Unfinished Business

By Laughingwolf78

185K 5.4K 4.2K

Katsuki left his hometown right after they graduated UA High trying to run from feelings for Izuku that he co... More

1. The Call 💥
2. Surprise Home Coming 💚
3. Dinner 💥
4. Keep An Eye on the Skyline 💚
5. Stay 💥
6. Party with a Mission 💚
7. Wonder 💥
8. Truth 💚
9. The whole Truth 💥
10. Brand New Start 💚
11. Decisions 💥
12. Fear of Separation 💚
13. Lightening on Fire 💥
14. Heavy Heart💚
15. Leaving 💥
16. Distance 💚
17. Making it Clear 💥
18. Frustration 💚
19. Clingy Kacchan 💥
20. Possession 💚
21. Making the Most Out of It 💥
22. Impending Fear 💚
23. No Time to Wait 💥
24. Living Nightmare 💚
25. Silent Prayers 💥
26. Without a Doubt 💚
27. Never letting Go 💥
29. Epilogue

28. Now and Always 💚

4.7K 149 179
By Laughingwolf78

" You are forever and always the hero of my heart, the love of my life, truly, madly, deeply" ~ Unknown

* Smut here pups 🐺*

It's been two weeks now that Izuku was released from the hospital, in those two weeks he and Katsuki were settling into life together as a couple in the greenetts apartment.

The blonde Hero's things had all been delivered, set up and put away and the apartment was definitely feeling like home, tho both knew that any place the other was would always be home.

All in all things have been going well, very well.

The pair was currently getting dressed and ready for a hero signing event and an interview about the large scale villain attack that had landed both in the hospital, it's the first time they had any dealings with the press since the incident.

Katsuki was no fan of these things, in fact he hated them, but at least he would be there with Izuku to keep any handsy extra away from what was his.

Speaking of what was his Izuku came walking out into the livingroom while Katsuki was fastening his hero boots.

Crimson eyes look up to see his boyfriend struggle to zip up the back of his costume because of his shoulder injury.

" Ugh this is sooo annoying. I'll be glad when my stupid shoulder is healed and I can take off this stupid bandage so I can zip my own stupid hero costume" , Izuku mumbled with a huff, frustrated by his inability to do such a small task.

Katsuki smirked with a slight chuckle as he got up making his way across the room to his boyfriend.

He leans in close, his lips brushing Izuku's ear making him visibly shiver.

" Need help with that nerd?"

The greenett smiles biting his lip slightly as he feels the large warm hands of his boyfriend snake inside his hero suit. He leans back in Katsuki's hold feeling the blonde place kisses on the back of his neck.

Deep green eyes flutter close at the feeling, while heated butterflies stir in his lower stomach.

" Kacchan, as much as I love this and gosh I love this, we really gotta get ready to go or we're gonna be late, but we can soo continue this when we get home later"

Katsuki smirked against his skin continuing to pepper it with heated kisses and soft bites, large hands moving down over a toned stomach, fingers sliding under the waistband of Izuku's boxer briefs.

" This will only take a few minutes right now Deku, trust me, but we'll definitely continue a slower round two when we get home" , he whispered low as he moves the greenett tward the wall.

Izuku had always been able to work Katsuki up into a heated frenzy even when he didn't know he was doing it like he had when he had walked into the room with the back of that perfectly fitting hero costume wide open.

The green eyed hero should stop this, should protest, should tell his boyfriend with the seemingly endless sex drive to wait till they get home so they aren't late, but he isn't going to because in the same way that he could drive Katsuki crazy with the slightest thing, the blonde had the same effect on him and he's currently drowning in it.

Every move Katsuki makes causes desire to spark throughout every part of his body like the start of a raging inferno that he's well aware can't be cooled by anything.

The blonde tugs Izuku's hero costume from his upper body, sliding it down below his hips along with black boxer briefs.

