
Oleh Nusy_idrisu

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Asad Suhail is a young guy who is poetic, cold , void and always harsh to others. Life was harsh to him so wh... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 3

155 26 0
Oleh Nusy_idrisu

"Your enemies are not outsiders, they are people you keep closest to you. They just disguise themselves as family and friends".

                                              Anonymous .


Third person P.O.V

40 days.  It's been 40 days since when Aneesa and Suhail died and still 40 days since when the culprit got away with it. Inspector Fahad has been trying his best but this master mind was way beyond his imaginations.

For the past 40 days Asad's condition only worsen.

He ceased from everything and everyone.  He only stood up to pray when it was time for prayers and he eats when he is hungry, but not much though. He can starve himself for two to three days before he eats and whenever he eats , it's just little.

He still stays in the family house and after several meetings, it was concluded that he was going to be staying with his Aunt Karima and her husband Mr Zubairu.

It was sad for Nafisa because her dream was to become a mother, if not possible, at least let her feel like one but unfortunately Najib's relatives do not trust Nafisa because she is fruitless and they refuse to allow her adopt a child.

They often feel like she is not worthy of being called a mother or taking care of a child.

Although she is fruitless, she never for a minute left Asad, she always tried supporting him and reassuring him everything will be okay but it was all in vain, he was too void at the moment and still is.

Every morning, she comes to the family house to pray for Suhail and Aneesa then stays with Asad to while away time and every night Najib takes her back home. 

She always bring food for Asad when it's ready but he rarely touched it unless he was starving to the extent that he can't walk.

Sometimes she comes with gifts for him or surprises him to lighten up his day but it was no use , his interest in life was fading gradually and her fear was that he would loose himself in the process of loosing interest in life.

Asad lost his parents 40 days ago and today was the day all Aneesa and Suhail's things were going to be inherited and sold out. As for Asad , being the only child and a male, he inherited a lot but he couldn't care less.

It hurt most of his relatives and even pissed them off because they did not inherited as much as he did but nevertheless there was nothing they could do.

All his inheritance was kept for future use , including his father's companies , houses and unsold lands.

"Umma , I know what I am saying. He need a therapist. His condition is ge-" Nafisa was cut off.

"Zip it childless woman. What would you know about children"... Umma narrowed her eyes and glared at Nafisa.

"Karima ...."  Umma avert her attention to her daughter.. "Help Asad pack his things. Since today marks 40 days since when his parents died, it's time for him to leave . I know he will be in good hand my lovely daughter".

"Okay Umma" Karima says and exits the room.

Nafisa watches Karima leave wishing she was the one taking Asad home today.

Karima walks into Asad's room and meets Asad sitting at the corner of his room , his eyes so shallow and under them were heavy eye bags and dark circles.

She cleared her throat to gain his attention but he paid no heed to her.

"Asad" she called out but no reply.

"Asad Suhail" she called out again but this time a little bit louder and she didn't hear a single sound from him. Not even a muscle in him moved.

She got close to him and a frown became visible on her lips. She examined him for about a minute then gave him a hot slap and that's when he finally turned to look at her.

The passive and empty eyes that were there seconds ago instantly disappeared and were replaced with something different....anger.

An emotion Asad will never look at Nafisa with.

"I am not Nafisa that will tolerate your nonsense, get ready , we are leaving in the evening"... Aunt Karima ordered in an angry tone but Asad didn't budge.

"Don't you have a mouth....speak up".. She yelled but he only stared at her.

"You are a useless orphan"... She said as she walked out of the room, she was already tired of his nonchalant attitude.

"I wonder how I am going to keep up with that thing" Aunt Karima muttered under her breath and banged the door.

She met Nafisa walking towards Asad's room.

She glared at Nafisa and mutter 'Childless woman' under her breath then cat walked herself away.

Nafisa ignored her remark and rushed in to see what she did to Asad.

As soon as they made contact, Nafisa embraced the little boy.

"Are you okay? What did she say to you? Did she hurt you?"... Nafisa asked one by one as she pulled out of the hug, she was worried about him, no one has to tell her that Aunt Karima is a green snake under the green grass.

