the cakes, but if i took them out, would make the fort collapse. Meanwhile when i was having my bigbrain moment, a dart hit me in the head, causing me to stumble a bit. I've had it. I ran over and dodged all the bullets between the two and grabbed as many cakes as my twig arms & basket could handle. This made the person with the bandage's fort to fall down, and next thing I knew there were several bullets being shot my way, while the person chases me.


   I'm now in a life or death situation. If the feral toddler catches me I'll probably fucking die, if i make it out of here i won't. Looks like i wont be paying for these... 

   I frantically look for the exit while running, but this gave them a chance to catch up. I began running toward the baby food isle, the only isle they hadn't taken items out of. I began throwing the jars of baby food at the phsycotic man and one happened to hit his forhead, shattering the glass and leaving baby food all over his bandages. This slowed him down a little, but gave me just enough time to find the exit. He's nearly on my ass until the automatic sliding doors didnt recognize that he was there,  and closed in his face.

  I had made it to my house, and was celebrating my victory by eating a whole entire chocolate fudge cake. I was at peace until there was a knock at my door. I swear to god, if that person followed me home...

  I open the door to see the two people that were having a nerf battle, except the feral one wasnt trying to kill me. I was a bit hesitant at first deciding wether or not to shut the door in their face. The one with the medium length hair and a calm expression started to speak.

"I am fairly sorry about what happened in the supermarket, y'know, about getting chased down and nearly murdered. Now Arc, apologise." Arc didn't answer, which made the other shake him. "Did you fall asleep?! Oh my god." I was at wonder of how you could fall asleep while standing. Maybe taking some pills? Sleep deprivation? I was lost in thought until I snapped back into reality, by hearing a slapping sound coming from the two.

  One of the two was slapping Arc's face over and over until he'd wake up. He didn't wake up, So the person (who i never got the name of >:( ) apologized again and went home. I have no fucking clue to this day why i decided to take the cakes, but it was still fucking worth it.


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