Both Izuku's hands go to the wall in front of him bracing himself while he feels Katsuki's lips and hands wander over his back, chest and stomach.

Large fingers make their way to his mouth where the greenett instinctively takes them in, sucking them eagerly making sure to wet them thoroughly.

Katsuki groans deep in his throat at the sensation while he kisses and nips at Izuku's neck.

He slides his boot between Izuku feet, lightly kicking his feet wider apart.

The blonde removes his fingers from a hot wet mouth moving them to get the greenett panting against the wall ready to take him.

He slowly moves his fingers inside to stretch his withering boyfriend as he speaks into his ear and neck hearing Izuku whimper slightly at the stretching he's currently feeling.

" Shhh Deku, you're doing so good, almost there"

He places his other hand on top of a scarred one on the wall locking their fingers.

" That's it, I got you Izuku, I always will. Be careful of your shoulder, no putting pressure on it" , he whispers between kisses making the greenett ache at the care and burn at the heat that would always be Katsuki Bakugo.

The greenett hears the blonde undo his zipper leaving his hero costume on while he lines himself up with Izuku's entrance replacing his fingers.

The green eyed hero gasp but moves his hips back eager for his boyfriend.

Katsuki chuckles husky in his ear pushing himself in fully.

" You know I always wanted to fuck you in your hero suit while I wore mine" , Katsuki pants in a low tone the sound and feel making Izuku start to moan.

" I .. I.. I always wanted you to" , Izuku pants feeling Katsuki pick up the pace.

He smells nitroglycerin then feels an addictive familiar burn on his hip as the blonde drags his hand down his ribcage resting it there while he pulls the greenett back to meet his thrust, his other hand still on a scarred one on the wall.

There's green lightening crackling to life and a blonde who will forever be fascinated by the affect.

" Ahh ..God Kacchan... I.. ..I'm gonna... " , he grits his teeth feeling his orgasm closing in.

Katsuki smirks his mouth on Izuku's neck again.

" Yeah? Me too, do it for me Deku... cum ..cum for your Kacchan.. fuck!" , Katsuki growls feeling himself erupt inside Izuku as both orgasms crash down hard.

Katsuki slumps forward his forehead resting on the back of Izuku's head, his strong arm going around the greenett's waist holding him back to his chest as they catch their breathes riding out the high.

" Shit.. so damn good. You doing ok nerd?" , the blonde ask still breathless kissing green locks.

Izuku relaxes back against the broad chest of his boyfriend, his head back on the blondes shoulder a dopey afterglow smile on soft freckled features as he meets crimson eyes making Katsuki chuckle lightly at the sight.

" Oh yeah, I'm better than ok", Izuku practically slurs drunk off the high he's still on.

Katsuki smirks at the puddle of mush in his arms.

" Good but you have totally made us late, what's All Might gonna say when I tell him the reason?", the blonde says with a tease watching green eyes go wide with a blush.

" Kacchan! You.. oh my gosh you can't say that to him! And me?! I made us late?! This was you!" , the greenett protest as he quickly pulls his suit back on watching the blonde only have to pull his zipper up.

Katsuki grins.

" You wouldn't have me lie to All Might would you?! And this was totally your fault walking in here half dressed like a tease when you know damn well you work me up", he says with playfulness in deep crimson.

Izuku rolls his eyes at his smirking boyfriend yanking his hero boots on, gripping the blondes hand tugging him to the door.

" Yeah yeah, whatever blasty, let's go"

Not long later the two had reached their destination.

Katsuki and Izuku were currently standing talking to former classmates and hero friends waiting for the event to start.

Aizawa walked casually into the room, hands pocketed tired raven colored eyes landing on his problem child wonder duo team.

He can't help the small smile that works his way to his lips watching the two.

Izuku is excitedly rattling on something to Denki and Uraraka while he leans back on Katsuki who is directly behind him, smirking as always while he joins in.

The couple is happily attached to each other one never leaving the sight of the other.