He didn't reply to any of the questions she was throwing at him but the anger in his eyes disappeared and we're replaced with something different...pain.

"Asad"... Nafisa calmly called out as she watched a lone tear tickled down his cheek.

She quickly wiped the tear with her thumb "Shhhhh do not cry My Asad"... she hugged him once more.

"Everything will be okay. Be patient"... she assured him.

"No it won't be"... his voice echoed around the room for the first time in 40 days.

Her eyes widened , she was shocked that he finally spoke after a long time.

She gently rubbed his back, making circles with her finger to calm him down as she recited some Dua (prayer) into his ear.

Soon he fell asleep and she used the opportunity to pack his belongings.

'What ever Karima said to him triggered him to finally speak again, maybe he really is in good hands'... Nafisa said to herself as she started crying.

"I still don't trust her"... Nafisa frowned then avert her attention back to the son she never had.

"I will miss you My Asad " she kissed him on his forehead and took his things out of the room.

Later that evening Karima left with Asad to her own house and explain to her children that Asad is going to be living with them.

She later came back and met Asad sitting on the carpet lost in thoughts.

"Asad"... she called out and he stared at her.

"Listen and listen carefully, as long as you are going to be living here you need to abide by the rules and regulations of my house. You know, since you don't have a house of your own" ... Aunt Karima taunted him.

She brought out a big dusty book and cleaned the dust from it.

She then flip the book open and began to read...."Rule number one(1).... You are going to be waking up by 4:30am and put bathing water on the fire and when it's ready, it's your job that it goes to my room and my children's room so that they can start getting ready for school. You will be severally punished and flogged if you forget or fail to do it on time". She started.

"Rule number two(2).... You will always make breakfast when you are done taking the bathing water and you are not allowed to eat when we are eating, you will eat my children remaining food and if they don't remain anything for you, then you will have no choice but to go to school hungry"... She shrugged but held a serious tone .

"Rule number three(3).... When going to school you are going to trek, I do not want to ever see you near my husband's car, that's the only car we have and I don't want your filthy body near it. It's so unfortunate that Suhail paid for your secondary school fees till you graduate, I would have stopped you from going to school"....She hissed .

"Your school is more costly than my children's school which is more annoying and for that you will trek to school everyday. I can't believe Suhail paid for your school fees from Js1 till you leave Ss3 upon that he paid for your books and uniform , at least that one is not until you graduate"... Anger laced in her tone.

"Rule number four(4)....I dont want you to ever invite any of your friends you will make along the line".

She kept on stating rules and regulations from her big book of rules and Asad simply kept quiet.

"Rule number five hundred and seventy (570)..... You are to obey what so ever my children or anyone in this house say. Have I made myself clear with the 570 rules?".... she asked and Asad kept gazing at her instead of reply.

"Speak up when I talk to you"... she yelled at him but he kept quiet.

"Yunusa... Bring the cane" she yelled and within minutes her first son came back with a huge long cane.

The moment it landed on her hand , she did not hesitate to beat the day light out of Asad.

Asad kept on shouting at it stroke she took .

"Get out of my sight"... she then kicked Asad and walked away .

Asad was familiar with the house because his father brings him here sometimes but they never stay long.

Instead of him to enter his cousins room , he sat there in the living room carpet, crying out his heart. He examined his arms and saw the red marks Aunt Karima left for him to remember.

"Hey you"... Yunusa entered and sat on the chair besides Asad but Asad chose to ignore him.

"I wish my mom added you more cane".... Yunusa taunt Asad but Asad remained silent, still in tears.

"Let's go".... Yunusa dragged Asad , trying to pull him out of the living room but Asad pulled out of his grip.

"Who do you think you are? Pulling your hand away from mine. You have a lot of courage. Look your father is dead so you better respect your coconut head"... Yunusa said.

Asad made no effort to reply to Yunus statement, he was in pain because of the cane that Karima fed him with.

"Kamal ... Lateef, come and see something and please come with canes".... Yunusa said to Asad .

'Not cane, Canes?'....Asad thought.

