Dangerous Love

By Prism84

75K 3.1K 252

A mafia don and a playboy cross paths in an unexpected circumstance leading a dangerous love story. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 19

1.3K 58 2
By Prism84

The masked men are approaching Veera while Tanet looked at them helplessly. He tries to move his wheelchair but it is stuck. He cursed his legs that are immobile. He closed his eyes and gathered courage. He slowly tries to move his legs. He could feel a slight movement. So he tried again and with great difficulty he is able to get his feet on the ground. He places his hands on the wheelchair handle and exerts pressure on his palms to stand up from the wheelchair. He is finally able to stand on his two feet but they are wobbly and he is afraid to take a step forward in the fear of falling down. Then he looked towards Veera and the men approaching him, he felt a unknown strength or adrenaline rush in his body that encouraged him to take the first step. He slowly walks towards Veera using his unsteady steps, calling out his name occasionally. Finally he is just a feet apart from Veera, when he calls his name out loudly. Veera turns around surprised by his voice.

Veera: Tanet


Veeramoves just before the assailant's attack on him.  He quickly catch the guy's hand and kicks the the second one who is holding the gun. Just then one of the guys moves towards Tanet. Veera swiftly took care of the first two guys and then push Tanet behind him before handling the third guy. Veera fight with them vigorously and soon Kla and Rune join the fight. The assailants lose their strength and they run away from there. 

Kla: Hey, You okay.

Veera: Hmm

Rune: Who are they?

Veera: I don't know. 

Kla: Looks like someone is leaking our whereabouts to our enemies. 

Veera: Hmm. We need to leave this place today before they come back with more force. 

Veera suddenly remembers Tanet and he looks at him. He is surprised to see Tanet on his feet.

Veera: You... You are standing on your feet.

Tanet looks at himself and starts laughing .

Tanet: I...I can walk...Look Vee, I can stand on my own feet. I can walk. 

A smile appears on everyone's face seeing Tanet standing on his own feet. Daw and Rune hugs him tight.

Daw: I am so happy for you. You will be absolutely fine after some physiotherapy. I will help you.

Tanet: Thank you. 

Rune: But what triggered this. How did you manage to get up without any help?

Tanet looks at Veera.

Tanet: I..I saw the armed guys approaching Veera and I couldn't  sit there and see him getting hurt. I somehow managed to use all my strength to pull myself out of the wheelchair. I just wanted to save him because I cannot live without him.

Tanet looks at Veera with tears in his eyes. Veera quickly hugs Tanet and places kisses all over his face.

Veera: I am sorry. I am so sorry for shouting at you. I..

Tanet: It's okay. You were just trying to help me. I guess, I just needed some trigger and this attack seem to be the one. 

Veera: Hmm. Guys, we need to move fast. They will be back soon. Kla, call dad and informed him that we are returning home. Rest of you, pack your bags, we are leaving in 10 minutes. 

Veera helps Tanet back to the resort while the rest go back to pack their bags. They finish all their packing and board the van in 10 minutes. Kla takes over the driver seat while Veera sits next to him ready for any attack that may come their way. They start the journey anticipating attack from enemies. 

They are half way through the journey when Kla and Veera switch positions with each other. Suddenly they saw a black SUV following them.

Veera: Kla

Kla: Hmm. I am ready. 

Rune and Sun also take their weapons out of their bags. Veera and Daw are asked to lay low as they did not have any weapons with them. Veera stepped on the accelerator and increase the speed of the van. The SUV also increase their pace. Veera takes sharp turns and diversions to lose tail but they are still following them. Suddenly couple of SUVs come in front of their vans and block their way. Everyone tightened their hold on their weapons waiting for some action from their opponent. Suddenly the doors of the SUVs open and a few familiar figures come out of them. Veera and Kla let out of a sigh of relief. 

Veera: Guys, relax. It's our men. They have been send by my dad.

One of the guys come near the van and looks at Veera with a stern expression.

Guy: Boss, Are you okay?

Veera: We are fine Force. But there is a black SUV that has been following us till now. Is it still there?

Force looks around but does not see anyone. 

Force: No. I don't see anyone. They might have lost track or they left when they saw the reinforcements. 

Veera: Hmm

Force: One of out vehicles will follow you while the other one will go in front of your van.

Veera: Okay

Force: Master Li has asked us to go to the safe house until he gets the mole in our gang.

Veera: Hmm. But have you..

Force: He is no longer there. I have moved him to a different location. 

Veera: Don't let him die. I want him alive. I want him to regret every breath he takes.

Force: Yes Boss.

Soon they leave from there to the safe house.

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