Aizawa often saw that when the two were in UA too even if the pair never noticed it.

He smiles with a sigh happy and proud to see the two had survived the villain attack and no doubt that was partly due to the deep connection the pair had, always had for that matter. Both males always refused to leave the other behind, yes even as annoying problem children, his favorite ones he thinks as he moves to his seat at the long table that will hold them all.

As the event begins Katsuki takes his seat beside Izuku ready to no doubt answer a ton of pointless annoying questions.

There is a hand on the blondes knee under the table making crimson eyes meet deep green ones. Izuku's smiles brightly at his boyfriend while the blonde smirks taking his hand in his.

An hour into this thing Katsuki was bored out of his mind and just wanted the damn thing to be over.

He was actually zoning out when a question was suddenly asked to his boyfriend beside him.

" So Hero Deku, we know that you and Dynamite are dating but is it a serious thing, I mean do you see this as a long term thing?"

Before Izuku can say anything a blonde brow is raised and a touchy explosive hero is the one to respond.

" Oi, what the fuck is that supposed to mean huh? You trying to say this relationship isn't serious, isn't a long-term thing hah?!"

Izuku tenses knowing his boyfriend is getting ready to explode on this guy.

The reporter turns his attention to a firey hero with danger in his eyes and tone at the question.

Everyone else at the table is also now looking at Katsuki nervously knowing how upset the blonde can get when it comes to the greenett at his side.

The reporter shrugs clearly taking his life into his own hands.

" Well, is it? I mean, there is no engagement ring or anything so it could just be a passing thing"

The table holds its breath while Kirishima actually starts to pray out loud for this crazy dudes life.

Katsuki narrows crimson eyes as Izuku trys to answer but as he opens his mouth Katsuki's voice thunders over it.

" What the fuck?! Of course it's serious! This shit is as serious as it fucking gets, and just because you don't see a ring doesn't mean there isn't one! This nerd will be a Bakugo before the damn year is over!", the blonde snaps standing abruptly to his feet glaring at the reporter.

But now all hero eyes at the table snap to the blonde at what they just heard, mouths dropping in shock all but one tired raven eyed pro hero who smirks slightly crossing his ankle over his knee crossing his arms over his chest watching a shocked slack jawed greenett problem child jump to his feet next to the blonde.

" K-Kacchan?! W-what are you saying?! Did.... did you just propose ??!"

Katsuki's face suddenly flushed, the color reaching the tips of his ears as he looks over at wide green eyes. Did he ?!

He swallowed hard, nervous suddenly, but then in true Bakugo style he clears his throat crossing his arms looking down at the greenett.

" I dunno, are you sayin yes?"

Izuku eyes him raising a brow.

" I.. I don't know are you asking?!"

Katsuki turns to face him stepping closer crimson eyes burning as he looks into those deep green eyes.

" Like I fucking said , are you saying yes ?!"

Izuku shakes his head in disbelief as he narrows his eyes and now crosses his own arms.

" Like I said.. are... you ... asking?!"

Kirishima, Sero, and Denki watch the display eyes shifting from the blonde to the greenett back and forth with each word.

Denki suddenly raises a brow leaning over to his friends.

" Are they fighting?"

Kirishima chuckles.

" Nah man, this is like foreplay for them"

Sero snickers.

" Yeah, and I really do think Bakubro just did in fact propose"

Mina and Uraraka are holding onto each other watching every move as they hush the snickering boys not wanting to miss a thing.

They aren't the only ones because across town on a couch in a childhood Hero's home two hopeful mothers are holding hands and breaths watching the screen not even blinking.

Katsuki puffs his chest taking a step forward now, looking down at Izuku who's looking right back.

They stare, the room deathly quiet.

Katsuki clicks his tongue.

" Tch. If you are saying yes then yes I'm fucking asking"

Izuku lifts both brows with a smirk forming.

" Asking what?"

Katsuki eyes him.