Within seconds, his brothers rushed in with long scary canes and the three of them ganged up and beat Asad mercilessly.

Asad's shouting brought Aunt Karima back to the living room.

"What is going on here?"....She asked .

"Mommy , he was insulting you so I called Kamal and Lateef to come and help me beat him up".... Yunusa obviously lied.

"Good , deal with him very well, you do not even need a reason to deal with him, consider him as your very own toy".... Aunt Karima wore an evil smile and walked away.

As soon as she walked away they kept on beating Asad till they got tired. They left him with new bruises and trails of marks all over his body.

He had no more energy left in his body so he just laid there , looking hopeless and lifeless.

He was not only hungry but also tired and his body was running a temperature.

After a few hours, Kamal.. Karima's second son sneaked into the living room when no one was watching and he began to tended to Asad wounds.

'Poor thing, he lost his parents and now this' ... Kamal looked at his almost dead cousin with utmost pity.

He was most certainly not like his mother or brothers. He had a soft spot for people and tends to pity them.

'Dear cousin, I promise to protect you from my mother and brother'...Kamal promised Asad as he placed the last bandage on his forehead.


Third person P.O.V

That night Najib was in his room, on a phone call. He knitted his eyebrows as the hope in him was slowly fading...  "What do you mean inspector Fahad?".

"I have not given up yet but I still have no clue to trace this master mind"... Inspector Fahad tried to make him comprehend the situation.

Najib sigh out of frustration.... "It's okay then, good night"... with that he cut the call before he could get a respond.

It was a strong habit of his that he developed over time.

He was fund of cutting the call at his own will.

Just then Nafisa entered the room wearing a long loose night gown, she held two cups of tea in her hand.

She slowly kept it on the mini coffee table and took her position besides her husband.

She examined him for a few minutes before she finally spoke.

She knew something was wrong but she went along with it  "Here is your tea , specially made with love".

He fake a smile and muttered a 'thank you'.

She then took his hand in hers and placed a soft kiss on it.

"I love you okay..." ... she said with a warm smile.

"And I am always here if you want to talk , okay?"... She assured him.

He stared at her and said nothing.

He tried so hard to mask his emotions but the pain in his eye were as clear as day.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it" she held his hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"I won't pressurize you... okay?" She said and stood up to bring his tea close to him.

"It's Suhail and Aneesa" ... he admitted with a heavy sigh.

"Okay...." ... she motioned him to continue.

"Why?... why Nafisa? How can people be so felonious and cruel ? How and why would they murder my own brother and his dear wife leaving their son in pain, leaving his whole family in pain for that matter".... Najib started off.

Nafisa wanted to talk but he continued.

"You know what the worst part is?"... He asked Nafisa and she slowly rotate her head side to side gesturing no.

"We can't find the culprit"... he stated. Anger raging through his voice .

"There is a saying... 99 days for the bad and 1 day for the good. People can plot all their evil doings against one another but they can't hide or get away with it for long"... Nafisa said in a calm manner.

"Trust Allah(God) for he knows what he is doing and he knows when he wants them to be caught"... She assured him.

"Let's keep on praying for Aneesa and Suhail and pray for these crazy people to be exposed or rather get caught. Now drink up your tea and get some rest"... she said and laid down on the bed.

"What about your tea?"... Najib asked

"I finished it while you were talking"... Nafisa stated and took her position on her side of the bed, closing her eyes , she started pretending to be asleep.

Najib smiled and started sipping his tea.

While Nafisa's mind wondered off to Asad .

' Is he happy with Aunt Karima?'

'Is he in good hands ?'

'Will she treat him right'.

' I still don't trust her, what if she tortures him'

'Nahhh...I am just over thinking right?'

'I am really that bad to the extent that I can't be a mother?'... her last thought hurt her.

'Maybe I was never destiny to be a mother that's why Umma refuse to allow Asad stay with me. At the same time Aunt Karima is probably a better mother than I might ever be'.... she said to herself as a lone tear escaped her eye.

"No.. I trust God , everything will be okay"... Was her last thought and she dozed off.

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