" What?! You know exactly what"

Izuku shrugs, spark of boldness dancing in deep green eyes.

" Maybe I do, maybe I don't, I won't know for sure till you actually ask me"

Katsuki let's out a frustrated growl as he steps closer.

" Fucking fine. Izuku, will you marry me?"

The room gasp.

Izuku has tears in his eyes but he playfully responds while he trys to fight them.

" I mean I dunno Kacchan, I don't see an actual ring, how do I know you're serious?"

Katsuki smirks wide reaching into his pocket as the Hero's at the table are having a hard time controlling themselves.

" Oh I'm serious Deku. Very fucking serious" , the blonde says as he pops the lid on a black velvet ring box revealing a silver band with an orange stone shining in the center.

Izuku goes wide eyes tears now heavy as he gasp at what's held in the blondes hand, he didn't actually believe Katsuki had a ring!

" Kacchan!! I .. oh my god... I.. oh .. gosh..."

He can't finish as emotion grips him hard and he can't get the words out.

Katsuki chuckles as he pulls him to his chest.

" You gotta give me a damn answer Deku, you're leaving me fucking hanging here, in front of all these damn extras"

Izuku snaps teary eyes to smiling hopeful crimson.

" Yes. Oh gosh yes, of course yes! I .. could never say no"

The room erupts in cheers as Katsuki slides the perfect fitting band on the left hand of the hero he loves.

Two mothers across town are in tears screaming so loud the whole city can probably hear them.

Katsuki pulls the greenett to him speaking against his lips before he kisses him hard.

" I love you shitty Deku"

Izuku laughs into the kiss hugging Katsuki tightly when they pull back.

" I love you too! I love you so much!"

Katsuki looks over at the reporter with an all telling smirk on handsome sharp features, his arm still tightly around the hero still hugging him.

" That answer your fucking question?"

The reporter rolls his eyes as the Hero's friends jump up to congratulate the pair.

Aizawa stands and clears his throat announcing to the room that the event was over for the day.

As the two are laughing and talking excited to friends that are gushing over the greenetts ring a small hand tugs on Katsuki's hero pants.

He looks down his eyes meeting a familiar sight.

The boy that had visited Izuku in the hospital.

Katsuki grins bending down to lift the boy.

" Well hey brat."

The boy beams at the hero.

" Hi Dynamite! It worked! Hero Deku woke up just like you said! And you're getting married!"

Katsuki chuckles.

" Yup. Told you I never lie"

Izuku voice is suddenly there.

" Hi there. I remember you, we signed autographs for you once. How are you?", Izuku asked with a bright smile.

The boy looks at Katsuki who smirks.

" Go on brat. Tell him that you came to see him"

Izuku lifts a brow then looks at the boy with a gentle smile seeing sheepish blue eyes.

" Well.. my... my mom works at the hospital and when she told me you were there I came to see you because you and Dynamite are my Hero's. When I saw you I got sad, but Dynamite told me that you would wake up for sure because you are the strongest hero he knows, even stronger than him. He told me to talk to you because he was sure you could hear us. I told you to wake up soon because Dynamite looked really sad and lonely and then you did! You did wake up just like Dynamite said! And now you're getting married and it'll be great!"

Izuku stares in amazement as tears well in deep green eyes. He meets deeper crimson ones that smile at him.

Tears are down fair cheeks as he reaches for the boy who immediately climbs into his arms.

Izuku hugs him tightly.

" Thank you. Thank you for coming to see me when I wasn't at my best. And thank you for keeping my Dynamite company while I was sleeping, and I'm sure I heard you that's exactly why I woke up soon after because I knew you two were waiting"

The boy goes wide eyed with a big smile.

" Really?! I .. I helped you wake up faster?"

Izuku grins with a nod.

" Absolutely! I'm sure of it!"

The boy smiles hugging his hero again.

He picks his head up.

" Can I see your ring?!"

Izuku laughs softly as he holds his hand out.

" Sure! It's nice right?"

The boy holds Izuku hand in his much smaller one inspecting it then nodding enthusiastically.

" Yes! Better than any other crappy ring out there! "

Katsuki smirks wide at this. He always has liked this brat.

The child meets crimson eyes as the blonde grins.

" Of course it is. I picked it didn't I?! And only the best for our Deku. Now run along and give Izuku's shoulder a rest, but you remember what I wrote in your book right?"

The boy nods happy as the blonde sets him to his feet.

" Yup! Sure do!"

Katsuki ruffles his hair with a smirk.

" Good, make sure you do what I said"

The boy nods again as he waves running off calling to the hero.

" I will ! Bye! "

Izuku watches him go then looks at his now fiancee. He smiles softly.

" Who knew the great rough, tough, explosive Katsuki Bakugo was such a softy"

Katsuki smirks as he pulls the greenett to him.

" I like that brat. He reminds me of you but he's mouthy like me, perfect fucking combo just like our runts will be"

Izuku laughs softly a happy smile on pretty features.

" They will be great. I look forward to little blonde explosions running around" , Izuku says as he holds onto Katsuki.

The blonde hero grins wide at this.

" With deep green eyes, cutest God damn fuckers around"

Izuku laugh hugging his fiancee, bright smile reaching his eyes.

" Definitely, blasty definitely."

Later that day there was a large hero parade to celebrate the retaking of the city from the villain attack.

Katsuki and Izuku walked the street hand in hand waving and grining.

The blonde would often pull Izuku to him and kiss him deeply getting waves of applause and cheers.

Crimson eyes watched happy green ones that would stop every now and then to sign an autograph or take a picture. He keeps a steady glare on anyone who trys to get too touchy snatching the handsome green eyed hero back into his arms making Izuku laugh at his always jealous fiancee, and he wouldn't have him any other way.

By the time evening was falling and the city was slowly clearing out from the all day event, two heros were on top of a building alone looking over city lights.

Izuku leans into Katsuki side staring down at his ring.

The blonde noticed putting his arm around the greenett's shoulders.

" You like it nerd?"

Izuku meets his fiancée gaze.

" Oh my God Kacchan love it but when, when did you even get it?"

Katsuki looks over, crimson eyes on happy deep green eyes.

There's a beat of silence before the blonde hero speaks.

" Almost two years ago."

Izuku goes wide eyed, feeling his heart hammer against his chest.

" W-what?"

Katsuki nods his eyes on the band while he traces it with large fingers.

" Yeah. Like I told you..."

He looks up pausing meeting crystal green eyes.

" You could never be anything but mine, you have always been mine. There isn't anyone else for me Deku, never will be, I always knew that"

Izuku's hand goes to his mouth trying to stop the sob that wants to come.

" Kacchan..."

Katsuki smiles rolling his eyes pulling the greenett into another hug kissing green locks.

" Fucking cry baby."

Izuku giggles against his chest.

" Shut up, I'm your cry baby", he says holding his hand up to the blonde's face.

Katsuki smirks taking the hand in his kissing the band.

" Fuck yeah, forever"

Deep green meets deeper crimson.

Izuku smiles wide.

" Forever."

Katsuki moves a green lock from greener eyes leaning in to kiss his Deku.

He smirks when he pulls back.

" I think we had plans to continue at home from this morning"

A smirk of its own forms on fair skin.

" Heck yeah we did"

Green lightening cracks to life.

" Race you home "

Katsuki grins wide laughing as he pulls the greenett to his feet holding his hand.

" Let's go nerd"

There's a song blaring over the rooftops still playing from the days events.

They lock hands jumping from the building together. Laughter rings through the night air as two heros move together as one.

From a near by window the wide happy blue eyes of a small boy peer out at the night sky seeing trails of orange and green dancing across the skyline. He smiles wide, knowing his heros are together, just like they always woukd be, now and forever.


Keep reading. I put the epilogue out too .. 😉

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